Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 129 Broadcast accident?no it's the truth

Chapter 129 Broadcast accident?no it's the truth

Yi Zhonghai was a bit resentful.

He didn't find the reason from himself, but pushed all the responsibilities and faults on others.

Shazhu and the leaders of the rolling mill became the targets of Yi Zhonghai's resentment.

He resented Shazhu for forcing him to give him a bicycle ticket, and he resented that the first and second leaders of the rolling mill gave him the title of eighth-level worker, but did not give him the treatment that eighth-level worker should have.

If there were quotas for entering the factory and bill benefits, Yi Zhonghai would not have to go to the black market to toss up bills, and then lose his work permit. Everyone in the rolling mill would know about the trouble, and everyone would discuss it.

In order to quell the rumor, Yi Zhonghai found two leaders, but he offended the two leaders of the rolling mill because he couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

He leans against the trunk.

Looking ahead with red eyes.

Racking his brains to think of countermeasures.

Unexpectedly, I broke my head, but my brain is still in a mess, without the slightest clue to solve these troubles, and I can't follow these sequences.

A sad look appeared on Yi Zhonghai's face, his brows were wrinkled into a big pimple, and infinite bitterness surged all over his body.

He really couldn't understand all of this, what went wrong, and how it suddenly became impossible for Yi Zhonghai to control the overall situation.


I can only comfort myself, saying that all this will pass, and he will usher in the dawn one day. At that time, Yi Zhonghai is the eighth-level worker in the rolling mill, and no one will look down on him anymore, and no one will say behind his back He said bad things, and the heads of the rolling mill wanted to treat Yi Zhonghai like a grandfather.

Ah Q's ego paralyzed.

Yi Zhonghai's mood improved a lot. He tried his best to stand up from the ground with his hands on the trunk of the tree. He looked around and saw that there were no workers in the rolling mill around him. His feeling of depression and depression made him feel slightly better. a little.He let out a sigh of relief, recognized the direction of the second canteen, and stepped out with his left foot. Before the sole of his foot touched the ground, Yi Zhonghai paused on the spot again, subconsciously raised his throat, although he said in his heart All these words of consolation were in the past, but his emotions still rose and fell like waves following the sound from the propaganda department's loudspeaker.

He can remember.

The two broadcasts that made me feel ashamed to connect to my home were both caused by the Propaganda Department.

I don't want to leave.

Stop in place.

He listened to all this with his ears open.

With a strong sense of uneasiness in his heart, Yi Zhonghai, who had always been atheist, silently made a humble begging voice to the gods and Buddhas in the sky.

Don't let Yi Zhonghai and Zhang Weilin mention the eighth-level workers anymore.

Once the loudspeaker broadcasts, Yi Zhonghai feels uncomfortable and loses face once. He doesn't want to enjoy the sad reminder that life is worse than death.


Yi Zhonghai's prayer didn't have the expected effect, or the gods and Buddhas all over the sky didn't hear Yi Zhonghai's heartfelt voice at all, and the sound of Yi Zhonghai's face being stepped on the muddy ground related to Yi Zhonghai was clearly heard from the loudspeaker The sound came out and flew into Yi Zhonghai's ears.

"Sister Wang, Master Yi Zhonghai and Master Zhang Linwei are both newly promoted eighth-level workers in the steel rolling mill's skill worker competition. Why did you commend Master Zhang Weilin? Are you going to commend Yi Zhonghai tomorrow? Is the commendation manuscript for tomorrow worthy of me?" to read?"

"Commend Yi Zhonghai tomorrow? What good things do you think? On the day of the assessment, the parts processed by Zhang Weilin advanced by 0.01mm above the qualified data, and the parts processed by Yi Zhonghai exceeded the qualified standard by 0.02mm. In terms of technical level, Yi Zhonghai is not even worthy to carry the shoes of Master Zhang Weilin."

"Then why did you promote Yi Zhonghai to an eighth-level worker? Just let him stay at the seventh-level worker!"

