Chapter 138 Finding an Organization

Looking at the closed door.

Qin Huairu was a little confused.

Unexpectedly, he brought up the reason why BangGong and the others were hungry, but Sha Zhu cold-bloodedly chose not to borrow food.

I thought about it.

Approving Shazhu's words, he walked towards Yan Fugui's house in the front yard.

At Yan Fugui's house, the door is still closed.

In the end, he returned to Jia's house without success.

Seeing that Qin Huairu didn't borrow the food back, Banggen and Xiaodang were filled with disappointment, and began to cry again, yelling that they were hungry.

Jia Zhang glanced at Qin Huairu, took the basin in Qin Huairu's hand, and under Qin Huairu's concerned eyes, she left Jia's house and walked towards the front yard. It took only three or four minutes. Six or seven buns appeared in front of Qin Huairu.

Looking at the steaming steamed buns.

Qin Huairu really couldn't understand how Jia Zhang could borrow corn bread from Yan Fugui?

Just now she watched Yan Fugui open her eyes and said nonsense that their family had no food, and she could smell the smell of steamed bread in her nostrils.

Meet Qin Huairu's bewildered eyes.

Jia Zhang handed the cornbread to Qin Huairu.

"Feed the sticks and the others, and you will eat a little too."

Pure nonsense.

I saw that Jia Zhang's got corn bread.

Banggen and Xiaodang were like two little bandits, grabbing two cornbreads and devouring each.

Qin Huairu hurriedly poured a cup of boiling water for the two children.

Gently exhorted: "Bang Jing, eat slowly, Xiao Dang, be careful of choking."


Silent all night.

the next day.

Sha Zhu followed Yushui to the school early in the morning and asked about the relevant dormitory policy. He thought that he could solve He Yushui's dormitory problem by spending money.

But I didn't expect that there would be a letter of introduction link.

I want to live on campus.

You have to issue a proof document from the street to prove that you have no problem.


Silly Zhu quickly ran to the sub-district office.

I met this director surnamed Jia in the office.

A woman in her early forties.

From her refined energy, she knew that this Director Jia was not simple, at least he was much stronger than the previous Director Wang.

In the beginning, a clerk filled out the certification documents for Shazhu. When Shazhu revealed his identity and said that he was He Yuzhu, a resident of the Red Star Courtyard Intermediate Court, Director Jia who happened to pass by the clerk heard this sentence. Subconsciously, he set his eyes on Shazhu.

The Red Star Courtyard caused a commotion in the cafeteria of the compound.

It's not a typical typical.

This is also the reason why Director Wang was raped and Director Jia took over.

This director surnamed Jia still has the word "agent" hanging in front of him. Whether he can become a full-time employee depends on his subsequent achievements.

Through the investigation and evidence collection of the residents of the courtyard house, He Yuzhu, who is called a fool, is a rare good person. At least he has worked hard to cook meals for the neighbors in the courtyard for more than ten days, ride Yan Fugui's bicycle, pay Five cents for wear and tear.

When I read the information at night, Director Jia already knew the details of Shazhu.

Master Shao, the master chef of the second canteen of the rolling mill, enjoys the position of the seventh-level cooking squad leader, with a monthly salary of 47 yuan. The house in the Red Star Courtyard is his family's ancestral property. He has a younger sister who is in high school and will be admitted to university in a few months.

The act of reading for my sister.

Let Director Jia look at Silly Zhu a few times.

Secondly, I feel a bit incomprehensible about the fact that Shazhu is 26 years old and not married yet.

A regular worker in a rolling mill with a good salary and a house of his own, but he couldn't find a wife.

Wait until she sees Sha Zhu's face.

The doubts in my heart were relieved a little.

The co-author is caused by this appearance, and looks a little mature.

On second thought.

In terms of mature appearance, girls in the city can't find it, so it doesn't mean that girls in the country can't find it either?
Director Jia, who has been an underground traffic officer since he was a teenager, quickly figured out the key point. The reason this silly Zhu is still unmarried at the age of 26 is because someone is playing tricks behind his back.

She doesn't have the time and energy to find out who is going to prevent Shazhu from getting married. She only knows that as the director of the street, she is responsible for all the problems of the residents in the area, such as eating, drinking, teasing, spreading, weddings, funerals, etc. , Silly Zhu can't marry a daughter-in-law, she is responsible.

He greeted Sha Zhu, and he and Sha Zhu entered her office one after the other.

After coming in.

Busy pouring water for Silly Zhu.

Taking advantage of Director Jia's pouring time, Sha Zhu took a look at the layout of the house. It was not big, but it had the characteristics of the times.

Director Jia put the water glass in front of Sha Zhu, and casually mentioned something.

"Comrade He Yuzhu."

"Director Jia, people who know me well call me Shazhu. You can call me Shazhu. If you really can't say it, you can call me Zhuzi or Xiaohe."

"Then let me call you Zhuzi." Director Jia smiled and said, "I read your information, you are not young anymore, you are 26 years old, why are you still alone? The old man said this, 10 years old There are ten thousand people and one hundred thousand soldiers, and children are the pillars of the motherland. In our jurisdiction, gay men who are a few years younger than you all marry wives and have two or three children, but you are the exception."

