Chapter 160 Fame
"You, this is an ancient mortar, I have seen it in a book!"

Lin En thought for a while and said: "To a certain extent, you can also understand it this way. It also has a short body, a large firing angle, and a high ballistic arc. It can be regarded as the prototype of a mortar. The guarantee is that the stability will be much worse.”

The Thunder Cannon designed by Lynn was not actually his masterpiece.
It was the wisdom of his predecessors that he borrowed from.

In war, the side that cannot keep up with its weapons and equipment usually makes replica weapons from various cheap materials available nearby, and it is undeniable that they usually achieve excellent results.

"Okay, okay, okay." Barnetta looked very excited, holding Lynn's hand tightly,

"With this one of your designs, we can easily resist the next enemy attack!"

"We have plenty of explosives in our city, but we lack this mortar that can hit long-range targets. Now, we don't have to be afraid!"

After finishing speaking, he switched on the walkie-talkie and began to issue orders to get all the motorcycle troops who had just rushed out of the city back.

During this time, one flying mine cannon after another was assembled,
Motorcycles arrived late, with doubts on their faces,

They were going to fight to the death,

Just about to go all out,
But suddenly received an urgent order, saying to come back quickly,

The original plan was cancelled.

When everyone just came back, they were a little confused, and they only found out what happened after asking around.

A batch of cannon came.

"What cannon, who made it?" Doris subconsciously asked.

"Report sir, I don't know." A security guard said, "It seems that the commander randomly pulled a mechanic on the street, and then he gave a design plan for a cannon, and then made a few."

"What? A random mechanic on the street?" Doris was startled, "Can the mechanic on the street be reliable? What you mean is that the commander got a cannon design plan, so call us all back?"

"No, not only the design pattern of the cannon, but also the formed cannon."

"What blueprint, why don't I know?" Doris asked in amazement.

"Just the design drawing, the design drawing that was just made today."

"You mean, he made a design drawing of the cannon in one morning, and then gave out a batch of prototypes?"

Someone next to him said: "It sounds very unreliable. If he is really talented, why should he be reduced to the street. The key point is that his cannon is not effective. If it delays the fighter, then the problem will be serious."

"That's how it is." The security guard swallowed, and said in a somewhat tangled voice: "That's all I've heard, and I don't know any other details."

"...I told him myself."

Doris hurried up her pace, and quickly led a group of people to find Barnetta, who was talking and laughing with Lynn.

"...With this weapon, we can release those mutant beasts a little bit, and then strike in a large area, which can greatly reduce their vitality..." Barnetta said hehe.

Lin En also echoed: "Yes, if we can severely damage these beasts this time, their regrouping speed will be slowed down, and our city will be able to settle down in a while."

beep, beep...

There was a sound of hurried footsteps,

The two coincidentally turned their heads to look over.

"Oh, you guys came back so fast?" Barnetta said with a smile.

"Yeah, didn't you ask us to come back?" Doris said, but her tone seemed a little weird.

"Yes, it's me."

Barnetta couldn't hear the emotions contained in the other party's words, and still smiled and said: "We are saved!"

"Just now, we got a batch of brand new cannons, which are very powerful. After our inspection, he can easily blow up those mutant beasts to pieces."

"Captain, where are those cannons now?" Someone asked suspiciously.

Barnetta led the crowd to a row of cannons,
This is what Lynn just made.

"Is this a cannon?" Doris was startled, "What is this? It's just a gasoline barrel, and you can't even see the shape of a cannon." In an instant, Lin En felt many hostile eyes,

This is to treat him as a charlatan.

In Lynn's impression, everything in Anning City exudes a sense of refinement and fragility, and it is normal for them to feel distrustful of something with a rather unrefined appearance.

"I've already tested its power." Barnetta waved his hand and said, "This gun is very good, and there is no problem."

As soon as this remark came out, a rumbling sound began to be heard from far away on the horizon,

A large number of mutant beasts are approaching,
Doris' face was uncertain,
By now,

It's useless to say anything,

I can only believe this batch of cannons that look very simple.


The mutated beast covered a large area in darkness, and Lin En took out a small flag from his waist and hung it high:
"Three, Two, One"

"Fire the gun!"

Boom boom boom!
A large number of explosive packets were ejected from the barrel and fell into the crowd of mutant beasts, causing a violent explosion.

A large group of mutated beasts were blasted to pieces, even the mutated beasts at the edge of the explosion had all their internal organs and bones shattered by the explosives!
On the other hand, Doris is now speechless.

Slowly, he exclaimed.

"I'll go, it's so powerful."

At the moment, these poorly crafted cannons,

The role played is hundreds of times that of those exquisite firearms!
Before the Sanyuan Junction, the mutated herd was blocked by a violent explosion and could not advance an inch.Almost in the blink of an eye, a large number of beasts were killed and injured, and the flying flesh fell on the soil, and went out along the city gate, spreading for hundreds of meters, with almost no place for people to walk.

The atmosphere on the city wall suddenly became more relaxed.

Afterwards, as expected by everyone, in a very short period of time, a large number of mutant beasts died, and the tide of beasts was unsustainable, gradually disintegrated. Although the city wall of Sanyuanhuikou was crumbling, it barely held it.

After this battle,
The company held a commendation meeting specially for him, and the people from all the firefighting areas gathered together,
Lynn's name was also completely spread among Sanyuanhuikou.

He is walking on the road now, and there are countless people who want to take a photo with him,

On this day, Lynn was walking on the road,

William saw him from a distance, walked quickly to Lynn's side, and said:
"Brother, you are a big celebrity now. When I went out to eat today, people talked about you everywhere."

"Those are false names."

"That cannon, how did you design it?"

(End of this chapter)

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