Chapter 192 Don't rush to leave
But looking at it, I don't know if it's the will of the world or what, Mori Kogoro has the tendency to believe Conan's nonsense, Kitagawa Yu obviously won't agree.

"Ah? Is that so? But I just saw something shot out of the watch, and it flew over this uncle's neck, and almost hit the uncle's neck. ~"


Mori Kogoro paused, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to touch his neck, which had been sore recently, with a suspicious look in his eyes.

He seems to vaguely remember that before Conan came to live with him, his neck seemed to be normal?

At the same time, Conan froze all over, his pupils dilated, especially after noticing Kogoro Mori's expression, he broke out in cold sweat, and at the same time cursed in his heart.

"Who the hell is this guy! Why are you so meddling in my own business, and what do you want me to do as a kid? Uncle, he must be really suspicious, right?"

At this time, Beichuan Yu added seriously: "Don't underestimate these children's toys. In order to attract children's interest, some unscrupulous merchants have added a lot to some children's products that are beyond their cognition and control. function."

Mori Kogoro's face gradually darkened after hearing this, grabbed Conan's small arm, and pulled off the watch-shaped anesthesia gun on his wrist, completely ignoring his struggle.

Because at this moment, Kogoro Mouri suddenly thought that Dr. A Li would always invent some strange and dangerous inventions. One time, the bomb he invented almost blew up Miwako Sato and the same building, so this piece should come from A Li. Doctor's watch, maybe there are really some functions that are not suitable for children to play?

Conan was immediately dumbfounded.

"It's over! Uncle won't find out the secret of the watch-type anesthesia gun?"

Thinking of the possible consequences once his true identity is discovered, to be honest, at this moment he had the urge to act preemptively and kill Mori Kogoro.

"No, no, uncle is Xiaolan's father. How can I do this? At most, I will have a concussion and amnesia? I wonder if Dr. A Li can invent a prop to make people lose their memory."

"No, I want to calm down!"

"The anesthesia needle in the watch has been fired, and only the dial with the front sight is left. With the uncle's IQ, he shouldn't be able to find any problems!"

Conan secretly watched Kogoro Mori's reaction.

Mori Kogoro lived up to expectations, fiddled with the dial for a while, and pressed the button to find that there was nothing dangerous to shoot out. He immediately lost interest in the watch-shaped anesthesia gun and threw it back to Conan.

This also made Beichuan Yu on the side speechless.

"So you're still a detective? It used to be the police? It's no wonder that the neon police and detective worlds can only be saved by Conan and Hattori Heiji."

Disappointed, Beichuan Yu loosened Conan's neck and threw him back to the ground.

Conan turned his head, stared at the dead fish eyes with him, firmly remembered Beichuan Yu's hateful face in his heart, thinking that he must investigate this guy carefully in the future, and see if he can get the place back.

But then he thought of the current situation, and couldn't help frowning and feeling worried.

There is no watch-type anesthesia gun here, and Dr. A Li is not here and there is no way to cover him. How can he solve the case?
Seeing Kogoro Mori looking at the suspects again, and trying to talk about his own nonsensical reasoning, Conan is anxious, his head is almost bald, isn't it!
But at this moment, things seemed to take a turn for the better.

He glanced up, and suddenly found a black man dressed as a waiter behind the group of suspects. With his light golden hair, he undoubtedly stood out among the group of yellow-skinned people.

"Toru Amuro! He's also in this car? That's great!"

Toru Amuro knew his identity, so he could use Toru Amuro as a cover and use Toru Amuro's voice to solve the case!

That's right, his Ribbon voice changer also stored the voice of Toru Amuro, an acquaintance.

So what he has to do now is to find a way to stay behind Toru Amuro, otherwise, if the sound comes from different directions, even a fool can hear something wrong, right?
Thinking of this, Conan rolled his eyes, and hurriedly called out, "Ah, Brother Amuro, why are you also on this train!"

The sound that made Yu Kitagawa's goose bumps all over the ground not only successfully gave Conan the opportunity to run to Toru Amuro, but also disrupted Kogoro Mori's reasoning, making everyone turn their attention to Toru Amuro.

