Start with a prosthetic shop

Chapter 256 Mass Production of Anesthetics

Chapter 256 Mass Production of Anesthetics

The routines of students in Anning City are different from those of other professions. Taking this group of college students as an example, their usual rest time is as short as fingernails, and their lunch break is considered a relatively plentiful free time.

From 11:30 am to 01:30 pm, a total of two hours,
Within two hours,

As long as you don't leave school, you can do anything.

With such a tight schedule, most students would not choose to come to the library during this time period. For them, the daily books are enough for them to read, so why bother to make things difficult for themselves.

The only example is some messy comic books. For some reason, there are still some unscrupulous things in the library of this school. It is a loophole in supervision, which seems to have not been discovered by the school's senior management. Therefore, there are also a group of loyal book friends, Come over to borrow comic magazines when you are stuck.

When the school leaders find out, I'm afraid even this last trace of entertainment will be deprived.

In such a big environment,
Character is even more valuable to those who borrow other books,

Like Lynn,

and William next to him.

During this time, Lynn and William usually came to the library together,

William was still tinkering with his electromagnetism during this time. For him, the school library is simply a treasure trove. He has summed up a lot of subject knowledge alone in the field of firefights over the years, and suffers from the lack of guidance from advanced theories. After reading these books, it is like a fish entering the water, and many difficult problems that were originally pointless have been solved.

But Lynn mainly studies chemistry,
Quantum mechanics, just look at it when you have time.

After a few glances, I switched to chemistry again.

This is the subject that Lynn really wants to learn at this stage.

William's arrival did not attract too much attention from Lynn, what really surprised him was the classmates who brought William next to him.

"—Hello." The classmate left a pot head and his eyes were a little small. When he saw Lin En, he took the initiative to greet him. "I'm sitting in the diagonal row behind you. I've wanted to say hello to you for a long time, but I never had the chance."

Lynn looked at the other party and immediately understood,

This person's name is Xia Jue, and he is very good at socializing with classmates—you can't say that, after all, this is one of his tasks.

He is the monitor of the freshman class, but he doesn't have much power when he is said to be the monitor, he just coordinates the work of the class teacher, does some messy chores, and serves the class collectively.

".I heard that you come to the library whenever you are free these days. Why is the pressure of studying so heavy?" Xia Jue said with a smile, and added: "It's a bit ashamed to say that I went to university. Half a year of study, in fact, the number of times I come to the library is also very small, today it happens that William is coming, and I am fine after eating, so I just came together."

Xia Jue explained.

William also nodded, and explained to Lynn: "This is my roommate."

Lin En nodded, and the tome series in his hand was turned a page driven by the cold air of the central air conditioner, and this dynamic scene happened to attract Xia Jue's attention. When he saw the book in Lin En's hand, he couldn't help being a little surprised :
"Do you read this kind of book?"

"Can you understand it? This seems to be the content of postgraduate study." Xia Jue is well-informed, took a closer look at this moment, and couldn't help adding: "It's even harder than their textbooks. It doesn't feel like it's been three years or five years." , I can’t even read the first page.”

He couldn't help but exclaimed, looked at Lynn carefully again, and said, "Are you so good at chemistry?"

Lin En nodded, thought for a while, and said, "I actually started reading it a long time ago, but this book is quite difficult. The average college student must not understand it without special study."

What he said was true, and he was not overly modest.

While the two were talking, another barrage suddenly appeared in front of Lin En's eyes, and he saw:

"【Chemistry: EXP+1】"

At this time, William also took a profound book from the bookshelf, and skillfully flipped to the position he hadn't read last time.

Xia Jue walked over to take a look, and saw that the pages of the book were full of letters,
He couldn't understand anything.

I couldn't help but looked at Lynn and William again with a very strange look, and said slowly:
"Did you two know each other before?"

"Well, we are fellow villagers." Lynn nodded.

"Which middle school are you from?"

"I never went to school."

"Didn't go to school?"

Xia Jue was greatly surprised, and asked William some details, but Lin En once again felt a sense of enlightenment in his brain at this time. The knowledge in it also took shape naturally, and the problems that I had been studying before also immediately gained new insights.

Like, that chemistry question that John the Rapper gave him,

How to separate two crystals,

He already had an idea in shape.

After staying up all afternoon, Lin En escaped from evening self-study, climbed over the wall and left the school alone. When he got outside, he sent a message to Giovanni directly, saying, "Where are you now?"

Giovanni on the other end of the phone was silent, and slowly replied with a line.

"What are you going to do? I'm still in the classroom, studying by myself at night."

Hitting the send button, Giovanni couldn't help but feel absurd.

In fact, at the beginning of the plan,
They didn't want to tell Lynn their whereabouts.
Just put a long line and catch big fish.

But he himself soon received a call from Lynn, claiming that he could help solve the case, and he just asked the police to provide him with some small conveniences.

Lynn poked through the paper on the window, but the police station had nothing to do.
I can only let him go first.

"What are you going to do? It's quite wrong for you to jump over the wall and skip school now. It doesn't comply with the school's management regulations."

"Is it illegal?"

"That's not illegal."

"Now I have made a major discovery. With this discovery, I can contact the upstream suppliers of the scavenger, gain their trust, and get in touch with more things related to the scavenger group." Lynn said directly.

Giovanni's fingers paused for a moment, then swallowed, and immediately raised his head, looked around the classroom, and replied like lightning: "What do you mean? What do you want to do, how can you contact them?"

To make a long story short, Lynn told the ins and outs of how he met the rapper John in the casino, mainly about things related to organic chemistry, and said: "Actually, I feel that they have already set their sights on me. Not too firm, after all, I haven't shown any chemistry skills yet."

"I wanted to pretend to be a fool, but this time I just met you guys. I don't know if this news will be of any help to you."

"If I solve this problem, I can improve the mass production process of anesthetics. This is almost an undeniable price tag for them."

"Yes, of course! You have made a great contribution!" Giovanni said excitedly, and began to analyze the pros and cons with Lynn. When it came to the fierceness, he was in a good mood. When he looked up, he happened to meet with the dean They looked at each other, but they heard the ruthless dean say:

"Come out and give me the terminal."

(End of this chapter)

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