Chapter 117 Jia Zhang's Action
A poor family does not have a sewing machine, but a family with a sewing machine must not be poor, not to mention Jia Zhang still holds a gold ring in his hand.

Now it is to buy a job for Qin Huairu.

Even if Yi Zhonghai is Jia Dongxu's master, the Jia family should pay the bulk of the money, and Yi Zhonghai will take out a small part of it as his master.

That's it.

It also shows the master-student relationship.

Yi Zhonghai, who originally felt that Big Mom had made him lose face and wanted to refute him, saw that Big Mom's proposal would benefit Qin Huairu, so he instantly extinguished his thoughts of refuting Big Mom. The Jia family paid the bulk of the money for work.

For Yi Zhonghai.

It is also a good thing.

In Yi Zhonghai's mind, the nature of spending Jia Zhang's money is actually different from spending Qin Huairu's money. The big deal is to find an opportunity in the future to subsidize Qin Huairu as much as possible. The benefits given to Qin Huairu are far better than those given to Jia. Zhang's hands are strong.

With such thoughts in mind, Yi Zhonghai shut his mouth shrewdly, he knew how to choose now.

Let the big mother go free.

Some things, even if you do it, you can’t say it openly, just like spending money to buy indicators. If you really get it done, if you say it, your brain will be kicked by a donkey, and your original job will not be there. You will be held accountable, and the money to buy the job will not reach your hands.

It's a thankless and rewarding thing.

If it really works.

Jia Zhang will definitely keep his mouth shut.

What's more, outsiders didn't know the inside story, and mistakenly thought that Qin Huairu's work was solved by Yi Zhonghai's help, which invisibly increased Yi Zhonghai's persuasive power as an eighth-level worker.

Think about it this way.

Yi Zhonghai was relieved.

There is no such annoyance of being demolished by a big mother.

Even when it was necessary, he used the way of moaning and sighing to assist the big mother a little.


A simple sigh.

It contained many emotions of Yi Zhonghai, but it also turned Jia Zhang into a grasshopper sitting on wax. He didn't know how to face the situation in front of him.

She stared at Yi Zhonghai with a pair of confused eyes full of doubts, and then looked at the aunt who made Jia Zhang pay for Qin Huairu's work.


The script is wrong.

It's not that Yi Zhonghai and his wife gave my daughter-in-law a job.

How did I spend money to buy a job for Qin Huairu?
If I have money, I can't keep it for myself. I will buy a job for Qin Huairu, and then watch Qin Huairu remarry with the job I bought for her.


Still thinking about Jia Zhang who blackmailed money from Yi Zhonghai, he forcibly calmed down his excited mood, and she didn't believe a word of what Da Ma said.

Yi Zhonghai was promoted as an eighth-level worker, and his salary was raised to 99 yuan. You said that he didn't have a quota for entering the factory, so you just fooled those idiots, and you can't fool me, Mrs. Jia Zhang.

"His aunt, you're done talking about the relationship between our two families. You don't need to hide it from Jia Zhang and me. What is the relationship between our two families? When Dongxu was apprenticed, first After laying out the tribute of the three lives, and in front of the neighbors in the first courtyard, I knelt down in front of Lao Yi, kowtowed three times, and called master three times. Easy."

Jia Zhang mentioned some things at the beginning.

Such as the scene when Jia Dongxu was apprenticed to Yi Zhonghai.

This is also the root cause of Yi Zhonghai's troubles. He accepted Jia Dongxu as an apprentice, unlike Liu Haizhong's apprentice, he did it with the idea of ​​becoming a relative.

in this way.

It is doomed that Yi Zhonghai cannot easily put Jia Dongxu aside.

It was originally for retirement.

He also didn't expect that Jia Dongxu would become paralyzed and become a mountain weighing on Yi Zhonghai's heart, let alone that Jia Zhang would use this name to force Yi Zhonghai to do some thankless things.

A big word of worry was displayed on Yi Zhonghai's forehead.

The aunt looked at her man, and then set her eyes on Jia Zhang, thinking that she had to talk to Jia Zhang because of her own money.

"Mom Dongxu, you also said just now that the relationship between our two families is different. It is precisely because our two families are not outsiders that I can open my heart to you. If it were someone else, I would not bother to say these things. I’m also embarrassed to tell. Yan Fugui came here just now, considering the face of my old Yi, I didn’t feel embarrassed to tell him the truth, and fooled Yan Fugui with some insignificant nonsense.”

"His aunt, you still don't regard me as your own. Starting from Dongxu, our two families are equivalent to dry relatives. Our two families have been together for so long, no one knows who the other is."

Mrs. Jia Zhang may have heard the meaning in Da Ma's words, but Ah Q pretended to be confused because of his thoughts and the intention of calculating Yi Zhonghai.

She praised Yi Zhonghai with more intense words, bluntly saying that Yi Zhonghai has various abilities and abilities, and by giving Yi Zhonghai a high hat, she forced Yi Zhonghai to solve Qin Huairu's work problems.

