Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 136 The Shameless Deaf Granny Comes Again

Chapter 136 The Shameless Deaf Granny Comes Again

Shazhu probably didn't expect that he would become the favorite in the courtyard. He had just fooled Liu Haizhong away, and before he could catch his breath, the deaf old lady, the ancestor of the courtyard, trembled into the Shazhu's house.

By the dim light.

Saw the lonely deaf old lady.

Each of them flashed a hearty pleasure in their hearts.

The two brothers and sisters unanimously guessed the purpose of the deaf old lady's uninvited visit.

Yi Zhonghai hid in the hospital under the pretext of fainting.

Da Ma met Yi Zhonghai at the hospital under the pretense of being a bed companion.

The neighbors in the courtyard didn't like the deaf old lady very much, and she even had a bit of resentment. Naturally, no one helped to arrange dinner. In addition, the crutches were beaten into three pieces, and the neighbors suffered all kinds of pain on her body. Crit, it hurts to walk, not to mention cooking.

The problem of the deaf old lady's dinner has not yet been solved, especially when she smells the smell of rice coming from the homes of some neighbors, the gluttons in her stomach are surging.

In the past, Yi Zhonghai and Shazhu were the two people who made trouble for the courtyard house, but now one is no longer in the courtyard house, and the other is in the courtyard house but is at odds with the deaf old lady.

It is equivalent to the deaf old lady who no longer has the support of the rampant courtyard house. She did not dare to go to the neighbors' houses to grab a meal, but stepped into the Shazhu's house.

On the one hand, it is to eat.

Hungry, come to find her good grandson.

On the other hand, it is to do the ideological work of Silly Zhu, and to mention the sentence mentioned by Liu Haizhong again, that is, the proposal to let the neighbors help catch the rainwater and leave school.

If Sha Zhu disagreed with the neighbors helping to catch the rainwater after school, the deaf old lady would take advantage of the situation and propose to let He Yushui live in the school temporarily.

Yushui is admitted to university, good thing, go to university, when the time comes to live in a dormitory.Did not go to university, high school students, but also intellectuals, find a factory to work, when the time comes, they will still live in dormitories.

Indirectly completed the plan to drive He Yushui out of the compound.

Without the dog-headed military adviser Rainwater, Shazhu would go back to serving the deaf old lady as her own grandmother, spending money on Saturdays and Sundays to buy meat for the deaf old lady.

Ignoring He Yushui's ugly face.

When he entered the door, he yelled at Shazhu for grievances.

"Silly Zhuzi, why did you come back? Grandma was beaten today!"

He Yushui wanted to stand up for Sha Zhu.

But he was stopped in place by a wink from Sha Zhu.

She guessed that Shazhu had a way to deal with the deaf old lady, so she also thought of watching from the sidelines, to see how the deaf old lady would act like a demon!

"They beat my grandma's crutch into three knots. This is grandma's thought. They also knocked my grandma's teeth away, silly pillar!"

"Old lady, the third master told me, I'm not talking about you, how old are you, you beat people, it's because of the neighbors for many years, you didn't do much, or you just rely on your old bones , if they have the heart, they can really break you up."

He Yushui almost laughed out loud.

Silly Zhu is also wicked.

In a few words, the reason for the beating of the deaf old lady was pinned on the deaf old lady's head. No wonder the deaf old lady looked shocked.

I was beaten.

All my teeth were knocked out.

Is it still my responsibility to co-author?
Seeing that Silly Zhu refused to stand up for herself, the deaf old lady hurriedly put her mind on other things.

"Silly Zhuzi, grandma doesn't know if Liu Haizhong told you or not."

"say what?"

The deaf old lady pretended to be confused when she saw that Zhu Zhu was sincere.

I complained a few words in my heart.

Let's talk.

"Yu Shui's college entrance examination is a serious matter, and it is also a matter for all the neighbors in our compound. There are hooligans around, so you don't have to worry about Yu Shui coming back alone. It is also a human thing. Grandma means that Yu Shui's safety is very important. But the cafeteria in the courtyard is related to the diet and daily life of the neighbors, and it is also very important. Grandma thinks so, you continue to be the cook in the cafeteria in the courtyard, this time you can’t just work and eat.”

The deaf old lady used the magic weapon of temptation.

Talk about eating.

She glanced at Shazhu, and saw that Shazhu's face was normal, so she narrated the following words.

