Chapter 118

Chloe is dead,

Lynn, who was out of breath, took a short rest on the spot after a few more shots.

Crowe is a seasoned thief after all, keeping up with the opponent's dexterous pace is not an easy task,

For most people it is,
This time I was able to follow him closely, thanks to Lin En's time at the Northeast Market,
I once practiced a technique called parkour.

And, his prosthetic legs are equipped with elastic-rigid controllers on the frame.

Looking at the flames of the company dormitory in the distance,
Lynn felt something bad,
The commotion this time was a bit too loud.
It's hard to say whether the company can survive on its own.
It is estimated that he is going to run away.

At this moment, Lin En's expression changed, and he looked into the shadow of the backlight in the distance,
In the shadow of a wall, there was a strange mouse looking at his position.

Lynn was taken aback.

For a moment, he felt a little uncomfortable.

It seems that it is not a mouse that is peeking at yourself, but a real person.

Next second,
the mouse moved,

It climbed nimbly, jumped onto a branch of a tree, and suddenly said:
"You killed my apprentice."

Lynn was taken aback, his scalp was a little numb, and he pointed at Crowe's body and said vigilantly: "If you're talking about that person, it's his own fault, and I can't blame it."

As he spoke, his other hand was ready to shoot.

Once there is any mutation, he will greet this weird mouse with the most violent firepower.

"Yes, you are right. It is indeed his own fault. Even if you kill him, it is justified." The mouse nodded, and there was no sadness in his expression, as if what happened just now was just an incident to him. The usual little things.

Lin En frowned, and said cautiously:

"What the hell are you?"

From his point of view, the mouse's eyes were dim, and there was even a faint rotten smell, which smelled like dried shrimp.

It looks like a dead mouse.

Judging from the taste, it should have died a while ago, and the meat is no longer fresh.

"Of course I am a human being." The dead mouse said: "The drama of animals becoming spirits will not be staged in reality. The reason why I can use the body of animals to talk to others is because I have done something in their corpses. remodel."

Dead Mouse explained.

Lynn was silent, and said after a while:

"Do you have anything else to do? If not, I'll leave."

"Yes." The dead mouse suddenly said: "You killed my apprentice, no matter what, you can't leave so easily."

Lin En secretly thought that sure enough, this person appeared, but he was not a good person, so he said cautiously: "You said he was your apprentice, but he died, and I didn't see how sad you are. Appearing here, it can't just happen to be a little late."

"Of course I won't be sad." The mouse said, "He is my 340th eighth apprentice. I have seen many such things."

"In other words, sometimes death is not such a sad thing. In a sense, the vast majority of people in this world are not qualified to seek death, even if their lives are messed up and reach The lowest point of life, but they still have to survive without hesitation."

"It's an abuse in itself."

"In this sense, when a person dies and his heart stops beating, he no longer needs to think about the messy affairs of life. All the injustices in the world, all the pain and dripping blood will go away with them, from the boundless Isn't it a great enjoyment to break free from the sea of ​​suffering?"

Lin En was taken aback, and retorted subconsciously: "If he didn't want to live anymore, he should have found a rope to hang himself, and I didn't come to execute him. He was shot to death, how can it be said to be a kind of enjoyment?" Woolen cloth?"

"He didn't do it because it was inconvenient, that's all."

The mouse wagged its tail.

"Do you know bungee jumping? It is an entertainment device in Anning City. Jumpers stand on bridges, tower tops, tall buildings, cranes and even hot air balloons at a height of 10 floors, and fix a long rubber strip at one end. Tie at the ankle joints and stretch out your arms, bring your legs together, and jump straight down.

But as soon as beginners see the ground under their feet, a sense of fear will arise spontaneously. Some people even put on a face and refuse to go down. At this time, most of the staff will push them. "

"You said, after enjoying the bungee jumping process, people will blame the staff in turn?"

Lynn said: "It's different, you can't generalize it"

The mouse laughed:

"I feel about the same."

"I know him far better than you know him. I have long felt that he doesn't want to live anymore, the kind that doesn't want to live at all. The reason why I didn't do it myself is entirely because I don't want to live anymore. inconvenient."

"Everyone is afraid of pain, but there is always a doctor."

Lynn was silent for a while, then said slowly: "But."

"What does this have to do with me?"

"I taught Crowe all the necessary skills for thieves, but he ignored my dissuasion and organized the Fourteen Thieves."

The mouse is still talking to himself, he seems to be intoxicated by his own atmosphere,

Didn't hear Lynn at all.

"A true thief should focus on improving his own abilities. If he spends his energy on forming gangs, it will be inferior. In this case, he will inevitably neglect his daily training. Skills cannot be further refined.

But I feel that you are different, you showed good physical fitness in the chase just now, and I can see that you have been trained as a professional thief for a period of time."

Lynn was taken aback,
How to train thieves?

"Maxima often exists, but Bole does not often. Lynn, you have such a superior talent and foundation for stealing, even if you are placed in the ranks of thieves, you are already outstanding. A person as dedicated as you, in this firefighting place It can be said that there are very few in the world, and now I have a very good suggestion for you"

The mouse looked over,

"Do you want to consider becoming my apprentice?"

"To be honest, I don't think this proposal is very good." Lynn was speechless.

I have heard of math talent and language talent, but this is the first time I have seen this thief talent.

"You really don't think about it?"

The mouse was a little stunned, and added: "To be honest, many people want this opportunity and don't have the opportunity. In fact, I am also a character in the Anning City Thief Career Training Foundation. If you become a thief now, we can give you the stealing courses in our city." Get a discount."


Lynn was about to speak, but was interrupted by the mouse:
"In this way, don't rush to make a decision. This is my contact information. When you think about it, call me."

A ball of paper was thrown at Lin En from nowhere, Lin En subconsciously caught it, spread it out in his hand, and found that it was a ball of paper.

As soon as the mouse's eyes were closed, it died.

Lin En was silent for a while, then said slowly:

(End of this chapter)

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