Zongman: Starting from adopting the homeless melon god

Chapter 191 What are you doing sneakily?

Chapter 191 What are you doing sneakily?
"What do you think?" Beichuan Yu looked down at Xiao Ai.

This scene fell in the eyes of Belmode, who almost made her have the urge to take the opportunity to draw a gun.

After all, the 'flaw' in this kind of action is really too big, plus Beichuan Yu looks like an ordinary high school student, at most he is a little handsome, it is really hard for her to believe that such a guy in front of her can be a legend gods in.

However, she has been able to live in peace and stability in the organization for so many years, and being cautious has always been her greatest strength.

Even if the possibility of Beichuan Yu being a god is really low in her opinion, if this possibility is true, then the consequence of her action is likely to be death, and the benefit is completely out of proportion to the risk.

What if you become an undercover agent of the Neon Police?At least you can live well, but if you die, you will have nothing!
All kinds of thoughts flashed by quickly, but Belmode gave up this attractive opportunity.

This also made Beichuan Yu, who was still thinking about testing the defensive ability of the low-end version of Yuelingsou, secretly thought it was a pity.

"I can do it, as long as she doesn't come to chase me again." Xiao Ai said at this time.

"Alright then, congratulations on becoming Toru Amuro's new colleague~" While speaking, Kitagawa Yu had already taken out another magic pendant.

In order to maintain the mystery of magic, Xingyue World has developed many methods of hypnosis and memory modification. Even a rookie like Weber can use it freely, and the magic props made by the Einzbern family are even more powerful.

The ability of this magic pendant is not simply to hypnotize and modify memory, but to distort will.

After using it, the memory has not changed, but the xinxing thought has changed, and the effect is better than simply modifying the memory which is prone to flaws.

【Wish come true】

[Power of Wish +33]

After getting rid of Belmode and eliminating Xiao Ai's crisis, Beichuan Yu also received a reminder from the system that his wish was fulfilled as he wished.

"Only 33 points of wish power? Isn't that a little too little! This is a life-saving wish!"

"Sure enough, Xiaolan is the real daughter of this world. This fake loli is picked up."

Bei Chuanyu secretly complained with disgust on his face, and then suddenly thought of Ghost Slayer World.

The daughter of Xingyue World, Arturia, has already been obtained, and the daughter of Conan World, Xiaolan, was also fooled into a believer by him last time. The power of wish that the two of them can provide is much higher than that of others.

So what about the heroine of Ghost Slayer?Is there still value in continuing to develop it?

"But who is the heroine of Ghost Slayer? Nezuko? Or Kanao? It can't be my wife Zenitsu, right?"

Well, don’t ask Shanyi why a boy becomes a heroine, just ask. Feeling~
"If it's Nezuko, it's okay. Today's Nezuko hasn't turned into a ghost, and she also saw the heroic figure of me fighting Heishi Mou at the headquarters of the Ghost Killing Squad last time. It shouldn't be difficult to fool her into being my believer. , but if it’s Chanel”

Thinking of Kanohu's dull look like a doll that can't speak or move, he couldn't help but get a headache.

"This is another problem, loli!"

"What are you thinking?" Xiao Ai, who was still in his arms, twisted her body uncomfortably, and asked curiously when she saw that he was distracted.

"It's nothing, think about how to teach children." Beichuan Yu couldn't help sighing again, and complained: "It's too difficult to take care of children nowadays, if they are all fake lolita like you How nice~"


Are you polite? !
Xiao Ai stared at Shi Yuyan, struggled hard and jumped out of Beichuan You's arms, then kicked Beichuan You's calf viciously.

As a result, she almost fell down from the pain.

"What are you doing? You're not a real loli~"



Xiao Ai had black lines all over her hair, and it took her a while to calm herself down.

"By the way, since you can travel through the world, can you take me to another parallel world to meet my sister? I, I will meet and then come back"

"Yes!" Beichuan Yu's answer was unexpectedly happy, but before Xiao Ai was happy, he continued: "You beg me~"

"Huh?" A big question mark suddenly appeared on Xiao Ai's forehead.


"That's right, it means literally, pray to me." Yu Kitagawa reminded with a smile: "Remember to be sincere. If you are not sincere enough, I won't receive it."


