Start with a prosthetic shop

Chapter 136 Prospect and Reality

Chapter 136 Prospect and Reality

Lynn wants to point out the flying technology as soon as possible. At that time, whether it is flying by itself, or combining flying technology and mechanical manufacturing to create an armed drone, it will be a very good route.

But there is often a large line between ideal and reality.

There is no way to say that this thing will happen,
It has to be supported by theory.

Lynn can only put aside his future plans and do what he can do now.

Some problems were exposed in yesterday's battle. The first problem is that the advancer formation is too small.

Although it was the appearance of this unit that changed the situation of the battle, it was Lynn's fire attack plan that really determined the victory of the battle. The fire made it difficult for the mice to continue.

If there is no fire, it will definitely not work to rely on 32 advancers to resist the rat tide.

How to expand the maximum connection scale of the combat computer has become the top priority of Lynn's current work.

So after some research, Lynn finally found an effective path.

The computing power level of the combat computer is certain, and it will be divided equally among the components of each subordinate.Therefore, the key to the problem is to expand the computing power.

There are two ways to expand computing power, one is to replace more advanced combat computers, and the other is to connect more combat computers in parallel.

Lynn thought for a while, and the first path obviously didn't work.

In the cognition of the firefighting place.There is apparently only one type of combat computer, the classic EBM-001.This also means that it is almost impossible for more advanced combat computers to be obtained by people in the crossfire.

But the second method can be used.

Connecting two combat computers can effectively expand the scale of computing power, changing the maximum number of control components from 32 to 64.

After careful calculation and analysis, Lynn finally found that this path was feasible.

So Lynn wanted to buy more combat computers.

But he has no money for now.

Fortunately, after a few weeks, the exhibition plan for chicken feather rabbit breeding proposed by Lynn had some signs.

"...Dude, your long-haired rabbit has a lot to do!"

Hans said excitedly.Just now, he contacted a customer in the city and proposed to buy this strange rabbit at a high price.

Hearing this, Lin En felt a little strange. Reasonably, this species was created by himself unintentionally, and it should be easy to mass-produce it in the city.

But then he reacted immediately.


There are laws in the city!
The laws of Anning City are formulated under the leadership of the company's board of directors, enforced by various special forces, and the PCPD police department, and then handed over to the judicial department to ensure implementation.

It can be said that all individuals, companies or social groups must accept the legal constraints on the surface.

There are some things that can be done outside the city, but not necessarily within the city.

such as the use of biological weapons,

Indiscriminately modify the gene pool,
Murder in the street, etc.

Regarding the cultivation of some hybrid animals, the city is still very strict for some reason. Individuals secretly modify and breed animals, and no one will catch them anyway.And other undeclared companies are engaged in this kind of research on the biochemical gene side, then it is absolutely impossible.

If you are allowed to conduct this kind of research at will, wouldn't other top companies in the field of gene research look very shameless?

In short, in order to resell for profit, a group of people in the city started to smuggle animals outside the city. These animals are mainly strange creatures in the wilderness.

The feathered rabbit that Lynn created accidentally was just an accident.

Few people would have imagined that there were actually people conducting such genetic research in the firefighting area.

Lynn's knowledge is among the top in the entire crossfire area. He is proficient in mechanics, automation, network technology, genetic biology, and various practical skills.

The vast majority of the firefighters are even illiterate.

See you all.

Hans continued: "Just a few days ago, there was a client in the city who asked to meet you by name. Will you go?"

Lynn was taken aback: "Did you tell that person my name?"

"No." Hans said: "The customer in the city has a sharp eye, and he can tell at a glance that these things are not original species in nature... He wants to get to know the developers of these hybrid animals."

Lin En nodded, secretly thinking that Hans was a relatively safe person, so he said, "Let's talk about it."

See you if you can.

"Also, there is more." Hans said: "How many of these pants can you make in a day? I have already negotiated a price with that customer. The more we supply him, the more we will earn..."

"It depends on how fast these rabbits reproduce."

"...That's right." Lynn suddenly thought of something, and said, "What do the customers in that city do?"

"It should be the staff of the zoo, or maybe the circus..."

"Who knows."

this day,
Lynn was studying at home when the yellow mouse suddenly fell from the beams of the house onto the table.

Lin En couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he saw the familiar mouse.

It was the early warning of the previous rat plague. If Lynn hadn't noticed the change in the distance first, it's really hard to say what the situation of the farm would be.

It doesn't look like he likes those stupid fellows.

After that, Lynn hadn't seen the mouse, and thought it was dead, but he didn't expect to see it again today.

The mouse turned around on the table, wagging its tail from side to side, and seemed to be doing nothing important.

Lynn was a little happy.

"It was thanks to you a few days ago. Speaking of which, you don't have a name yet, so I'll give you a name."

The mouse clapped its hands and spun around on its own, looking unexpectedly happy.

Lynn thought about it,
What should I name it...

And Lin En happened to be a literary youth who likes to create artistic conceptions. He thought for a while and said, "If that's the case, then I'll call you the Son of Egg."

"The egg is the place where we first met. When I entered the chicken coop, I accidentally found you among a pile of eggshells, so it is appropriate to say that you are the son of the egg."

"Danzi for short."

Danzi jumped up for joy, he liked the name very much.


In the past few days, Lynn used animal mixtures to produce a large number of chicken feather rabbits for buyers.

And made huge profits from it.

He quickly contacted the Evolution Society and ordered a second combat computer.

During this period, cheap labor was contacted, and another 32 Advancer robots were manufactured.

On this day, new combat computers and robots have just been delivered.

Lynn couldn't wait to disassemble the express delivery, tried to connect the old and new combat computers in parallel, and then began to enter the program for coding.


(End of this chapter)

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