Chapter 153 Changes
The terminal vibrated, and a call request popped up.

Lynn answered the phone.

"Hey, Lynn. Where are you now? Long story short. We will evacuate from the Northeast Bazaar immediately. There are a lot of crazy animals around here. They start to attack people passing by irregularly. Some animals are very dangerous. They look like like from the wilderness”

It was Hans who called.

"A wave of mutated beasts broke out on your side?" Lin En asked in shock.

"Yes but why did you say that?"

"...Listen to me, Hans, the current situation is very serious." Lynn took a deep breath, described in detail what he saw and heard in Sanyuanhuikou, and then found out in shock,

There seems to be another beast tide breaking out on Hans' side.

It's just that the scale there seems to be much smaller than that of Sanyuanhuikou.
It only threatened production and work, and not many lives have been caused.

Just as Lynn was on the phone, someone next to him was also on the phone. At this time, he slapped his thigh and said anxiously:
"Ah? Is there a wave of beasts over there too?" After asking a lot, he finally hung up the phone.
Someone asked him what was going on, and he said:

"It's my hometown, our hometown is also surrounded by these mutant beasts!"

Suddenly, another human said: "What, your hometown has also suffered, and the street of our house has also suffered. This afternoon, many animals began to pour in one after another. The first batch of people who noticed the problem have already evacuated. The rest People don't know what to do."

"The man is gone. What about those houses and land?"

"Oh, can you let me go home first, my money is still at home!"

"If there is a disaster, wouldn't I have nothing?"

Zhu La answered a long phone call, and then said worriedly: "Now it's not just us, the entire firefighting area has been invaded by these wilderness animals. As for the reason for the invasion, it is still unclear."

Easley said: "Actually, the changes of these animals have already been foreshadowed."

Lin En was silent, and said slowly: "But I still never thought that he would come so suddenly."

In Lynn's vision, he would not consider whether to move to Anning City until he had earned enough money to buy a house in Anning City.

The reason for this plan is thanks to the breeding expert Romit,

He told Lynn some secrets about Anning City,
For example, this place is not as beautiful as you think.

But the vast majority of people in the firefight don't understand at all,

In their eyes,
As long as you try your best to sneak into Anning City,

it's all done,
A lifelong wish has been fulfilled,
But in fact, the "An Ning City" they want to smuggle to is based on their own imagination and distorted by their own subjective consciousness. It is the only illusory goal for them to survive.

It was a paradise.

Such a city does not exist in reality.

"The plan can't keep up with the changes. It looks like this. I'm afraid I have to start contacting the snakehead now." Lynn thought secretly,
He doesn't have enough money now.
But in any case, let's talk about the city first.

"These mutant beasts all came from the wilderness, and now the barriers set up at the junction of the wilderness have all collapsed." Zhu La said,

At the junction of the wilderness and the firefighting area, there used to be many fortifications,
This is a project built to prevent the wild beasts from fleeing.

All destroyed now.

"That is to say, the closer to the wilderness, the larger the scale of these mutated beast hordes, and the closer to the city of Anning, the smaller the scale of these mutated beast hordes." Lynn nodded, and took out a map from the box next to him.

Spread it out for everyone to see.

The location of Sanyuanhuikou is very ideal.
But now suddenly,
It doesn't seem so ideal anymore.

Although it is located in the east of the firefight, it is not far from the wilderness, so it is almost the first to be attacked by a large-scale beast horde.
Of course, the Northeast Bazaar and the breeding farm are not in good locations.

Once Sanyuanhuikou is breached, the farm will become a bridgehead,
Then there are those few streets in the old street,
Then there is the bazaar.

The compression of the layout is almost all-round,

Moving to the southeast bazaar and the northwest bazaar are both solutions to the symptoms rather than the root cause. Although they are far away from the northeast bazaar, they are not far from the wilderness.

In more figurative words, that is,

The safest place is the city of Anning.

Lin En also made up his mind, once this matter is over, he will move into Anning City in time,
As for the money thing,

Let's go
Wait until you go and think of a way.

I happen to have a few coins in my hand, so I shouldn't end up living on the street and starving to death.

. . . . . . . . .

At night, Barnetta was pacing in the temporary headquarters,

on the phone.

After a while, he finally put it down in relief,
A mess in my mind.

In short,
The company will not send anyone here.
Because now the entire company is in danger,

The riot of mutant beasts impacted all the strongholds of Grundfos Company in the firefighting area. In just half a day, several strongholds have been breached by the beast tide, and the communication in them has also failed. It is impossible to confirm what is going on now. .


The Sanyuanhuikou side is already relatively tenacious defensively.

Doris walked over quickly, handed in a document, and said: "Although the company has delivered some supplies by drone this afternoon, according to our preliminary judgment, the supplies in the city can last for a month. We must solve the problem of mutated beasts besieging the city within this month, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

"Oh, let's talk about it."

Barnetta sighed.

It often only takes a moment to put a person in danger.

No matter how advanced the equipment he is equipped with is no exception.

. . . . . .

The battle is tight,

The canteen in Sanyuanhuikou has also undergone some changes.
The original method of buying food with money is no longer feasible, and now all ingredients are distributed uniformly.

this morning,

Lin En, Uncle Chen and others lined up outside the cafeteria,
There are security guards in front holding ladles, scooping up bowls of gruel for people one by one.
The porridge was really watery. At first glance, it was full of water, not even a little rice juice.

The enemy is currently, and the supplies cannot be delivered. This situation is almost an inevitable result.
All the money has become waste paper.

Someone finally couldn't help it, and started to shout under the emotional collapse: "100 yuan is exchanged for a catty of energy bars, is there any exchange!"

But the people next to him just looked at it and quickly lost interest.
They are all queuing up to get porridge, how can there be free energy bars to sell to you?
The scene in front of me was being played out repeatedly in Sanyuanhuikou.

(End of this chapter)

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