Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 118 Jia Zhang: I want to sever the relationship with the Yi family

Chapter 118 Jia Zhang: I want to sever the relationship with the Yi family
Not long after Jia Zhang left.

Liu Guangtian in the backyard sent someone to notify Sha Zhu that a big courtyard meeting would be held.

At the beginning, I really didn't think about other places. As soon as I thought about it, I held a meeting outside my house, and I arrived there in a few steps, and I delayed it for a few minutes at my house.

When he felt that the heat was about the same, he was about to open the door to go out, when Liu Haizhong could not hear a good but also a bad voice from outside the house.

"Is everyone here? You can start the meeting when you are here."

"Silly Zhu! Where is Silly Zhu? Why is he missing?"

Xu Damao is Shazhu's life-and-death rival, and he immediately noticed that Shazhu was not there.

A good chance to put eye drops on Sha Zhu.

Can't let it go.

He yelled on the spot.

Silly Zhu, who was in the house, heard Xu Damao questioning that he would not participate in the compound meeting, and his heart skipped a beat. Today, the people from the publicity department said that Xu Damao went to the countryside to show a movie for several days, why did the grandson come back.

Could it be that the people from the Propaganda Department were lying to him, knowing that he was Xu Damao's enemy, and deliberately not telling the truth?
Or maybe those people that Da Mao told him so?


With a sound in his mouth, Silly Zhu hurriedly pushed open the door.

When he opened the door and came out, he found that the courtyard was almost full of neighbors. With the faint light, he could see a flattering and fawning expression on every neighbor's face.

Simply think about it.


Eighth-level workers, also known as eighth-level masters.

When the factory leaders see eighth-level workers, they have to take the initiative to pass a cigarette to them.

As Yi Zhonghai is a newly promoted eighth-level worker, the neighbors all want to get some benefits from Yi Zhonghai.

Nothing wrong with that.


As Sha Zhu's lifelong enemy, Xu Damao yelled after Sha Zhu came out, "Sha Zhu, what do you mean? Are you not giving face to the second uncle? Or are you not giving face to the first uncle?"

"Stop talking nonsense, I've never been late for a place that's within walking distance."

Silly Zhu remembered Xu Damao's movie.

Bring the topic up here.

"Xu Damao, today I went to the publicity department to find you. Your colleague from the publicity department said that you went to the countryside to show a movie for several days. Why did you come back?"

"When do you care when I come back? If I come back or not, I still have to report to you." Xu Damao's tone suddenly increased, "Sizhu, why did you go to the propaganda department to find me? Believe it or not, I will tell you about this. Liu Yufeng."

The dog day regards Liu Yufeng as a backer.

A woman takes the lead.

In the eyes of outsiders, it may be a sign of embarrassment.

Xu Damao didn't think so.

Turtle grandson is a pure villain.

In his heart, face or not is insignificant, the important thing is to make himself comfortable.

In the play, Xu Damao married Qin Jingru. Qin Jingru asked if he wanted to set up a few tables in the courtyard to celebrate. Xu Damao directly said that I got married.

In his bones, he is a selfish villain.

"Liu Yufeng won't let me hit you. I really dare not hit you. I don't mean anything else. I think that we have been fighting for so many years. It's enough and I'm tired. I want to reconcile with you."

"Silly Zhu, don't be blind, I, Xu Damao, can't be fooled by you."

Silly Zhu is not a good person.

This is a fact.

What kind of a good person can a person who keeps talking about the words "cooks don't steal and grains are not abundant" all the year round?
If he was really a good person, he wouldn't bring a lunch box to get off work every day.

Also a bad bastard.

last year.

Xu Damao provoked Shazhu, who tricked a group of female workers to strip Xu Damao's clothes, and Xu Damao almost died of anger.

Not married.

I was shown melons by a bunch of old women.

Inside the rolling mill.

It was a joke for a while.

In Xu Damao's mind, he had to be very careful with any word or word that Sha Zhu said.

"Xu Damao, silly Zhu, don't say a few words, and hold a big courtyard meeting."

