Start with a prosthetic shop

Chapter 150 Drop the Chain

Chapter 150 Drop the Chain

Barnetta is an experienced special forces commander. He had just led the team to carry out the mission. He wanted to go back to the Sanyuanhuikou to resupply, but he did not expect to encounter such a thing.

The supreme commander of this place is not here,

He temporarily took over the position of commander,

Start commanding.

After his judgment, the laser-emitting spider looks powerful, but in fact the small square head is his weakness.

It's just that there is such a distance between the city wall and the spider behind, it's not easy to hit the spider's head accurately,
It must be a sniper who is quite skilled in shooting.

"Captain, there are no snipers here at Sanyuanhuikou, or we should go." Doris said, then opened the backpack and installed the sniper rifle parts inside.

Of course he himself is a veteran sniper,
Not only him, members of the special teams under Grundfos are all snipers,

This is a compulsory course for them.

In the city of Anning, where the company is extremely powerful, large, medium and small companies will cultivate such private troops in private. They are called differently, some are called special forces, some are called operations, and some are called security departments, but they The content of the work is not bad,
Used to deal with some shit that PCPD they don't mix.

How could it be possible for a company without any military power to gain a foothold in the city of Anning with its intricate roots.

Only with big fists can we stand firm,

Then consider the issue of business,
If you don't even have the ability to protect yourself, no matter how good your business is, you are still making a wedding dress for someone else.

At this time, Tao Nesi skillfully put on the earplugs, set up the sniper rifle, and directly pulled the trigger!
The loud sound unique to the sniper rifle almost pierced through the eardrums of the people present. A bullet tore through the air and pierced through the only weak point of a mechanical spider in an instant. With a puff, the spider's head exploded. A large pool of yellow unknown fluid came out, and the entire body structure collapsed!

It's that simple to kill a mechanical spider,
Suddenly thunderous cheers resounded on the city wall,

"it is good!"

"I'm going, I really killed him!"

"so smart!"

"It's just that it looks scary, but it's really nothing at all."

A yellow laser shot hit the city wall, forcing the people on the city wall to shut up again.

There is an excellent example, almost all trained snipers go into battle, aiming at the head of this mechanical spider, although they can't hit every shot, but once they shoot, they can kill a mechanical spider [-]%.

The low morale of the crowd was lifted again,

But the good times didn't last long,
After a period of time, Sanyuan Huikou was in a disadvantageous situation again.

the reason is simple,
Too many monsters, too few snipers,

Moreover, the battle situation is actually very unfavorable. For snipers, they must aim at the weakness of the mechanical spiders to kill them with one blow. However, the lasers of the mechanical spiders do not know what kind of technology they are. They are extremely lethal and cannot be resisted at all.

Barnetta's expression still did not relax, he supported the terminal at his temple,

A blue light curtain appeared in front of his eyes,

He is on the phone.

"How long will it take for reinforcements from the headquarters? Our current situation is very dangerous. If you can't arrive within 15 minutes, we can only use all the weapons at Sanyuanhuikou to resist."

A thick male voice came from the other end of the phone,

The male voice said indifferently: "... wait for the notice."

So I hung up the phone.

Barnetta felt more and more annoyed. At this critical juncture, he thought he smelled something.

He always knew there was discord within Grundfos,

This is very normal,
Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes,

Some student dormitories even have several group chats,

But after all, I still didn't expect that the headquarters would ignore me, and at this critical moment, it took a long time to send reinforcements.

A man whispered: "Captain, what do you say over there?"

"The other side told us to resist alone. They said they were waiting for his notice."

Barnetta tidied up her clothes, but she didn't feel very scared,
He knew that with the strength of the company, there must be some exaggeratedly powerful thermal weapons in the Sanyuanhuikou. Although these weapons cannot be moved lightly, it is an emergency after all, so this is not considered indiscriminate use.

At that time, I will move out those things and have a fight with these mutant beasts.

So, he dialed a number,


"What's the matter, could it be that you want to invite me to dinner? But it stands to reason that you should be performing a mission now."

When the phone was connected, the voice of the black executive came from the other end of the phone,
Although he is the supervisor of Sanyuanhuikou, he doesn't know what happened now.

This is normal.

Because he is on annual leave now.

"To make a long story short, Jonah, I'm in a very bad situation now." Barnetta said loudly, intending to cover up the noise nearby, "I'm at Sanyuanhuikou now, and Sanyuanhuikou is in bad luck."

"What a bad luck?"

"...Yes, listen to me, listen to me! Sanyuanhuikou has had a bad luck, and now the mutant beasts around here are like crazy. Many of them are strange fogs that only appear in the wilderness, and some even It’s only distributed in the deepest part of the wilderness, damn it, if I’m not at Sanyuanhuikou now, I really think I’m in the wilderness right now.”

"I mean, I'm going to use all your weapons, you give me permission. You know, the signature, give me, I need to mobilize missiles and tanks," Barnetta yelled.

After a while,
Barnetta looked at the super-large missile in front of him with a livid face.

Next to it was an overwhelmed staff member.

"Where's the plane?"

"What plane?"

"What plane are you talking about, a plane that throws missiles!"

"There is no such thing, the cost of the plane is too high, and this small place can't fit in it on weekdays."

"Then how do you tell us to detonate the missile, do I need to find a lighter to light the letter?"

Barnetta's chest was full of energy and blood, and he secretly wondered how this group of insects got into the company.
The promised company hides a dragon and a crouching tiger?
Fortunately, the tank was still there, and Barnetta breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as the tank is still there, there is still hope.

But only a few.

"It doesn't matter, this is enough, just pay attention to those spiders, and we can push them over."

Barnetta sent men into the tank,
He certainly can't go up,

He is the commander, who needs to control the overall situation, and does not need him to drive himself,

The tank driver excitedly pushed the lever,
The tank starts!

The tank started as hard as it could.

No response.

The tank driver was stunned for a while,
Push the lever again,
The tank starts!

The tank started as hard as it could.

No response.

He was stunned, and asked weakly:

"Where's the oil?"

(End of this chapter)

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