Start with a prosthetic shop

Chapter 149 fierce battle

Chapter 149 fierce battle
The movement is getting louder and louder, and the sky is filled with yellow sand,

"Uh, it seems that something unexpected happened at our seminar site. Please don't panic and evacuate in an orderly manner," the host said calmly.


"You guys wait here first, I'll go and ask what's going on."

Easley said.

After a while, the siren sounded at Sanyuanhuikou, and Easley came back in a hurry, and hurriedly said to Lin En and the others: "Hurry up, all the animals outside have gone crazy!"

Zhu La's face also turned pale suddenly: "Is the beast tide coming again?"

The noisy scene was quiet for a moment, and then it became even more noisy.

Everyone realized what had happened.

Beast tide.

The beast tide is coming again!

There was a harsh and sharp sound from the stereo, and the host had already fled.

Only one microphone remained on the ground.

Immediately, the atmosphere at the scene became panicked.

A crowd of people crowded to get out,

From the exit, a security guard rushed over and ordered: "You don't have to run away, keep order! Now the entire Sanyuan Interchange has been blocked by mutant beasts, you wait for our next order, don't act rashly!"

"What, why are you doing this kind of thing again?" Lynn looked around anxiously,

The beast tide attacks such a thing,

He just encountered it once.

It was still in the farm at that time, and for some reason, a large group of rats rushed into the farm like crazy. If the fire hadn't been set big enough, what would have happened is still unknown.

Why on earth are these beasts acting like crazy?

Lynn looked back belatedly,
Over there is the direction of Anning City.

They want to go to town?
After all, Sanyuanhuikou is still the territory of Grundfos. Although the management is very lax and accidents often occur in the internal territory, it is impossible to ignore such a big movement outside at this moment.

A group of security guards lined up and started to expand the defense line outside.
When such a big situation happened, the host had already left, and the seminar obviously couldn't go on.

Now is the time of chaos,
Since the company let me listen to the arrangement,

The crowd at the scene forcibly suppressed their restless emotions,

Someone wanted to escape, left the venue in a hurry, looked around, and finally walked back.

No way.

Martial law had already been lifted at the gate, and the top management of Grundfos responded quickly and began to deploy troops to resist the beast tide.

Now if there is a panic in the city, a crowd of people crowding to get out,
Isn't that adding to the chaos?

In the face of the enemy, we must maintain order,

Otherwise, the situation will definitely collapse.

The war was about to break out, Lin En and the others stood on a high place, and only then could they barely see the picture in the distance.

Everyone felt shuddering,

Numerous horrific and grotesque mutant beasts shuttled through the hail of bullets, and were pierced by the howling bullets from time to time, spreading pus all over the ground.

The pus was sticky with the dust, and was soon trampled by the latecomers. The scene was a mess, revealing a disgusting feeling.

Although the security guards were resisting stubbornly by relying on the temporarily dug fortifications and city walls, the momentum of these mutant beasts continued unabated, and mere bullets could not resist them at all.

The term "mutant beast" is commonly used by people in Anning City.

As for the firefighters, they are more inclined to call them monsters,

They don't know what variation is,

In the concept of many traditional crossfire people, there are ghosts and ghosts in the world. If people worship them, they will get certain benefits in the future.

Whether it is doing good deeds, or enduring injustice, being conscientious, hardworking,
There is compensation after death.

The machine guns on the city wall were burning red, and the bullets poured out as if they didn't want money.

There was a giant gray rhinoceros in the battlefield. Its skin was very rough, and a strange pattern was engraved on it. The bullets roared and hit its body, but only broke a layer of fur before falling to the ground.

And some mutated beasts have long since died, but being supported by other mutated beasts behind them can also act as flesh pads, greatly reducing the power of the bullets.

Can't just use guns anymore,

More lethal weapons must be used!
"Archers, prepare to shoot!"

At this time, a person boarded the city wall and gave an order, and a group of security guards took out crossbows one after another, but the arrows carried in the crossbows were not ordinary.

this arrow,

Not ordinary arrows,
But a rocket.

The so-called rocket is an arrow with fire.

The mutant beasts fired rockets into the distance, and quickly ignited a sea of ​​flames on the ground.

The thick-skinned rhino was not afraid of bullets at all, but at this moment the fire was ignited on it, and the pain had already driven him mad. He ran amok among the mutated beasts, and was finally torn to pieces by other mutated beasts!
A large number of mutant beasts were ignited, ran about in pain, collided with other mutant beasts,

caused massive chaos,
This move greatly delayed the offensive of the mutant beasts.

But at this moment,
Suddenly, dozens of large mechanical spiders appeared behind these mutated beasts. They had eight legs, a square head, and a strange part that was held up high facing the city wall, shining brightly.

"That is."

Everyone was taken aback,
It is a very strange thing for steel to appear in a mutant beast full of flesh and blood.

Suddenly, a dazzling laser shot out from the spider's tail and hit the city wall. The stones were shattered and rolled down one after another.

There was a violent shock, and many people didn't even stand still, they saw the dazzling yellow laser rain coming like themselves!

A machine gun exploded.

The shield was easily shattered, and a security guard who was still alive and kicking just now turned into coke!
This tragedy was witnessed by everyone in Sanyuanhuikou, and an atmosphere of panic suddenly spread.
Lynn frowned tightly.

He is not only a mechanic, but also has a lot of achievements in biology, he can see it at a glance now,
This thing is not something that can be evolved by natural evolution at all.
There are artificially designed shadows inside,

But who is secretly manipulating these strange animals?

Evolution will?Madman will?Or the Tianxia League, or some other force?
Lynn himself didn't know.

Barnetta had climbed onto the tower at some point, picked up the binoculars and began to observe the battle situation,

These spiders look very fierce,
But in reality it may not be so,
A creature that excels in one aspect is bound to be deficient in another.

They gave up the ability to fight in close quarters, gave up heavy armor and mobility, in exchange for the ability to attack from a distance,

They focus energy on their tails and fire them.

That sounds outrageous.

They cannot even exist without clusters, and it can be said that all functions of such creatures must be reflected in clusters.

So this kind of creature must not exist in nature.

After a while, Barnetta immediately said: "The weakness of these mechanical spiders lies in their heads. As long as we can accurately shoot them in the head, we can kill them even with a very small force."

"Organize a group of snipers immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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