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Chapter 157 Electromagnetic Warfare

Chapter 157 Electromagnetic Warfare
Lynn mastered the knowledge of electromagnetism in one afternoon,
And combined it with a gun intact, successfully assembled an electromagnetic gun,

The so-called electromagnetic gun, also known as a high-voltage radio gun, can emit ultra-high voltage arcs, but its appearance does not look like a gun.

But a very thick metal cuboid,

Everything related to electricity must be extra careful,

In the event of an electrical leakage during combat, the consequences would be no small matter.

"Next, let's test the power."

Lynn took a deep breath,

I tightened my insulating suit,
But it still doesn't feel safe.

"If you want to use this kind of magnetic storm weapon, you'd better put more protection on your body."

Lynn removed all possible conductors in the insulating suit, and after making sure everything was safe, he decided to find a deserted area to test.

Of course it is impossible for him to test the power in a narrow room.

Late at night,
The original noisy cicadas are also fading in the autumn wind,

There is silence in the mouth of Sanyuanhui,
There was no sound anywhere.


Lin En, who was wearing a bulky insulating suit, slowly opened the iron door and stood on the roof of the building.

"Let's test the feel and accuracy first."

So Lynn set up the target, and as soon as the arc hit it,
There was only an explosion, and the target exploded into slag!


A large pile of unknown debris fell in front of Lynn,
He swallowed slowly,
Very powerful, and good accuracy.

"But this kind of test is always a little unsafe." An idea suddenly appeared in Lynn's mind,
A magnetic storm weapon is different from something like a flamethrower,

The type of target can have a big impact on the power of this weapon.

To put it simply, the damage of insulators and conductors is different. If most parts of the enemy's body can conduct electricity, it may cause a series of electric phenomena.Although only one person was targeted, it was a whole row of people who were hurt in the end.

So Lynn found a few more large machine parts and moved them to the rooftop with great difficulty.
As soon as a magnetic storm hit, a miraculous scene happened,

When the strong current hit the first metal part, the surface of the metal part did not change much, but it was obviously blackened, and in an instant, the intense current on the first metal part Another circulation, transmitted to the second metal part.

Soon, it was transmitted to the third metal part, and then the fourth metal part
This series of processes may seem complicated, but they all happen in an instant.

Lin En looked at the electric snake that suddenly passed in a large circle on the rooftop, and couldn't help feeling a little chill on his back.

The lethality is quite large.

But soon, hope suddenly rose from the bottom of his heart,

It just so happened that among the mutant beasts besieging the city, there was a kind of all-metal spider,

This spider is equipped with a remote attack module, which seems to be a man-made product.

The threat to the city wall is very great,

In the past few days, having withstood the frequent attacks of these things, the city wall is now incomplete.
Fortunately, many people go to repair it every day.

That's why it doesn't collapse.

But the body of this spider happens to be an excellent conductor.

If this technology can be applied to the military industry, as long as a current is applied to hit the remote spider that shoots coldly, it may be able to trigger a series of electric effects in the mutated herd, causing quite terrifying damage!

So Lynn shared his thoughts with William the next day,
William said:

"Your idea coincides with me two months ago. To be honest, I also wanted to maximize the use of the series effect. Only in this way can the power of the magnetic storm coil be fully exerted."

"But here's the thing, do you know why I'm still making coils?"

Lynn was taken aback,
Then I thought, it seems that it is not so difficult to make a magnetic storm coil,

But when William showed it at the seminar, there was a glitch.

This is very unreasonable.

Anyway, Lynn didn't believe that he could catch up with William in the field of electromagnetism after only studying for about a week.
Wouldn't that be disrespectful?

"What's the difference between your electromagnetic coil and mine?"

Lynn asked abruptly.

"...Can you really see it?" William turned his head in surprise,

"I can see a little bit."

Lynn said casually,
He actually guessed.

"My coil is not an ordinary type. After my actual inspection, the arc range emitted by ordinary type coils is limited. Once a certain critical distance is exceeded, the current will fall in a parabola, and the intensity of the internal current will also quickly weaken. Greatly affected the power."

"Oh!" Lynn understood,
"In other words, you are now trying to improve the performance of this coil so that it can be compared with other energy bullets on the battlefield, so as to ensure the superiority of war weapons."

"Not bad." William nodded and began to introduce his idea.

In short, if this kind of arc is to be fully effective, the range and current intensity are undoubtedly the two points that most need to be guaranteed.

Range, as the name suggests,

The farther you shoot, the greater your advantage in war,

If the range of the electromagnetic gun is too close, it will be pierced by other people's bullets before it is close to the body.
if that's the case,

The effect is greatly reduced.

In addition, the stronger the current, the greater the distance that can be connected in series. If the current is too weak, even a redundant unit cannot be connected in series. If the current is too strong, the whole row can be connected in series.


William wanted to rearrange the spatial arrangement of the arc generator and condense the effects of several electromagnetic coils together.
As long as a few more turns are made, the compressed UHV current will be emitted from the coil.
On the basis of extending the range, it also increases the power,

Had been tested by him,
It has been manufactured by itself.

But by coincidence,

Just when this design was about to be tested, that is, at that seminar, he had a malfunction, and William suddenly discovered that several parts in the coil were not set stably.

In the end, it fell short.

That failure dealt a great blow to William. After that day, he studied the UHV coil every day,
Wanting to figure out what mistakes I made before,
It just didn't work out.

Lin En rubbed his head and understood, but he was still a little puzzled and said, "Then isn't this similar to the prototype I made for the first time? It's all because there are too many winding turns."


"Why is it different?"

"totally different."

William said: "You are messy, you can't even walk, and you jumped up by luck, but in fact, you should first learn how to make a normal coil, and then gradually compress the space and compress the current. energy."


Combining the power of several coils is a difficult problem that Lynn has no clue at this stage.
He studied for a while, and when he still had no idea, he had no choice but to put this question aside.

fell asleep.

But to his surprise, tonight will be another sleepless night
(End of this chapter)

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