"You really don't understand? Are you still pretending to be confused with me? Didn't Yi Zhonghai get the title of a morally advanced individual? I guess the factory leaders looked at the honor of this morally advanced individual, and the overall score was appropriately raised by a bit. Little by little, Yi Zhonghai has been mentioned to the ranks of the eighth-level workers, and in terms of technology, he can't reach the eighth-level workers."

"I remembered that Yi Zhonghai's comprehensive score was the highest among the 97 assessors."

"Now you should understand."

"Xu Damao, I heard that Yi Zhonghai is still in charge of your compound?"

In fact, this is a broadcast accident.

As usual.

After the announcer finishes broadcasting the script, he will turn off the switch of the microphone.

But because Xu Damao heard that a new female colleague came to the publicity department, people who met said she looked like a fairy in the painting, and Xu Damao was a master who couldn't control his lower body, so he rushed to make friends.

They were all from the Propaganda Department, and Xu Damao took great pains to get some rare candies and melon seeds and peanuts over.

The broadcasting room, which was supposed to be calm, became lively in an instant. Those people from the Propaganda Department came to enjoy Xu Damao's bonus. They completely forgot about turning off the microphone. They mistakenly thought that the microphone switch was turned off by themselves. Some words that would only be said in private occasions pushed Yi Zhonghai's embarrassment to a climax in one fell swoop.

"Sister Wang, Brother Li, Brother Zhang, don't just eat melon seeds and candies, tell me the name of this new beautiful lesbian, she looks similar to my sister, don't laugh, What I, Xu Damao, told the truth, I am ashamed of flowers in a closed moon, I am ashamed of flowers, and I am worthy of the title of beautiful announcer of the propaganda department of the rolling mill!"

"Xu Damao, don't think we don't know about your flamboyant brat. If you want to get to know our new female colleague, let's go along and let us accompany you."

"You guys, I'm really ignoring what I, Xu Damao, think about you. It's obviously normal for colleagues to learn from each other and make progress together. It's so nasty to say it from your mouth. Come on! I don't need your introduction, myself Come on, comrade, hello, I am Xu Damao, a film projectionist from the Propaganda Section, welcome to the Propaganda Section, I hope we can become a person who dedicates himself to the rolling mill under the guidance of the great something ! Dedicate our lives to the rolling mill!"

on the factory road.

Silly Zhu who stopped in his tracks.

Listen to the voice inside the loudspeaker.

I sincerely admire Xu Damao.

Turtle grandson really dare to think and do.

like who.

Straight away.

He suddenly thought of Liu Yufeng, and guessed that Liu Yufeng, who was in the sixteenth workshop, should have heard Xu Damao's inconspicuous remarks.

What will you think then?What do you think?
The key point is that Xu Damao's ending is quite good. He said, "I hope we can become a person who dedicates our strength to the rolling mill under the guidance of the great so-and-so!"The words "Dedicate our lives to the rolling mill" reflect Xu Damao's noble sentiments.


A cold snort came out of his mouth.

Walk towards the direction of the second canteen.

As he walked, he listened to the commotion in the loudspeaker. At first he didn't care, thinking it was an internal propaganda, but when he heard it later, Sha Zhu realized something was wrong.

The voices coming from the loudspeakers are not so much publicity drafts as they are more apt to say they are doing their homework in private.

Because Yi Zhonghai was mentioned again!
"Xu Damao, I warn you, don't think about our Begonia, and become a person who dedicates himself to the rolling mill! Dedicating our lives to the rolling mill, isn't it because you think that Begonia looks good, and you made a fool of yourself, say Yi Zhonghai, Yi Zhonghai is the uncle in charge of your courtyard."

"Haitang, good name, sister Haitang, you brother Xu is a good person, Yi Zhonghai is the first man in charge of our compound, and Liu Haizhong is the second man in charge of our courtyard. , can still have a bowl of water level, and when you meet Jia’s family, your buttocks can’t be more sideways.”