"As for the rainwater, let's ask the neighbors to help pick it up. The Guangtian and Guangfu of the old Liu's family, and Jiecheng and Jiekuang of the old Yan's family. When picking up the rainwater, bring a stick and use it for self-defense in case of danger. If you disagree , then let Yushui live in the school directly, you also said that you are going to take the university entrance exam soon, and you have to race against time to review your homework, going back and forth is a waste of time, silly Zhuzi, Yushui, do you think this is the case!"

Silly Zhu thought about the proposal of the deaf old lady very seriously.

The claim she made about living on campus to save time is really feasible and can be explained logically.

He looked at the rainwater.

"Rain, what the old lady means, what do you think? Wait, do you have a dormitory in your school? If so, do it according to the old lady's idea. I will send you to school directly from the rolling mill when the time comes. Go, at other times, I will do more private work, and try to make you eat deliciously every day."

The heart of the deaf old lady.

Mentioned throat.

Be angry.

She understood what Shazhu meant, and even if Yushui moved to the school according to the deaf old lady's instructions, the deaf old lady still couldn't eat Shazhu's food.

Sha Zhu's words, "I'll do more private work, so that you can eat well every day" speak volumes!

I worked hard for most of the day.

My hard work was in vain!


When I wanted to say something, the deaf old lady's stomach was very disappointing, and there was a burst of hungry praises at an inappropriate time, and the sound of squeaks kept flying out of the deaf old lady's stomach.

I didn't eat at noon because of the beating.

She wanted to eat at night, but the key point was that no one made it for her.

The deaf old lady was full of selfishness. She was worried that those neighbors who had no food at home would use her as Yi Zhonghai's godmother as an excuse to export to her crazily. On Sha Zhu's body.


Simply taking advantage of the sound from the Wu Zang Temple in his stomach, he forced Gong Gong to look at Shazhu, to see if Shazhu would solve her dinner.

The deaf old lady stared at Shazhu with longing eyes.

He Yushui was in a daze.

I snorted coldly in my heart.

But he said: "The old lady is hungry! I remember there are two corn buns at home, I will bring them to the old lady!"


My ancestors in the dignified courtyard rushed to your silly Zhu's house, just to feed me corn bread?
I didn't come here just to eat corn bread!


Steamed bun.

I will bring it to the ancestors in the compound.

"Silly Zhuzi, grandma is miserable, this cornbread!"

"Old lady, I understand what you mean." Silly Zhu continued to pretend to be confused, and when the deaf old lady's face was beaming with joy, he turned to He Yushui and said, "Yu Shui, the old lady has no teeth, why don't you eat it?" The cornbread, it is estimated that it will not be chewed, so you mix the cornbout into pieces, then pour some boiling water, and bring it to the old lady."

The deaf old lady found her joy in vain.

Sha Zhu didn't steam white flour steamed buns for her, but steamed steamed buns for her.

this thing.


"Silly Zhuzi, grandma is not in good health."

I don't have the embarrassment to choose to eat meat.

He found a tactful excuse for his poor health.

"Old lady, it's no wonder that you are in good health. It's really your fault that you fought with more than [-] neighbors. Otherwise, you would have reported to Lord Yan by now. I know what you mean, anyway. As usual, when you open your mouth, I have to comply with your wish, but you also know that Yushui is going to go to college, and she needs nutrition. There is a little white flour at home, but she can only feed Yushui. I feel sorry for you, you always You can’t compete with a person who is going to serve the motherland for white noodles, can you? If you spread the word, it will be bad for your reputation.”

The rain is also bad.

Looking at the deaf old lady's cheeks that wanted to cry but couldn't say something but couldn't say it, she hurriedly brought the boiling water bowl to the deaf old lady.

"Old lady, you drink water!"

The deaf old lady was numb all over.

He looked at the boiling water that only covered the bottom of the bowl in front of him.

He looked at He Yushui again.

Suddenly, I felt that He Yushui was that unscrupulous little girl, your brother asked you to boil water for me to make steamed buns, why did you push the boiling water bowl over for me.

Won't you let me eat together?
"Yu Shui, you should read a book first, brother and the old lady chat for a while."

It was rare for He Yushui to refute Shazhu's words, and sat obediently on a stool beside him, holding a book in his hand, seemingly reading, but in fact he kept his ears open to listen to the movement behind him.

Silly Zhu didn't even think about breaking the rain.

He asked a deaf old lady.

"Old lady, I understand what you mean. You want to eat meat and white flour steamed buns. I can make them for you, but you have to answer a few questions for me."

The deaf old lady looked at Sha Zhu.

Helplessly nodded.

"Yi Zhonghai calculated that I asked me to support him in the old age, do you know?"

The deaf old lady was silent.

