Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 141 Yi Zhonghai, No. 1 Shameless Rolling Mill

Chapter 141 Yi Zhonghai, No. [-] Shameless Rolling Mill

Silly Zhu followed Matchmaker Wang to Ma's Alley one after the other, found the No. 14 courtyard, and met the parents of the lesbians from the pickle factory.

Aside from the fact that the woman's parents were slightly stunned by the two's intentions at the beginning.

things behind.

Just like the lines in the play, Sha Zhu and Matchmaker Wang were really shocked. Even though they had some mental preparation, they were still taken aback by the real content told by the woman's parents.

There is actually something about the deaf old lady here.

Things were totally different from what Sha Zhu and the others had thought about when they came here. It was Jia Zhang who took the lead in saying bad things about Sha Zhu, and the real culprit was the deaf old lady.

Although there is no explicit statement that Sha Zhu likes to beat people, the content of the deaf old lady's words has the meaning that Sha Zhu likes to use his fists to talk about things, implying that the girl married may be domestically abused.

Silly column numb.

Matchmaker Wang is numb.

Just about to turn around and leave.

The woman's parents probably guessed something, and told the reason why they regretted it again.

On the night of the blind date between the girl and Shazhu, Yi Zhonghai worked tirelessly to come to the courtyard and found the girl's parents. He apologized first, and then revealed his so-called self-righteous self-destruction, saying that Shazhu and the daughter-in-law of the Jia family next door had such a bad relationship. I don't know the relationship, and frankly, if the woman's parents don't believe it, they can go to the courtyard to inquire, saying that he Yi Zhonghai thinks that lesbians are good, and such a good lesbian should not marry a silly fool. fell into the fire pit.

Seeing that Yi Zhonghai's expression was full of sincerity, the lesbian's parents came to the courtyard to inquire about the situation the next day. They learned from the deaf old lady that Sha Zhu was a stunned young man who liked to beat people, and they heard it from the aunt. Even Shazhu's own sister was anxious not to take care of the cold-blooded incident. Jia Zhang mentioned that Shazhu missed her daughter-in-law's beauty, and the lesbian parents had the idea of ​​​​not marrying Shazhu.

After the guess in my heart was confirmed.

Shazhu and Wang Matchmaker bid farewell to the parents of the lesbians in the pickle factory.

Came to Niujia Hutong.

The parents of the textile factory workers were found.

After expressing your intention.

The woman's parents narrated what happened that night. They had planned to set a date for the engagement of Sha Zhu and the female worker, but they didn't expect Yi Zhonghai to attack again that night.

Just started.

The lesbian's parents mistakenly think that Yi Zhonghai is here to talk about marriage for Shazhu.

Knowing that He Daqing had run away, Yi Zhonghai had always been kind to Shazhu, and Shazhu didn't treat Yi Zhonghai as an outsider. The two of them acted like a godfather and godson.

He kindly poured tea for Yi Zhonghai.

Just as he was about to express our agreement to the marriage, Yi Zhonghai made an old-fashioned apology, and immediately took the responsibility on his own head, saying that Sha Zhu and Qin Huairu were smashed in the courtyard just now. In the scene of people fooling around, I heard the voice of Sha Zhu and Qin Huairu discussing privately.

After Sha Zhu got married, how to treat Sha Zhu's wife like an old mother, how to keep the two of them from fooling around without telling Sha Zhu's wife, and how to put the blame on if Sha Zhu's wife finds out about their scandal. On the silly wife's body.

Yi Zhonghai said that when he heard these voices, his body was trembling, and he said that the lesbian in the textile factory was a good girl who could not be found with a lantern.

Sha Zhu really wanted to marry her as his wife, it was the result of Sha Zhu praying to Buddha all his life.

But because Shazhu is such a villain, and he couldn't bear to marry a lesbian and be wronged, he could only quietly kick on the door of their house in the dark and tell the lesbian's parents about Shazhu and Qin Huairu. If you think that Shazhu is good, and think that Shazhu and Qin Huairu's fooling around will not affect the future marriage of the lesbians, you can continue to get married. The big deal is that Yi Zhonghai will protect the lesbians as much as possible before he dies.