Seeing that the situation was not right, Liu Haizhong suddenly said something, and immediately brought the topic of going astray back to the right track.

When the attention of the neighbors turned to him.

Another sentence came from Liu Haizhong.

"I didn't want to hold today's compound meeting, but Mrs. Jia Zhang said that there is no other way. I can only say a few things at Mrs. Jia's request."

The bangs have improved.

Let everyone think of Yi Zhonghai, and he immediately separated the relationship.

He inadvertently directed the fire towards Yi Zhonghai.

It can be regarded as revenge for Yi Zhonghai's promotion, but he has no revenge for promotion.

some things.

It's really obvious.

Yi Zhonghai was promoted to the eighth-level worker, and Qin Huairu must be given the quota to enter the factory, but Jia Zhang unexpectedly found Liu Haizhong, saying that she would announce in public at the compound meeting that she would sever ties with Yi Zhonghai.

This is tantamount to putting Yi Zhonghai on the fire.

The reason for beating Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu just now was that Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu sent Yan Fugui to Yi Zhonghai's house, and Yi Zhonghai promised to report the information on Shazhu's bicycle ticket, which made Liu Haizhong, who was already famous as Sun Shan, immediately think of Yi Zhonghai's promotion For the welfare of the eighth-level worker, he waved a feather duster and whipped Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu's buttocks more than 20 times. These two people also lost their experience. They got more than 20 feather dusters on their buttocks.

Some of Liu Haizhong's IQ is not enough.

But when it matters, it is not ambiguous at all.

Yi Zhonghai gave Shazhu a bicycle ticket and returned Yan Fugui's bicycle to the original owner. Under such circumstances, Jia Zhang wanted to sever ties with Yi Zhonghai.

Totally unreasonable.

Normal people must hold tightly to the thigh of Yi Zhonghai, the eighth-level worker. The neighbors in the courtyard who are not related to each other are all licking their faces and getting closer to Yi Zhonghai. The Jia family who is related to him , but put on a posture of never getting in touch with each other, indicating that Yi Zhonghai and Jia Zhang did not agree on certain points of interest, otherwise Jia Zhang would not be so rushing to force Yi Zhonghai.

Anything that creates trouble for Yi Zhonghai is to vent his anger on Liu Haizhong. After the assessment was over, he knew that he had not been promoted to the eighth-level worker by one point, so Liu Haizhong pointed the finger at Yi Zhonghai.

No matter who made Yi Zhonghai's overall score a little bit higher than Liu Haizhong's.

Take advantage of the compound meeting to ridicule Yi Zhonghai's face severely, let the neighbors know that there is Liu Haizhong in the courtyard, and know that Liu Haizhong, a seventh-level worker, is no worse than Yi Zhonghai, an eighth-level worker.

Otherwise, Yi Zhonghai would trample on the factory, and Yi Zhonghai would oppress the courtyard.

Refers to Sang curse Huai.

This wishful thinking is wonderful!
Silly Zhu, who himself doubted the cause of the compound meeting, was even more suspicious of the specific meaning behind the compound meeting when he was teased by Liu Haizhong's words.

If there is trouble, it is Xiang Zhuang's sword dance intended for Pei Gong.

His eyes fell on Jia Zhang's body, and he saw that Jia Zhang's face was calm.Turning his gaze to Qin Huairu who was next to him, the expression on Qin Huairu's face was mostly disappointed.Then he looked at Yi Zhonghai, the hypocrite was secretly observing Jia Zhang and Liu Haizhong, looking a little confused.

Nothing to do with him.

Just watch the show.

Silly Zhu obediently became a spectator.

Xu Damao also resentfully put away any thoughts he shouldn't have.

A slight resentment flashed across Liu Haizhong's face.

"Now let's have a meeting. Before the meeting, I will announce one thing first. There is a neighbor who has won honor for our compound. I don't need to mention this person in my bangs. The neighbors know who this person is."

Pointing to the dazed Yi Zhonghai.

"That's right, that's right, it's Comrade Yi Zhonghai, the respected and respected elder in charge of our courtyard house. Let us congratulate the elder."

There was sparse applause.