Xu Damao, who didn't know that their words were heard by all the people in the rolling mill, pretended to be clever and talked about the stupid Zhu's rebellion against Louis Zhonghai.

He took the credit for it on himself.

"This was before Jia Dongxu was paralyzed. When Jia Dongxu was paralyzed, guess what Yi Zhonghai did. He didn't know what he was thinking. He actually held a big courtyard meeting and called on the neighbors of our courtyard house to donate money and goods for the Jia family."

"One side is in trouble and all sides support it. They are all neighbors in the same compound. If something goes wrong, it's right to help, isn't it?"

"My sister Haitang, you don't understand now. If you are a good person, it doesn't matter if you donate money. Your Brother Xu is the first to rush forward. The problem is that Jia Dongxu is not a good person. Do you know why he had an accident? It's because he brought three donkeys with him." They played cards by lighting kerosene lamps all night. They misoperated the machine in a trance, gathered crowds to gamble, and brought people together to gamble many times. If it wasn't for Jia Dongxu's paralysis, he would not be lying in the hospital now, he would have been sent to the hospital a long time ago go in!"

"Brother Xu, Jia Dongxu and the others gather together to gamble, how do you know?"

"That's what the missing string said."

"Missing a string?"

"If it wasn't for the lack of strings, you could hold a kerosene lamp and watch Jia Dongxu and the others play cards all night. If Brother Xu doesn't donate money and goods to Jia's family, it's not cold-blooded. It's a fight against bad habits."


"In the end, under your brother Xu's leadership, the neighbors all agreed to donate money and goods to Yi Zhonghai. Yi Zhonghai's salary of more than 80 yuan a month can't support five or six members of Jia's family? It must be that Jia Dongxu is paralyzed. We can't give him a retirement pension, and want to use the compound meeting to push Jia's family out like garbage."

"Extinct household?"

"It's just that there are no children!"

"What nonsense, there are still unmarried people here, a little taboo."

"Sister Wang, I know what an extinct family is, why is Yi Zhonghai an extinct family?"


In the factory area.

Yi Zhonghai, who wanted to go to Sha Zhu to do ideological work, was overwhelmed by the contents of the loudspeaker, so his high blood pressure came up, and he looked at everything around him in a daze. Those things that were considered dead in his eyes were now alive. When he came over, he was like a goblin in a movie, surrounding Yi Zhonghai and saying that Yi Zhonghai is an extremely murderous person!

Stepping back a few steps.

In the end, because of his loss of soul, he slumped on the ground.

His hand tremblingly stretched out towards the big horn not far away.

He wanted to put his hand over that damn big speaker, and stop it from talking.

I don't know.

This is simply nonsense.

Physical weakness is one thing, and distance is another.

Yi Zhonghai's body was trembling, the muscles on his face were also trembling, and the teeth in his mouth were also making knocking sounds!
At this moment.

Yi Zhonghai really wanted to die.

Maybe you don't have to endure these gossips anymore after you die!

He laid his body on the side of the road.

This is a non-standard too word.

Staring fixedly at the white clouds in the sky, his eyes suddenly became hot, and tears of grievance welled up in Yi Zhonghai's eyes. Very uncomfortable!


suppressed to the extreme.

Yi Zhonghai roared loudly.

A roar.

His mood eased up a little bit, and his weak limbs regained a little bit of strength. Yi Zhonghai covered his ears with his hands under the delusion of deceiving his ears. Perhaps in this way, he could not hear the embarrassing things about Yi Zhonghai that Xu Damao and the others were talking about. Bar!
He overestimated himself.

Also underestimated the power of the loudspeaker.

The voice was still piercing through the void, sending Yi Zhonghai's past events that Xu Damao and the others were hotly discussing over the years into Yi Zhonghai's ears without missing a single word, making Yi Zhonghai who was lying on the lawn so excited that he wanted to die. Buried himself alive.


"Yi Zhonghai and his wife have been married for many years and have no children. They are worried that they will be wiped out, so they have the idea of ​​asking their apprentices to help them take care of the elderly. But now because Jia Dongxu is paralyzed, Yi Zhonghai wants to help Jia's family. It was a good deal, so he held a meeting in the compound and asked Shazhu to help."

