Chapter 144

"Mechanic exchange meeting?" Barnetta was taken aback, and took a deep look at Lynn.

Unexpectedly, this person is not only an agricultural expert, not only good at managing farms, not only good at answering questions from reporters, but also has a lot of achievements in the field of mechanics.
This kind of person is really rare in the firefight.

Behind him, several Grundfos special forces members also discussed in a low voice, Barnetta and Lynn stared at each other, and finally Barnetta said: "Dude, do you know that you are in the city of Anning?" Li can be regarded as famous."


Lin En was a little puzzled, and repeated: "How famous?"

"Very famous."

Barnetta said, sincerely said: "To be honest, I am also an employee of Grundfos. Due to the fact that I joined the company earlier, I also manage a team and have a certain influence."

He put it very tactfully.

"What I mean to say is that with your talent, it would be a bit too much for you if you only live in a breeding farm. Maybe you can shine in a more important position. Our Grundfos company needs you like this Talents."

Lynn froze.
what's the matter,

Is this to rehire me with a high salary?
The problem is that I have just come out from there, and I have to go back in such a moment,

He really wasn't too happy about it.

So I found an excuse to get away,

"I'm still in a hurry here, or I'll take a step first and talk later when I come back."

"Oh, ok, we'll talk when we get back"

The people from the Lizard Gang repaired the tire, returned the jack to Barnetta and his party, got on the bus and ran away.

Only the off-road vehicle that has not started for a long time is left in the valley,

Barnetta looked at the bus that was drifting away in front of him, and belatedly slapped his thigh,
"It's broken, I forgot to ask for his phone number!"

. . . . . .

In Sanyuanhuikou, a special seminar was in full swing. As soon as Lin En passed by, he was surrounded by Easley and other people.

"Anyone here?"

Lynn asked.

"There are a lot of people here, all the famous people from the entire firefighting place are here." Easley said, after thinking for a while, he said: "There are also some people from the west of the firefighting place, some of them are from the line gate, and their skills It's completely different from ours..."

"They all come to the seminars, and some of them will show their work."

"Among these works, the creators of some works that are judged to be good by everyone will receive generous prizes, and they will also be able to make a name for themselves. In the future, whether it is negotiating business with the boss in the city, or doing other things, It will all be beneficial."

Lynn understood now.

The conference was arranged in a vast hall, and a long table divided the representatives from the east and the west of the exchange of fire into two pieces.

Lynn glanced over, but felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere at the scene. These people didn't seem to be here to discuss in good faith.

".Let me introduce to you, this is Master Hart from the west of Crossfire. He became a senior mechanic when he was here, and became a master who is well-known throughout the crossfire four years later." Host The man stood up and said slowly.

"These two are Master Dilo and Master Wenger, who are well-known in the western part of the crossfire..." the host said to a young man and an old man.

He is introducing some important people present.

"What's going on?" Lynn sensed something was wrong, and whispered to Easley and the others.

"Well, this is indeed a seminar. It is held once a year, and this year it happens to be held at Sanyuanhuikou." Zhu La explained: "At the meeting, mechanics from the east and west of the firefighting area will show each other how much they have done recently. But due to some historical reasons, there has always been discord between the mechanics in the east and west of Crossfire, and there is an atmosphere of competition between them."

"In the past few years, we have been losing talents in the eastern part of the firefighting area, and the quality of the works in the seminars is also much worse than that in the west, except this year."

"Except this year? Why is it excluded?" Easley asked doubtfully,

His news also lags a bit.

"This year, a talented mechanic suddenly appeared in the eastern part of our firefighting area. Once he appeared, he caused a huge sensation in the industry. He can manufacture a lot of high-tech equipment at a young age, and his future achievements are even more incredible. Estimate."

"Then who is this person?" Uncle Chen couldn't help being aroused.

"This is the person"

Lynn nodded,

That's right, it's next.

