Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 135 Red Star 4 Heyuan Advanced Individual Honorary Title

Chapter 135 Red Star Courtyard Advanced Individual Honorary Title

Silly Zhu didn't eat or drink the water in the cafeteria of the compound. Even if he rode Yan Fugui's bicycle for a few days, he was still paid [-] cents for the usage fee.

This kind of behavior was highly appreciated by Director Jia at the compound meeting.

Since Shazhu went to school to pick up He Yushui from school, he was not in the courtyard and did not attend the compound meeting. Director Jia entrusted Yan Fugui and Liu Haizhong, two elders in charge, to convey her praise to Shazhu.

Director Jia gave two solutions to the problem of whether the canteen in the compound can be run.

The first solution is to do it, but it requires the neighbors to solve the problem of eating by themselves.

But because the neighbors are too selfish, they end up with many conflicts.

On the one hand, the neighbors are used to the delicacies cooked by Sha Zhu, such as the deaf old lady and others, who strongly demand that the cooks must have good cooking skills, and it is best for Sha Zhu to cook.

On the other hand, the neighbors who cook, think that they have paid more for their labor, more work will pay more, and less work will get less. In the process of asking for supplies, they should pay less appropriately. If there are ten catties of white flour at home, take five catties of white flour. Come out, the remaining five catties are his compensation for cooking.

Nothing to do.

So he wanted to ask Shazhu, if he continued to ride the bicycle, would Shazhu cook for the neighbors for nothing.

Silly Zhu gave his answer without even thinking about it, still using the matter of picking up He Yushui from school as an excuse, and declined the suggestion to cook.

The canteen in the compound can only end in closure.

This is also the second solution given by Director Jia.

How much food is left in the courtyard, as long as the residents who participate in the cafeteria of the compound are counted and distributed according to a certain ratio, and distributed to those neighbors who have no food at home.

Yan Fugui, as the calculation old button in the courtyard, and because he is one of the initiators of the cafeteria in the courtyard, also took on the responsibility of the steward.

This task rests solely with him.

no interest.

Still have to work hard.

Yan Fugui pulled his face, and nodded helplessly towards Shazhu, seeing that Shazhu was going home, he yelled.

"Silly Zhu, I'm afraid you don't know that the honor of the civilized and advanced courtyard in our compound has been cancelled."

A meeting in the compound related to the closure of the cafeteria in the compound showed the selfishness of the neighbors, and really opened the eyes of the new Director Jia. Is this the so-called civilized courtyard in the street?It is clear that all the animals in the yard want to get something for nothing, and after a little hard work, they will ask for this and that.These people in the Red Star Courtyard are pure obscenity and insult to the civilized and advanced courtyard house.She publicly withdrew the honor of the Civilized Courtyard awarded by the former Street Director Wang.

Silly Zhu turned around and saw the iron sign with the words Civilization and Advanced nailed on the gate of the courtyard, but he really couldn't see it.

Think about it too.

Yi Zhonghai, Liu Haizhong, Yan Fugui and the others habitually covered up when they encountered things, and turned the whole courtyard into a piece of donkey dung. It looked smooth and clean on the outside, but everything inside It is disgusting and filthy, and it is reasonable to be revoked of honor.

With a slight cold snort, he greeted Yan Fugui, and then, under Yan Fugui's contradictory eyes, disappeared at the junction of the front courtyard and the middle courtyard.


A sigh.

It flew out of Yan Fugui's mouth.

In the face of the fool's lack of oil and salt, Yan Fugui had no specific solution. He walked into his house, found a pen and paper, and calculated the specific figures, how much food was distributed to each family, and how to distribute the stick noodles. , how should the white flour be distributed.


Go home on the front foot.

Liu Haizhong ran over on his hind legs.

Not a reprimand.

It's a paraphrase.

"Sizhu, at the compound meeting tonight, Director Jia, who is new to the street, was very inspired after hearing that you cook for the neighbors for free. She expressed high appreciation for your behavior. Let me encourage you and let me You will continue to work hard, strive to make greater achievements, and submit a satisfactory answer for the street, saying that this is your honor and the glory of our compound."