Silly Zhu continued to ask: "You are embarrassed to answer, then I will change the way, you know that Yi Zhonghai wants to match Qin Huairu with me these days, just to make his pension safe, why haven't you spoken out to remind me? Or why didn't you speak out to dissuade Yi Zhonghai? How did I treat you? The neighbors all saw it, and spent money on Saturdays and Sundays to improve your life. It took more than ten years to do it, and it was a stone. Give it all It's hot, you have been silent, what do you mean?"

The deaf old lady was distraught.

I have thought about it a lot.

But he didn't expect Shazhu to question him face to face.

The words are so ugly.

Want to say something.

In the end, I couldn't say a word, and I could only show an expression to Shazhu that I was ashamed and I had difficulties!

"I know what you think, it's just that you have no children, and Yi Zhonghai has no children. You don't want to be wiped out, and you don't want to die on the kang without anyone knowing. You want to hug each other to keep warm, and Yi Zhonghai promises to give you It is because of this that you deliberately did not mention my kindness to you for so many years, and even pointed out Yi Zhonghai behind your back, is it appropriate for you to do this?"

The deaf old lady is truly speechless.

Silly Zhu was right.

Ever since He Daqing left, the deaf old lady kept repeating a sentence in Yi Zhonghai's ear, bluntly saying that the most suitable person in the courtyard for the elderly of Yi Zhonghai was not Jia Dongxu, but the honest man Shazhu.

Yi Zhonghai listed Shazhu as a spare tire for the elderly, and the deaf old lady took the greatest credit.

"Yi Zhonghai and his wife ignored you, you rushed to my house, looking for me to eat and drink, you completely forgot that you were dumb the whole time when Yi Zhonghai plotted against me, you patted yourself Chest, can you eat this food calmly? Qin Huairu has three children, Jia Dongxu and Jia Zhang to support, will she marry me, will she give birth to me? You must know this truth, you I know, you didn't say it on purpose, what do you mean? You are satisfied with co-authoring me to become a childless family like you?
But these days, if you mention something to me or remind me, I will remember your kindness and give you a bowl of rice. You don’t have one, so my attitude towards you is that of an ordinary neighbor relationship, and I am not afraid of you I came to beg for food with a thick skin, and people called me a fool. If you really go any further, see if you lose face or I lose face. "

The deaf old lady drooped her head without saying a word.

Silly words.

He pinched her heart fiercely.

some things.

For the deaf old lady, it is not an understatement as Shazhu said. As a member of the group pension team, the first task of the deaf old lady is to consider the interests of her own pension.

Yi Zhonghai made it clear that he wanted to support the deaf old lady until her death.

This is the reason why the deaf old lady always knows that she is on Yi Zhonghai's side.

"Old lady, there is white flour at home, I can make you a bowl of noodles."

The drooping head of the deaf old lady.

lifted up.

Looking at the silly face.

Full of contradictions.

She guessed that Shazhu's bowl of noodles would not be so comfortable for herself, so there should be a price.

"More than ten years ago, my old man left me and Yushui and ran to Baocheng with the widow. I remember that it was Yi Zhonghai who passed the news back to the courtyard. A few days later, under Yi Zhonghai's arrangement, I brought I went to Baocheng in the rain to find the old man, but I didn’t see the old man in the end, can you tell me the truth? Just tell me the truth, and I will make you a bowl of noodles.”

"Silly Zhuzi, what are you talking about?"

The routine of pretending to be deaf and dumb.

He was called out again by the deaf old lady.

Nothing was said.

Silly Zhu also noticed a clue through the deaf old lady's attitude of pretending to be deaf and dumb.

He Daqing abandoned his children.

Another inside story.

"Old lady, don't come to our house from now on. I don't bother to talk to you. If you are in a hurry, two pieces of glass in your house will be broken."

Silly Zhu walked to the opposite side of the deaf old lady, pulled the deaf old lady off the stool, and walked out with the deaf old lady.

I saw the deaf old lady acting like a rascal.

He actually wanted to hang on.

Can't care too much.

He turned around and put the deaf old lady on his back.

"Yu Shui, wait at home for brother, I'll find a place for the old lady to eat first."

Stop talking.

He left the house with the deaf old lady on his back.

The deaf old lady who was going to make a fuss over the word "shameless", after hearing what Sha Zhu said, she also extinguished the idea of ​​making a fuss.

Honestly let Sha Zhu carry her away.

Silly Zhu left his house and walked quickly towards the backyard. Under the questioning eyes of the neighbors, he carried the deaf old lady to Liu Haizhong's house.

No knock.

He walked in with the deaf old lady on his back.

