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Chapter 137 Development

Chapter 137 Development
On Lynn's computer screen, there are 32 units representing the Advancer robot. After some coding by him, the new product is connected to another combat computer, so 32 units appear next to the original unit.

This is a total of 64 units.

The corners of Lynn's mouth rose.

He brought all 64 advancers to the vast open space, then framed them on the computer and performed the movement operation.


These robots started to move separately, but they were a little staggered when they moved.

Lynn found a problem.

Although it is according to my own idea, if two computers are connected together, the computing power will be doubled, and the size of the troops that can be controlled will also be doubled.

But there seems to be differences between the two computers...

In actual use, Lynn found that even if two combat computers are connected in parallel, they seem to have differences in calculations.

What does that mean?

To put it simply, after connecting two combat computers in parallel, the maximum control scale of the Advancer troops has increased from 32 to 64.

However, the 64 troops can be clearly divided into two parts a and b. These two parts are controlled by a computer and are independent of each other.

After Lynn gave the order, generally the 32 advancers in area a moved first, and then the 32 advancers in area b moved later, with an obvious time difference between the two.

Lynn looked distressed,

Although the time difference between ab and ab is not more than two seconds, this is only based on the premise that he gave a simple movement command.

If you issue more complex instructions yourself, the delay between these two parts may become even greater.

Once there is a deviation between command and actual action, it will create huge hidden dangers.

"How can we make up for this loophole?"

Lynn thought about it.

After a period of research, Lynn deduced the solution to this problem in the book.

As long as the two virtual combat computers are respectively set as cd, and half of the computing power of combat computer a and half of combat computer b are included in c, and then use the names of c and d to control the troops, this problem can be easily solved.

Lynn solved the problem,
The advancer unit with a size of 64 is running very smoothly.

The staged goal was successful!

Lin En was very happy, but he was not satisfied with this, but continued to cultivate more chicken rabbits in order to buy a third combat computer as soon as possible.

Soon he had saved enough money.

The third combat computer was delivered.

Lynn connected the third combat computer in parallel with the first two, and successfully expanded the size of the advancers from 64 to 96.

Then there is the fourth combat computer...

Lynn connected the fourth combat computer in parallel with the first three, and successfully expanded the size of the advancers from 96 to 128.

fifth block...

Lynn connected the fifth combat computer in parallel with the first four, and successfully expanded the size of the advancers from 128 to 160.


After a few cycles, Lynn successfully connected the last combat computer with a large number of other combat computers in parallel, and at this time, the size of the advancer force had reached 256.

Lynn originally wanted to continue stacking boxes, but after exploring for a while, he found that the scale seemed to have reached the upper limit.

There are too many combat computers connected in parallel. If a new computer is connected again, an old combat computer will inevitably be kicked out.

And 250 six is ​​also the upper limit of the size of the troops that Lynn can command now.

This data is very sufficient.

Every time Lynn came to the vast open space for experiments, he would come out with densely packed metal robots. From a distance, there was a large area of ​​silvery light.

Passers-by were amazed and asked, and Lynn naturally didn't want to say more details, but just found a reason to prevaricate.

"It was Hans who asked me to make some robots."

Lynn said.

The news quickly reached Hans' ears.

Hans was dumbfounded,

In fact, he also knew that Lynn had a robot army. When the rat disaster happened that day, it was the advancers who tore through the siege of the rats and saved the battle.

But he remembered that there were only a handful of robots at that time, but why are these iron bumps all over the open space now?
I've heard that some biological clusters reproduce very quickly, but I haven't heard that robots can reproduce explosively by themselves.

And most importantly,
What does this have to do with me?
He found Lynn late at night, and asked him about the robot in detail.

Seeing that the burden could not be pushed out, Lin En had no choice but to tell part of the truth, and said after deliberation:
"To put it simply, for some reason, I now have a large army of robots. The lethality and mobility of this army are limited..."

"Uh." Hans rubbed his forehead, do you believe this by yourself?

Every time I interrogate, I try to find a way to pick myself out, and my low-key is not as low-key as you.

He then said: "... Well, you see, the recent business situation of the gang is actually not very good. We just offended the Tianxia League a few days ago. They have been deliberately provoking us at our border these days. Can you help us go to suppress the gang?" Town place?"

Before Lynn could answer, a group of helpers appeared like a gust of wind, and prepared various equipment such as tactical plans, maps, and tables.

Hans was a little uneasy.

He knew that Lynn was actually a very low-key person, and he liked to adopt a conservative strategy when encountering various disputes, so he was not sure whether he would agree to his request.

Lynn said: "Okay."

"...If you really can't do it, then forget it, after all, our Lizard Gang...huh?" Hans was taken aback.

Promised so readily?
This didn't quite fit his perception of Lynn.

As far as Lynn is concerned, he has completely figured it out.

People must first settle down, and then they can soar into the sky.

After years of hard work, the current self has long been qualified to run rampant in the firefighting field, so it is better to go out now and participate in the competition and competition in the entire firefighting field.

Although avoidance is good, it cannot be avoided blindly.The resources in the world are limited, but human greed is unlimited. If you give in and give in, all the resources in the world will fall into the hands of one person.


Only by participating in the competition and defeating the enemy, can they obtain their internal professional skills and include the resources that can be obtained in the entire firefighting area, and then use them to create their own cards.

"...But compared to the fierce friction with the Tianxia League now, I suggest maintaining the frontline situation with them and showing the enemy's weakness." Lin En said,

"If you want to defeat the Tianxia League, we can save the country in a curve, first take a soft persimmon, and after taking over the resources of this force, gradually develop, and finally launch a decisive battle."

"Then who is this soft persimmon?"

Hans couldn't help asking.

"The Fourteen Thieves."

(End of this chapter)

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