Chapter 131

There is an idiom.

It's called beyond reach.

No matter how awesome Yi Zhonghai was, he couldn't reach the countryside.

Those voices on the radio made Yi Zhonghai feel restless. When he thought of the fish he raised suddenly jumping out and becoming someone else's fish, his mood was in pain!

No fools.

Who will help Yi Zhonghai bear the pressure of the Jia family.

No fools.

Even if Qin Huairu divorces Jia Dongxu and finds a new wife, he won't talk to Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai's pension will inevitably fall to the bottom.

When he can't move, if someone gives him water and feeds him, he becomes Amitabha.

Country girls are no better than girls in the city, they don't associate with fools after listening to a few mindless gossips.

How can Yi Zhonghai not know what the other party is thinking, as long as he can go to the city to eat commercial food, he will not care what relationship you have with the widow or daughter-in-law.

Not to mention such good conditions as Shazhu, even if he lacks arms and legs, there are still people rushing to marry him.

Yi Zhonghai was very worried, he knew that rural girls were different from city girls.

While thinking of a way.

There were a few jokes in my ears.

"Hey, isn't this the respected and respected old man in charge in the compound of Master He? You are treating our second canteen as your large courtyard. Come whenever you want? What's the matter? You have to hold a large courtyard meeting again. The Jia family donated money and goods? Or do you want to fool us, Master He?"

"Liu Lan, how dare you speak to our eighth-level worker, Yi Zhonghai, in such a tone."

"Lack of strings, according to what you mean, what tone should I use? Knowing people, knowing faces but not knowing the heart, what an honest person he looks, but he is full of bad water, such a good person as Shazhu, how can you Shamelessly calculating Shazhu, even if it's for retirement, you can't let Shazhu follow in the same footsteps as you!"

"Master Yi, you really let me down. I thought you were a good person before. Even if you introduced a widow with a child to Master He, I still think you are considered by Master He. Now I know that you are a little donkey. Son, what a loss!"

As expected of Wolong and Fengchu in the Second Canteen.

The dialogue between Liu Lan and Que Genxian.

The exciting Yi Zhonghai wanted to die.

Yi Zhonghai suddenly realized that he had done another wrong thing, he shouldn't have come to Shazhu at this time, probably because the voices on the radio disturbed his mind and made him lose his mind.

did not speak.

Go in the direction you came.

The steps are a little hasty.

A posture of wanting to escape.

Liu Lan spit at Yi Zhonghai's distant figure, suddenly thought of something, and purposely yelled loudly.

"Yi Zhonghai, I know why you came to the second canteen. You came to see our Master He. Let me tell you, Master He is not here. He went back to your courtyard to return the bicycle to Yan Fugui. A bunch of beasts want to Let Master He run to and from get off work every day to cook for you, with regard to the nasty things you Yi Zhonghai did, do you deserve to eat the meals cooked by our Master He?"

What to be afraid of.

But what happened.

Worried that Sha Zhu would quit because of the bicycle issue, Yi Zhonghai hurried to find Sha Zhu, and the rolling mill and the courtyard house had to be saved.

Unexpectedly, Sha Zhu really gave up the pick.

As for those people in the courtyard, for a little profit, they reckon they can get their brains out.

When I was in a state of anxiety, I was not in a good mood, and I had the idea of ​​eager to escape, so I didn't pay much attention to my feet. During the running process, my left foot might accidentally trip over my right foot, or my right foot might accidentally block it. With his left foot out of the way, Yi Zhonghai lost his balance, and fell flat on the ground in a standard posture of a dog chewing shit.

The "plop" sound of falling to the ground scared some people, and then they each left. The sound of whispering pierced through the void and flew into the ear curtains of Yi Zhonghai, who was in pain all over his body.

"Is that person Yi Zhonghai?"

"He is Yi Zhonghai!"

"Why did you fall down?"

"God can't see it, calculate this, calculate that, why did our rolling mill promote such a thing to an eighth-level worker?"

"Master, Yi Zhonghai lying on the ground looks like a piece of shit!"



Return the bicycle because of the silly column.

The old women who were originally in harmony are now divided into two factions.

One faction agreed with the closure of the canteen in the courtyard.

Anyway, their family ate free meals for more than ten days during this period.

Do not eat white do not eat.

Don't panic if you have food in your hand.

