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Chapter 154 Eating Grass

Chapter 154 Eating Grass
"This time we came a bit late, the queue was so long, and after waiting for more than an hour, it almost disappeared."

"If this bucket is not lined up, I don't know how long it will take to wait for the next bucket"

"Next time I'll call you earlier. Let's leave early in the morning. There will be more Tommy in the morning, so we can barely eat enough."

Easley sent a message to Lynn.

Today's food is not to everyone's liking,
To be precise,
not full.

Lin En said hello, tomorrow I will go grab the porridge with you tomorrow.

That night, Lynn woke up hungry in the middle of the night,
nothing to eat,
Although it was Zhu La who helped him a little bit, but he was too embarrassed to keep asking,

Finally, I was still too hungry to sleep.
Lynn got up,
In the temporary dormitory, I rummaged through boxes and chests to find something to eat,


jump rope,



None of these can be eaten.

The human stomach cannot handle the heavy duty of digesting these things at the same time.

Lynn was silent. After a fierce ideological struggle, he finally decided to make a very abnormal move.

He found a jar of a strange khaki solution,
drank it down,


Lynn felt different,

Although now because of hunger,

There's still no strength in my body,

But a different kind of strong feeling arises spontaneously,

5 minutes later,
Lynn quietly came to the courtyard downstairs,

Start eating grass.

The primer for the genetic medicine he just took is the genetic medicine of cattle,
After his directional selection, the herbivorous function of cattle was specially preserved. The moment he took the genetic potion, Lynn's digestive system underwent some changes, and he had the ability to digest plants.

He can eat grass at will, and convert the grass into energy efficiently,
Completely solved the problem of nothing to eat.

In order to prevent other hungry people from snatching food from him, Lynn found a basket,
Carrying these inedible grass,
Then he climbed up the tree and took away the leaves that were not rich at all on the few scattered trees.
the next morning,
Someone got up hungry and went to line up to get porridge early in the morning.
But I saw that the ground was bare, and the sparse lawn had disappeared.

And the trees are bare too,

Although it is autumn now,
But it was early autumn,

This leaf should have been left as a decoration,
Now there's nothing left,
It's like recruiting locusts.

There was a vibrating sound from Lynn's terminal,

He awoke suddenly from sleep,

Looking sideways,
Before dawn.

"Hey, how are you, are you up?" Easley called Lynn.


Lin En finally got up from the bed, and subconsciously looked at his watch, only to see that it was only four o'clock in the morning.
"I'm sorry, I won't eat today."

Lynn said casually,
By the way, he grabbed a handful of grass and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Ah? Don't eat?" Easley said in surprise: "What if you don't eat? Isn't that going to starve to death?"

"Hungry for a day, can you bear it?"

Lin En said speechlessly: "What starve to death, I won't starve to death"

At this point, Lin En paused, thought for a while and said, "Forget it, I'll go, I'll go."

He didn't bother to explain why he could eat grass. He didn't bring any extra genetic medicine with him. What he drank was just a primer, and he couldn't spread this grass-eating ability to others. be envious,

In this case, it is better not to say.

Just order some porridge casually to deal with other people's eyes and ears,

So he got up anyway, and finally went to the cafeteria to get porridge,
On the way, Easley and Jura didn't think too much about it.

I thought Lynn was just sleeping and getting emotional,

The matter was quickly forgotten.

This queue is much faster.
Immediately, Lynn called a bottle of thin porridge,
But he has eaten today,
He hiccups from his mouth all the time,
And exudes a fragrance of green grass,

Zhu La looked at Lin En curiously, and asked with some doubts: "What's the matter with you today, why are you hiccupping all the time?"

"Ah, it may be indigestion." Lin En laughed, and added after a while: "I mean, if you haven't digested for a long time, it is also considered indigestion, and it may also cause some gastrointestinal problems. "

Easley felt the same way, saying: "If you don't eat often, if your stomach gets cold, you might just hiccup."

Several people took turns to finish the porridge, and Easley soon started to gobble it up. He finished a bottle of gruel, but still felt that it was not enough, and filled his mouth with the eggs he had just received.

Lynn looked at his cup full of porridge, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"Eat, why don't you eat?"

"This, me." Lynn swallowed,

he is full

But it was obviously impossible for him to say that, just as Lynn was hesitating,
Uncle Chen, Zhu La and others also looked over curiously,
In a flash,

Lynn keenly felt that there were many strange eyes watching him from behind.

Lynn felt a hunger in that look.

So, he stopped hesitating, held his breath, and took a big gulp of the bottle of porridge he had bought with great difficulty.

Contrary to many people's expectations, cattle can actually eat porridge, and some places even agree that only by cooking porridge for cattle can cattle have the physical strength to plow the fields and grow strong.

But cows are not suitable for eating eggs.

It’s barely enough to eat raw eggs, mash the raw eggs and pour them into the forage, maybe a little less protein can also provide a little bit of protein.

Although this may sound a bit strange,
But hard-boiled eggs are a little too much.

I've never heard of a cow eating an egg.


Lin En, who has now turned into a half-cow, doesn't really want to eat this thing,

There is simply a physical disgust,

I do not want to eat.

So, he first pretended to put the egg into the end, but in fact he covered it with his sleeve behind his back, and the egg fell into his sleeve instead.

Where did they come from and where did they go back.

Without enough to eat, the people in Easley also lost the strength to speak, only Uncle Chen said: "If you have nothing to eat, I can give you some. These are all sent to me by the upper management of the company. Don't spread the word everywhere. .”

Lynn was taken aback for a moment, then he figured it out,
Uncle Chen is the maker of the Vulcan Cannon,
In the past few days, we must step up to help the cannon manufacture ammunition,
That's why Grundfos will pay special attention to him and ensure his daily life,
It is commendable that the other party can think about their own group at this time.


Lynn went out for a walk,

I have nothing to do when I'm full, just take a stroll,

Along the side of the road, I saw a group of yellow and thin people, walking in a sloppy footsteps, it seems that they are hungry, I don’t know how many meals,

Lynn held her head high,

unexpectedly breathy,

This is the confidence that the genetic medicine brought him.

There are obviously more beggars along the Sanyuanhuikou,
That might not be accurate,
Because there were no beggars here.

Lynn watched the scene,
Can't help but feel a little anxious,
I don't know how many days the remaining food will last.
People are really hungry,

Anything is possible.

Zhu La has already agreed that if the situation is considered in the worst direction, that is, the Sanyuanhuikou is unable to withstand the beast tide in the wilderness, then they can only detonate the city wall with a C4 bomb and drive away.

Although this sounds dangerous, it is definitely better than sitting still.

On this day, Lin En returned to the temporary dormitory as usual after eating porridge.
Suddenly I saw a group of people gathered in a circle, talking loudly,

Lynn felt a little strange,
Take a closer look,
and found a man lying on the ground,

Lynn easily squeezed through the crowd with sufficient physical strength, and when he got closer, he saw that the people on the ground were somewhat familiar.
(End of this chapter)

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