Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 130 Silly Zhu, a 26-year-old bachelor

Chapter 130 Silly Zhu, a 26-year-old bachelor

Liu Yufeng is also a master who doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement.

And because Yi Zhonghai plotted against her, he wanted to use Liu Yufeng to trick him into fooling around.

According to this point to discuss.

Yi Zhonghai was the common enemy of both Shazhu and Liu Yufeng. Hearing that Shazhu was going to beat up the hypocrite Yi Zhonghai, Liu Yufeng decisively helped out with an idea.

"Silly Zhu, for the sake of our good relationship, let me remind you that Yi Zhonghai is not easy to fight."

Sha Zhu was a little confused.

When will I have a good relationship with you, Liu Yufeng?

I came to see me twice a day, either holding Sha Zhu by the collar to warn him not to hit Xu Damao, or holding Sha Zhu to tell him to treat Xu Damao better.

This is what you Liu Yufeng said about the good relationship?

I would rather not.

"At least you can't fight in the factory. Think about it. Although Yi Zhonghai's technical level has not reached the eighth-level worker, but he has the name of the eighth-level worker. If you beat Yi Zhonghai, the factory leader should come forward?"

"According to you, what should I do?"

"It really doesn't work, the two of us put sacks on Yi Zhonghai."

Knock Sap!
Such a word flashed through Shazhu's mind.

"The two of us will be like those villains in the movie, find a towel and cover our faces, and Yi Zhonghai will definitely not recognize us."

Cover your ears and steal the bell.

Such a word suddenly came to Shazhu's mind.

As for Liu Yufeng's height of nearly two meters, and her big shoulders and round waist, Yi Zhonghai can recognize Liu Yufeng even if she covers her head with a wooden bucket, not to mention covering her face with a towel.

Two-meter giantess.

The police will check and confirm.

He frowned in disgust.

"What do you mean? Think my idea is bad?"

"I suddenly remembered something. I have to go to the second canteen to cook. If this delays the lunch of the workers, I will be criticized."

Silly Zhu retreated.

He found out that Xun Yi Zhonghai was in trouble.

Liu Yufeng is really not a good helper.

Easy to do bad things.

Get caught!


Publicity Section.

The group of people who didn't know that there was a broadcasting accident were still talking about certain things.

They had a heated discussion around the topic of whether Yi Zhonghai was a hypocrite.

Some people have seen Yi Zhonghai himself, and they don't believe that Yi Zhonghai is a wicked villain who will not hesitate to plot others to become extinct in order to provide for the elderly.

The main reason is that Yi Zhonghai's hypocritical and kind face caused too many people to misunderstand and fell into the hypocritical trap fabricated by Yi Zhonghai unnaturally.

I think such a kind old man should not be the kind of pure villain who is so wicked.

In fact, he judged people by their appearance, subconsciously thinking that Yi Zhonghai was a good person.

But what Yu Haitang said.

But they had to believe it.

A person who has just left school to work for less than a day.

That is a pure white paper.

just now.

Face to face with everyone.

This pure white paper posed a question to them.

Yi Zhonghai matches Qin Huairu and Shazhu together, will he know that Qin Huairu won't give birth to Shazhu!

Really can't be fake.

False can't be true.

some things.

Once you think about it seriously, you will be puzzled in minutes.

Living in the same compound, or the residents diagonally opposite, Qin Huairu moved from Jia's house to He's house to live with Shazhu, the Jia's on the opposite side can be willing.

There is a saying that is good.

Just for the mother!

As cubs crawling out of Qin Huairu's stomach, Banggen, Xiaodang, and Sophora japonica came to the door for a meal, would they give it to them?Jia Dongxu is paralyzed, should Qin Huairu, who remarried, continue to take care of her ex-husband?Does Jia Zhang's mother-in-law continue to serve her?
A fact that no one can question.

placed in front of the crowd.

Once Shazhu marries Qin Huairu, he will really go out of business. Qin Huairu can only sacrifice Shazhu in order not to let the sticks and others be wronged. There are incidents where stepfathers have sons and violently beat their ex-wife and daughter.

Yi Zhonghai's tragedy will repeat itself on Sha Zhu, who has no children and no daughters, he will follow Yi Zhonghai's example and plan others to give him a pension!
A good old man with a kind face, did such a disgusting thing for his own selfishness.

Creepy feeling.

I found everyone.

Everyone felt panic, and silently sighed for Sha Zhu for more than ten seconds.

It is estimated that Xu Damao has a different idea from theirs.

in silence.

It was Yu Haitang's question that broke the silence in the room.

"How big is the silly pillar?"

"Three years older than me, 26 years old this year."

Xu Damao gave the answer without thinking.

The most right.

He knows Sha Zhu best.

"Those gay men in our compound got married at the age of 23. Why is Silly Zhu still a bachelor at the age of 26? Isn't there a defect?"

It lies in Haitang's cognition.

Gay men in the city are still unmarried at the age of 26.

There must be various physical problems, and the girls in the city look down on her.

"Haitang, you are wrong. Silly Zhu is in good health, and his cooking skills are ranked second in the rolling mill. No one dares to be the first. A few days ago, he was promoted to the seventh-level cooking squad leader with a monthly salary of 47 yuan. There are two ancestral houses."

Yu Haitang was a little confused.

such a good condition.

Can't marry a wife.

Must be not very good looking.

She showed a meaningful expression.

"I see, silly Zhu must be bad looking, is he uglier than Comrade Xu Damao?"

Propaganda Section.

There was a voice of everyone nodding in agreement.

Shazhu's appearance is indeed not good.

The appearance is a little hip.

Only Xu Damao is not happy. You say that the idiot is ugly, I admit it, but what do you mean by saying that he is uglier than Comrade Xu Damao?
"Comrade Yu Haitang, I have to criticize you a few words. Your brother Xu's face is better than Shazhu's. I have a standard long face. Shazhu, you go to the second canteen for lunch at noon today, you will know." .”

"Then I will follow Brother Xu's wishes and go to the second cafeteria at noon today to see this 26-year-old bachelor who is not yet married!"

Inside the loudspeaker.

The sound of their playing and fighting came out.



"Brother Xu, to hear what you mean, silly Zhu was blacklisted by the matchmaker circle in the city, so why didn't he go to the countryside to find one! Some time ago, our teacher took us to the countryside for support, and I saw that there are many good-looking ones in the countryside." Lesbians, they all want to marry in the city, but silly Zhu can't find a wife in the city, and he can't find a wife in the countryside."

Yi Zhonghai just walked to the entrance of the second canteen.

Listen to this voice.

I almost didn't come up in one breath, and passed out directly.

all the time.

He is trying to fool Shazhu as much as possible, instilling in Shazhu the cognition that you have such good conditions, it is more than enough to marry a lesbian in the city, saying that lesbians in the countryside are not good-looking, not a good match for Shazhu, etc. Class words.

In the end, Yi Zhonghai's calculations were exposed by Yu Haitang's unintentional words.

(End of this chapter)

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