You can turn it on or not.

One faction wanted the cafeteria in the compound to continue to operate. They should not care if Shazhu cooks or not, but there must be a place to eat.

This type of person is because the food at home has run out.

I also complain that the system of the cafeteria in the compound is not comprehensive.

Yan Fugui, Liu Haizhong, and Yi Zhonghai established a principle of taking turns to contribute, throwing away the Shazhu family who did not participate in the cafeteria of the compound and the Xu Damao family in the backyard, and the remaining 24 five households. I ate all the food, and tomorrow I will eat their family's food until the end of the month, and then I will eat it from the beginning in order.

But because of Sha Zhu's resignation, the cafeteria in the noisy compound had to be closed.

Some neighbors who have no food in their homes are suffocating. Our food has been eaten by you, and you agree to close the cafeteria in the compound.

What beautiful things are you thinking about?
Angry to the extreme.

Big Mom became the target of their attacks.

Injustice has a head.

The debt has its owner.

The cafeteria in the courtyard was proposed by Yi Zhonghai. If something went wrong, they would naturally ask Yi Zhonghai for an explanation. If Yi Zhonghai was not around, Da Ma would be the first to bear the brunt.

Who made you a couple.

"His aunt, I still say the same thing. If the cafeteria in the compound is not open, our family will go to your house for dinner. Others are concerned about your reputation as an eighth-level worker, Yi Zhonghai. Well."

"When it's time for dinner, several of us have to go, don't just cook a little, let's put the conversation aside, and want to leave our family to eat alone, there is no way."

"And you, after eating our family's food, it's okay if you say that the canteen in the courtyard is not open. If you co-operate with our family, you will be taken advantage of. If you don't want to open the canteen in the courtyard, that's fine. Give me a lot of food from our family. return."

"There is no food, do you want dung?"

"Why are you coming at us? Who proposed the cafeteria in the compound, who are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for you."

"Yell at me one more time."

"I just yelled, what's wrong?"

"Give you a face?"

The woman who asked the question sincerely wanted to make a big deal out of it.

She could see that if this incident did not cause the street to intervene, the little food that her family contributed would not be able to get back at all. For the next ten days or so, the whole family would have to drink northwest wind.

I have lived in the courtyard for more than ten years, and no one knows who.

Don't make a big fuss, don't make a big fuss, don't get involved in the streets and rolling mills, relying on Yi Zhonghai and the others alone, even if the big courtyard meeting is held, it will be the result of covering up.

At that time, they will go door to door like beggars, begging for their own food.

It is obviously a bill.

Why make yourself so miserable?
It's a coercion.

He deliberately threw the clothes she mended at the woman as a weapon.

The woman who was hit by her clothes also fought back with the diaper in her hand.

The two women wrestled together recklessly. Either you pulled my hair, or I grabbed your face. The rest of the women, during the fight, didn't know if it was because they were pulling sideways, or they might be trying to fish in troubled waters. , and eventually developed from cursing to a scuffle where you come and go.

The first mother was dumbfounded for a moment, and said badly to herself.

The second aunt stopped there in despair.

Only the third mother is the most shrewd, seeing that the situation is not good, she hurriedly hides her figure far away, lest the city gate catches fire and the fish in the pond will be affected.

The scuffle scene in front of my eyes.

It made the three of them in charge feel a chill.

The harmonious and beautiful courtyard that Yi Zhonghai has always advertised has probably become a joke in the street after this incident. If he talks about the advanced courtyard in the future, he will probably be laughed out of his teeth by the surrounding neighbors.

The three of them stood there for more than ten seconds in astonishment, and finally felt that it was inappropriate to just watch a show like this. The third mother ran towards Hongxing Elementary School to find Yan Fugui, and the first mother ran towards the rolling mill to report the situation to Yi Zhonghai. went.

such a big thing.

I always know that there will be Yi Zhonghai.

The moment of departure.

I also complained about Sha Zhu in my heart, didn't I just ask you to run back and cook a meal for the neighbors, this is the best opportunity to exercise your body, not only does it not appreciate it, but you don't do it, you are a white-eyed wolf.

Only the second aunt stood there in a daze, and at the critical juncture, instead of talking about fighting, she watched a rare scene of women fighting.

She's not even as good as a deaf old lady.