"Then let's talk about the second thing, about the Jia family and the Yi family. The neighbors in the courtyard know that Lao Yi is Jia Dongxu's master. Back then, when he presented the tribute of the three lives and kowtowed, he called him the master-student relationship." .”

Yi Zhonghai's face was trembling.

No more confused people.

I also know the reason why this compound meeting was held.

I said something in my heart.

Mrs. Jia Zhang, you are really ruthless. Just because you forced Mrs. Jia to pay for Qin Huairu's work, you brought this matter to the big courtyard meeting.

I also blame him for thinking of Jia Zhang's family simply.

Mistakenly thought that Jia Zhang wanted to use the compound meeting to force Yi Zhonghai to express his position and give Qin Huairu a job.

He snorted slightly in his heart.

The big mother behind him thought about the same as Yi Zhonghai.

Everyone thought Jia Zhang didn't want to pay.

"It stands to reason that today is a good day for Lao Yi to be promoted to an eighth-level worker. I shouldn't cause trouble for others on the happy day, but Mrs. Jia Zhang said that as the uncle in charge of the courtyard, I have to think about Mrs. Jia and Zhang. , Now, in front of the neighbors in the first courtyard, Mrs. Jia Zhang, you put forward your conditions for the Yi family, what's the matter, let's talk in front of the neighbors."

In fact, Liu Haizhong already knew that Jia Zhang wanted to break up with Yi Zhonghai. He originally wanted him to tell the story. The kick was given to Jia Zhang, and Jia Zhang said it.

Jia Zhang, who saw through Liu Haizhong's tricks, cursed a few dirty words in his heart, then cleared his throat, and said the words to break with the Yi family.

"His second uncle, his third uncle, neighbors, my wife thought about it, and felt that I should be the villain. Dongxu of our family is paralyzed, so he can no longer honor his master and his wife as apprentices, his master and his wife They have no children, and they originally thought that Dongxu would take care of the couple in the future."

Jia Zhang's acting skills are in place.

An expression of considering gains and losses for Yi Zhonghai and his wife.

"The hemp rope is broken at a thin point. When something happens, you have to be served by someone to eat, drink, and scatter for the rest of your life. The old saying goes well, there is no filial son before the bed for a long time, let alone an apprentice. My wife has figured it out, and she has figured it out. Today In front of the neighbors, my old lady announced that our Jia family and Yijiaqiao will return to the bridge, and Lu will return to the road. Xu is no longer his uncle's apprentice."

The silent scene.

There was an instant uproar.

The neighbors were all frightened.

Well stuff.

The Jia family wants to break up with the Yi family, and they will never have any contact with each other.

for them.

That's a good thing about pie in the sky.

Isn't it just a retirement, as long as you can hug Yi Zhonghai's thigh, let alone call Yi Zhonghai master, even if you call him father or grandpa, the neighbors are also happy.

Leaning against the big tree is good for the coolness.

There are eight levels of work backing.

Not to mention easy work, you can go through the back door for promotion, and the salary is high.

In the past, the Jia family occupied the position of apprentice, but now the Jia family has taken the initiative to withdraw Jia Dongxu's identity as Yi Zhonghai's apprentice, which means that Yi Zhonghai has no apprentice.

In this case, they worship Yi Zhonghai as their teacher.

Of course, Yi Zhonghai couldn't refuse either.

There was a touch of joy on their faces.

The typical mentality of eating out of households is at work, 99 yuan a month, even if it is a pension, how much money can it spend?This money will not belong to them in the future.

Unlike the neighbors.

The hearts of Yi Zhonghai and his wife.

is flustered.

I didn't expect Jia Zhang's to be so ruthless, and the first move was to kill Yi Zhonghai and his wife. He promoted the eighth-level worker in the first step, and severed his relationship with Jia Dongxu in the second step.

If Jia Dongxu hadn't been paralyzed, the two would sever their master-student relationship, and there was still the possibility of an explanation.

The problem is that Jia Dongxu became a cripple waiting to die. Maybe he died that day and went to report to Yan Wangye. Under such conditions, the two families have no contact. What do outsiders think?Even if it was Jia Zhang who proposed to sever the relationship, people would still associate the responsibility with Yi Zhonghai and his wife.