"Shazhu? There are people with the surname Sha?"

"His name is He Yuzhu, and his nickname is Shazhu. He is not stupid. His first-hand cooking skills are second to none in our rolling mill."

"Isn't Sha Zhu stupid? Even a fool can understand things, but he can't understand. Why is Yi Zhonghai treating him well? Isn't it because he wants to make his pension more secure? The starting point of being good to Sha Zhu is actually calculations."

Propaganda Section.

The more Xu Damao talked, the more excited he became.

Face to face with beautiful colleagues.

You have to express yourself as much as possible.

At this time, Xu Damao was almost like the peacock in heat seeking a mate, with his tails on.

Facing Haitang, a beautiful lesbian who has just joined the rolling mill, everything about Lou Xiao'e and Liu Yufeng was thrown to the back of his head by Xu Damao.

Talk a lot.

Talk about some secrets that the silly column doesn't know, and everyone in the publicity department doesn't know.

"Shazhu is Yi Zhonghai's backup tire for the elderly care. If Jia Dongxu has no accident, Shazhu is a fool. Now that Jia Dongxu has an accident, Yi Zhonghai can only rely on Shazhu for his retirement."

"Xu Damao, this is why you were beaten by Shazhu, and Yi Zhonghai favored Shazhu, right?"

"Sister Wang, what you said is wrong. What do you mean I was beaten by a fool? I was retreating strategically and attacking the enemy in a detour!"

Xu Damao who didn't want to lose his status in front of his beautiful colleagues.

Changed the subject quickly.

"Yi Zhonghai, looking at Mianshan, looks like a good old man. In fact, he has a full stomach. You have all been deceived by his hypocritical face. At the compound meeting, tell Shazhu that he will let him take care of you in the future." Helping the Jia family in the name of bringing vegetables from the rolling mill, we are all adults, think about it, what kind of shit idea could this be. Jia Dongxu was paralyzed on the front leg, and Yi Zhonghai asked Shazhu to bring leftovers to Qin Huairu on the back leg, obviously wanting to tell Outsiders say that Shazhu has a problem with Qin Huairu."

"I heard that silly Zhu has been thinking about Qin Huairu all the time?"

"My sister, do you believe this nonsense? When Qin Huairu married Jia Dongxu, Shazhu was only 16 years old. He didn't even know his fart. Now I suspect that the person who fabricated this rumor is actually Yi Zhonghai. Jia Dongxu's mother At first, he objected to Jia Dongxu marrying Qin Huairu, but later he agreed because of the rumors, did Yi Zhonghai profit?"

As the villain in the play "Love in the Courtyard".

Xu Damao is truly sober in the world.

What many people can't understand, Xu Damao can see through the essence of the matter at a glance.

This may be the reason why Yi Zhonghai doesn't like Xu Damao!

Xu Damao misses Qin Huairu, not because he likes Qin Huairu, but because he wants to compete with Silly Zhu, and wants to express a kind of goddess that you, Silly Zhu, have put in all kinds of efforts to please, but I easily use five white-faced steamed buns and two He came up with the idea of ​​easily winning the dish, so as to tell Sha Zhu that Xu Damao had won.

In other words.

If Sha Zhu ignored Qin Huairu, Qin Huairu rushed to beg Xu Damao, but Xu Damao didn't bother to look at him, and the film projectionist didn't see anything.

Xu Damao has always suspected that Yi Zhonghai was playing tricks behind Shazhu's rumors.

"Looking at your expressions, I can see that you haven't thought it through carefully. Jia Dongxu is Yi Zhonghai's apprentice, and Yi Zhonghai asked Qin Huairu to marry into the city. Do both of you have to accept Yi Zhonghai's affection? Do you both agree to provide for Yi Zhonghai's retirement? "

"What does that have to do with bringing leftovers?"

"Silly Zhu has a bad reputation and can't marry a daughter-in-law, so he can only marry Qin Huairu?"