The deaf old lady also knew that everyone should be stopped at this time, so she shouted hoarsely.

"Lao Yang's wife, Lao Ma's wife, Lao Sun's wife, Gou Zi's mother, Niu Zi's mother, Ma Zi's sister, Liu Zi's aunt, what are you doing? They are all neighbors in the same compound. What can we do? Wait for Zhong Hai and the others to come back. Hold a compound meeting, let’s talk about the matter in front of the neighbors at the compound meeting. Can you solve the problem after such a scuffle? The closure of the canteen in the compound is not a small matter, it concerns all the neighbors Benefits, Zhonghai will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

The deaf old lady who sat chatting with the big mother and others just now had a really comfortable time these few days. When it was meal time, she didn't have to look at the ugly faces of Yi Zhonghai and his wife, and could eat silly food again. Except for not being able to live up to this addiction to eating meat, I am quite satisfied with everything else, and I can't find any reason.

She is the most direct beneficiary of the founding of the canteen in the compound.

Naturally, he didn't want to see the cafeteria in the compound closed down like this. Seeing everyone scuffling together, he put on the airs of the ancestors of the compound without even thinking about it.

"Stop beating, hey, why are you still beating? Just hit, don't tear your clothes, spread the word, and the reputation of our compound will be ruined. Look at your non-stop fighting, make me old The wife's words fell on deaf ears, so I put it aside, the day you moved in, my old lady was the ancestor in this yard, so give the old ancestor me a break, and if I don't stop, I will turn my back on the old ancestor, the old ancestor Recognize you, the crutches in the hands of the ancestors are unrecognizable."

The deaf old lady poked the ground fiercely with her crutches, and she suffered from the same disorientation disease as Yi Zhonghai.

His eyes were red.

It doesn't matter whether your compound ancestors are ancestors or not.

No one paid any attention to the deaf old lady at all.

Not stupid.

I was distracted from talking to the deaf old lady, I was beaten by others, I was not stupid.

Still tearing at each other.

Just now, the harmonious and friendly housekeeping scene has now become a battleground for a group of old women to fight. Some people are cursing, bluntly saying that they are at a disadvantage, saying that they should not have cut their nails last night, and they can’t scratch each other’s faces. Some people are cursing, Said that even if he risked his life, he still had to make the other party look good.

The deaf old lady must also be in a hurry.

Wielding a cane.

He slapped the cane twice at the woman closest to her.

The mother-in-law, who was concentrating on dealing with the woman, never thought that the deaf old lady would come out halfway. She was caught off guard and hit the deaf old lady with two canes.

Huge force.

Grinning her teeth for a while, she was in severe pain.

Seeing that she was distracted, the woman on the opposite side quickly seized the opportunity, stretched out both hands and claws, and grabbed the woman's face. The two wrestled together, and when they rolled on the ground, their bodies involuntarily moved towards the opposite side. The deaf old lady rolled away, and the sudden scene caught the deaf old lady by surprise.

In the heart of the deaf old lady, she is the ancestor of this compound, so she should keep her word. Just now, she swung her cane and hit the woman twice. This method should be able to intimidate these wrestling women , Tell them to stop beating, I didn't expect her to save face, it's not a fart, except for the unlucky one who got hit a few times, the rest of the women are still tearing each other, scratching their faces, biting their faces.

The face of the deaf old lady.

I can't hang on.

Just as she was about to swing her crutches for the second time and hit those women, she saw the woman she had just beaten wrestled with another woman and rolled to her feet.

She was originally an old lady with small feet, and because the two of them came too fast, they didn't give the deaf old lady enough time to escape. Under the inertia of the rolling, the deaf old lady lost her balance, and the whole person took a substandard parabola. Situation, fell to the ground.

"You dare to plot against my old lady, you wait for me, stop beating, and help me up, old lady, I am your ancestor, how dare you disrespect your ancestors."

Deaf old lady who tried to get up but didn't get up.

He yelled at the people around him, his voice was so flat amidst the chaotic shouts.

The women who were closest to them, seeing the deaf old lady collapsed in front of them, looked at each other, and inexplicably reached some kind of agreement in their eyes.

Everyone in the courtyard has been deaf for a long time.

Relying on the fact that Yi Zhonghai is the steward of the courtyard, and Shazhu, the god of war of the courtyard, acts as a thug, he rampantly rampant in the courtyard, many neighbors dare not speak out.

