Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 139 Silly Zhu Lu met a matchmaker, and the secrets of the past were exposed

Chapter 139 Silly Zhu Lu met a matchmaker, and the secrets of the past were exposed

On the matter of marrying a daughter-in-law, Sha Zhu, who had temporarily reached an agreement with Director Jia, was slightly stunned after he came out of Director Jia's office.

Ask yourself, is his behavior like asking for a daughter-in-law from the organization?

Think about it.

It's like the organization sent me a wife.

A trace of embarrassment appeared on Silly Zhu's face, he reached out to take the Yushui school residence certificate handed over by the clerk, said goodbye, and came to Yushui's school in a hurry, checked in with the school teacher, and then carried Rain luggage came to the hostel.

It was discovered that Yushui was reviewing homework with a very thin girl.

Most of the questions are about rain, and the little girl is helping to explain.


Good study.

Otherwise, it is impossible to be He Yushui's explanation teacher.

The thing that really puzzled Shazhu was that he, a scumbag girl, didn't know if it was because he had grown up suddenly, or because he was stimulated by other aspects. He Yushui has devoted himself to his studies these days.

Say hello.

According to the meaning of the rain, the quilt was placed near the corner.

In the process of making the bed.

Seeing a sheepskin jacket whose original color was no longer visible was placed next to it, at first I mistakenly thought it was a child who was afraid of the cold at night and covered it with a quilt.

It was Yushui who took advantage of the time when the little girl went to the toilet, and whispered it to Silly Zhu, only then did Sha Zhu know that this sheepskin jacket was the quilt of the thin girl.

He didn't take off his clothes at night, but tucked his body into the sheepskin jacket. His curled body has been hardened day after day until now.

The little girl's name is Ladi.

After high school.

I thought the name was not pleasant, so I changed it to Xiang Hong, Wang Xianghong.

Country girl.

There are several older sisters in the family, and there are two younger brothers under her.

If it weren't for the relevant subsidies for high school, her parents would not let her study at all.

Life is miserable.

She subsidizes her food stamps and welfare every month, leaving only a very small part for her own living, and the rest is mailed back to her hometown in the countryside.

The body is extremely deprived of nutrients.

No wonder it gave Shazhu a feeling of emaciation, a piece of dark steamed bread, plus a bowl of boiled water, was Wang Xianghong's food for a day.

Study very hard.

The results have always been among the best.

He is the kind of good student who rarely thinks about going to that university by himself now.

She once said these heartfelt words to Yushui, I'm not like you, you can't get into college, you can still find a job by yourself, even if you can't find a job, you still have a brother who loves her.

However, Wang Xianghong has nothing but a dead life. Entrance to college is the only way out for Wang Xianghong in this life, otherwise she will have to marry like her sisters, marry a man who is more than ten years older, and rely on her current high school. As a result, even if she didn't stay in the city, she would find a job as an announcer in the commune, but she didn't because she wanted to pass the college entrance examination and was far away from home.

In fact, it is to escape.

Silly Zhu is not bursting with the Virgin Mary's heart. Since the rain can pass through Wang Xianghong and he can know himself, and he has the idea of ​​going to college, which is a good thing for him.

It doesn't matter whether it's for the purpose of helping Wang Xianghong, or wanting Wang Xianghong to be He Yushui's tutor, or selfishness, or selflessness.

Not important anymore.

The important thing is that this matter is beneficial to Sha Zhu.

When Wang Xianghong returned to the dormitory, Shazhu put forward his own ideas to Wang Xianghong, asking Wang Xianghong to review homework with Yushui every day, and when encountering problems that he didn't know, he would help explain appropriately. In return, Yushui was responsible for Wang Xianghong's section Time for three meals a day.

Wang Xianghong is a smart person, she thought about it briefly, then nodded and agreed to Shazhu's request.

The two sides coincided with each other.

One needs to fill up.

One wants to improve grades.

Otherwise, with Yushui's scumbag nature, getting into college would be nothing short of a dream.

Settle the problem of rainwater.

Sha Zhu came out of school.

Halfway through.

Accidentally met a master who was both an acquaintance and an enemy to Shazhu, the well-known Wang Matchmaker around the Red Star Courtyard.

Why do you say so.

It was because Matchmaker Wang once told Sha Zhu that there were two matchmakers, one was a female worker in a textile factory and the other was an accountant in a pickle factory. , Said that the woman suddenly disagreed, it was the matchmaker who found Shazhu and said that she was helping him find a better lesbian.

twice in a row.

