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Chapter 139 The Stealing Preface

Chapter 139 The Stealing Preface
Thieves have not been a very easy profession since ancient times. Apart from his despicable attributes, the real test of the level lies in the actual operation of thieves.

In this world, countless people encounter thieves every day, and there are also countless thieves who are discovered by the victims because of their backs or poor skills, and finally end up in a prison. .

Doing any business requires excellence.

Thieves are no exception.

To put it bluntly, this profession is a combination of countless stealing skills.

At Lynn's house,

A vacant space has been specially cleaned up, and an oil pan has been set up, which is gradually heating up.

This is specifically requested by the master thief, saying that it will be useful later,

And the dead sparrow, lying dead on the ground, began to teach:
".Since ancient times, the world has had an unfair misunderstanding of the thieves industry. They think it is a symbol of getting something for nothing, but in fact, thieves also need to understand. Some people started stealing at the age of eight, but they still have nothing at the age of 80. What's more, he was not skilled enough and went to jail, becoming the laughing stock of the industry.

There are also people who only started learning to steal at the age of 30, and within a year, they became famous all over the city of Anning, and everyone in the streets and alleys knew it, and it was rumored that their name could stop children crying at night."

And in this realm of theft, there are foresight, foresight, hindsight, and unknowing."

"The so-called foresight is to know that you are a thief before you become a thief. This is foresight."

"The so-called hindsight means that after a period of time after becoming a thief, maybe a few minutes, maybe three and a half months, maybe a few years, or even decades, and then recall what you have done in the past, and carefully savor it. , I realized that I was a thief."

"The so-called unknowingly refers to the highest state of theft. It is as if you are in a contract with the Tao. The process of stealing is completely natural. Without knowing it, you transfer wealth by accident. Although you have no intention of stealing, you can do it." The reality of great robbers is called unconsciousness."

Lynn couldn't bear it anymore, and retorted: "How is this possible, what do you mean you don't know that you are stealing?"

"This is reality." Dead Bird said lightly,
"The thieves of this level have reached a certain level. They can do whatever they want and steal wealth from others, and the person who gets stolen will not think that they have been robbed of wealth, and the thieves themselves do not think that they have done it. If you make a wrong move, this is called unknowingly.”

Lynn thought for a moment, then said slowly:
"Are you talking about entrepreneurs?"

"No." Unexpectedly, Dead Bird did not admit this statement. "Entrepreneurs fit my definition of the unwitting, but they don't deserve to be honorable thieves.

The so-called unawares exist precisely for the purpose of attacking entrepreneurs.In fact, after so many years of research in the entire thieves world, we have successfully summed up two major economic laws."

"The first law, wealth will always pass from the stupid to the wise."

Dead Bird said: "Stupid people can be divided into those who have money and those who have no money. I don't know what the lower city of Anning City looks like now, but in the era I lived in, there were serious accidents happening from time to time.
Rich fools are very lucky and have the capital to squander money, so they have no concept of money, spend recklessly, and pursue a romantic and comfortable life.

Some people cultivate some hobbies that cultivate their sentiments, or collect some rare gadgets, engage in a sense of ritual and refinement, and a set of sofas can even buy a car.

I even witnessed a dead ghost with tons of priceless white wine piled up in front of his tomb, and one bottle was enough for a poor person to live on for a month
This huge amount of consumption will of course flow to those who are better at using money. "

Lin En said: "Many rich people are people who are very good at using money. For them, money may be just a number, and they can spend it whatever they want.

But in the sense of the sentence, this is a natural thing. Wealth can only flow within the human race, and it is impossible to flow to other places. If you divide people into stupid and smart people, the trend of the entire economic flow is clear at a glance. "

"No, you don't know the city of Anning yet."

"This city is a well-known neurotic city, and what makes it neurotic is that .
It likes to deprive you of everything overnight. "

"In this city, everyone is not exempt from common customs. Even if you have eyes and hands, and think that the people of dawn underground are like ants, there is often a risk of death."

"Our statistics show that in our era, that is, in the first quarter of a century, as many as 20.00% of wealthy families with over [-] million assets will be fatally hit.

These include plummeting social status, asset depreciation, financial crisis, murder, assassination, traffic accident, accidental attack, poison gas leak, public prosecution charges, chemical plant explosion, nuclear strike”

"If he has been living in a greenhouse and cannot use every resource he has now to the blade, then he may only have a relatively miserable old age."

"This sounds like a piece of history." Lin En was speechless, and said: "Is there any royal law in your city? Don't rich people deserve better services, better personal protection, and more Is it a high-quality guard team? How come there are so many accidents?"

"This is why Anning City has become a piece of history, because most of these garbage things are done by poor people."

"The probability of the poor's insanity is much greater than that of the rich, and some people will be accompanied by some psychological distortions that outsiders cannot know. They have no money to receive education, and their culture, etiquette, conversation, intelligence, physical fitness, etc. are on average higher than the rich. Difference.

It's brutal.

But God is fair, in this world, cultivating a typical refined rich person requires years of study, competition, training, tutoring, eating three meals a day, exercising every day, studying the taste of clothing and enhancing the charm of communication.”

"But it only took one bullet to destroy him."

"All it takes is a bullet through his head, and it's over, it's over."

Lynn took the words: "Later, they studied the shield."

"So now you need a few milligrams of cyanide, or a few grams of a strong radioactive medium."

"It sounds scary, I think such extreme people should be in the minority" Lynn swallowed,

It's quite scary.

But then he remembered a question and asked, "Wait, you said 30.00% of the rich families would be hit by this brutality, what about the poor?"

Dead Bird was silent for a moment, and said:

"We don't have data on the poor because the data only counts the rich."

"Here is the second law."

"The Second Law, Wealth will always flow from the poor to the rich."

(End of this chapter)

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