"Silly Zhu married Qin Huairu. Doesn't that mean he married the entire Jia family? I heard that Jia Dongxu has three children and an old lady! He will be a cow and a horse for the Jia family for the rest of his life? Can the Jia family who won't go down easily let Shazhu go? After all, Qin Huairu is the mother of the Jia family's three children! If Shazhu and Qin Huairu have their own children, how many people will Shazhu have to support by earning money alone? The Jia family Five yuan, if the child grows up, I can't imagine it!"

Propaganda Section.

Instantly became silent.

Rough words are not rude.

Everyone was shocked by Yu Haitang's words.

Thinking of the extravagant wedding package, the roots of the teeth are shaking, and I feel a little sad for Sha Zhu from the bottom of my heart. This blood-sucking package is really cool.

"Haitang, you are wrong. If Qin Huairu was really arranged by Yi Zhonghai to be Sha Zhu's wife, she would definitely not give Sha Zhu a child."

"Silly Zhu, like Yi Zhonghai, will continue to plot others to help him in the elderly?" Yu Haitang asked everyone, because she just left school and joined the job, and she is somewhat lacking in sophistication. Is it an extinct family? Maybe you don’t know, that’s why you want to match Qin Huairu and Shazhu!"

Xu Damao on the side frowned.

as an adversary.

Naturally, he couldn't see Sha Zhu doing well, the more unlucky Sha Zhu was, the happier Xu Damao was.


Xu Damao realized that he seemed to have done something to help Sha Zhu. At the compound meeting a few days ago, he should not stand on the opposite side of Yi Zhonghai and incite the neighbors to deal with Yi Zhonghai. Let Sha Zhu bring leftovers to help Qin Huairu, and then lend money to Jia's family.

Only this.

Xu Damao's interests can be maximized.

In all fairness.

If Silly Zhu really married Qin Huairu, he would have to work hard for the Jia family, and play gangsters for the rest of his life.


Qin Huairu already has three children, and she is married to Shazhu, who is regarded as a stepfather. If she has a biological child, it is still unknown whether she will be able to treat BangGiao and the others well.

The smartest way is for Qin Huairu not to give birth to a child for Shazhu, even if she has the idea of ​​giving birth to a child for Shazhu, Jia Zhang will let Qin Huairu give up such an idea.

At that time, Shazhu will be a Yi Zhonghai who is not Yi Zhonghai. He is extinct and faces the problem of providing for the elderly.

Three-year-olds see big things, and seven-year-olds see small things.

This year's nine-year-old Stick Terrier doesn't look like a good thing.

Growing up, marrying a daughter-in-law, and driving the immobile silly Zhu out of the house, isn't this the scene Xu Damao wants to see the most to take revenge on silly Zhu.


In order to deal with Yi Zhonghai, in order to embarrass Yi Zhonghai, he even forgot such an important thing.

Xu Damao complained repeatedly in his heart, and regretted it at the beginning, why he was blinded by lard at the beginning, and insisted on finding trouble for Yi Zhonghai, if he had echoed Yi Zhonghai at that time, wouldn't it be even more difficult for Shazhu to explain his relationship with Qin Huairu? Xu Damao was so angry that he wanted to find someone to fight with him.


The consequence of silly Zhu marrying Qin Huairu.

unrelated outsiders.

Goosebumps all over.

It's even worse to make the parties feel stupid.

Although he got the divine book called "Stupid Pillar" that predicted the future, because he was not well-educated and didn't know some characters, and because He Yushui took the book away under the pretext that he wanted to go to university, he made a fuss. So far, the silly Zhu only knows the contents of the first five chapters, knowing that Yi Zhonghai calculated that he wants to marry Qin Huairu, and has been making targeted counterattacks.

The starting point of the counterattack was nothing more than not wanting to listen to Yi Zhonghai and marry a divorced woman with children.

But the specific consequences of marrying Qin Huairu.

to be frank.

Silly Zhu really didn't think about it.