But what was different from Conan's imagination was that after Toru Amuro sized up Kitagawa Yuu's eyes, he suddenly slapped Conan's head with a slap, preventing him from disturbing his back, and at the same time showed a polite expression on his face. Smiling, he explained: "I'm working on this train, and I heard that a murder case happened on the train, and Mr. Mao Li was preparing to reason, so I planned to come and have a look."

"Teacher Maori?"

"That's right, I am also a disciple of Mr. Mori. So Mr. Mori, please continue your reasoning!"


Seeing Toru Amuro's adoring expression, Mori Kogoro patted his beard proudly and stuck out his tongue.

But Conan, who was pinned down by him and unable to move, was dumbfounded.

I saw Conan trying to raise his head, his eyes widened and he looked at Toru Amuro in disbelief. This scene fell into the eyes of Yuu Kitagawa, and he couldn't help but think, "Why are you a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes?" I also betrayed the GM' emoticon package, and my heart suddenly became happy.

"Ahem! Then I'll continue my reasoning—" Mori Kogoro coughed twice, drawing everyone's attention back to himself, ready to start the messy reasoning that was interrupted N times again.

This made Conan immediately anxious.

"Hey! What do you want to do!" Conan lowered his voice and quickly asked Amuro Toru with a gloomy face.

However, Toru Amuro's face remained unchanged when he heard the words, and he smiled and said, "Nothing, I just want to enjoy Mr. Mori's reasoning show~"

"Bullshit reasoning! Don't you know that Uncle Maori's reasoning is always wrong?!" Conan couldn't help but curse.

Sure enough, before he finished speaking, Mori Kogoro pointed at the old woman in a wheelchair among several suspects, and said to the maid who helped her push the wheelchair: "Little Minoka! Sumitomo Hiraka The murderer in this case is you two!"


Conan covered his face with his hands, looking as if he couldn't see.

Unsurprisingly, Mori Kogoro's performance was as stable as ever, and he directly picked out the two most unlikely suspects out of several suspects, because these two were exactly what Kidd and his assistant pretended to be!
And Kidd also saw that after the murderer committed the crime, he forged the mirror and fishing line of the secret room and the alibi, but he didn't say anything because he didn't want to cause trouble.

So Mori Kogoro's reasoning was unsurprisingly wrong.

Conan turned his head and looked at Toru Amuro again with dead fish eyes, as if to say: "Look, this is the real level of your Maori teacher, if you still don't cooperate with me, do you want to see him make a fool of himself, and make the real suspect Escaped? How did you, a policeman, get so fat?"

Toru Amuro understood Conan's heart in a second like a tacit understanding, but he just smiled, still unmoved.

On the other hand, Yu Kitagawa suddenly interrupted Kogoro Mori's reasoning, and said with a smile: "Detective Mori is right, I have a problem with these two guys!"

Then Beichuan Yu said seriously: "Let me introduce myself, I am actually a special effects makeup artist for movies, do you understand the special effects makeup artist? So I just saw at a glance that these two guys actually have human skin masks on their faces ! It's the disguised appearance!"


Conan didn't know Kitagawa Yu's real identity, and thought that Kitagawa Yu was really a special effects makeup artist, who saw Kidd's disguise with his professional ability.

When a person is unlucky himself, nothing is happiest than seeing someone he knows is also unlucky.

And if Kitagawa Yu exposed Kidd's true identity, then Mori Kogoro wouldn't think he was the murderer anymore, right?
But Kidd, who knew Kitagawa Yu's true identity through the bugs installed in other cars, had a black thread.

Just now when he saw Beichuan Yu staring at him with a smile that was not a smile, he felt that he was going to suffer, and when he thought of Beichuan Yu's behavior of cheating Conan just now, he felt very bad for no reason.

But at that time, he still had a little luck, and he didn't know if Beichuan Yu would attack them if he really escaped, so he chose to stay still for the time being.

