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Chapter 159 Flying Thunder Cannon

Chapter 159 Flying Thunder Cannon

"Go, go quickly!" Zhu La said to Lynn,
"If you don't leave now, it's too late!"

cried Jura,
He didn't see Barnetta next to him,

Even if you see it, you won't recognize it.

But Lin En's cold sweat flowed down with a swipe.

Why did such a thing happen at this time?
"Oh?" Barnetta was stunned, a little confused about the situation, turned his head to look at the off-road vehicle, and saw that the mechanic who designed the Vulcan cannon was also there, so he nodded slightly,

But he still asked in doubt: "Are you all busy now, where are you going?"

While speaking, a group of heavily armed security guards gathered, and several of them noticed Barnetta's position, and even moved over to him.

The people on the off-road vehicle realized that something was wrong, looked at each other in blank dismay, and stopped talking.

Lin En was quick to gain wisdom, and said calmly: "Leave the city."

"Out of the city, how to get out of the city?"

"Get out of the gate."

Lynn pointed to the city gate,

I saw there were motorcycles queuing up to leave the city.

Barnetta was silent, and the people on the street were also silent. Their eyes seemed to have an inexplicable emotion.

Barnetta said slowly, "Do you know what those motorcycles are for?"

"Of course I know."

Lin En said, suddenly bursting with a sense of righteousness, and said lightly: "Now there are powerful enemies around outside, and the supplies in our city are also stretched. It can be said that we have reached the verge of collapse.
At this time, it is inevitable that people will panic.Facing this kind of predicament, some people only know to shrink back and escape blindly, and they do not hesitate to make some moves to betray their own kind.There are also people who have exposed their hidden nature and have a carnival in the last time.

But there will always be some people who stand up. "

"At this moment, I also want to be those who stand up."

All sounds are silent.

Easley in the car was already dumbfounded,
What about escaping through the back door?
How long did it take,
Become sent to die through the front door?
The passers-by on the street burst into tears. I don't know who applauded first in the crowd, and then everyone applauded fiercely. In an instant, Lin En became the hero of Sanyuanhuikou.

Barnetta was also very moved,

He was intimidated by Lynn's momentum,
Suddenly there is something indescribable in my heart,
But he still said solemnly: "You said that they are people who stand up and make selfless contributions. This is true. They just want to divert the troops approaching outside for the safety of the entire city."

"But do you know how much training they have done in the military?"

"And just like that, I'm already prepared that they will never return. The danger outside is far beyond your imagination."

"If you are an ordinary person, the probability of surviving outside is almost one in ten thousand!"

"Since this is the case, are you still ready to go out? I want to warn you in advance, if you go out, our manpower will be too busy to take care of you, and we won't have time to take care of you."

"I am very touched by your dedication, but you have not received professional training. Even if you are kind, it will not have much effect on the battle situation."

"Forget it." Lynn said suddenly.

"Then don't go."

As soon as this word comes out,
The applause suddenly disappeared.
As if it never happened.

Everyone looked at each other again, not understanding the situation.

Barnetta was also taken aback,
He originally thought that Lynn was so righteous,
The attitude should be very firm,

I may try my best to block it, but I still can't change Lynn's mind.

I didn't expect this person's plan to change so quickly.
Almost flashed his old waist.

What Barnetta was about to say got stuck in his throat, and he murmured: "It's okay if you don't go, it's okay if you don't go"

"Oh, then don't go." Easley quickly realized what happened, and added: "Let's just take a look at the city wall, and leave respect to the pioneers in the distance."

"I think so too." Barnetta nodded and said, "If you go, it may cause chaos for nothing. It's better to wait in the city."

Several people were dragged to the top of the city wall,
Lynn swallowed,
Looking down from this angle, you can already clearly see the silhouettes of those mutant beasts on the horizon,

A huge piece of black.

Meanwhile, those on motorcycles scattered around, trying to lure the mutated herd from the flanks.

"The biggest problem with the weapons we can use now is that the range is not enough." Barnetta said suddenly,
Lin En felt a little surprised, and asked: "In terms of range, we have sniper rifles and machine guns. The effective range of sniper rifles is more than 1000 meters. How could there be a problem with the range?"

"What I said just now is not accurate. To be precise, it should be." Barnetta paused: "At this stage, the long-range weapons we can use are too weak, while the powerful weapons have a short range."

Lynn nodded suddenly,

"That's why the Vulcan cannon plays such a big role. The reason is that he has taken into account the range while ensuring the power."

"Am i right?"

"Yes, that's what it means."

"But we only have one such gun now, and it seems a bit unsightly in such a large-scale battle. That mechanic Chen can't build a few more guns in a short time, and its ammunition production capacity is also limited."

"Then have you heard of the Thunder Cannon?" Lynn asked.

"Flying Thunder Cannon?"

Barnetta was confused,
He obviously hadn't heard of it.

"Although I don't know how to make that kind of Vulcan cannon, I can make a simple copy for you." Lynn said, "With this device, you can throw out powerful explosives and strike targets from a long distance, with outstanding effects .”

"What, is what you said true?" Barnetta became a little excited, "When will your simple copy be ready? Can it be made within a week?"

"Within a week?"

Lynn was taken aback.

"I can do it now!"

After speaking, Lynn arranged for someone to find an empty gasoline can, and then started his operation.

A very ordinary gasoline barrel was used as the launching tube of the thunder cannon, and then filled with gunpowder below, inserted into the fuse, and then separated by wooden boards. He asked Barnetta for an explosive package.

"It's better to be lighter and not too heavy. This is still in the experimental stage. It will be bad if it is too heavy and cannot be thrown out."

After receiving the explosive package, Lin En filled it into the gun barrel, and only heard a loud bang after ignition, and the explosive package flew out of the gun muzzle, and flew a distance of 200 meters before landing, triggering an explosion. Violent explosion!

"Oh!" Barnetta suddenly understood, hammered his head and said,

"You, this is an ancient mortar, I have seen it in a book!"

(End of this chapter)

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