Some delicious food at home, a rare improvement in life, Yi Zhonghai waved the banner of moral kidnapping, and in the name of being filial to the deaf old lady, rushed to eat.

Don't give.

Yi Zhonghai put the silly pillar directly.

They couldn't see the deaf old lady, and they hated the deaf old lady to death.

As the saying goes, the enemy of the enemy is the friend.

The deaf old lady is the common enemy of the courtyard neighbors.

So ever.

They all regarded the deaf old lady as an enemy.

In order not to show their feet, these women began to act. During the scuffle, they either stretched out their hands and grabbed the deaf old lady's face, or pinched the deaf old lady's waist with their hands. What's more, they directly waved their big hands, or kicked With their feet on their feet, they attacked the deaf old lady, and some even hit the deaf old lady with their heads.

The deaf old lady is suffering but also happy.

In just thirty seconds.

The ancestors who ran rampant in the courtyard in the past were brutally murdered by a group of women in the courtyard. They looked miserable. There was a black smoke ring above the left eye, and the right eye turned into a black purple color. There are traces of nosebleeds, the skin of the mouth is broken, and traces of blood seep out, the hair is a mess, there are several five-finger marks clearly printed on the left cheek, and several fist marks on the right cheek.

"You actually beat my old lady, do you still think that I am the ancestor of your compound? You are not filial, my old lady will not let you go, you bully others, today's matter, my old lady and you It's not over."

Crying deaf old lady.

There were traces of blood flowing from the mouth.

Immediately, the sound of falling flew into everyone's ears.

Take a closer look.

The deaf old lady didn't have many teeth that were still standing still. Facing such unbearable behavior of the deaf old lady, she said goodbye directly and stopped having sex with the deaf old lady.

"My teeth, my teeth fell out, and you actually destroyed my old lady's teeth, you accompany my teeth, you bastards, you are trying to force me to die."

Crying deaf old lady.

She looked like a helpless child, sitting on the ground, stomping on her legs uncontrollably.

It wasn't because she was beaten that she cried, but because she felt sorry for her teeth.The greedy deaf old lady dreams of eating delicious food all over the world, but she has no teeth, how can she eat meat?How to gnaw bones?How to eat roast duck?Guessing that she could only drink porridge, this was like a bolt from the blue for the deaf old lady who always liked to eat.

She broke down.

It was a miserable cry.

Afterwards, no one paid any attention to her.


She fumbled wildly with her hands, trying to find a crutch, and used it to whip these bastards who were dedicated to smashing her teeth.

If I didn't find a crutch, I'm fine.

When I found the crutches, I became more and more unhappy, as if I had swallowed a dead fly with original feces, and I wanted to cry without tears. I didn't know that the wicked bastard beat the deaf old lady's crutches into three knots .

this crutch.

I have followed the deaf old lady for more than ten years.

It can be called the spiritual sustenance of the deaf old lady.

Today is this moment.

Someone deliberately cut off the deaf old lady's thoughts.

Crutches do not.

Teeth also fell out.

"Which one of you broke my old lady's crutches? Who knocked my old lady's teeth out? Stand up for me, you bully my old lady, bully my old lady. They are all neighbors in the courtyard, My old lady doesn't have many days left to live, so can't you let my old lady go?"

The deaf old lady slapped her thigh with her hands, scolding everyone present with snot and tears.

"You beat me, you beat me to death! My old lady's life, why is it so hard! In the past, my old lady treated you well, and people's hearts are full of flesh. Seeing that I treated you well in the past God, you shouldn't treat my old lady like this! You are ungrateful! You have completely forgotten my old lady's kindness to you. "

The women present.

Everyone was ridiculed.

Easier said than done.

And my old lady is kind to your neighbors.

This is not wrong at all, it is good for the neighbors.Worrying that the neighbors would suddenly eat meat dishes or meat and egg dumplings and feel uncomfortable in their stomachs, the deaf old lady came to help eat meat.Worried that the white flour steamed buns in the neighbors' homes would go bad after a long time, the deaf old lady helped to eat up the white flour steamed buns.

This is the kindness of the deaf old lady to the neighbors.


one piece.

It can be said that there are too many books!

No more hands.

