Start with a prosthetic shop

Chapter 156 Electromagnetic Gun

Chapter 156 Electromagnetic Gun

"Like when I was just learning how to make magnetic storm coils, I wouldn't make such low-level mistakes!"

Lynn scratched his head speechlessly,
This is actually quite normal.

The function of the proficiency panel is that the level of specialization of a certain skill can be continuously increased. In the process of mastering the skill, there is no knowledge bottleneck at all. No matter how much effort you put in, you will get as much reward.

But for the very beginning of a craft,
Lynn's learning speed is relatively slow.

In this world, there are always people who are gifted in certain aspects, and they can master a certain field with a little effort.They may have outstanding talents, or they may be the result of tireless cultivation the day after tomorrow.

Compared with these people,

Lynn's mastery of knowledge will be slower at the beginning.

Of course, manpower always has a limit. In this era, even the smartest people in the world can't play chess with top artificial intelligence.As the level of proficiency in a certain skill gradually increases, the talent that these geniuses rely on to become famous will become thinner and thinner, and eventually they will be stuck at a certain level, unable to make any progress.
This is the bottleneck encountered.

Lynn doesn't have that problem.

The learning ability of all people in this world is a gradually weakening arc,

Only he is a one-time function,
This made him different.

On the other hand, William at this time was a little complacent: "Your line, if you modify it according to what I said, it may be better." So, he gave Lynn a few more pointers,

10 minutes later,

Lynn tried to make a prototype of the second magnetic storm coil,
and pressed the power switch,

The magnetic storm coil surrounds the blue-purple electric light in the safety cover,
Lynn couldn't help being a little dumbfounded,

This is the power of electricity!

"Hey, it actually turned on the electricity?"

On the contrary, William felt a little strange. When he was studying, although he made a molded product on the first day,

But he always believed that this should be a difficult achievement,

Now how can you just pull someone out and do it?

In his spare time, Lynn saw that William was still busy repairing his coil,

Then he asked with some doubts: "Speaking of this, when you were in the seminar, why did the machine break down?"

"This... I actually never had this problem in the previous test."

William said, "But after my overhaul in the past few days, it should be that there is an unstable part inside. If the stability is strengthened, it may not be like this."

Lynn was silent for a moment, then said slowly:
"How lethal is this magnetic storm coil?"

"Very strong."

"How strong?"

"Anyway, it's very strong."

Lynn said: "Then tell me, if we combine this research into weapons, will it solve the current dilemma of mutant beasts besieging the city in one fell swoop?"

William was silent, and said slowly:

"Hard to say."

"But at the very least, it should be able to alleviate the urgent need. To be honest, I originally wanted to apply it to the military industry, but suddenly something went wrong, and the original plan could only be temporarily shelved."

Lynn nodded,

If this technology can be applied to troops, it can indeed greatly increase the combat capability of individual soldiers.

Before you know it, half a day has passed.
William looked at the window belatedly, only to realize that it was getting late, and immediately exclaimed: "It's broken, I won't be able to grab dinner tonight, that, Lynn, let's go to the cafeteria..."

Lin En thought to himself, no wonder you got into such a mess, it turned out that you didn't have a clue about your physical condition.

In Lin En's previous life, there was no shortage of such people. Once he started working, he forgot the time, as if he had entered a state of shielding his five senses.It is undeniable that such a person is very focused and usually greatly increases productivity.

But at this moment, this kind of behavior is not so good.

Lynn didn't eat in the cafeteria simply because he was full, but it was different if William didn't go.

He forgot.

"It's already seven fifty in the evening." Lynn looked down at his watch and said, "We're going now, we may have to wait until midnight to get the porridge. To be precise, there should be only porridge left in it, what? There's no more food."

"That doesn't matter."

So, the two went out.

Lynn was holding a bag of snacks and walking side by side with William, taking something out of the paper bag and putting it into his mouth from time to time.

Of course, this scene also attracted William's attention, and he turned to look at Lynn:
"what are you eating?"

Lin En twisted his fingers, revealing a wisp of green grass buds, and said in a straight voice:

"Grass?" William was stunned, and asked suspiciously, "It's not like eating grass, isn't there some porridge? How can people eat grass..."

"You don't understand." Lynn said, "Most people in this world can't eat grass, but I can."


"There are always some people with special abilities." Lynn said, "You have to admit the differences of human beings."

Upon hearing this,
William refused to accept it.

He said: "Give me some grass, I want to eat too."

"You want to eat too?"

Lynn was taken aback.

But without thinking too much, he grabbed a handful of grass from the basket behind his back.

William took the grass and stuffed it into his mouth, pretending to be chewing nonchalantly,

"Well, if you don't like to eat, don't force yourself."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lynn saw William turn around and spit it out with a wow.

".Let's go to the cafeteria to eat."

The two arrived at the cafeteria, and it was already daytime by the time the meal was served.

This is for breakfast.

It's just that today's situation is different from the previous few days.

A few days ago, although everyone was starving, they could barely control themselves.

Today is different,

Immediately, it was almost time to line up for Lynn, and suddenly there was a commotion in front, a man in a tattered robe walked quickly through the crowd, holding many eggs in his arms,
"Catch the thief, catch the thief!"

"He stole my eggs!"

After a while, there was a fight on the other side,
The two wrestled with each other, fighting hard,
Lin En didn't know, so when he asked, he found out that someone was too hungry and wanted to grab other people's things by force.
Under the tense situation, the fragile order is on the verge of collapse.

"We must quickly deal with the mutant beasts outside." Lynn couldn't help feeling a little anxious,
Finished eating as usual,
Lynn went back to study the coil manufacturing process he had just learned,
this time,

He successfully combined the electromagnetic coil into the firearm,
Designed an electromagnetic gun!

The so-called electromagnetic gun refers to a weapon that uses a magnetic storm coil instead of a laser transmitter, and what it emits is also a UHV arc, not a laser in the traditional sense!
(End of this chapter)

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