Liu Haizhong's home is a super picture of harmony and friendship.

Sitting in the bangs on the front seat, there is a plate of scrambled eggs in front of you, two large steamed buns next to it, half a bottle of Erguotou uncovered, and a three-cent white wine glass filled with white wine. I am living a good life. There are also eggs to go with the wine.

The Second Aunt, Liu Guangtian, and Liu Guangfu grabbed the buns with their hands, and eating them with pickles was a pain.

There are eggs but can't eat.

I must be in a bad mood.

See silly Zhu come in with the deaf old lady on his back.

I was a little stunned for a while.

Why is the old man here? Didn't she go to Sha Zhu's house to beg for food?

Full of doubts.

The second aunt got up, and was about to say a few words to Shazhu, when Shazhu took advantage of the opportunity when she stood up and had a free space, and put the deaf old lady on the stool.

"Second aunt, the second uncle told me at that time that he would award me the honorary title of advanced individual of morality in Siheyuan. As a moral individual, the second uncle must be a personal model in the compound, the old lady has no dinner at night, and the first uncle is away, so the second uncle can only be responsible for the old lady's food and drink."

Pointing to the scrambled eggs in front of Liu Haizhong, he moved towards the deaf old lady.

"Old lady, do you see that, these are scrambled eggs."

"The kid in Haizhong is pretty good. Knowing that my old lady is coming, he made scrambled eggs for me."

"You know it. I'll take care of the rain when I go back. After you have eaten, let the second aunt take you home." After telling the deaf old lady, she said a few words to Liu Haizhong, which can be regarded as murderous, " Second uncle, please don’t thank me, this is what I should do, our courtyard has lost the title of advanced civilized courtyard, as the second uncle in charge, you set an example, don’t thank me for sending the old lady to you, let me You have the opportunity to do good deeds, this is my obligation as a resident of the courtyard house, you eat slowly, I will go back to feed the rainwater."

In the hateful eyes of the Liu Haizhong family gnashing their teeth.

Silly Zhu patted his ass and walked away.

Behind them is the Liu family with a lot of chicken feathers.

When the big eyes stared and the small eyes booed each other, the deaf old lady had already started, not too much of pretending, grabbed the chopsticks used by the second aunt, and reached for the scrambled eggs in front of Liu Haizhong.

Strike first.

Later, he suffered a disaster.

The two big white flour steamed buns placed in front of Liu Haizhong were brutally beaten by the deaf old lady, and the deaf old lady grabbed and touched them one by one.

How can you eat this?
There is no way to eat it!

Liu Haizhong could only watch in a daze as the deaf old lady quickly devoured his eggs and white flour steamed buns, cursing Sha Zhu's eight generations of ancestors in his heart.

A good trick to bring disaster to the east.

He actually carried the deaf old lady back to him.

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu are also greeting someone's eighth-generation ancestors, not Shazhu, but Liu Haizhong, they eat eggs and white flour steamed buns, and they have to suffer a violent beating from Liu Haizhong, but in the end it is cheaper for the deaf old man Mrs.

Want to whine.

His eyes saw Liu Haizhong's furious cheek.

There was a trace of panic in each of them, as if they were going to be hit by bangs.

"old lady!"


"It's not an example!"

"Let me come tomorrow? Haizhong, you are a good boy. You know that my old lady is having a hard time. You want to buy me meat tomorrow. Please do me a favor. I know that you will show up on time. I will save some meat when the time comes." , let's eat a few more meals, or it will be broken if we can't eat it."

"Old lady, are you pretending to be confused with me?"

"All right, all right, I'll let you be the steward, and let Zhong Hai help you."

"Who the hell is talking about this? I told you not to come tomorrow. You have been partnering with Yi Zhonghai and his wife. What does it look like when you come to our house for dinner? Come again, be careful that I'm not polite to you."

"Zhong Hai, you are a good person. If my old lady has a son, I guess he will be about the same age as you. Hey, God is not open, my old lady has no son. Zhong Hai, if you are willing, my old lady wants to recognize Guang Tian and Guang Tian. Fu will be my grandson."

Acknowledge your grandson.

Wouldn't Liu Haizhong and his wife become the godson and goddaughter-in-law of the deaf old lady?

Let the deaf old lady come to their house for dinner more confidently.

Think beautifully.

"Old lady, you come and go!"

"I understand, I don't agree, ouch, this matter is done, forget it, let's not talk about it, eat, old wife Liu, you should pour a glass of boiling water for my old lady."

 Don't drink too much alcohol, it's uncomfortable

(End of this chapter)

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