With such good treatment for the eighth-level worker, you don't care about the life and death of the paralyzed apprentice.

What's more, there is an item in Yi Zhonghai's comprehensive score for the eighth-level worker, which is clearly written, and one point is added for moral advanced personal honor.

How does morality and personal advancement come from? Isn’t it obtained by never giving up on the paralyzed apprentice.

Get what you want.

Become an eighth grade worker.

He turned his face and refused to recognize anyone, and kicked out the paralyzed apprentice like shit.

It seemed that Yi Zhonghai was not a good person.

This made the face-saving Yi Zhonghai unable to explain it at all.

He only remembered now.

No wonder Jia Zhang had such a strange expression on his face when he left their house just now, and they were waiting for Yi Zhonghai here together.

I have to sigh.

He is really cruel.

He directly grasped Yi Zhonghai's weakness.

If he followed Jia Zhang's words and severed the relationship, I'm afraid the leaders of the rolling mill would not easily let Yi Zhonghai go. If there was trouble, Yi Zhonghai would be able to work as an eighth-level worker to keep the toilet clean.

Can't do it.

Can't do that either.

He hurriedly said something.

"Mom Dongxu, what you said is wrong. I didn't become an eighth-level worker, but I was Dongxu's master. I became an eighth-level worker, and I was still Dongxu's master. You said that life is difficult. I didn't arrange for the pillar to see the sky." Bring you leftovers, why are you talking about death."

Sha Zhu was not used to Yi Zhonghai, so he directly turned back.

"Grandpa, why do I dislike your words? You are an eighth-level worker, why can't you take care of Jia Dongxu? When you were around 99 yuan, you could support their family. Now [-] yuan, you can't support their family." Someone? I told you a few days ago that my sister needs nutrition to take the university entrance exam. Could it be that my sister won’t take the university entrance exam? Or do you not want my sister to take the university entrance examination?”

Yi Zhonghai was at a loss for words for a moment, not knowing how to answer Silly Zhu.

I can't stand the fact that what Silly Zhu said is justified!

At the moment when college students can be called the true pride of heaven, no one dares to trip He Yushui's college entrance examination.

Yi Zhonghai sighed in his heart, he didn't know when Shazhu became so eloquent, and he found an excuse that Yi Zhonghai couldn't handle at all.

Seeing that Yi Zhonghai was speechless by Sha Zhu's words, the first mother saw that Yi Zhonghai was speechless.

I cursed secretly in my heart.

Why do you insist on mentioning Sha Zhu for Jia Zhang's forced palace?

All right.

One two to zero.

Let Yi Zhonghai lose face.

Liu Haizhong saw that Yi Zhonghai was bullied by a fool in public, so he seized the opportunity and said a few words that were regarded as adding insult to injury.

"Old Yi, this is your fault. Sister Shazhu wants to go to university, let alone our courtyard house, even the rolling mill, she has to give way to others."

When Liu Haizhong said this, it was naturally not because of his conscience that he helped Shazhu out.

He did this to take the opportunity to suppress Yi Zhonghai, weaken Yi Zhonghai's prestige, and then achieve the purpose of venting his anger.

"I announce that the compound meeting is over. Tonight's compound meeting, the neighbors should listen to that. Don't spread the word outside. Go home!"

Take the opportunity to suppress Yi Zhonghai
Feel better in a lot of bangs.

He kindly announced the end of the compound meeting.

But not imagined.

Yi Zhonghai spoke up.

Zhen Nima followed Liu Haizhong's wishes, and just ended the meeting in the compound, and put the label of ungrateful and disregarding his apprentice's life and death on Yi Zhonghai's head. How could Yi Zhonghai still work in the rolling mill?

Whether it's sincere or not.

They have to make a serious statement in front of the neighbors.

"Don't adjourn the meeting, I still have something to say."

The neighbors who hadn't left before.

Wait for Yi Zhonghai's follow-up.