After the fight was over, the deaf old lady was also affected by the fire at their city gate, and the anger in the neighbors' hearts was almost vented. Seeing the second aunt who had been watching the play for a long time, she finally came to her senses and went to the street. By coming forward, the neighbors achieved their goal of causing trouble, so naturally they would not act indiscriminately.

Let's talk about the shot just now.

Their strength has been exhausted.

don't know who.

Pochi laughed.

As if it was a signal to take action, all the twenty or so women present burst out laughing heartily, and some women who originally had sullen faces and didn't want to laugh, also laughed out loud under the influence of the neighbors.

All of them looked like beggar women, either with scratch marks or pinch marks on their faces, not to mention disheveled hair, and their clothes were covered with dust.

The deaf old lady who was already in a very depressed mood because of tooth loss, saw the women laughed, and opened her mouth to accuse her.

"You people, you still have the heart to laugh, look at my old lady, this is all your responsibility, when Zhong Hai comes back in a while, you have to give my old lady a reasonable explanation, or I will go to the street, pity me Lonely and helpless old lady, is there any law to be bullied by you?"

The deaf old lady wanted all the good things.

I want to turn the matter of being beaten into a benefit that is beneficial to me.

Eating from house to house, and serving her with good food and drink, once the deaf old lady was not satisfied, the deaf old lady would cry and say that she felt bad because she was broken by the neighbors.

to be honest.

It is blackmail.

In the name of eating hundreds of meals from the neighbors to solve my own eating and drinking problems, the canteen in the courtyard is closed, so I have to find a place for myself to eat!

After such a disturbance, the deaf old lady was skeptical about the reopening of the cafeteria in the compound.

The deaf old lady believes that Yi Zhonghai must agree with her idea of ​​vampire neighbors.

If you don't eat the neighbors, you have to eat Yi Zhonghai.

this time.

The deaf old lady also saw Yi Zhonghai's idea of ​​throwing her out, and regarded the deaf old lady as a burden. In the heart of the deaf old lady, Shazhu was the best person to take the blame, but he ignored him She, made it clear to her that each family lived their own lives, and really wanted to live with a partner and hand over the food, but the deaf old lady still wanted to control the food by herself, and the two sides had no discussion at all.

Between imaginations.

Director Wang showed up in the courtyard with several street staff.

Look at their eagerness.

It must have come running.

Since Yi Zhonghai always covered up any problems, everything, no matter how big or small, was dealt with inside the compound, artificially creating an illusion of harmony and friendship in the courtyard for Director Wang.

In Director Wang's mind, the Red Star Courtyard has always been a model courtyard house in the street. It does not pick up lost items on the road, and does not close its doors at night. There are 27 or eight neighborhoods in the courtyard, and every household does not lock the door. There has never been such a sneaky thing. Not lost.

In particular, the establishment of the cafeteria in this compound reminded Director Wang.

The present time of scarcity.

Is it possible to solve the eating and drinking problems of the residents in the jurisdiction by learning from the advanced experience of opening a large courtyard canteen in the Red Star Courtyard?


It can also be considered Director Wang's political achievements, and he will definitely go further.

Just when Director Wang took it for granted, the second aunt came in a hurry and fell a few times on the road, saying that the women in the courtyard started fighting because of the issue of whether the canteen in the courtyard would be opened.

Director Wang almost fainted when he heard it.

One side wants to promote the compound cafeteria as an advanced experience, while the other side wants to fight me crazy, or a bunch of old women are fighting.

Can't care too much.

I took a few staff members to the courtyard.

The scene that came into view made Director Wang's heart go cold.

Good guy.

Really nice guy.

27 Of the eight women, there was one, counting as one, all of whom were disheveled and disheveled, which shocked Director Wang even more.

It was the deaf old lady who was slumped on the ground miserably, and her walking stick was broken.

As the director of the district, he was very clear about the deaf old lady. He knew that she was a widowed old lady with no children. The street gave her a helping hand because of her age. The organization is fully responsible for the indicators, eating, drinking and lazing, etc.

In Director Wang's heart.

Everyone has a reason to fight.

Only the deaf old lady has no reason to fight.

The organization is responsible for all eating and drinking, regardless of whether the cafeteria in the courtyard is open or not, the deaf old lady will not delay her eating and drinking.