The silly Zhu who was making trouble was not happy.

Look for the door.

Had a big fight with Matchmaker Wang, saying that Matchmaker Wang took his money and ate his food, but didn't do anything for him. Matchmaker Wang was so angry that she gave Wuzhu five or six dollars on the spot, and threatened to never communicate with each other. Afterwards, Silly Zhu was blocked by more than [-] matchmakers around him.

before doing it instead.

Silly Zhu really sees people with his chin.

Well now.

After reading the script of "Qi Man", I knew that I had been tricked by Yi Zhonghai. That incident at the beginning was a mistake. one thing.He took a few quick steps, and made a detour to matchmaker Wang who was about to go around seeing Shazhu, with a smile on his face.

"Aunt Wang."

"Who is Auntie Wang? I'm Wang Po! That villainous Wang Po who matched Ximen Qing and Pan Jinlian in Water Margin!"

Sha Zhu scratched his hair with his hand embarrassingly.

Matchmaker Wang was right.

When Shazhu came to make trouble at the door, he saw that there were a lot of onlookers, and there was no fence to guard the door for a while, and he used the storyteller's description of Wu Song's blood splattered in the mandarin duck building about Wang Po, without missing a word. Wang Matchmaker's body, calling others "Wang Po", caused Wang Matchmaker's reputation to be ruined.

"Aunt Wang, I'm sorry, I was wrong about that matter. If you are angry, you can beat me and scold me. If you can't, I will kneel down and kowtow to you. When will your anger disappear? When will I get up?" .”

Silly Zhu made a kneeling motion.

Matchmaker Wang was so frightened that her heart was raised in her throat.

So many people on the street.

If Silly Zhuzhen knelt down and kowtowed to her and spread the word, she would probably be criticized.

It is considered for self-interest.

The moment Sha Zhu was about to kneel down, he grabbed Sha Zhu and choked on Sha Zhu angrily.

"Tell me about you, what kind of bullshit did you do? I worked so hard to introduce two lesbians to you. Because of your own reasons, it's a shame. Doing personnel affairs, why am I not doing personnel affairs? How did I lose my reputation as a matchmaker? For so many years, I have made a matchmaker, not one thousand, but eight hundred. If you ask, why don’t I try my best? I took three yuan of red money from you, and I even gave you two yuan instead! Everyone around me called me Wang Po."

Silly Zhu can only apologize.

Blame the lack of brains.

Taking the five yuan he asked for from Matchmaker Wang, he returned to the courtyard and showed it off to Yan Fugui and the others, saying that he would pay three yuan and return five yuan.

Yan Fugui said something you silly Zhu will regret in the future.


Silly column at that time.

Didn't think much about it.

I mistakenly thought that Yan Fugui and the others were envious.

Think about it now.

Silly column at that time.

Really shocked.

Can't care too much.

He hurriedly took out five yuan from his pocket, and stuffed it into Wang Matchmaker's hand.

Matchmaker Wang shook off.

The five dollars fell to the ground.

Sha Zhu bent down and picked it up.

"Silly Zhu, I said at the beginning that I will never deal with you again in my life. As for what you did, all the matchmakers in the entire capital know about it. There is no matchmaker who dares to match you. You, die early! Be careful! I won't be a matchmaker for you again, lest you find me and bite you back."

Silly Zhu said a word.

Can I not know this situation.

Otherwise, he would not have found Director Jia and asked Director Jia to send him a wife.

He handed the money to Matchmaker Wang again, and spoke as sincerely as possible.

"Aunt Wang, I apologize to you. I was wrong about that matter. I also know that you don't want to see me. I didn't ask you to help me talk about my daughter-in-law. My reputation is probably rotten in the whole capital. You asked for five yuan, I think I’ve come to my senses, and I want to return the money to you, I hold this money in my hands, I hope you will give me a chance to make up for my mistakes.”

Listen to what silly Zhu said.

Matchmaker Wang's anger subsided a little.

He raised his eyes to look at Shazhu, and found that Shazhu was really different. He would have been purely stunned, but now he has matured a lot.

Think about it.

Two dollars were withdrawn.

"I told you twice as a matchmaker, a total of three yuan in red money, you came to the door and said I didn't do anything, and I paid you five yuan. I apologize, but I don't accept it, but you want two more yuan from me. I took it back, and it was returned to the original owner."

"Listen to you, who made me do something stupid."

