Start with a prosthetic shop

Chapter 155 Coil Manufacturing Process

Chapter 155 Coil Manufacturing Process

"Who is this? Why did you fall at the door?"

"Hey, Rang Rang, Rang Rang, block my way."

The surrounding people chattered and whispered from time to time,

At the same time, many hungry skinny people hurriedly set off from their homes and went to the cafeteria to line up for meals.

Lynn subconsciously looked at the sun in the sky,

It's like two or three o'clock in the afternoon.

There are already people queuing up for dinner,

"If you leave late, you won't be able to grab food!"

Someone yelled, and the originally crowded crowd receded like a tide, packed up their things one after another, and left the scene like a puff of smoke, rushing to the cafeteria early to form a long queue.

"Wait for me, wait for me"

A little boy accidentally fell on the ground and ran away in a hurry.
For fear of missing dinner at night.

A gust of cold wind rolled up the dust, carrying a dead leaf and swinging in the air.

The crowded scene just now was gone. Lin En took a few steps forward and stared carefully at the person lying on the ground, but he felt more and more familiar with the person lying on the ground.

After a while, he finally remembered,

The man who fell on the ground was none other than
Exactly the same William who was so hoped for at the mechanic's workshop!

It's just that he is already in a state of desperation now. If Lin En's abstract association ability is not very good, no matter how close he is to the other party, he will definitely not be able to recognize this person.

I can't see it anymore.

His clothes became tattered, his whole body was covered with dirt, and his complexion became yellow and emaciated again.
The key point is that he is still a lone ranger, going anywhere alone,

No one set it off,
No one could associate the unkempt beggar in front of him with the mechanical genius in the eastern part of the firefight.

Lynn was shocked, and he couldn't imagine,
just for such a short time,

This is how a rising star in the field of mechanics can be reduced to such an extent.

Lynn glanced back and hesitated for a moment. After a fierce ideological struggle,

Just stepped forward and kicked him.


"Wake up."

William trembled, opened his mouth slowly, and spit out a dry word:

Lin En was taken aback, and said, "Me."


Lin En waved his hand and said: "But do good deeds, don't ask about the future. As for who I am, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that you should be out of danger first, and it will not be too late to get to know me after that."

After a while,
"Oh, it turns out that what you want is water, you should have said it earlier." Lin En sighed, "If you asked for water earlier, I would have given you water, why did you have to wait so long, really, you should have said it earlier , you said water"

William drank a big sip of water, supported the handle next to him, and barely stood up.
Then his legs gave way and he fell to the ground again.

"Is there anything to eat?"


Lynn was taken aback,
Then I remembered that I really had something to eat,
After Lynn took the cow primer, something happened to his digestive system,
This also made him unable to eat the egg in the morning at all.
Originally, I planned to find an excuse for Uncle Chen and the others,

Didn't expect it to work here,

Lynn subconsciously wanted to take out the eggs, but suddenly looked around vigilantly,

After making sure no one is around,
Only then handed the egg in the pocket to the other party,

take it out,
Lynn found that the egg had been squashed,
"This is an egg pancake." Lynn gestured.


Under Lynn's astonished eyes, William gnawed directly, and ate the sticky egg shell and the meat inside.

he is so hungry

I no longer have the leisure to peel off the eggshells one by one,

can only say,
Anything is good for a hungry person.

It had been several minutes since William woke up.
During this time, Lynn transferred him to a small pavilion,

After some inquiries from Lynn, it was learned that the other party was separated from the mechanic group when the disaster was approaching.
After starving for many days, I finally passed out on the side of the road due to hypoglycemia.

"Really. Thank you." William took a big gulp of water, the words in his mouth were slurred, as if he had finally regained some energy.

"Cough! Cough cough cough" Suddenly, he choked and began to cough continuously.

"Eat Slowly, Eat Slowly"

Lynn quickly said,
William nodded quickly. After a grunt, he finally regained his sanity. Looking at Lynn's face, he suddenly let out a "huh",
Then fell into a state of stagnation,
He felt as if he had seen this person somewhere before,

"You are the one, the one who researched the automatic lock unlocking machine."

"Oh, that's indeed me." Lynn said.

"But that has nothing to do with what happened today. At that time, your research malfunctioned, so I stepped up temporarily."

William let out a long sigh of relief, then nodded and said:

"It's really thanks to you this time, you see, I'm in a hurry to go out, empty-handed, and I have nothing to give you"

"Oh, that, that's okay."

"Just to mention that, I'm not the kind of person who is greedy for money. I saw you fainted on the side of the road today, and I gave you a helping hand. It's just a casual thing. It's not a big deal."

"Then what a shame, you saved me after all, if you do this, I'm sorry"

"Then just tell me the working principle of your magnetic storm designer."

Lynn said suddenly.

"Uh." William was taken aback,
I wanted to be humble,

I didn't expect Lin En to really borrow the slope to go down the donkey.
It always feels like it's been planned for a long time
After some trimming and washing, William's appearance was finally a little neater,
Now he looks like a human being.

On this day, William was teaching the principles of Lynn's magnetic storm generator.

The magnetic storm coil is a device used to generate a strong magnetic field, which is manufactured based on the law of electromagnetic induction.

The wire is usually wound into a dense helix in order to generate the strongest possible magnetic field in a confined space.

After a lot of talking, Lynn seemed to understand,
He tried to make a miniature electromagnetic coil by himself,

Everything is going on in an orderly manner,

Suddenly there was a buzzing sound,
The coil blew up.

Lynn's hair turned into waves,
"Huh" a black air slowly spit out from Lin En's mouth,
At first glance, the poison of the corpse had entered the body, and it was already incurable.

William was also silent, and said slowly:
"Dude, your smoke is strong enough."

Lin En tidied up his appearance before slowly saying, "What happened?"

"Let me see." William put on his gloves, took over the burnt parts and took a look.

"Your coils are too densely wound, the space is poorly utilized, and here and here are not neatly straightened out, and eventually there is interference between the current and the current."

Having said that, William suddenly tossed his hair, and said with a chuckle:
"Like when I was just learning how to make magnetic storm coils, I wouldn't make such low-level mistakes!"

(End of this chapter)

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