"Then the second uncle please express my gratitude to Director Jia on my behalf. I will definitely obey Director Jia's words and strive to make greater achievements."

"Silly Zhu, the canteen in the compound cannot do without you."

Silly Zhu looked at Liu Haizhong, and found that the official fans were a little different, giving him a completely opposite feeling from the past, so he deliberately laughed.

"The second uncle means that I continue to cook for the neighbors for nothing? I can do it, but what about my sister? Second uncle, you also know that in the past few days, our street has been full of hooligans. If something goes wrong, who is responsible ? Your second uncle is in charge? Or is your second uncle's whole family in charge? I'm just such a younger sister, the baby is amazing."

Liu Haizhong bit his lower lip with his teeth.

A little unwilling.

Yi Zhonghai ran to the hospital to hide from the disaster.

Yan Fugui felt like retreating again.

Director Jia did not have any expectations for the cafeteria in the compound, and suggested that they close the cafeteria.

In this situation.

If Liu Haizhong persuaded Shazhu to continue cooking for the neighbors for free and let the cafeteria in the compound continue to operate, it would be considered a credit. Leave a good impression on Director Jia's heart, but worry about not being able to replace Yi Zhonghai as the steward of the courtyard.

With this in mind.

Tell the solution that the deaf old lady told Liu Haizhong.

"Silly Zhu, look at what you said, the second uncle didn't mean to care about your sister's life or death."

In order to take credit.

Take the advice of the deaf old lady as your own.

"About your sister leaving school, the second uncle thinks so. You continue to cook for the neighbors, and the second uncle arranges for the neighbors in the yard to pick up your sister from school on time. Now you should feel relieved! Just It is equivalent to an arrow hitting two old hens at the same time, the neighbors have a place to eat, and you also have a place to display your skills, silly Zhu, do you think this is the reason?"

He looked at Silly Zhu without saying a word.

His face was full of expectation.

Presumably because he was worried that Shazhu would say no, Liu Haizhong copied Yi Zhonghai's tricks to trick everyone.

"Silly, as long as you promise to cook for the neighbors and let our compound cafeteria continue to operate, I, as the steward of the courtyard, will confer on you the honorary title of advanced individual of the Red Star Courtyard!"

Silly Zhu was frightened.

Staring at a pair of curious eyes.

Looking up and down in Liu Haizhong.

Muttering the words 'Red Star Courtyard Advanced Individual Honorary Title' over and over in his mouth.

The more you talk about it.

The more you feel familiar.

Thirty seconds later.

Silly Zhu immediately felt relieved. No wonder he felt these words were so familiar. Isn't this just a copy of his plot against Yi Zhonghai back then, with a different meaning.

these people.

It really made him think simply.

They thought that the honorary title of an advanced individual in the Red Star Courtyard, which is not a shit, can morally kidnap silly Zhu, but Yi Zhonghai has regretted getting the advanced moral individual of the rolling mill now, let alone the honor of a small courtyard, they It's too simple to think silly.

This honor.

Whoever loves wants whoever wants.

Anyway, Shazhu doesn't want it.

"Second uncle, the title of advanced individual honor in Red Star Courtyard, such a great honor, what can I do? In my heart, this honor belongs to you, the second uncle in charge!"

Liu Haizhong looked at Sha Zhu in a daze.

Why is it different from what he imagined?
Sha Zhu shouldn't be accepting this honor happily, because Mao has a disgusted expression on his face, and he wants to give him the honor in Liu Haizhong!
"Silly Zhu! This is the honor paid to you by the compound!"

"Second uncle, when I came in, the third uncle told me. Do you really think I don't know anything? Don't say anything. My sister is like a daughter in my heart. Someone else will pick her up After school, I don't worry, or is it that Second Uncle, you don't want to see a college student in our compound, insisting on messing up my sister's college entrance examination?"

A few words.

Said bangs fled.


 A friend came, he brought three catties of height, and prepared to drink him, as a native of Inner Mongolia, it cannot be said that he does not know how to drink
(End of this chapter)

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