Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 128 Yi Zhonghai almost died of anger

Chapter 128 Yi Zhonghai almost died of anger
It is the so-called profit from chaos.

The more chaotic, the better for Sha Zhu.

Yi Zhonghai was troubled by many troubles. Before solving these troubles, he had no extra energy and time to plot against Sha Zhu. Only then could Sha Zhu take advantage of Yi Zhonghai being troubled and unable to deal with other opportunities, so that he could jump out of Yi Zhonghai. Zhonghai's calculation.

Silly column decided.

Wait until these days are over.

I went to chat with director Wang of the street.

A few days ago, Director Wang's son married a wife, and Sha Zhu helped him cook the spoon. At the wedding, he used all his skills to make all the vegetarian dishes. With a slap in the face, it can be regarded as a favor to Director Wang.

As a member of the street, I have not married a wife at the age of 26.

It is tantamount to Director Wang's dereliction of duty.

Silly Zhu, who was blackmailed by the matchmaker circle, was an ordinary resident in Director Wang's sub-district area. It made sense logically that he asked Director Wang for a wife. A good and promising young man should be organized to give Sha Zhu a wife.

Listening to the glorious deeds of the eighth-level workers advertised on the radio.

Silly Zhu, who was in a good mood, greeted the two security staff on the side.

One of them joked when he saw Silly Zhu going back on his bicycle and walking back on foot.

"Shazhu, you lost your bicycle, right? You have to tell us about this. What are we doing? The security department is doing things like guarding the house and catching thieves."

"Old Wang, I told you a long time ago that the bicycle is borrowed from others. After finishing the work, I will return it to him." After walking a few steps, the silly Zhu turned his body back and turned towards the two people in the porter's room. The security department warned, "Today there is a dish of vegetarian fried potato chips in the second canteen, come early."

"Shazhu, can't we have some meat? Big fat pork slices! Braised pork! It smells delicious!"

Silly Zhu snorted coldly in his heart.

I also want to eat braised pork.

Don't even look at the current year.

I can hardly afford to eat fried leaves, and I still want to eat meat.


Said: "Vegetarian fried potato chips, I will take care of the spoon myself."

"Silly Zhu, I understand. I don't have any other dishes for lunch today, but fried potato chips."

There are two departments in the rolling mill who cannot be messed with.

The first is the security department.

These people are in charge of all aspects of safety and security work in the rolling mill, and they also have certain law enforcement powers, especially Sha Zhu is a master who likes to entertain meals.

The right is to bribe the security department.

Free favors.

No need to be white.

The second department that cannot be provoked is the cafeteria. Relying on its own responsibility for the eating and drinking of the people in the rolling mill, it will shake the spoon for you if you are in a hurry.

In the old days.

The security department and the cafeteria turned a blind eye to each other.

Silly show of favor.

People can afford it too.

Smiling and chatting with Shazhu a few dispensable scene words.

Clap ass and go.

When Shazhu left, he looked at the loudspeaker of the Propaganda Section, and he was still promoting the eighth-level workers, but it was not a propaganda document issued by the factory leader, but a propaganda document drawn up by the Propaganda Section based on the eighth-level workers. In the manuscript, Yi Zhonghai's name was still not mentioned in it.

"All the workers and comrades of the rolling mill, please pay attention, let us express our warm congratulations to the newly promoted eighth-level worker and this year's annual technical model Zhang Weilin with sincerity. Zhang Weilin's technical backbone."

This time.

Even more than before.

Reported five times in a row.

If it wasn't for the concern that this is a rolling mill, Sha Zhu would have bought a few kickers to celebrate Yi Zhonghai being trampled on the ground by Zhang Weilin like shit.


the other side.

Yi Zhonghai, who gave deputy factory director Li a two-to-zero score, walked down the streets of the factory area with a brow full of melancholy.

Lots of troubles.

The calculation routines that Yi Zhonghai is proud of are completely useless. The moral kidnapping methods he used to control everyone in the courtyard, and the foolish tricks, are completely useless in the face of the first and second leaders of the rolling mill. If you make a move, people don't like him.

Pick up the persimmon softly.

work indicators.

Slow down first.

Prioritize the matter of Yan Fugui's bicycle.

The canteen in the compound has to be done.

The first and second in command walked in front of him, extinguishing Yi Zhonghai's idea of ​​closing the canteen in the compound. The rolling mill's reputation is notorious in the streets, and the reputation in the compound must be preserved.

A truly infamous rhythm.

Yi Zhonghai's three words became a curse word, two old women cursed the street, one of them was Yi Zhonghai, and the other was you.

This is not good.

Identify the direction.

Yi Zhonghai lowered his head and walked towards the second canteen.

He was going to use the routines that could not be used on the first and second in command on Sha Zhu. Before he even reached the second cafeteria, the loudspeaker of the publicity department designated Zhang Weilin as this year's annual technical model issued by the first and second in command of the rolling mill. Yi Zhonghai stopped and waited for a long time, but he didn't hear his name on the broadcast, and his already angry mood became even more furious, like a volcano that had been accumulated for many years. It's going to explode.

I was ashamed before.

Only Yi Zhonghai and a few insiders knew about it.

Such a broadcast.

The tens of thousands of workers in the rolling mill, men and women, old and young, all know that Yi Zhonghai, an eighth-level worker, was recruited through personal relationships. Does he still have the face to stay in the rolling mill?
workers in the factory.

Neighbors in the yard.

For those who called Yi Zhonghai an eighth-level worker, the eighth-level worker in their mouths was no longer a respectful title, but a derogatory term.

It is also one of Yi Zhonghai's credits to turn the respectful title of eighth-level worker into a derogatory term with his own efforts.

There was a fire in my heart.

I don't know how to vent it.

It looked like ants on a hot pan.

It's a big deal for Zhong Hai.

For someone with a bad fate, maybe he would go for a walk underground at this time.

a long time.

After finally letting go of the depression in his chest, the loudspeakers in the publicity department read out the promotional script written by themselves to pay tribute to the newly promoted eighth-level worker Zhang Weilin.

"Comrade Zhang Weilin relied on his excellent technical skills to become a new eighth-level worker in the rolling mill. This is the promise of all employees in our rolling mill..."

There was still no Yi Zhonghai's name in it.

Yi Zhonghai was so angry that he almost vomited blood and died, as if he stepped on an electric wire, his whole body trembled, and his fighting teeth made a rattling sound.

His body didn't even have the strength to stand up, as if his spirit had been artificially emptied. Seeing a seven or eight-year-old tree beside him, he quickly leaned his body against the trunk and walked along the tree. The tree trunk slumped slowly on the steps by the roadside.

He stared blankly at the road ahead, if it wasn't for the slight ups and downs of his chest, showing that he was not dead, someone really called for a hearse and dragged Yi Zhonghai directly to the crematorium.

They are all bullying me!
They are bullying me to death!
(End of this chapter)

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