Those voices coming from the loudspeaker.

Like a resounding slap in the face, it slapped Sha Zhu's cheek heavily, which must have woken Sha Zhu up!
I greet you Yi Zhonghai's eight generations of ancestors.

Simply not human.

You are foolish enough to plan me like this, you are letting me follow in the footsteps of your Yi Zhonghai.

Originally, he wanted to wait for a few days, and after all these bloody things were done, he would go to the director of the street to ask for a wife. After being reminded like this, Sha Zhu realized that he really couldn't delay the matter of marrying a wife.


He let out a long breath.

Maybe it's because of depression.

The body felt a trace of pleasure from the bottom of its heart.

From now on, I will not associate with Yi Zhonghai!
Fuck him.

Whoever loves to get in touch with Yi Zhonghai, anyway, he is stupid and doesn't serve him anymore. He does one thing in front of his face and another behind his back. Looking at Yi Zhonghai as a kind person, he is a beast in human skin!
Yu Haitang's question of "Yi Zhonghai, does he know if he does this will make Sha Zhu an extinct family like him", was heard by Sha Zhu without missing a single word.

He suddenly didn't know how to describe his mood.

some things.

It's not tenable at all, just like the fact that Yi Zhonghai arranged for Qin Huairu to marry Shazhu. Although Qin Huairu is not a widow, Qin Huairu has three children. This is a fact that no one can question.

Two people together.

It is very likely that Shazhu has become a new generation of extinct households in courtyard houses.

It is impossible for Yi Zhonghai, who is in his early fifties, not to have thought of these things. He knew that Sha Zhu would be wiped out if he married Qin Huairu, but he still wanted to make Sha Zhu marry Qin Huairu in order to make his pension more secure. To describe it in two words, it is simply not as good as a beast.

Yi Zhonghai is a dog day.

Really not human.

Silly Zhu felt a little grateful.

I'm glad that those people in the publicity department chatted so much nonsense, and I'm also glad that Xu Damao participated in it. If Xu Damao hadn't exposed these things, Sha Zhu really didn't know that there were so many hidden secrets in it, and he was very likely to go on the road to extermination.

He moved his limbs.

He looked in the direction of Workshop Nine.

Go straight to Workshop Nine.

along the way.

Give people a bad posture.

It really is.

Silly Zhu was going to the No. [-] workshop to question Yi Zhonghai face to face, and without giving him a reasonable explanation, he would definitely let Yi Zhonghai taste the power of his invincible iron fist.

Probably thinking about something.

And because of silly Zhu lowered his head.

while walking.

I felt as if I had hit a solid wall, and my body was knocked out subconsciously. After my butt was thrown and sat on the ground, I let out a painful roar from my mouth, raised my head, and didn't care about crying Complaining about people indiscriminately, turning over and getting up from the ground, trying to run in the direction when he came.

But he didn't expect that the other party just took a big step, and then blocked Shazhu's way again.

"Hehe!" Shazhu, the god of war in the courtyard, who had beaten all the invincible opponents in the courtyard, squeezed out a flattering smile on his face, and said to Liu Yufeng: "Let me just say, except for Comrade Liu Yufeng, who can win?" Knock me out, Comrade Liu Yufeng, you are going to the toilet, then go quickly, there will be a lot of people, don't go late, there is no room."

"I find you!"

Silly Zhu knew that Liu Yufeng had nothing good to do with him.

Except Xu Damao.

Who else could it be?

Xu Damao, the dignified grandson of the courtyard house, actually got Liu Yufeng's sincerity. He saw Shazhu twice a day, and once he saw him, he warned him once, so that Shazhu could treat Xu Damao better.

People who know the inside story know that Sha Zhu and Xu Damao are rivals, and people who don't know the inside story, when they hear Liu Yufeng say that, they think Xu Damao and Sha Zhu are a couple.

Silly Zhu thought about it.

Nothing happened last night.

There was also a large courtyard meeting.

Could it be that Xu Damao, who is a dog, has sued Liu Yufeng again?