One wants to help out with the other's singleness issues.

One wants to beg the other party to help him solve the marriage.

I thought of a piece by coincidence.

A formula that one plus one equals two is instantly established.

"Director Jia, I'm not afraid of your jokes. I haven't figured this out until now. I have good qualifications, but I can't find a partner. How can I justify it?"

With a faint sigh, the topic changed immediately.

Shazhu talked about the rumor that he was made to miss Qin Huairu at the beginning.

"To tell the truth, Director Jia, you just came here, so there are some things you definitely don't know. More than ten years ago, I was 16 years old. I don't know what happened. Suddenly, someone said that I fell in love with Jia Dongxu's daughter-in-law, Qin Huairu. I have discussed with Qin Huairu, let Qin Huairu wait for me for three years, and when I am 19 years old, I will go to Qinjia Village to propose marriage to Qin Huairu. I guess, these rumors must be the cause of trouble. When I look for a matchmaker, they ignore me. Said that I have a bad reputation, and helped me match, and was scolded by the woman's parents."

Silly tone.

It was that whining tone.

I have no intention of acting.

I dare not act.

This director Jia has experienced the war-torn era at first sight.

Say something that is not afraid of being laughed out of your teeth.

I haven't seen any scenes before, maybe they have killed little devils and eradicated dog traitors.

Silly Zhu came to the street today.

With two ideas.

The first idea was to help Yushui issue this residence certificate.

The second idea is to find a way to meet the new Director Jia and ask him to give him a wife.

He corrected his attitude as much as possible.

I want to make a good impression.

Try to get Director Jia to send him a wife to solve Shazhu's single problem in one fell swoop.

"Director Jia, I have figured it out now. A daughter-in-law doesn't need to be too good-looking, as long as she is healthy, clean, and has her own opinions, everything else doesn't matter. You don't have to marry a girl from the city, a lesbian from the countryside is also fine. , I don't dislike it, and I don't have the qualifications to dislike it, who made our reputation bad."

In the last few sentences, Shazhu especially accentuated his accent.

There is an urgent idea to solve the problem of being single in it.

More important point.

It is to prevent this unnecessary trouble in my married life.

As for those bastards in the courtyard, the deaf old lady in the backyard, Yi Zhonghai and his wife in the middle courtyard, and the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law of the Jia family diagonally opposite, they definitely did not approve of Shazhu's marriage.

after marriage.

Stupid go to work.

Jia Zhang, Da Ma and the deaf old lady carry Sha Zhu behind their backs every day, doing this bad ideological work for Sha Zhu's daughter-in-law.

It's hard for Silly Zhu to think about it. His harmonious and happy marriage can be destroyed by these wicked things.

Unless you move out, you won't live in a courtyard house.

Pure whimsy.

In the case of housing shortage, how can there be extra houses on the street for Sha Zhu to choose from?
I can only live in the courtyard.

As such.

So he forced Silly Zhu to marry this country girl.

Rural life in this era is extremely difficult. As long as there is a chance to marry in the city, even if the other party is a physically handicapped person, they want to marry without hesitation.

Shazhu is in good health and has a good job. Marrying Shazhu, those people in the pension group, even if they want to destroy Shazhu's marriage, they probably won't be able to do so.

Not for anything else.

Just to stay in town.

For rural lesbians, marrying into the city means that they have achieved a huge self-breakthrough and become the wives of the big brothers of the workers, and they rarely go back to the countryside.

This is the real meaning behind these few words of Sha Zhu.

As long as this girl has a brain, even if villains like Yi Zhonghai, Qin Huairu and Xu Damao join forces, they can't destroy Sha Zhu's marriage.

Director Jia is an experienced person.

Naturally, he understood the meaning in Shazhu's words.


Said something that counts as a statement.

"Zhuzi, if you don't come to me, I have to talk to you about your marriage. Since you don't dislike country lesbians, I have time to help you find out."

"Then I thank Director Jia."


Do yourself a favor.

Silly Zhu would pay back to the other party both emotionally and rationally.

"You know, I'm a cook, and my cooking skills are not bad. If you want to hold a banquet or something in the future, you can come to me, and I promise not to disappoint you."

"If you are grateful, don't say it first. I can help you solve the single problem, but I also hope that you can remember your own words and don't think that people are country lesbians."

Director Jia is also from a rural background, so he naturally knows some things.

Some people say it well, and they don't dislike it.

After getting married, this scene of turning face and denying others was immediately staged, beating and scolding.

In all fairness.

Shazhu's conditions are really good, not to mention the bad reputation, even if he is a fool, as long as he has a salary and guaranteed food and drink, many girls rush to marry him.

This is the truth.

Also a fact.

"Director Jia, don't worry! If you are worried, I can swear to the portrait."

When Silly Zhu spoke so far, Director Jia naturally wouldn't question him, and quickly waved his hand, saying, "No need, I believe you."

"Then I'll bother Director Jia more about my affairs."

In order to marry a wife as soon as possible.

Break some people's minds.

Silly Zhu also spent a lot of thought.

(End of this chapter)

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