"Mom Dongxu, in front of the neighbors in the first courtyard, I, Yi Zhonghai, told me what I meant. When Jia Dongxu was accepted, the neighbors all knew that the three-life tribute was placed, and Jia Dongxu kowtowed to me three more times." , called master three times, as the saying goes, one day is a teacher and life is a father. I don't care what you Jia Zhang thinks, anyway, I think so in Yi Zhonghai's heart. It doesn't matter when Jia Dongxu's health is good or bad, he will My apprentice, I am his master. Now you say to sever ties and stop contacting, do I still kneel down and give Jia Dongxu three rings back!"

The tone is extraordinarily loud.

But Sha Zhu could hear a bit of resentment from inside.

Think about it too.

The eighth-level worker in the dignified rolling mill was forced to a dead end by the homeless Jia Zhang, and had to say some embarrassing things against his will.

If it were him, he would be stupid.

It has to be like Yi Zhonghai.

He was also a bit wary of Jia Zhang in his heart, saying that Jia Zhang was brainless, if he really was brainless, would he be able to do something like using everyone to force Gong Yi Zhonghai?

Sha Zhu guessed with his toes, and he could guess what Yi Zhonghai would do next. It must be the result of spending money to buy a job for Jia's family.

a few words.

Huang Lai Yi Zhonghai worked for several thousand yuan.

Properly worth a word.

"What a big man who promises everything." Xu Damao took the opportunity to turn on the fire, "Aunt Jia, there is an eighth-level worker here, so you don't have to worry about the life of the Jia family. Sticky should go to school, and Xiaodang should go to kindergarten. "

She looked at Shazhu with a somewhat unfriendly look.

Xu Damao has always remembered the things that Shazhu beat him before.

Turn over these old accounts.

Sha Zhu can't be spared so easily.

He deliberately repeated what Shazhu said just now.

"Silly Zhu said, the old man's current salary is 99 yuan. He and the big mother spent 20 yuan for a month. It's unlucky to die, and if it spreads out, it will lose the reputation of the uncle as an eighth-level worker, and it seems that the uncle is not as good as a beast."

Yi Zhonghai actually didn't want to go along with Xu Damao.

But it won't work if you don't agree.

Who put him at a disadvantage.

"Dongxu's mother, what Xu Damao said is reasonable. Don't worry about the Jia family's affairs. I have everything to do with you. Tell Dongxu that when I finish these things, I must go to the hospital to see him."

A few words to get things done.

Yi Zhonghai deliberately accentuated his tone.

He believed that Jia Zhang should have heard the meaning in the words.

It's up to you, Mrs. Jia, to take care of Qin Huairu's work. Even if it costs money, you don't need Mrs. Jia to pay for it.

The cause of Jia Zhang's disturbance.

It was Yi Zhonghai and his wife who wanted to turn the tables.

See the purpose has been achieved.

Naturally, I won't be doing too much entanglement.


It's not okay to break the jar.

She looked at Yi Zhonghai and said a few false words.

"Master Dongxu, my wife really doesn't know what to say. The two most correct things our family Dongxu has done in his life, the first one is to recognize him as a loving and righteous master. The second thing is to marry such a good daughter-in-law as Qin Huairu."

Kill two birds with one stone.

By the words of the scene.

Talk about solving Qin Huairu's work to death.

It also blocked Qin Huairu's way to remarry.

"Don't say these words, everyone knows it, let's end the meeting!"

Yi Zhonghai was in a bad mood.

Dispersed the crowd.

He was worried that Jia Zhang would make trouble again, such as kowtow to himself in public.

People dispersed one after another.

The hustle and bustle of the quadrangle also moved from the courtyard to their houses as everyone went back. The Yan family in the front yard, the Jia family, Yi family, and He family in the middle courtyard, and the Liu family in the backyard were all talking about them behind closed doors. My own small accounts, such as how Jia Zhang's calculations, how Yi Zhonghai was forced to agree, and so on.

I am envious.

They also sighed with emotion that Jia Zhang is really a master who is willing to go out. If they were replaced by them, they might not have the courage to turn against Yi Zhonghai.

(End of this chapter)

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