Once the lesbian parents heard what Yi Zhonghai said, coupled with Yi Zhonghai's annoyed and contradictory cheeks, they believed Yi Zhonghai's nonsense and were grateful to Yi Zhonghai, and the marriage fell through.

when it is time to leave.

Yi Zhonghai also put five yuan in front of the lesbian parents, saying that it was the compensation he paid for Sha Zhu, and at the same time begged the lesbian parents not to tell the story of Sha Zhu fooling around with Qin Huairu. In my heart, otherwise Sha Zhu would not be able to live, and Qin Huairu would not be able to live either.

The lesbian's parents accepted Yi Zhonghai's money, and felt that what Yi Zhonghai said was right, and they would not see each other again anyway, so they agreed to Yi Zhonghai's request.

This is also the reason why after Silly Zhu's marriage was regretted, no news came out.

The truth came out.

It stands to reason should be happy.

But Shazhu's heart was suppressed with anger from beginning to end, and he didn't even know how he got back to the second canteen of the rolling mill.

It was Liu Lan who noticed that something was wrong with Shazhu, and shouted a few times, and Shazhu's out-of-body soul returned to its original position.

Looking at the excited Liu Lan in front of him.

Couldn't help frowning.

Immediately without saying a word, he picked up his big tea mug and drank the tea in big gulps.

Shazhu is more like this.

The more Liu Lan felt that there was something wrong with Sha Zhu.

He quietly moved his body towards the silly pillar.

Asked in a low voice: "Silly Zhu, is there something on your mind? Your sister Liu has nothing but an unbreakable mouth of secrecy. As long as you tell me anything, it is safer than entering a safe." Tell me, what's the matter? You just mentioned the seventh-level cooking squad leader, so it's Qin Huairu's business, right?"

Silly Zhu raised his eyes and glanced at Liu Lan.

He hesitated for more than ten seconds.

In the end, I told Liu Lan the ins and outs of the matter.

"Liu Lan, today I met the matchmaker who was a matchmaker for me a few years ago on the way. The two of us checked the account she gave me to introduce someone to me. Guess what happened?"

As someone who came here.

What doesn't Liu Lan know?

Seeing Shazhu's strange expression, coupled with Shazhu's tone of voice and the content of his words, she vaguely guessed that there must be someone behind the scenes who spoke ill of Shazhu, and when Shazhu found out who gave him Trick this thing.

When Liu Lan went on a blind date for the first time, there was an enemy of that partner who specifically came to the door and told Liu Lan's parents and the neighbors around him bad things about that man, whether he liked drinking or gambling, and never beat anyone. , Cursing, etc. In the end, because of these rumors, the two did not get together.

There is an old principle that it is better to demolish ten temples than destroy one family.

I can't stand the wicked people.

I'm afraid you'll be fine.

Liu Lan knew a little bit about Silly Zhu. He heard that he went on a blind date more than a dozen times, and was tricked and bad-mouthed more than a dozen times in a row.

I don't know if it's Shazhu's misfortune, or those people are too wicked.

"Who spoke ill of you behind your back?"

A look of surprise flashed across Silly's face.

Unexpectedly, Liu Lan could guess his mind.

See silly Zhu looking at himself like this.

Liu Lan smiled.

"You underestimate Sister Liu too much. Sister Liu was also the one who was said bad things at the beginning. As for the dead ghost of our family, someone specially told him that this is wrong with me, and that I am not good, and that I am Kefu. In the end, our family That dead ghost, didn't listen to her, and married me anyway."

He changed his tune.


"People, living in the world, he is a kind of trouble. When you are not troublesome, you have already gone underground. The person who spoke ill of me is my aunt. Do you think it is ridiculous? Just because she wants to Her daughter was married."

"Yi Zhonghai!" Silly Zhu met Liu Lan's shocked but not shocked eyes, and confided the truth, "The person who speaks ill of me behind my back and makes me unable to marry a wife is Yi Zhonghai!"

"I guess it's him!" Liu Lan said, "I'm afraid you don't know it. Now there is a saying in the rolling mill that Yi Zhonghai is the most shameless person in our rolling mill! It is said that the reputation of our rolling mill has been destroyed by Yi." Zhong Hai has been corrupted!"

Rolling Mills No. [-] shameless.

this reputation.

For the face-saving Yi Zhonghai.