Xiao Ai glared at him with dead fish eyes again, and let out an uncomfortable cold snort from her small nose, but in order to be able to see her long-dead sister in advance, she obediently followed Bei Chuan Yu's words.

5 minutes later: "No! It's not sincere enough, nor strong enough. I didn't receive it."

After 10 minutes: "It still doesn't work, I haven't received it. When you pray, you have to get rid of other distracting thoughts, understand?"

15 minutes later: "Is it true that you, fake loli, have a dark heart? Are you much worse than the one in the parallel world?"

Before she finished speaking, Xiao Ai had already grabbed Bei Chuan Yu's arm, whimpered, and bit it angrily.


"Are you a puppy? Why do you still bite people? What I said is the truth!"

"Are you going to help or not?" The sloppy Xiao Ai put her hands on her hips and began to play tricks.

However, Beichuan Yu was not used to her, and snorted, "I want to help you too, but if there are no other believers in this world as time and space coordinates, I will not be able to come back after I take you away~"

Xiao Ai couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words.

Can't come back?How can that work!

In this world, she has Conan, Ayumi, and Dr. Ali so many fetters!
"Of course, I can bring your sister over to see you." With just a few words from Bei Chuan Yu, Xiao Ai heaved a long sigh of relief.

"It's okay to let my sister come and see me!"

"But I'm very busy, okay~ who knows how long you two sisters will be seeing each other, should I still be waiting by your side? Although it's not impossible to do this, but I don't do things that are not beneficial~"


There was a tangled expression on Xiao Ai's face, and she thought for a while before saying: "Then, can I just meet my sister for two hours? Don't you just want to help me deal with the piano that is waiting for me at Nagoya Station? Wine and vodka?”

"this one"

Beichuan You took a test and finally agreed.

There was no way, who made him want to brainwash Vodka into being an undercover agent of FBL?At that time, even the closest driving boy will become an undercover agent, and he will be the only true villain in the entire winery. How interesting that will be!

Then it's not impossible to take Miyano Akemi here by traveling to another world in two hours.

"Forget it, I'll help you this time~"

With a thought, Bei Chuan Yu disappeared in front of Xiao Ai's eyes with a swipe, just like when he came.

At the same time, in another world, Miyano Akemi, who was preparing lunch for her sister who was busy doing experiments, was startled when she saw Kitagawa Yu who suddenly appeared next to her. A look of surprise was revealed.

"Huh? Beichuan-kun, why are you here? Could it be that the gods have received my prayers?"

"???" Bei Chuan Yu looked at her suspiciously, and after hesitating for a moment, he still asked, "What prayer? The Lord God didn't tell me."

"Ah? Is that so?" Miyano Akemi explained with some embarrassment: "It's the same as last time, Shiho, no, it's Xiao Ai who has been staying in the laboratory since returning from the last trip. , It’s been several months! So I pray to Lord God that I can let Mr. Beichuan take Xiao Ai out for a walk again to relax.”

"Uh, maybe the god was too busy and forgot to tell me?" Beichuan Yugan scratched his head with a smile, and changed the topic decisively and quickly.

"I came here this time to receive another Xiaoai's prayer from the parallel world. In that world, you were killed by the Black Organization. Even she barely escaped the Black Organization by taking APTX4869 to make herself smaller. Chasing and killing, so she has always wanted to see you again, so Lord Shenming sent me here, just to take you there to meet her and fulfill her wish."

Miyano Akemi had already opened her mouth wide, and couldn't help but feel her nose sore after listening to it, and her eye sockets seemed to be moist.

The younger sister in the parallel world is also a younger sister. It’s so pitiful to be alone.


After turning off the fire, Miyano Akemi didn't care whether her sister in this world could have lunch, so she quickly took out a note, wrote a few words and pasted it on the refrigerator, and then she didn't even bother to take off her apron, so she pulled Beichuan Yu asked him to take him there as soon as possible.

"Actually, you don't have to worry so much. Although Xiao Ai in that world is gone without you, she has made many friends and left a deep bond with her. Otherwise, she would not have asked me to take you there, but would have come here directly. ”

"That's right!" Miyano Akemi heaved a sigh of relief.

