Start with a prosthetic shop

Chapter 151 Equipment First

Chapter 151 Equipment First
The ancients said: "Raise soldiers for a thousand days, and use them for a while."

That's true,

The security forces at Sanyuanhuikou were quite slack, and they almost ignored the large, medium and small cases that happened on weekdays, and finally caused a fire.
That's not counting,

At today's critical moment, the company's weapons of war have not even been refueled.

It can be seen that there is no regular maintenance at all on weekdays.

Sure enough, when it was time to use it, it fell off the chain.

But this cannot be blamed on the employees of Sanyuanhuikou,
Everyone knows how the company treats everyone on weekdays. Now they are dispatched to the firefighting area. It is called expatriation at a good level, and dispatching at a bad level.

In order to reduce costs, the company did not hire professional weapons engineers to repair the tanks, but asked security guards to clean the tanks.

Fortunately, the management of the crossfire company is not strict, and it is not easy to find a loophole in the company's supervision.

It must be possible to do a little less.

But this also led to today's scourge.

"Where's the oil? Where's the oil?" Barnetta felt his mind spinning, and a strong sense of dizziness filled his body.

High blood pressure.

Encountering a powerful opponent is not scary,
The scariest thing is encountering strange teammates.

".Refuel the tank immediately. Where is the fuel for your stronghold?" He immediately ordered,

Fortunately, the tank oil in Sanyuanhuikou was not used up, and the oil was just transferred over. It would undoubtedly take a certain amount of time to add oil to the tank.

Barnetta looked out of the wall,
The army is crushing,

The situation seemed precarious, and some snipers were even hit by lasers because they couldn't dodge, and suffered serious injuries.

Fortunately, a group of cannons were successfully mobilized out of the city, and began to bombard the front in turn. Every shot of the cannonballs would cause an explosion, which could easily shatter the flesh and blood into pieces.

The flames of war raged outside the city, and Lin En and others could only huddle inside the city, unable to escape.
Fortunately, the previous round of rockets ignited a fire on the ground, which was able to slightly block the advance of the beast horde.

Just like the day the farm was attacked.

After evacuating from the site just now,

Those people in the east of the firefighting area still got together,
It's just that the atmosphere is rather dull now.
Most people are worried,

Worried about his unknown fate.

right now,

The high-spirited William before the seminar is long gone. He is now close to autism. He is deaf to the noise of the outside world. He is still studying his magnetic storm coil and trying to troubleshoot.

Why did it drop the chain before?
He has to figure out why.

The expressions of Lynn and others were also not very good.
Now the situation becomes like this,

But Lynn himself is still unwilling to go up the city wall and fight the mutant beast head-on,
this thing,

It's more dangerous after all.

Although everyone is a grasshopper on the same line now, Lin En's marksmanship is even more accurate.

He is also a person,

It doesn't have much impact on the battle situation.

"Oh, why is this a beast tide, why are you so unlucky today?"

Someone complained,

There are also timid ones whose lips are pale with fright,
The hands were shaking all the time.

Some people were wise after the fact, and said: "A few days ago, I noticed that the animal's activities were a bit strange, and I don't know when it started. Maybe this is an omen."

Suddenly there was a commotion from the east side,

Everyone pricked up their ears to listen, and then they understood what was going on.

"Don't let people run away, what's the matter with transferring the equipment first?"

"This is human life. Isn't it worth less than those computers in your company?"

"let me out!"

"At least get my daughter out."

Emotions plummeted to freezing point.

Zhu La whispered to Lynn and the others:
"After a while, if the battle situation is not good for us, we will go to the other side of Sanyuan Junction first."

"I hired people over there. If the gate on the opposite side is captured, we will detonate the explosives placed there, and there will be a convoy on the other side of the wall to pick us up."

Lynn was startled, and Easley also let out a long sigh of relief.

There are always people who do things right.

Lynn thought for a while and said, "It's still too early to see, let's wait for a while."

"Wait and see what happens next."

The company won't let you escape now.
Of course it takes a lot of courage to blow up the wall,

If this method of last resort is to be adopted, it is necessary to ensure that all security forces are attracted by the frontal battlefield.

"...Although our situation still doesn't seem to be favorable, it's okay!" Seeing that the scene was depressed, one person suddenly spoke out, comforting everyone:
"Look, we have built a fire wall in that area, and the animals who dared to cross the fire wall have been burned to death. Although our firepower is not as good as those things, they can't do anything to us in a short time."

"So, we can't lose confidence now, we should believe in the company, believe first,
After all, it is the company that is fighting against the mutated herd for us now.
The ones you hate are the ones who protect you."

Lynn scratched his head,

Leaving aside the ad that he will play later,
Things aren't right today,
There was everything in this animal swarm, and it was much larger than the rat swarms I had experienced before.

And the air seems extra humid today,
The fire never burns too well.


Lynn suddenly looked up at the sky,

The light rain suddenly fell from the sky, weaving into a rain curtain, covering the entire war-torn land.

It's raining!
The moist air was suddenly quiet,

A group of people turned their heads and glared at the person who was trying to comfort everyone just now.

A woman passed by with a child, and the child pointed at the man and said:
"Crow's Mouth, Crow's Mouth"

"What are you talking about!"

The woman quickly grabbed the child and covered his mouth to keep him from talking.

The man touched his head,

How could this be?
It's raining now,
The fire on the battlefield gradually diminished,

It is estimated that in less than half an hour, the fire will be completely extinguished.
"It's not good, it's not good." Uncle Chen looked into the distance and murmured: "The situation seems to be in danger. There are too many monsters. If there are no weapons of mass destruction, I guess our city gate will Sooner or later, these things must be broken!"

"Yes." Lynn nodded in agreement,

In the face of human sea tactics, the lethality of guns and ammunition is relatively low.

Having said that, Lynn was taken aback suddenly,
He remembered something,

So he said:
"Uncle Chen, where did you put the Vulcan Cannon you designed? Can it be used to kill these mutant beasts?"

Uncle Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then slapped his thigh.

"Look at my brain, I designed this thing myself, but now I forget about it!" He hurriedly led Lin En and said, "This cannon, among other things, its firepower is absolutely one-on-one. , even if it is used in such a large-scale battle, it will definitely be effective!"

. . . . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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