But the facts in front of Director Wang clearly told Director Wang an answer that she could not allow her to question at all. The deaf old lady also participated in this tragic beating.

It looked miserable, and the teeth fell out.

Endless fear subconsciously appeared in the body.

This is a serious accident!
As the leader of the street, she really can't do well if there is such a big fight in the area under her jurisdiction!

A faint wry smile.

A look appeared on Director Wang's face.

There was a pause of more than ten seconds.

Open your mouth and ask.

"What's the matter? Why are you still fighting? Why on earth?"

"Are you Xiao Wang? I'm an old lady!"

A bit of reluctance flashed across Director Wang's face, and he secretly thought, can you not add the word "ba" after your little Wang, if it is connected together, the whole meaning will be changed.

"Old lady, I'm Wang Hongxia. Tell me, what's wrong with you? I don't understand. How did you participate in this fight?"

The deaf old lady opened her eyes wide.

I get into a fight?
Can you figure out what's going on!

I wasn't involved in the fight, I was beaten by these people.

"Xiao Wang, it's not what you imagined. They beat my old lady. I warned them. What's the matter? When Zhong Hai and the others come back, we will hold a compound meeting at night in front of all the neighbors. Said, they didn't listen, they beat me, look, they knocked out a few of my teeth."

The deaf old lady pointed to her few remaining teeth and complained frantically to Director Wang!
"Old lady, I see, you guys help the old lady up." Director Wang directed one of his men to help the deaf old lady sit on the stool, and said to the deaf old lady with concern: "Old lady, what do you need?" Don't you need to go to the hospital?"

The deaf old lady just wanted to agree.

On second thought.

When I entered the hospital, the neighbors who participated in beating her would definitely speak in unison and put the responsibility on me, so I resolutely extinguished the idea of ​​going to the hospital.

She's going to stay there.

Put pressure on people.

"Xiao Wang, my old lady is fine."

"It's good that you're fine." Director Wang opened the paper notebook in his hand, grabbed the pen in his left coat pocket, unscrewed the cap, and asked everyone, "Red Star Courtyard, it's always been me. I am going to promote you as a model courtyard house in the jurisdiction. At this juncture, you gang of lesbians are fighting, do you have energy and no place to use it? Do you want me to find a place for you to vent your strength?"

All the women hurriedly apologized.

The attitude is more sincere.

Director Wang saw that his dismounting had achieved the expected results, and because the first mother was away and the third mother did not come back, he could only ask the second mother.

"Old daughter-in-law Liu, why did they fight?"

Director Wang was the first to ask himself.

The second aunt seemed to be possessed by her bangs, straightened her clothes, and replied: "Director Wang, that's the thing. Isn't there a cafeteria in our compound? When the neighbors arrive at the meal time, they carry bowls to scoop it up. The meal is fine, and Sha Zhu will cook for me, because it is inconvenient to run back and forth, at that time our uncle said that we would give Sha Zhu a bicycle ticket."

"I know about this, let's get to the point."

"During this period of time, Shazhu, the bicycle he was riding belonged to Yan Fugui's family. Today, I don't know what happened, and suddenly returned the bicycle to Yan Fugui's family, and gave him [-] cents for wear and tear, saying that he didn't have it at noon and night. When the time came back to cook for the neighbors, the neighbors felt that the cafeteria in the compound should be closed, some people were not happy, some people were willing, and they fought."

Director Wang resented Sha Zhu.

It's a pretty good cafeteria in a big courtyard, how could you, silly Zhu, stop doing it?
Thinking that she must clean up Sha Zhu, she is going to write to the rolling mill in the name of the street, putting forward her own opinion on Sha Zhu's selfish refusal to cook for the neighbors, and suggesting that the rolling mill should punish Sha Zhu .

"You mean, because Yi Zhonghai didn't give him a bicycle ticket, Sha Zhu quit the job?"

"Director Wang, it's not because of this reason that Silly Zhu quit. Didn't some hooligans and thieves come near us, and several large courtyards were murdered. Silly Zhu has always wanted He Yushui to enter the university. He came back late a few nights, saying that he was reviewing his homework at school. What Shazhu meant, he got off work at night and went directly from the rolling mill to school to catch the rainwater. As you know, the rolling mill went to school and then back to the courtyard. , Silly Zhu was worried that the neighbors would not be able to eat, so he quit."

(End of this chapter)

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