But when she saw Xiao Ai who had shrunk, she still couldn't help rushing up and hugging Xiao Ai, tears streaming from her eyes.

And Xiao Ai's side was not much better. She was pacing and waiting anxiously when she saw Miyano Akemi who suddenly appeared in front of her, and her whole body froze, with an unbelievable surprise on her face, and then Couldn't help crying too.

"Sister! Sister, I finally see you again! Great! Really great."

The fact that she seldom shows her emotions can have such a weeping appearance, which shows how excited she is at the moment.

"Okay, you two sisters chat slowly, I won't bother you, I have set up a silence and a defensive barrier in this room, you can stay here with peace of mind, I will go out first."

After finishing speaking, Beichuan Yu opened the door of the compartment and walked out, then walked towards the direction of No. 8 compartment.

How could Conan in this world have not felt what Conan in another world suffered?What's more, the two-hour drive is so boring, there must be some fun.

In the end, I don’t know if it was a coincidence. He had just walked into the No. 8 car when he saw Conan, the little devil, hiding around the corner sneakily, holding his watch-shaped tranquilizer gun, aiming at the criminals who were fighting with him. The back of Mouri Kogoro's neck, which the suspect is talking nonsense about.

Don't you think this is a coincidence?

"Ah! You little brat! What are you doing so sneakily?!"

A sudden loud shout sounded right behind him, and Conan was so frightened that all the hairs on his body stood on end.

The most important thing is that with a shake of the hand, the anesthesia needle missed without accident!


Mori Kogoro and others not far away were also startled by Kitagawa Yu's voice, and turned their heads to look at him.

At this moment, Yuu Kitagawa held Conan by the back of his neck and lifted him up with a smirk in his heart. Then, without waiting for Mori Kogoro and others to ask, he took the initiative to explain: "I saw this brat when I walked over just now. , is using a watch with a front sight to sneakily aim at this uncle, just like the watch-shaped pistol in many spy movies!"

Conan, who was still confused and didn't understand the situation, and his body was struggling subconsciously, suddenly stiffened and sweat broke out on his forehead.

Regardless of whether it would be a bit of a cover-up, he instinctively wanted to pull up his sleeves to cover the position of the watch.But at this moment, under Kitagawa Yu's reminder, Mori Kogoro's eyes had shifted from Conan's face to his wrist.

And at this time, the watch-shaped anesthesia gun's erected front-sight-shaped dial has not been put away yet!

"Little devil! Is what this kid said true? What's the matter with the sight on your watch? Also, why are you aiming at me?" While talking, Mori Kogoro walked towards Conan aggressively, stretched out his hand To grab Conan's watch.

This made Conan completely stupid.

What should I do now?If Mori Kogoro finds out that something is wrong, if he continues to dig deeper and discovers his true identity, he will definitely be killed, right?

You must know that after he became smaller, he took a bath with Xiaolan often to take advantage of Xiaolan!
If it were him, he would definitely tear that person into pieces!
"Wait, wait a minute! This is a toy! Uncle, don't grab it - just like this big brother said, this is a peripheral toy I bought after watching that kind of spy anime! The reason why I just aimed at uncle It’s because it’s because you, uncle, drove us to the No. 8 car by yourself in the luxury box of No. 6 car!”

Conan was quick to think, and slapped Kogoro Mori's big hand to protect his watch from being snatched away, and yelled loudly.

On the other hand, Mori Kogoro paused unexpectedly, scratching his head in embarrassment.

Although he is very thick-skinned, but Conan exposed this kind of thing in front of outsiders, and he knew without thinking that he would be despised by everyone.

So 'Boom! 'sound.

Mouri Kogoro, who didn't know how to explain, could only punch Conan roughly on the head.

Beichuan Yu felt his hands sink, and one could imagine how hard Mori Kogoro's punch was.

"Tsk tsk, the real father is kind and filial~ But Conan's head is really strong, he can still be so smart after being beaten up by Mori Kogoro every day. Does he also have Tanjirou's head hammer talent?"

Beichuan Yu thought strangely in his heart, the corners of his mouth twitched, it took a lot of effort to control himself not to laugh out loud.

(End of this chapter)

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