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Chapter 255 Campus Life

Chapter 255 Campus Life
A melodious class bell rang, and the footsteps in the corridor suddenly became flustered. The students who were fetching water and chatting outside the classroom rushed back to the classroom to get ready for class.

After a while, the classroom was full of people,

And Lynn was among them, concentrating on reading a science magazine in the table hole,
This is what the teacher suggested to order.

Lynn also ordered a copy,
I read these magazines intently, and then found that they didn't seem to be useful.

You can't learn much from reading these scientific magazines.

Lynn tossed and turned. After realizing that there was no movement on the proficiency panel, his expression became more and more irritable. Finally, he let out a long sigh, gave up his vain fantasy, and put the magazine in his hand back into his schoolbag. He took out a thick chemistry book and immersed himself in the ocean of organic synthesis routes.

several days ago,

school starts,
Shanty Polytechnic University has produced a new wave,

Lynn, William, and several other transfer students who temporarily entered the university to study entered the freshman class. At the first class, the head teacher asked each of them to give a brief self-introduction.

Lynn's self-introduction was very unpretentious and did not attract too much attention from the students in the class.

William too,

From the perspective of other students, these transfer students have just joined the class after all, and it is understandable that they cannot integrate well for a while.

Lynn himself didn't care.
He came to school for business, and he didn't bother to have unnecessary contacts with these classmates.

Lynn was reading a book, William was fiddling with something on the table, and there was a blond classmate in the corner who looked at Lynn from time to time. The schoolbag next to the seat was shriveled and didn't seem to contain any books. look,
Lin En's deskmate is a student who wears glasses and is highly myopic. He is immersed in writing papers, and finally finishes a question. Book, can't help but feel a burst of irritability in my heart,
"Take out this book to read again, and I don't know who I'm pretending to read."

The school has a lot of homework, and the chemistry theory books are far above the school's level. Generally speaking, students who read such pretentiously advanced books in this kind of place,
It's all just for fun,

The only role is to enjoy the flattery of other students,

Other than that, it's really useless.

Although it is not ruled out that there are students who are really advanced in their studies, Lin En usually doesn't seem to do any questions, and he is still a transfer student, so he doesn't seem like a character of that level.

Thinking of this, Maggie couldn't help feeling a strange sense of complacency in his heart,

Generally speaking, this kind of person will quickly show his flaws during the first monthly exam, and in the end the hard-working person will collapse immediately, and the rest of the students may still compliment this person on the surface , but it will only be treated as a joke behind the scenes.From elementary school, middle school, high school, the same script has happened again and again,
How could there be an exception this time?

Lynn raised his head thoughtfully, as if he had some sense of other people's mental activities,
What appeared at the same time was the subtitles floating on his proficiency panel.

【Organic Chemistry Synthesis: EXP+1】

When Lynn's tablemate McGee was full of thoughts, a gust of wind blew outside the window, slightly opened a corner of the curtain, and vaguely revealed a person on a tall building in the distance.

A police officer lowered his voice and said to the terminal:
"Nothing unusual happened today."

After the police station became aware of Lynn's problem, they took a series of follow-up reports on him non-stop. Of course, the details were vaguely informed to Lynn after consideration, so that he could make preparations.

In the current school, some police figures have been inserted,

For example, the blond student in the corner just now is the police officer Giovanni I saw at the police station that day.

The teacher opened the door and entered, the sound in the classroom quickly subsided, and a boring math class began.

Lin En searched out the lesson plans distributed a few days ago and put them on the table. Looking at them, he felt that there was nothing interesting. The knowledge taught in the school was relatively basic, so he continued to look at the books in the hole in his desk. , and ignore the teacher.

This class happened to be the last class in the morning. It was close to the meal time, and after half a day of continuous study, the students' attention seemed to be a little lax, and they couldn't continue with such a boring subject. It is necessary to stimulate the enthusiasm of the students, but very few people respond.

The classroom atmosphere was sluggish, but Lynn's deskmate McGee immediately raised his hand to answer the question,
Can't wait to express myself.

Lynn was not too impressed with this tablemate,
I feel that the other party is very serious about learning, but deliberately pretends to be indifferent, but is very sensitive to everything about learning.

Quite contradictory.

But this has nothing to do with him.

A class time passed, and before the bell rang for the end of get out of class, a familiar idea flashed in Lynn's mind inexplicably.

What's for lunch today.

"It's surprisingly boring." Lynn lowered his head and yawned.

after class,

Lynn came to the cafeteria and queued for about 5 minutes. After eating, he came to the library.

"Have you eaten, it's so early today?"

These days,

Lin En was a frequent visitor to the library of the University of Science and Technology in the shanty town. Since he came here very regularly, the librarian had already become familiar with him. When he saw him coming, he even took the initiative to say hello.

"It's okay, the main reason is that the math teacher is okay, and he didn't deliberately procrastinate." After a brief introduction, Lin En came to a row of bookshelves, tiptoed, and fetched a thick book of theoretical knowledge from the top floor. Started to read it.

[Quantum Mechanics: exp+1]

About 10 minutes later, just as Lynn was concentrating on reading, there was a sudden sound of footsteps behind him. The librarian walked up behind him and sighed:

"I have been working as an administrator in this library for four or five years. I have been working in this school before the new campus was built, but over the years, people who are willing to borrow this kind of books, It’s really not much.”

said the librarian.

Lin En looked up suddenly, and saw a group of students secretly reading comic books in the library, he couldn't help understanding what the librarian meant, and felt a little funny, and said casually: "The usual study is already very tired, they come to Libraries, let them read whatever they want to read, and reading more books that have nothing to do with the exam will not have much effect."

"They all know what they should do at this stage."

This is true.

The librarian nodded and didn't say anything else, which was rare for Lynn, and continued with his study
Unexpectedly, at this time, he saw an acquaintance.

(End of this chapter)

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