But seeing that everyone was staring at him now, Kogoro Mori was even more complacent and wanted to rush up and pull his face, and now he had to act.

After all, for the sake of realism, he only wore a layer of human skin mask. If this is uncovered, wouldn't his true face be exposed?

It's just that just when he was about to jump up from the wheelchair and run away, Beichuan Yu waved to him first, and at the same time, an extra ruby ​​ring on his right finger flashed a strange light.

Immediately afterwards, he realized that his body could not move!


"I know you are a god, but you can't bully people like this!"

Seeing that Mori Kogoro had already walked in front of Kidd, ready to stretch out his hand to tear Kidd's face, now not only Kidd was in a hurry, but Conan was even more anxious than him.

Because at this time, Conan has already realized that Kidd looks almost exactly like himself!What if Kidd is so quick-witted that he pretends to be him?
And this time, in order to help Xiao Ai cheat the black organization's pursuit, he also needs Kidd's help. If Kidd is found to escape, what will Xiao Ai do?
"Wait a moment!"

Conan suddenly yelled loudly, which scared everyone to their wits.

Immediately afterwards, he continued: "Uncle, Brother Anshi said just now that your reasoning is wrong! The real culprit is not this grandma Xiao Mino, but this uncle named An Dongyu. His tools for committing crimes are hidden in his pocket In the frame of that painting!"


Mori Kogoro paused, and instead of looking at Yu Ando, ​​he looked at Toru Amuro.

His disciple actually said that his reasoning was wrong, which made him care more than who was the real murderer.

Obviously, Conan's trick of besieging Wei and saving Zhao has achieved good results.

Now Toru Amuro said that he didn't say anything, and it's hard for everyone to believe it. First, everyone instinctively tends to be more inclined to "such a cute child will not lie", and second, everyone just needs to go to An Dongyu's private room to check. The picture frame he carries can find the mirror and fishing line used in the crime in the mezzanine.


Toru Amuro, who was pushed out, looked at Mori Kogoro who was staring at him fiercely, and then at Toru Amuro who looked disappointed. He could only smile dryly and rub Conan's dog's head vigorously, at least dozens of Conan's hairs fell off. , and it was in the middle of the top of the head, so I reluctantly explained it.

There is no other way, at this time, he, the police, can only stand up and solve the case.

On the other side, Conan first let out a long breath of relief, then felt the severe pain from the top of his head, and couldn't help grinning.


"This guy is too ruthless! I feel like my scalp is going to break!"

Conan was cursing in his heart, but it was still important to get down to business.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of Toru Amuro explaining An Dongyu's criminal process to everyone and attracting everyone's attention to him, Conan frantically gave Kidd a wink, reminding him to take advantage of this opportunity to escape quickly and don't put his damned... No, it was the exposure of his handsome face that made him implicated.

Kidd had a tacit understanding with him, and immediately understood what he meant, but the problem was that he couldn't move at all now, even if he wanted to run, he couldn't run!

But just when he was about to tell Conan with his eyes that it wasn't that he didn't want to run but that he couldn't run, he suddenly found that he seemed to be able to move again.

This is amazing!
"Is this the magic of the gods? It feels more unpredictable than Koizumi Hongzi's magic." At this moment, Kidd has completely included Beichuan Yu in the list of troublesome and not to be provoked.

At this moment, Dr. Ali, Xiaolan and others also came over, so he took the opportunity to sneak away with his assistant.

Beichuan Yu noticed this scene, but he didn't stop it. After all, he just wanted to scare Kidd and make a little joke with Kidd, and he didn't really want Kidd to be exposed.

And just now his move was deciphered by Conan, and it would be a bit shameless to make another move.

But why does Conan, who is still looking at himself with dead fish eyes, still seem to clean up this guy?
With a heartbeat, Kitagawa Yu recently showed a smirk, and directly used his body skills, disappearing in front of Conan and Toru Amuro like a teleportation, and stopped Kidd who had already run to the corner of the carriage and was about to change clothes.

"Hey, Kaito, don't be in a hurry, how about doing me a favor?"

(End of this chapter)

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