Is it the entry quota that the eighth-level worker comes with, or is it spending money to buy a job for Qin Huairu.

Jia Zhang doesn't care about these.

She only knew that Yi Zhonghai had to get Qin Huairu into the rolling mill.

Before going out just now, Jia Zhang had already negotiated the terms with Qin Huairu in the house. Qin Huairu would hand over the job to Banggen by early retirement after he became an adult. During this period, Qin Huairu It is enough to give Jia Zhang five yuan of pension money every month.


If Qin Huairu stayed and worked in the rolling mill, the threat of the Jia family being driven back to the countryside would disappear, and he would be able to stay in the city to eat commercial food.

It is a good thing that kills two birds with one stone, and it does no harm to the Jia family.

Jia Zhang naturally wants to do it with all his heart.

This is her too.

Change to Qin Huairu.

Not sure how it will end.

"His master, Dongxu, is a capable person. There is an old man in charge in the courtyard, and the neighbors are convinced. There is an eighth-level worker in the rolling mill. It is really a matter of one sentence to solve the work of our Huairu. He always Uncle, the eighth-level worker has let go, can those heads in the rolling mill not listen? Don’t look at me sitting at home every day and doing nothing, but I also know that the eighth-level worker is the treasure of the rolling mill, very rare .”

Jia Zhang is also the master of hitting snakes on the pole.

The "us" in front of her was changed to us by her, and the relationship with Yi Zhonghai was instantly shortened.

The big mother frowned slightly.

Unexpectedly, Jia Zhang's oil and salt would not enter.

He must have panicked.

Finally, a harsh word came out.

"Mom Dongxu, you don't matter if you believe what I said, or you don't believe it. Anyway, it's just like this. Our old Yi can't give you a quota for entering the factory. If you want to stay in the city, you want to make the stick in the future If you have the status of a worker, it is best to take out your family’s savings and give it to Lao Yi, so that Lao Yi can spend money for you to get an indicator. Lao Yi is an eighth-level worker, so he must get a good job. On this point, Dongxu Mom should rest easy."

"I understand what his mother means, that is to say, even though his uncle was promoted to an eighth-level worker, the entry quota that the eighth-level worker comes with has been cancelled, and the benefits of being promoted to the eighth-level worker have also been cancelled. gone."

"Mom Dongxu, that's what it means."

"Hmph!" Jia Zhang snorted lightly, with a self-deprecating smile on his face, and said to Da Ma and Yi Zhonghai with a smile, "Who would believe it? There is nothing for a commission as an eighth-level worker! This is just to fool those idiots and idiots who want to lie to me, Mrs. Jia, but there is no way. Of course, the work index is your Yi family's thing, and the benefits such as bicycle tickets are also your Yi family's items, and have nothing to do with our Jia family. , You can give it to whoever you want. Speaking of this, if I insist on not leaving, it seems that I have to rely on your Yi family, so I will leave now. "

Jia Zhang got up and walked towards the door of Yi's house.

He deliberately murmured in a low voice with immortality in his heart.

"Who makes you paralyzed when the tea is cold!"

Not much sound.

But not small.

Yi Zhonghai and his wife were poked with pain in their hearts.

"Mom Dongxu, what do you mean by that?"

The tone of a big mother.

Not very nice.

We co-authored the couple to help your Jia family and even made a mistake!

"It's nothing interesting." Jia Zhang turned around and raised her voice, "Yan Fugui came to your house, and you said that the bicycle issue would be settled within three days. Said that the benefits of this and that are gone, the lice on the head of the monk, Cheng Ming, Dongxu is not paralyzed, I think Dongxu can be a godson for you two, Dongxu is paralyzed, I think it is a burden for you two, If you want to leave our Jia family aside, tell me clearly, why bother to stand up? My wife just begs for food, and I can support Dongxu and his family."

Stop talking.

Turn around and leave Yi's house.

He walked towards Jia's house with a gloomy face.

Behind them were Yi Zhonghai and his wife with speechless expressions.

Just now, Mrs. Jia Zhang taught them a lesson. She clearly told the truth, but Mrs. Jia, who understood the meaning, insisted on treating it as a lie.

In a word.

It's not easy.

If Jia Zhang made a fuss in the rolling mill, he would win the title of advanced moral individual in the rolling mill and Yi Zhonghai, who was promoted to an eighth-level worker because of human factors.

It is estimated that there will be no good days.

"Tell me about you, why did you tell her that?"

Yi Zhonghai complained softly to Da Ma.

I think it's the aunt who broke his business.

Such a shitty pot.

Big mom won't wear it.

You can help Shazhu solve the bicycle tickets, but you can't help the Jia family with the work, unless the Jia family takes the money out.

"I'm not here for our family?"


"Yi Zhonghai, what is your relationship with Jia Zhang?"

Yi Zhonghai's heart.

Mentioned throat.

Just now he asked about his relationship with Qin Huairu, and now he asked about his relationship with Jia Zhang.

