Start with a prosthetic shop

Chapter 109 Sleeping Gas

Chapter 109 Sleeping Gas
"Wait, what?"

Romit was stunned. To be honest, he couldn't understand what Lynn was saying.

What is a military exercise on the second floor of the dormitory?
He can understand these two words separately, but he can't understand them together.

"In short, there is a group of people who want to kill me now, so I need to make a careful arrangement." Lynn tried to make a long story short, explaining the ins and outs to the other party, and he barely understood.

Then recalling some of Lynn's strange behaviors, he suddenly realized,
Some previous misunderstandings were also naturally resolved.

"then what do I do?"

"Didn't you just say that you'd better not mess up my arrangement. Of course, I think it's best for you to move out as soon as possible."

Romit nodded, he thought so too,

In these few weeks, I'd better change to an empty dormitory to avoid the limelight.

In the afternoon,

The owner of the AIC booth called Lin En and said that he had contacted a merchant who could provide the sleeping gas.

Lynn was overjoyed,

Immediately rushed to the booth and asked for details.

"...You really found the right person. I heard from the seller that there are not many people who have this kind of thing on hand. The vast majority of people only know how to fight and kill. Like this fan Medicine or something, that is absolutely incapable of doing it.”

When the other party said it, Lynn nodded, feeling a little strange at the same time,
Why do you listen to this, it seems that you are quite proud of being a drug addict?
The point is that you didn't do it.
Of course, he also knows that the duty of a middleman like this is to lobby as much as possible on both sides, manipulate the prices on both sides, and seek the price difference himself.

Therefore, it is inevitable to put gold on your face, let buyers buy at high prices, and sellers sell at low prices.

"So, for things like this, you can definitely come to me in the future"

"how much is it?"

"The price given over there is [-] liters, and one liter can stun a whole room of people."

"Of course, the money from the firefighting place was used."

Lin En nodded, the price is quite fair, he himself has shares from the Lizard Gang, he seems to be a rich man, but after thinking about it, he asked: "What is this gas, can you tell me something about it?" speak?"

Obviously, high-precision instruments are required to produce this kind of gas. Lynn does not think that these gases can be obtained only by relying on the technology of the firefighting site.

"Haha, Boss Lin." The fat man shook his head, "I really can't say that, and I really don't know."

"You can add money."

"Boss Lin, it's not about money or not. The seller really doesn't want to disclose these things. It's all agreed in advance."

Lynn nodded, expressing understanding,
If it's all about this, then it's not easy to get entangled.

But he was also full of curiosity about the mysterious seller on that side,
What kind of person can master the manufacturing process of this mysterious gas?

On the other side,
Fourteen Thieves Group, Telvin stronghold.

After Telvin passed away, Mr. Ma has become the number one person,
Although he is not yet a well-known thief, he still has prestige in the Telvin branch.

Moreover, he had been very close to Telvin before, and knew a lot about the other party's business contacts and business partners.
Though Telwin is dead,
But he acted quickly and quickly contacted those partners, claiming that although the boss was gone, he could continue to conduct trade cooperation with them.

Such as the purchase of "Oneiroi" gas.

Telvin himself was able to reach such a position, in addition to his own vigorous skills and sensitive five senses, it was also thanks to this mysterious gas, and the importance of this gas was even higher than the other two.

It can be said that the Oneiroi gas is his lifeblood.

With the help of it, Telvin and his subordinates were able to steal again and again without anyone noticing, just like locusts crossing the border, they emptied all the homes of all the residents in a street at every turn.It snowballed quickly, and finally became a well-known thief, and joined the Fourteenth Thief Group as a franchisee.

Of course, this kind of gas was not made by Telvin himself, he didn't have such ability.

More than ten years ago, when Telvin was not a thief, he met a group of scavengers from Anning City by chance, and he has been working for them.

Only then did he obtain the channel to exchange human organs for Oneiroi gas.

Scavenger is not the name of an organization, but a general term for a group of people who are engaged in specific jobs in Anning City.

They make a living by harvesting other people's organs and reselling them.

Oneiroi gas is actually a kind of fluoride, which is widely used in scavenger operations. Put a little on a rag, slap a person on the face, and the person will fall down.

Generally speaking, this kind of person is at the bottom of the chain of contempt, and even passing human traffickers feel unlucky when they see it.

But ordinary people are not qualified to provoke these people.

The traditional scavenger market has been saturated for decades,
The population has not increased much, and this business is indeed profitable in a certain sense. If anyone wants to engage in this business, they must squeeze out those old-fashioned scavenger gangs and replace them.

it's hard
Those century-old scavengers are entrenched in shanty towns, with branches extending very deep, and some even have relationships with many medical groups and big shots.There's collusion in show business and stuff like that.

How easy is it to shake their position?

The pressure of internal competition was too great, so some people looked outside the city.

There are no such scavenger groups in the firefighting area,
the reason is simple,
There are no medical resources for organ preservation,
Fresh organs need to be preserved, and if any surgery is really needed, professionals must come.

The kind of high-tech freezer specially used for organ preservation can be found in hospitals in the city. There are several thousand peace points, and there is an import fee to send it to the firefighting place, so the price cannot be lowered at all.

Besides, no one in the firefighting area will perform this kind of internal organ replacement surgery.

Although there are many difficulties, there are always people who find a way in this link,
They first thought of a way to convert the peace points into Huodi's currency, and then offered a very cheap price to buy freshly harvested organs from various forces, and used simple ice packs to embalm them, and the organs could be recycled one by one.

It just so happened that in order to quickly increase their combat power, many forces chose to convert the arms of the gang into prosthetics, equipped with various weapons.This time around, it's actually a win-win situation.

The scavengers behind the scenes of the major forces obtained body resources, and the forces exchanged useless limbs for money,
Even the new gang members who exchanged their bodies for machines feel that this is a good deal.

In a sense, Telvin is really on the lap,

The materials that can be exchanged through his channel are far beyond the reach of other forces.

And the vast majority of people in the firefight don't know,
Why do scavengers collect these meat organs,
In their conception,
If you lose a kidney,

That would only replace an electronic kidney.

Mr. Ma doesn't understand these things either.

But he has a keen sense of business, and just now, he discovered a great business.

Someone asked to buy Oneiroi gas!
This is a rare deal. During this period, the organization suffered two successive setbacks, and Telvin's old department suffered heavy casualties.

Now, just as Mr. Ma took over this mess,

With people dying like this, it is impossible to organize any large-scale looting activities in a short time.
What should be done now is to try to avoid conflicts, recharge your batteries, and develop steadily for a period of time.

Otherwise, if the turmoil continues, it is very likely to be invaded by other factions of the Fourteen Thieves, and it is not impossible to be annexed by then.
And at this crucial moment,
Lynn's order floated over.
(End of this chapter)

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