"William Horsky."

Lynn touched his forehead,
Why not yourself?

This unscientific.

But then he vaguely realized that the name seemed familiar,

Have you heard of this person somewhere?

"He is now the chief mechanic of the Tianxia League, and he is in charge of most of the mechanical design tasks of the gang. In many technical aspects, he even has transcendent insights. I personally think that this person may be inextricably linked with the city. Get in touch," Jura said.

Lynn suddenly realized,

I remembered.

At that time, I manipulated the Three-Eyed Man into the Nailhead Dock, discovered the secret of the garbage mountain hollow by accident, and discovered a magnetic storm tank under construction. After that, I left a monitoring device and overheard some information.

It seems that this person is the chief designer in charge of the magnetic storm tank.

"Which one is William?" Lynn asked.

Easley secretly pointed to someone who was seated, and Lynn glanced at it, and saw that it was a somewhat elegant-looking young man, who was writing some paperwork on the table.

"There may be a lot of novel gadgets on display today, and these things may serve as inspiration for your new design."

Easley said.

At this moment, the host stepped onto the stage:
"Okay, then welcome all friends from the east and west of the firefighting area to gather together. Our fraternity will still be held by sharing cutting-edge designs with each other to gain points, and the east and west will take turns to showcase
Among them, the exhibition of the design will be divided into three parts, namely, the author's brief introduction, special inspection, and the final scoring part
Our professional jury will conduct comprehensive scoring according to the technical content of each exhibit, and the fairness can also be guaranteed
So without further ado, we immediately roll the dice to decide who will share the first exhibit first. "

Representatives from both sides tossed the dice,
The East representative threw a five and the West representative threw a three.

The result has been determined, the smaller order comes first.

The people in the west came to power first.

Soon, the exchange meeting began, and the atmosphere at the scene became completely agitated.

"Okay, then what we are going to show right now is our first exhibit today, please come to the stage with the representative of the western part of the crossfire!"

The host said.

The first designs were presented by a delegation from the west of the firefight.

A rather heavy firearm was brought up. The designer was a guy with curly hair, and said, "This is a multi-purpose firearm I designed."

"Okay, so what's so special about your gun? Is there any technological innovation?"

So, the man began to chatter and show off his work:

"This is an energy gun that can transform. In fact, he has two different forms that can be switched, which are assault rifle and sniper rifle mode. You only need to press this button, and he can switch between modes. convert."

After all, he covered the gun with a curtain,
When a button is pressed,
The firearm suddenly began to deform violently, and the parts changed and turned outwards. It quickly changed from the appearance of an assault rifle to a sniper rifle.

Suddenly there was crackling applause in the arena.

"Next, we will ask our professional technicians to check the completion of the first design."

Several targets were brought up,
A professional gunman took the firearm, first shot it in the assault rifle mode, looking for the feel, and then changed to a sniper rifle.
fired a few shots,

They all hit the distant target.

The exhibition effect is very good,

After scoring by the judges,

Add twenty points to the west.

Lynn felt a little puzzled,

Then he asked in a low voice:
"He covered the gun, so what do I think, why are there so many people applauding?"

"It must be covered up." Zhu La explained: "These are the stunts that these mechanics are famous for. If they don't cover up, won't they all be learned by others?"

"The secrecy measures are very strict, and even the judges cannot fully see the principles of these machines. It is precisely because the secrecy is so good that so many people are willing to show their hard work on stage."

"Oh." Lynn understood now.

At the seminar, the mechanics in the west were the first to exhibit a piece of production. According to the rules, now it was the turn of the east to also exhibit a piece of production.

"Then it's time for William to do it now?" Lin En said, he actually really wanted to see this man exhibit the production of magnetic storms.

"Do not."

A mechanic that Lynn didn't know suddenly raised his index finger and shook it, saying: "William is the pride of the eastern part of our firefighting area. He must be the finale, not the first..."

. . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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