"Comrade Liu Yufeng, I don't care what Xu Damao told you, but I have to make one point. I kept silent during the compound meeting last night. If you don't believe me, ask those people in our courtyard, Liu Haizhong, The second uncle in charge, he can testify for me."

Silly Zhu was eager to put aside his responsibility.

It made Liu Yufeng secretly amused. This time, he came to Shazhu not to stand up for Xu Damao, but after listening to the radio, he felt that Shazhu had been plotted to be wiped out, but he had to repeat it because of Xu Damao's affairs. Warn Silly Zhu, want to apologize to Silly Zhu.

"Silly Zhu, I have nothing else to do, I just want to apologize to you."

Zhang Er's monk.

I can't figure out my own mind.

Silly Zhu really didn't expect Liu Yufeng to come to him, not to stand up for Xu Damao, but to apologize to himself.

Another expression changed on his face.

"I can't apologize. They are all workers in the rolling mill. I will definitely do what I promised you. I will definitely not beat Xu Damao again. After all, I have to fight back when Xu Damao tricks me. When I try to fight back, Be a little softer, by the way, Comrade Liu Yufeng, it's not that I don't feel pain in my back when I stand and talk, that Xu Damao is really not a good match for you."

Liu Yufeng looked down at Shazhu from a high position, and lingered on Shazhu's face for a short while. This face really couldn't compare to Xu Damao's long face.

He hummed a sentence out of his mouth.

"What do you mean by that? Don't you mean you are my good match?"

Silly Zhu was startled.

That's right.

Four of them tied together is not Liu Yufeng's opponent.

Just as he was about to speak out to correct Liu Yufeng's wrong words, Liu Yufeng waved his hand at him indifferently, and gave Shazhu a two-to-zero with words that poked Shazhu's heart.

"As far as your appearance is concerned, forget it, I'd better think about Xu Damao, silly Zhu, don't waste your time, you are not my dish, we are not suitable!"

In a word.

The words that Sha Zhu corrected were stuffed into his mouth without missing a single word. His mood, which had been hit by 120 critical points, was doubled in an instant, and his mood became more and more uncomfortable than knowing that Yi Zhonghai was calculating. He put him out of business and made him feel uncomfortable.

Silly Zhu pursed his lips.

He lowered his head to look at his attire, and arranged his hair with his hands. Although there was no mirror, he was convinced that he was a spirited young man.

But Liu Yufeng didn't see it in his eyes.

I still can't see you.

"Stop showing off, if you show off again, you're not as big as Xu Mao!"

Silly column found out for the first time.

Liu Yufeng unexpectedly also has the potential to have a poisonous tongue.

He glanced at Liu Yufeng.

Off topic.

"Comrade Liu Yufeng, aside from this, we are still workers in the rolling mill."

You can't continue the topic of this stupid column being inferior to Xu Damao.

Going on talking, Sha Zhu worried that he would lose his mind.

"What are you talking about? Who talked to you about this? I heard on the radio that Yi Zhonghai was plotting to turn you into an extinct family like him. He felt that your life was bad, so I came here to talk to you. It's better for you , Advise me not to waste time on Xu Damao, I know who I am, I have no other intentions, I just want to protect Xu Damao from a distance, especially not to let him be beaten by your idiot again!"

Only then did Sha Zhu know.

I made an own mistake.

He ran his hands through his hair.

I smiled embarrassedly.

"So you're talking about this. I thought it was something else. I've received your kindness. There's nothing else. You should go back first!"

"Why don't you stay in the second canteen, are you going to the ninth workshop?"

Shrewd Liu Yufeng.

Immediately guessed the destination of Sha Zhu.


Immediately, with strong curiosity, he asked Sha Zhu.

"Why did you go to workshop No. [-]? You shouldn't be looking for Yi Zhonghai, right?"

"That's right. I'll ask Yi Zhonghai why he is so wicked. I have to ask him to give me a reasonable explanation, otherwise I'll beat him up."

(End of this chapter)

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