"Silly Zhu, people call you silly Zhu, but when you do things, can you use your brain more, find matchmakers to make trouble, you don't think about it, you go around the capital, no matter how powerful the shrew is, they won't If you dare to piss on the matchmaker, no matter when you see the matchmaker, you have to smile at others, you, you are the first person I met to make trouble with the matchmaker, aren't you afraid that you won't be able to marry a wife?"

"Aunt Wang, to tell you the truth, I didn't think about it so much, but now that I think about it, it's too late."

Matchmaker Wang looked at Sha Zhu as if she knew she was wrong.

There was a bit of wonder in my heart.

Silly things.

She knows a little bit.

The old man in charge of the courtyard, named Yi Zhonghai, the couple treats Shazhu very well, and there is an old lady in the backyard who eats Shazhu's meals every day. The combined age of the three of them is [-] years younger. There are some things that Shazhu doesn't know the severity of. It's impossible for them not to know, logically speaking, they should remind Shazhu, why did Shazhu make trouble for her.

Mouth move.

Asked back: "Silly Zhu, when you first troubled me, didn't you tell that Yi Zhonghai? Didn't the deaf old lady in the backyard persuade you?"

"It was Yi Zhonghai who asked me to find you!"

Matchmaker Wang stopped there.

A pair of eyes stared straight at Shazhu, probably trying to find some nonsense answers from Shazhu's face.


The expression on Sha Zhu's face, or his eyes, are silently expounding a fact that Wang Matchmaker has to believe, and Sha Zhu is not lying.

He is telling the truth!

"Yi Zhonghai asked you to come to me? His wife didn't stop you? How could Yi Zhonghai let you come to trouble me?"

The voice of Matchmaker Wang.

With an extreme trembling.

At the moment when Shazhu was questioned, an answer that made her feel terrified came to her mind.

It is very likely that they all fell into Yi Zhonghai's scheme.

Silly Zhu did not tell lies.

It was Yi Zhonghai who was behind the scenes.

Yi Zhonghai, who looked like an old man, turned out to be such a disgusting person.

Matchmaker Wang was stunned by the answer she had made up in her head.

"Yi Zhonghai told me, again and again, not again and again, that your matchmaker Wang is a well-known matchmaker nearby. The nickname was successful once, and the person you introduced has always been successful once. I failed twice in a row because you didn't do your best. Do this, saying that the red money I gave you is my hard-earned hard-earned money, and that you are cheating me of my money because I am young and ignorant. You also said that he is old, if he is young When I was a teenager, I must come to you to get the red money back, so I can go to your house. As for the big mother, she didn’t say a word, she sat on the stool without saying a word, and asked me to come back early when I was about to go out .”

Matchmaker Wang was trembling.

She remembered the first matchmaker she told Sha Zhu.

The girl worker in the textile factory.

Both Shazhu and the other party think that the other party is good.

A 23.

A 20 year old.

That night, Yi Zhonghai approached the door and straight to the point apologized to Matchmaker Wang.

Matchmaker Wang was puzzled, wondering what kind of medicine Yi Zhonghai sold in the gourd.

It was only later that I learned of his intentions from Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai said that he just found out that Sha Zhu had an abnormal relationship with a daughter-in-law named Qin Huairu in the same courtyard.

The lesbian introduced by Matchmaker Wang must have a good relationship with Matchmaker Wang. If she married her, she would find that Shazhu was fooling around with the neighbor's daughter-in-law every day.

It is tantamount to blinding Matchmaker Wang's reputation for nothing, and making Matchmaker Wang feel bad in front of lesbian parents.

Although he watched Sha Zhu grow up, he couldn't just watch Matchmaker Wang and the lesbians introduced by Matchmaker Wang go to a dead end.

Taking advantage of the silence of the night, he quietly waited at Matchmaker Wang's door and told Matchmaker Wang about the matter.

If Matchmaker Wang continued to match up silly Zhu and lesbians, Yi Zhonghai wouldn't say anything, and he never came.

Matchmaker Wang heard what Yi Zhonghai said so resolutely, with an expression of righteousness and family destruction.

The next day, I quietly inquired around the courtyard, and heard from a white and fat woman that Shazhu is not a thing, and that she missed the neighbor's daughter-in-law at a young age. Out of consideration for her own reputation, she was not suitable For the sake of name, cut off the relationship between silly Zhu and lesbians.

Silly story.

Many unreasonable contradictions before.

It was smoothed out at once.

(End of this chapter)

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