Chapter 142

"So I mean, can we dock with that side and get some of this gas?" Lynn said.

"Of course it is possible." Hans nodded: "Before we were just a small force, it was already very good to have that channel. Now that we have annexed the [-]th Thief Group, we should talk about some big business."

Therefore, Hans made the decision to reduce the supply of limbs from the old customers a little and transfer them to new customers.

But I didn't want this move to seem to anger the old customers. They noticed that the orders were shrinking and had a lot of opinions on this new measure.

And today, they even discovered that these retracted goods had already been supplied to their number one competitor, Yinya Tuan!
"If you offend our Dekang family, there will be no good end. I hope you will think carefully before making a decision."

"We don't want to offend you." Hans said: "This is just a normal business relationship. If you think we have offended you, it can only show that you are a little too sensitive."

"You have broken your promise..."

"We didn't sign a contract, and we didn't make a verbal agreement. Now we just supply goods to another company. Why did we break our promise?"

Hans was also furious.

This kind of commercial order should have been the internal affairs of the gang, and the callback and shrinkage was also an internal decision, but now it was pointed out by an outsider.

It's like, you've squeezed too much wool, and the boss won't let you squeeze it, and you're still flabbergasted.

Deceiving too much.

"Okay, very good." The other end of the phone was furious, "I hope you will not regret your decision in the future!"



The phone hangs up.

"If I were you, I would definitely not be afraid."

Lynn said.

Lynn probably still knows who the scavengers are.

But no matter what, this is also a place for firefights, and Qianglong has to sell three-point thin noodles for local snakes, so they must not dare to do anything.

If they really wanted to use such a big method, why didn't they go out of the city to find their limbs? It wasn't because they couldn't get out.

If you can't get out, you are threatening a wool here, and the forces in the firefighting area are really scared.

"...I really don't believe you are not afraid."

Hans said casually.

And the business negotiations with the Yinya group are very good, and it is estimated that they will be handed over soon.

this day,

Lynn is next to a moving wooden doll,

"What is this thing, how did you possess it?"

The wooden puppet rattled, suddenly shifted its head, opened and closed its mouth, and said:
"Stupid, the wood on the outside is all camouflage, and I have motors inside..."

Lynn showed helplessness.

"Today, what skills are we going to learn?"

The puppet did not answer, but found a lock from behind, handed it to Lynn, and said, "Use the wire to open it."

Lynn suddenly,

This is to learn to open the lock.

As a thief, if you don't know how to pick a lock, wouldn't it make you laugh out loud.

He found a wire,
Learning from the pictures of film and television works in memory, I drilled and drilled in the hole of the lock, and the wire was worn out, but the lock was not opened.

"I won't drive."

Lynn said.

The puppet had expected this a long time ago, so they reattached the lock, took the steel wire from Lynn's hand by the way, inserted it into the keyhole at a certain angle, and drilled it.

The lock clicked open.

"Look well, let me repeat..."

Lynn looks good,
I wrote down the lockpicking tips that the puppet said, and then tried to open the lock with the wire.

"Unlock: exp+1"

This time, Lynn still failed to open the lock, but its experience points increased.

after ten times,

It took Lynn ink for a full 5 minutes before opening the lock with the wire in his hand.

"Your speed of mastering is breathtaking." The puppet looked at Lynn, expressionless with excitement.

He has taught so many apprentices, most of them have not even mastered the first skill, and occasionally one or two, who have learned the true instruction of unlocking this door, have to stay here for ten days and a half months before they can get started .

Only a few decades ago, there was a talented person who could completely master all the skills he taught in one fell swoop!
But he entered Anning City after that, and finally disappeared.

Lynn didn't speak either,

Just practicing on my own.

Time passed little by little. On this day, Lynn suddenly received an urgent message.

"...That's right, that's the way it is. There will be a fellowship meeting between mechanics at Sanyuanhuikou soon. At that time, mechanics from the east and west will come from the entire firefighting area." The voice on the other end of the phone Jura said.

"Is your sorority serious?"

Lynn asked speechlessly.

He felt that this scene seemed a little familiar. Did he see it before?
"...Don't worry, this news has been verified by us, it will not be a trap set by some organization, and this communication will be private, you can come here with confidence."

After some careful confirmation, Lynn was sure that there were no traps in this seminar, so after greeting Hans and the others, he set off for Sanyuanhuikou a week later.

Today is a sunny day, but the temperature is abnormally low. The sudden autumn wind took away the late summer temperature.

A gust of autumn wind blows, and several cans on the ground roll up, which has a sense of bleakness.

Lynn sat on the back seat of a passenger car, looked at the scenery outside, and suddenly said, "How long will it be?"

The driver in front said: "Go back to Boss Lin, the Fallen Leaves Valley is in front of you."

"Falling Leaves Valley?"

Lynn was taken aback.

Thanks to industrial pollution, there are not even a single tree around here, let alone fallen leaves, and the ground is full of metal garbage.

"Where did the name come from? Why is it called Fallen Leaves Valley?"

"...It is said that in the past, there were many maple trees in this area. In autumn, the maple leaves fall one after another, and the valley is full of fallen leaves. The scenery is very beautiful."

After the driver explained, Lynn nodded.

Industry has a huge impact on the environment.

Feeling emotional, Lynn glanced at the rearview mirror and saw an off-road vehicle following from a distance. He immediately raised his vigilance and asked the driver:
"Is there a lot of bandits in this area? This Fallen Leaves Valley is easy to defend and difficult to attack. There are cliffs on both sides. Will the bandits hang from the top?"

"Huh?" The driver was taken aback.
"Although there are, we have all greeted the bandits around here. It is unlikely that they will rob our convoy."

"The bandits are not all stunned, they are very smart, they like to bully the weak and fear the hard. We all hang out in the same way, and we usually see each other without looking up. It is not good for both sides to break up with each other."

"Then..." Lynn frowned slightly.

"...What the hell is the car behind us doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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