Chapter 117

Thief Crowe has already understood the working principle of the machine gun trap. Although he doesn't know much about the field of optical recognition, he now has a vague grasp of the working principle.

The machine gun's camera can't recognize people, it just shoots at moving objects indiscriminately!

The thief Chloe tried to put a book slowly in front of the camera again,
no response.

He began to move slowly,

The machine gun remained unresponsive.

He moved a little faster.

The bullets shot out, and the book in front of him was smashed to pieces.

Thief Chloe understands,

In a crisis, it doesn't matter if you are locked on by the camera of the machine gun trap,
Just move slowly, out of the field of view of the camera.

Several people moved forward again,

Suddenly, the wall next to it cracked, and a cold arrow was shot from it, but the long-bearded thief turned to avoid it, and at the same time, a gun barrel suddenly protruded from the ceiling. The long-bearded thief thought it was a machine gun trap, and subconsciously pressed it. , but there was raging flames in the barrel.

But he withdrew his hands the moment he felt the high temperature, and avoided the jet of flames with an exaggerated posture,
But at this moment, a "click" was heard.

The bearded thief felt that he had stepped on something.

He subconsciously wanted to jump,
But then the movement stopped suddenly,

Cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

The long-bearded thief is always at the forefront of the team, which is good, after all, he is quick to react and can avoid most of the traps, but unexpectedly, this time he stepped on a landmine!
What should I do?
Things happened in a flash, but misfortunes never come singly,

Suddenly a monitoring probe rose from the front,

Machine gun trap!

The long-bearded thief wanted to do what he did a dozen times before, jumping forward and pressing the gun down,
But the mines underfoot do not allow it.

He can't move at all now!
Seeing the sudden rise of the surveillance camera, everyone fell into a panic, and the thief Crowe instinctively panicked for a moment, but then he forcibly calmed down and shouted:
"Everyone stop moving!"

"This machine gun only shoots at moving objects. As long as we don't move an inch, he can't do anything to us!"

The scene was noisy, and some people didn't hear Crowe's instructions at all, and fled in a panic.

It was quickly beaten into a sieve.

The rest of the people saw that the people around them had fallen into a state of stillness, and followed suit one after another.
In an instant, everyone turned into wooden figures.

Someone shifted his eyes, looked at Crowe, and asked, "Boss, what shall we do next?"

"Don't panic, don't panic." Crowe said: "The sensitivity of this surveillance camera is not good, as long as we move slowly enough, we can get out of its field of vision under his nose, and then destroy the hidden machine gun .”

After all, he moved a little first,
Nothing happened.

Those who got rid of the long-bearded thief followed suit one after another,
Someone accidentally moved a little too far, and immediately got shot.

Just as Crowe's plan was about to succeed,
Some strange gas suddenly seeped out from the gap in the wall, and the long-bearded thief felt a faint feeling coming from him, and he secretly thought it was not good.

He knows what it is.

Oneiroi gas.

He had a good personal relationship with Telvin before, and he also knew that this was his trump card.

He obtained this gas through a unique channel, and finally became popular with this substance. A few months ago, the long-bearded thief wanted to buy it, but was politely declined by Telvin.

Unexpectedly, this time it fell into Lynn's hands!

"It's the Oneiroi gas!"

When they realized this matter, there was inevitably despair in everyone's heart,

No matter how strong the willpower is, all the thieves are stumbling around one after another,
This movement was pierced by bullets.

In desperation, some people no longer cared about it, and started running in all directions. In a panic, they bumped into the bearded robber, and the violent explosion penetrated the floor of the second floor in an instant!
Knowing that the situation was over, Crowe took advantage of the chaos to run away. Many bullets behind him hit his shield. He staggered, but when he looked up, he found a big hole in front of him.

This hole was blown out by Ji Zhenlong using ultra-miniature missiles that day.

The bullets whistling behind him, he jumped, and under the reflection of the full moon, he jumped onto a certain bungalow and walked on tiles.

His left and right arms were scratched by bullets, but this did not affect his escape.

But I didn't want to hear someone's footsteps behind me,
The thief Crowe turned his head, and under the moonlight, he saw Lynn's figure.

Lynn shot from a distance, and Crowe turned slightly, the bullet shattered the roof tiles beside him, and jumped between two bungalows, Lynn took this opportunity to shoot from a distance, but saw Crowe fired the hook in his hand and easily dodged the second shot.

Crowe couldn't help feeling a sense of complacency in his heart,
In any case, his agility has been tested for a long time, and it is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to beat him in this kind of chasing battle in complex terrain.

He turned around and fired, but missed Lynn. In the night sky with extremely low visibility, Crowe couldn't catch Lynn's figure.

He has become one with the dark night!
Crowe was taken aback.
But immediately realized that there was a strange figure in a certain area, and then, several gunshots came from that direction!

Crowe dodges,

Lynn caught up with this delay a little more,
Ke Luo couldn't find the enemy in time, and thought to himself, this person was wearing a color-changing leather jacket, the distance between the two was too far, and his marksmanship was far less accurate than Telvin's. If he turned around and fought, he might as well use his body skills to get rid of the opponent.

"I wish I had practiced more marksmanship before."

Crowe felt remorseful,

But there are not many opportunities left for him to regret.

After half a minute,

He looked back at Lynn who was following closely behind him, and began to feel upset.

The distance between the two bungalows was more than six meters.

How did Lynn get here?
But it doesn't matter,
Crowe forced himself to comfort himself.

This kind of distance can be crossed if a person who exercises regularly is equipped with prosthetic limbs.

But the advantage that thieves have over athletes lies in their handling of complex environmental terrain.

He can still run!

. . . . . .

this lonely night,

Someone has insomnia,

So I met my friends and walked in the atrium to enjoy the moon,

But I saw two little black shadows bouncing in the middle of the big moon,
Looking closely, it turned out to be two people chasing on the beams of the bungalow.

These two people are Crowe and Lynn.

Crowe still couldn't get rid of Lynn, he was in a hurry.

He jumped onto the clothesline of a certain house, flipped his right hand, revealing a piece of iron foil, pressed the iron foil against the hemp rope, drew an arc and slid into the window of a certain house. It shattered with a snap, followed by Lynn, and quickly slid into the lucky resident's room with his cuff.


A wardrobe was suddenly knocked down by Cloe, and it hit somewhere in the bedroom, blocking the way, and the ceramic utensils on it fell down with a crackling sound

The owner of the house looked confused. He just sat up from the bed, but he didn't realize what happened before.
But saw Lin En leaping from the window sill, pressing his palm on the owner's hair to borrow strength, his whole body was as light as a swallow, and flew directly over the broken wardrobe with a backflip!

In the scream of the owner,
Crowe kicked off again, jumped onto the wall of the small courtyard, and walked quickly on the narrow wall,
He thought that it would be impossible for Lynn to catch up.
But Lin En followed suit, and the distance between the two was shortening rapidly!

Crowe was shocked.

He boasted that his physical skills were top-notch among thieves, but he didn't expect that he would be able to compare with him by bringing a random passer-by today.


The two were close enough that the gun went off behind them,
Crowe's shield was broken, and he fell down without a sound.

(End of this chapter)

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