Chapter 143

In the Fallen Leaves Valley, a passenger car and an off-road vehicle were driving one after the other.

And in that off-road vehicle, there were several Grundfos special forces soldiers who were fully armed and wore terminals on their heads.

But this time, they didn't come to take the initiative to find Lynn.

"... After driving for so long, there is no service area. If it weren't for the mission, who the hell would come to a place like the firefight?" Doris muttered in the off-road vehicle.


a jolt,
The few people in the car felt dizzy, and almost vomited out the food from the previous night.

This time they also received an order temporarily, saying that a batch of biological laboratories had sprung up like mushrooms after a firefight recently, asking them to ascertain the information.

"In this kind of place, even if you set up a biological laboratory, it's impossible to have any high-precision equipment. At best, it's just doing small things to study some wild animals. I really don't know why there is such a big battle in the company." Some people are not rude. muttered.

Barnetta sat in the co-pilot seat and kept silent, his eyes closely following the passenger car in front.

"Captain, say something."

One person suddenly said.

"Ah? What did I say?" Barnetta was taken aback,
"Just say what you want, you haven't said a word since you got in the car."

"I have nothing to say." Barnetta shook his head, "It's better to be safe. I heard that there are often bandits in this valley. It's best to stay vigilant."

Several people in the car burst out laughing,

Since they set off, they have encountered several groups of unsightly bandits who wanted to hijack their vehicles.

without exception,

are all dead.


Just when the atmosphere in the car was relaxed, the passenger car in front suddenly blew out a tire and skidded. In the end, the center of gravity was locked and the car did not overturn, causing further casualties.

The off-road vehicle also stopped.

The driver was about to get out of the car, but was stopped by Doris. She said:

"Don't be in a hurry to get down, don't you feel that the passenger car in front is very strange?"

"very strange?"

The driver was taken aback.

"There is only one road to go in this valley, and there are no other cars in front or behind. He suddenly stopped us in this place, and it is clear that his intentions are wrong. If you want me to say, this bus is very suspicious, it is probably a bandit trap."

Doris analyzed.

"But if they are bandits, why don't they follow us?" the driver asked suspiciously.

"They deliberately drove in front of us in order to dispel our doubts. In fact, they have been watching our position with the rearview mirror. Once they are in such a deserted place, they will suddenly get stuck at the intersection and then carry out robbery. "

"Do you think what I said makes sense?"

Barnetta said speechlessly: "I think"

"I think it makes sense. This traffic accident could have been avoided."

Lynn nodded, "If you check the wear of the tires before driving, we won't be in a situation where the tire blows out. The key is that you have walked this road countless times, how can you still make such a mistake? A very stupid low-level mistake?"

The driver wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said weakly, "It's all because of the new batch of mechanical garbage piled up in Fallen Leaves Valley today. Many of these garbage have sharp edges and corners, and they actually punctured our tires."

"Do you have a spare wheel?"

Lynn asked.

"Yes, but no jack."

"No jack?"

Lynn was taken aback,
To change a tire, of course, you need to find a support to lift the tire up. This is the work of a jack. If there is no jack, the tire cannot be changed.

You can't use the mechanical arm to hold it hard, can you?
This bus has so many tons, the three people on the bus will definitely not be able to move it.

"Then how do we go to Sanyuanhuikou?" Lin En sighed, this group of people was too slow to do things, and unexpected events always happened outside the plan, which made him very busy.

Suddenly, Lynn remembered the off-road vehicle behind the rearview mirror,
He looked around the terrain as if suddenly aware of some fact.

This place is a line of sky, with cliffs on both sides, and this is the only road.

Now that I have a flat tire, the car behind me is also blocked here, and it is impossible to pass.

But Lynn thought,
There must be a jack in this off-road vehicle, so I might as well borrow one from there.

So, also get off.

to borrow something.

"Captain, get out of the car, they're getting out of the car."

Doris immediately said, "You see what I said is right, they are bandits!"

Barnetta signaled everyone to stay calm, then took out a loudspeaker from the side, rolled down the window and shouted: "People in front, please stop and explain why you are here!"

Lin En was taken aback when he said this, but he quickly thought, there are so many bandits in this place, it's better to be cautious.

Then he shouted directly:
"I'm here to borrow the jack to fix the car!"

After a while, Barnetta came out alone, holding a jack in his hand,

This statement is still not necessarily credible, and it is very likely that the bandits used an excuse to further reassure the victim, but he boasted that he had the means to protect himself, so he dared to come down alone.

Barnetta took a few steps forward cautiously, just about to throw it to Lynn from a distance, but when he saw Lynn's face, he suddenly felt a little familiar, and froze in place for a while.

He must have seen the face of this man,
Where is it?

The jack in Barnetta's hand was about to be thrown out, but suddenly it was solid.

He suddenly remembered who this person was.


The Hans who was in the news said that he was a person in charge of the farm project of Grundfos.

Thanks to his efforts, the company's batch of experimental cattle has been raised very well, and when faced with questions from the spokesperson of the animal protection organization during the interview, he answered very wittyly, and gained a lot of fans in the city of Anning. .

"I didn't expect that today would be such a coincidence."

Barnetta let go of his guard, handed the jack to Lynn in a few quick steps, and then returned to the off-road vehicle to explain the situation a little bit.

"Is he that Hans?"

Several people in the car were taken aback,
Barnetta said with a chuckle: "Yeah, he has been in the limelight these days. If I were him, I would have contacted the brokerage company and become an Internet celebrity in the city."

Doris made a mistake in her judgment,

Lynn is not only not a bandit, but also half of their colleagues,
This change made him quite embarrassed, so he said forcefully:

".This Hans, I don't know what he is going to do. Have you asked?"


"Ask when he finishes repairing the car"

10 minutes later,

Lynn heard the inquiry from Barnetta and his group, and said, "Me? I'm going to Sanyuanhuikou, where there is a mechanic exchange meeting."

(End of this chapter)

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