What are you doing?

Will I, Yi Zhonghai, mother and daughter accept both?
After saying something that I was too lazy to explain to you, I took off my shoes, put on my clothes and lay down on the bed.


Mrs. Jia Zhang went into her house, thinking about the situation, turned around and came to the front yard, chatted with Yan Fugui, and then went to Shazhu's house to ask Shazhu for verification.

Because of people's good deeds.

From Jia Zhang's questioning words, he knew Jia Zhang's intention in an instant.

I sighed slightly in my heart.

Because of Liu Lan's revelation, Shazhu knew that Yi Zhonghai, an eighth-level worker, actually had a false name, and Yi Zhonghai didn't have any treatment that an eighth-level worker should have. They will not give Yi Zhonghai a salary increase.

As such.

The Jia family's work has become an invisible mountain weighing on Yi Zhonghai.

Shazhu also wanted to know how Yi Zhonghai would solve this matter.

Jia Zhang didn't believe that the big mother told the truth.

Then again.

In the entire courtyard, there are 27 eight households in the neighborhood, and only Shazhu believed in the truth told by Da Ma.

The problem is that Sha Zhu won't tell the truth.

Even if he told the truth, Jia Zhang would not believe it.

More than 20 neighbors who work in the rolling mill all said that Yi Zhonghai had this and that benefit, but you, the idiot, said no.

Rather than being thankless when the time comes.

Better not say it.

Shazhu didn't deal with Yi Zhonghai very much.

Under various factors, it is destined that he cannot tell the truth to Jia Zhang,

Facing Jia Zhang's expectant eyes, Shazhu said what Jia Zhang wanted to hear.

"Aunt Jia, who told you this? Let me tell you, you should listen to what you said, and don't spread it to the outside world. If the head of the rolling mill hears it, you will think that you are telling someone else's rolling mill Discredit."

Silly Zhu raised his voice.

Yi Zhonghai, who was diagonally opposite, had to hear his admiration for him.

"The eighth grade worker is the ceiling of the rolling mill workers. The heads and minds of the rolling mill have to be held and respected. It is rare to treat them as treasures. Every worker in the rolling mill hopes that one day he can become a respected worker. Dear Grade [-] worker, if he doesn’t want to be a worker of Grade [-] worker, he is not a good worker.”

"Silly Zhu, I heard what others said, and I promise not to spread such nonsense. I just asked Yan Fugui, and he said that the uncle told him that the bicycle problem would be resolved within three days."

"That's right, that's right, that's what the third master told me. He told me to let me ride his bicycle for another three days. If it really doesn't work, he will suffer a bit and trade his old bicycle for my new bicycle."

Yan Fugui came out from Yi Zhonghai's house.

To Sha Zhu, he offered to exchange the old for the new.

Explain that Yi Zhonghai will help solve the problem of bicycle tickets.

in this way.

Big Mom's words.

Naturally it is a lie.

"Silly Zhu, I'm asking your uncle to raise an eighth-level worker. I heard from Dongxu that there are many benefits to being an eighth-level worker."

This is Jia Zhang's real intention.

Silly Zhu settled down.

After thinking about what I should say, I can describe Yi Zhonghai's eighth-level worker to him more stalwart, and can stimulate Jia Zhang even more.

The Jia family must lie on Yi's body to suck blood.

Thirty seconds later.

Extinguished such thoughts.

Culture is limited.

He copied the words that Liu Lan bragged to him during the day.

"Aunt Jia, Jia Dongxu is right. Do you know how many eighth-level workers there are in a rolling mill with 1 people? You can count them with two hands."

"Out of 1000 people, there is only one eighth-level worker?"

"That's right." Silly Zhu elongated his tone, "I was promoted from a seventh-level worker to an eighth-level worker today. Just think about how powerful I am. The second uncle in the backyard also participated in the seventh-level and eighth-level assessments, but he didn't get promoted. success."

"It's so difficult to get an eighth-level worker, so there must be many benefits."

"Aunt Jia, you don't understand. It's not that there are many advantages to being an eighth-level worker. If you are promoted to an eighth-level worker, the factory will reward you with many things. If nothing else, let's just talk about this entry index. , Every eighth-level worker brings one with him, and there are some scattered receipts. There is a saying in our factory. worry."

"Silly Zhu, Aunt Jia understands, don't disturb your rest, Aunt Jia has gone back to the house!"

"Aunt Jia, I suddenly don't understand what you mean. Why do you ask me this? You don't want to get the attention of the uncle's work indicators, do you? It's not that I underestimate you. With your figure and age, you What can you do at the rolling mill?"

Before Jia Zhang leaves.

Silly Zhu deliberately added a handful of firewood.

No other idea.

I just want this fire to burn vigorously.

As long as Yi Zhonghai was obsessed with Jia's affairs, he would not have the extra energy to plot against Shazhu. When he had time and energy, Shazhu would marry a wife.

How to calculate!

(End of this chapter)

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