Start with a prosthetic shop

Chapter 140 The Fourth Skill

Chapter 140 The First Skill

"So, the so-called unwitting person refers to the person who unknowingly harms the interests of entrepreneurs."

dead birds.

"That sounds weird."

Just as Lynn was speaking, the pot next to him was already humming, and the lid of the pot was trembling on the pot, making a rattling sound.

"What are we going to stew next?"

Lynn lifted the lid of the pot.

"Don't stew anything, the water temperature is just right now, next, I'm going to teach you a skill called Tanyun Shou."

Dead Bird said.

"Hand speed has always been the basic skill of a thief. If you want to learn Tanyun hand, you must first practice hand speed and hand strength to a certain level, and then you can gradually learn this advanced skill..."

Lynn nodded.

After his day-to-day shooting practice, his hand speed is also very fast when he draws his gun.

The dead bird flew up suddenly, conjured up a copper coin like a magic trick, and threw the copper coin into the oil pan as if floating in water, saying:
"Next, you take the copper coins out of the pot with your hands."

Lynn looked at the pot.

At this time, the water in the pot hadn't boiled yet, and the steam hadn't even appeared. Lin En estimated that the water temperature would be forty or fifty degrees.

This water temperature is of course not a problem.

Lin En easily picked up the copper coin and said, "I've already taken it out."

Dead Bird nodded, took the copper coin, put it into the oil pan again, and said: "Next, you will continue to take out this copper coin with your hands."

Lynn looked into the pot, after a period of heating, the pot has begun to slowly emit steam, and the temperature in the water is at least [-] or [-] degrees.
Lynn was silent, and was warned when he was about to make a move:
"You can't use mechanical prosthetics to get coins, you must use your physical body."

Lin En nodded, and after touching the water surface, he quickly picked up the copper coins in the pot with his index finger and middle finger, and the high temperature also made half of his hand turn red, and he felt a burst of paralysis meaning.

Lynn was thoughtful,
Only at this time did he finally understand the usefulness of this kind of training,

As the temperature in the oil pot rises, the speed of the practitioner's hands must become faster and faster, and the copper coins at the bottom of the pot have a certain weight, which is a double test of the practitioner's hand speed and hand strength.

Dead Bird nodded, took the copper coin, put it into the pot again, and said: "Next, you continue to take out this copper coin with your hands."

Lynn's mouth twitched,

Why is it endless?
But remembering that the other party is actually a rigid program, Lynn forced himself to be patient,

He looked at the pot.

Now the water in the pot is boiling, and the water bubbles are rushing up, and a large amount of water vapor rises up, covering the field of vision.

boiling water!
A dead pig is not afraid of boiling water. Although Lynn said his hands are fast enough, he is not a dead pig, and he doesn't want to put his hand in anyway.

So he said speechlessly:

"I have a question to ask."

"what is the problem?"

"How did Crowe learn the Cloud Explorer, and how long did it take him?"

"He didn't learn this skill at all, because he didn't take out the copper coin from the boiling water in the end, and he didn't even have the idea of ​​trying it. But if I can't master this cloud explorer, I won't be able to teach him the following skills , so I say he is not good at learning."

At this point, the dead bird lamented: "The young people nowadays have become like this. If everyone is like this, then the career of thieves will probably decline."

Lynn thought for a while and said:
"let me try."

So he drank a certain bottle of primer potion,
Dead Bird said: "Any skill needs a long time to practice. Take the most basic test of taking things from the oil pan as an example. Ordinary people don't have to practice hard for more than half a year. It can be said."

"I've already taken it out."

Lynn said.

On the mantis joint in the right hand is the copper coin that was just placed in the oil pan.

There are very few nerves distributed in this kind of arthropod structure, and there is no pain at all when using this to fish for copper coins.

"What, have you taken it out?"

Dead Bird was taken aback, and saw the copper coin in Lynn's hand at a glance.

His intuition told him that something was wrong.

The two were silent.

"Congratulations on successfully completing the first trial. This means that you have honed your basic skills to the point of perfection. There is a saying that a journey of a thousand miles begins with..."

"jump over."

"Next, I'll directly teach you the core essence of Tan Yunshou, so pay attention."

A black shadow flashed, and Lynn's hairs stood on end. He had excellent dynamic vision and saw something strange flying over just now.

But he realized it later, and was shocked to find that the copper coins fished out of his limbs had disappeared.

Dang bang.

The copper coin fell straight in front of him, making a few bends on the ground before lying down straight.

"How is this done?"

Lynn's curiosity was successfully piqued.

It's fine for a person to steal his own things. How did this bird steal his own things?
"I didn't do it, but your money came to me automatically."

bird path.

After some explanations from it, Lin En finally felt a little vaguely understood.

Specifically, the hand speed must be very fast, and before taking action, use a trick to attract other people's attention to other places, and then start in an instant and "take" things over.

The principle is very simple,
Whether it is troublesome to operate depends on the person.

But Lin En was still puzzled, and said, "What was the black shadow that flashed in front of me just now?"

Dead Bird took out a very small flashlight from his body.

This flashlight emits black light.

Lynn was silent.
"Did you understand what I just did?"

"I see."

"But when will I get to that speed?"

"Practice more."

"Since you need to practice more, you should steal a few more people's things during this time..."

Speaking of practice, Lynn's talent will not lag behind anyone else,

On that day, he had some fruitful exercises.

He found a gang member who was patrolling the farm, and stuffed a screw into his trouser pocket.

"I need you to do something for me, and you will follow my arrangement."

"You just have to move forward."

Lynn said.


As he said that, the man walked forward for a while, but was stopped by Lin En who walked quickly a few steps.

The footsteps of the gang stopped,

Lin En said anxiously: "You go, leave me alone!"


The gang had no choice but to walk forward, but Lynn bumped into his arm head-on, knocking him to the ground.

"Explorer Exp+1"


Gangzhong fell to the ground, his face full of innocence.

Lin En twisted the newly brought screw in his hand, feeling a little regretful, secretly said: "The force of hitting people should be restrained."

So, he put the screw back into the opponent's trouser pocket.


The man froze, and his mouth began to stammer.

"you go."

Lynn said.

"Oh, okay, I'll go then."

As he said that, the man wanted to leave quickly, but Lin En walked a few steps quickly and stopped him head-on.

The footsteps of the gang stopped,

Lin En said anxiously: "You go, leave me alone!"


The gang had no choice but to walk forward, but Lynn bumped into his arm head-on and knocked him to the ground.

"Explorer Exp+1"

(End of this chapter)

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