Start with a prosthetic shop

Chapter 145 Accident

Chapter 145 Accident
"William is the pride of the eastern part of our firefight. He must be the finale, not the first..."

Lin En wiped his forehead, turned around and found that Uncle Chen had already walked up and took out his work.

"Why is Uncle Chen here?" Lin En was startled, the super bra designed by Uncle Chen was still vivid in his memory.

Can he do it?

"It doesn't matter, trust Uncle Chen." Easley said: "Uncle Chen is still an old-fashioned mechanical master after all. He has quite a lot of experience in this kind of weapon manufacturing. Facing the works of those people in the west, he may not be unable to do it. Come up with a better one."

"The next thing is our second exhibit today. Please come to the stage with representatives from the eastern part of the crossfire!"

Uncle Chen is here.

After greeting behind, the two men came forward carrying a cannon covered with a curtain,
Uncle Chen began to introduce:
"This is the Vulcan cannon I designed alone."

The host nodded: "Vulcan Cannon? Such an impressive name, what's so special about him?"

"It uses this kind of autocratic high-explosive projectile. It has a very long range, is very accurate, and is also very powerful." Uncle Chen explained, tearing off the curtain on the cannon, and everyone looked at it. There is nothing too special about the cannon, but it is a little bigger than the ordinary cannon.

The applause was sparse, obviously not as popular as the curly-haired mechanic before,
Everyone in the audience was also discussing,
"It doesn't look like anything special."

"It's a design of this traditional craft again. I would have made a similar cannon ten years ago."

"It's boring."

The host said:

"Next, we will ask our professional technicians to check the completion of the first design."

The professional technicians are here,
Professional technicians are gone,
The professional technician shook his head, saying that there is no place for Uncle Chen to test the power of his beloved cannon.

"Oh, that, I'm sorry, due to force majeure, we are unable to conduct an on-site test on the power of the Vulcan Cannon. When scoring, we will be conservative and choose an average score," the host said regretfully.

Lin En scratched his head: "Uncle Chen doesn't feel good, the response effect is not very good."

Easley shook his head and disagreed with Lin En's point of view: "We know about Uncle Chen's cannon. We discussed it together when you were not around. His performance is actually very good, and all the indicators are very good. It far exceeds the general cannons on the market, and its power is even greater, but "

"but what?"

"But the power can't be seen from the outside." Easley spread his hands, "If you want to find out the power of this cannon, you must witness it with your own eyes, but it is impossible to fire it in front of so many people now. so"

Easley shrugged.

“Judging a good or bad thing by its appearance is simply not going to work.”

Lynn nodded,

Uncle Chen's production, although the appearance is very unaesthetic, but the performance can still be guaranteed.

But others couldn't see this. The group of people in the west of the firefighting area were talking and laughing, and their words were mostly sarcasm, which made the east side very uncomfortable.

Uncle Chen's exhibits are mediocre, with only ten points accumulated.

During the conversation, another person from the west came out,
A multifunctional helmet was exhibited,

Accumulated fifteen points.

The mechanic in the east brought a modified motorcycle.

Accumulated twenty points.

Thus the West and the East fought each other,
Although verbally said it was a friendly discussion,
But somehow there was a little gunpowder smell at the scene.

In this battle without gunpowder, Lin En and others did not perform well in the eastern part of the firefighting area, and the design products they released all felt a bit reluctant. On the whole, they were far behind the group of people in the eastern part of the firefighting place cut.

The person sitting next to Lynn was a little uncomfortable, but he still insisted and said:

"They took the lead in the West for a while. In fact, in terms of hard power, they are far inferior to us, and our upper limit is relatively high."

Lynn scratched his head: "Is what you said true?"

"of course it's true!"

The man immediately said:
"Trust William, the quality of his work is better than anything that has appeared so far, and it will definitely surprise us"

As time went by, the seminar gradually came to an end,

The host suddenly raised his tone and said, "Next, let's invite the last exhibitor from the West. His name is."

The tail sound is very long.

"Hart! Hart! Hart!"

One got up,
This person is Master Hart in the west of the crossfire,

As soon as he got up, countless people applauded, and some even blew their whistles.

Afterwards, Hart showed his new emp grenade at the seminar, and received a lot of applause.

EMP is an electronic pulse. This kind of grenade can emit a pulsed microwave beam with a peak power above gigawatts and a frequency of 1 GHz to 300 GHz. It will rapidly generate thousands of volts of transient voltage on the exposed conductor, which is harmful to a large number of electrons. irreparable damage to the device.

Lynn's curiosity was instantly aroused,
He really wanted to understand the principle of this thing,
If the opponent's electronic equipment can be destroyed in time, it will undoubtedly have a huge impact on the battle situation.

A group of people immediately gathered there, looking at the appearance of the pulse grenade. Of course, they couldn't disassemble the grenade, and it was almost impossible to know how to make it.

After Master Hart displayed his grenade, he took it back again,

The applause at the scene lasted for a long time,
Hart racked up forty points alone.

According to the rules of the symposium, people from the east of the firefighting area will be sent to exhibit their works.

Now the West scores 510 points and the East scores 460 points,

If you can't match the shock that this emp grenade brings to everyone, then you will lose your face.

"Okay, so now is our last exhibit in this seminar. William, a teenager from the east of the crossfire, has made great achievements in the machinery manufacturing industry in recent years. Can he lead the east of the crossfire to turn the tide? , to achieve a go-ahead, let us continue to look forward to it.”

At this moment, William, who had been silent all this time, got up,
The people in the eastern area of ​​the firefight suddenly burst into warm applause,

Lynn was also concentrating, for fear of missing a detail.

"The next thing I want to show is..."

"Magnetic Storm Coil."

William said lightly, and the people around did not take a breath when he said this.

They have no idea what it is.

Not to mention surprised.

"This is the open mode, which can be used for active discharge attack, or passive defensive interception." William cleaned up, put two coils on the table, and then switched on the electricity.

A blue-purple light path suddenly bloomed between the two coils, and a thunderbolt lay across the two coils. The current was surging, and there was a piercing sound, which was very disturbing to hear.

"It looks awesome." Lynn couldn't help but sigh,
Even if you give yourself a little time to look at the magnetic storm coil, you won't be able to learn much. There are too many details involved, which are far beyond what he can distinguish during the time he showed.

Lynn looked at it for a long time, but didn't see why.

But the people in the audience were about to boil. They had never seen such an advanced thing. At this time, they were surprised to see the electric current between the two coil arcs, and they applauded violently. At this time, some people asked William said:

"What is the magnetic storm coil you designed for?"

William was taken aback for a moment, and then he chuckled: "Whether it is actively using electric arcs to attack or passively defending, magnetic storm coils will be of great use in warfare."

"How about it, let me tell you." The person next to Lynn said excitedly in the audience: "I told you that William is a genius in the east of our exchange of fire, and he is our pride. Look, he How about an invention?"

"Now, those people in the west of the crossfire have nothing to say."

"Very powerful." Lynn nodded,
He also wants to learn,

Machinery manufacturing and other fields have not made much progress, and there is almost no more advanced knowledge in this firefighting place, which limits his development.

There may be some people in the crossfire area who are better at mechanical manufacturing than him, and that's normal. They are probably the theoretical knowledge that has been collected after several generations of accumulation and the torture of apprenticeship.

But when it comes to the concept of combining disciplines, he is definitely not as good as him.

At this time William's work was a great success,
The problem was thrown to the group of people in the west of the crossfire,
Just when everyone thought that they would be unsustainable, and that the eastern part of the firefighting area would wash away its shame in one fell swoop, an accident happened
(End of this chapter)

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