Simply murderous.


After taking a long breath.

Silly Zhu began to get busy.

bad mood.

Also have to cook.

As for Liu Lan, taking advantage of the time when everyone was not paying attention, she quietly left the second canteen. Anyway, as long as there is a silly pillar in the second canteen, there will be no big troubles.

Shazhu is the Dinghaishenzhen of the second canteen.

Since he thought that Sha Zhu had already devoted his heart and soul to her, as a member of the second canteen, he had to stand up for the matter of Sha Zhu being tricked by Yi Zhonghai, and let Yi Zhonghai know that their second canteen was not easy to mess with.

career thing.

It has to be done by professionals.

On cooking.

Ten Liu Lans tied together are no match for Sha Zhu.

Talk about rumors.

A hundred stupid pillars tied together are no match for Liu Lan alone.

True to that old saying.

Rat pups are born to burrow.

Less than 10 minutes after leaving the No. [-] canteen, the rolling mill had already spread the news that Yi Zhonghai played tricks behind his back, breaking Shazhu's more than [-] consecutive blind dates.

"Have you heard that Shazhu is not married so far, and Yi Zhonghai is behind the scenes."

"I've heard that such a big thing, why haven't you heard about it? I said that Shazhu has such a good condition. He has passed 36 years old, but he can't marry a wife. It turns out that the person who caused the trouble is Yi Zhonghai!"

36 million years old.

It's a current meme.

It is specially used to distinguish the occupations of workers.

In the minds of most people, if he is promoted to a second-level worker in this lifetime, he has already touched the ceiling of his life career, with a monthly salary of 36 yuan or more, and he will work until he retires.

Different industries and different regions have different standards for 36 years.


Only people like Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong, who can be regarded as excellent workers in the workshop because of their outstanding technical level, can pass the threshold of 36 years old.

According to the old stalk of 36 years old.

Silly Zhu can be regarded as an outstanding member of most of the workers, but such a master, at the age of 26, is not married yet.

Many people discussed in private, saying that Shazhu's vision is too high.

The co-author is Yi Zhonghai who played tricks behind his back, no wonder Shazhu is not married yet.

before doing it instead.

Yi Zhonghai's reputation is not bad.

It is impossible for the workers to talk about Yi Zhonghai like that.

But because the current Yi Zhonghai has become the stinking shit of the rolling mill, to borrow some people's original words to describe it, the reputation of the rolling mill has been discredited by Yi Zhonghai.

He didn't fear Yi Zhonghai's reputation as a so-called eighth-level worker.

Chattering is everywhere.

If you don't say it, you don't look like a rolling mill guy.

As such.

The matter of Yi Zhonghai plotting against Sha Zhu to prevent him from getting married was instantly spread, from the leaders of the workshop to the ordinary workers, everyone was discussing it, even the Ninth Workshop was no exception. Frowning, smoking a stuffy cigarette without saying a word, Yi Zhonghai really gave him a face. One day, the Ninth Workshop was proud of Yi Zhonghai, and the next day, the Ninth Workshop was lonely because of Yi Zhonghai.

"Director, why don't you drive Yi Zhonghai away? I'm going to go to the bathroom outside now. When they heard that I'm from the No. [-] workshop, they wanted me to deal with it in my pants. They said that our No. [-] workshop is a wicked thing."

"What Yi Zhonghai did was not good, but he chose to do something wrong with Shazhu's marriage. I heard that he came to the woman's door with a gift and said a lot of things to give Shazhu a hat. Those people in the cafeteria, we also I know, I can't afford to offend, otherwise the other workers would have big fat slices to eat, but the people in our No. [-] workshop would not."

"Expulsion or not, this is not a decision Director Guo can make. It has to be studied by the factory leaders. Although Yi Zhonghai can't find the eighth level, but the level of his seventh-level workers is there. According to my opinion, let's commend the workshop. Yi Zhonghai's matter is cancelled, and I will inform Yi Zhonghai internally when it's over, and it can be regarded as giving some people some explanation."

The person who gave the opinion was the section chief of the Ninth Workshop.


Sixteen workshops.

In bangs after finishing the work at hand.

Moved his sore limbs.

The words and voices of Yi Zhonghai plotting Sha Zhu not to let Sha Zhu get married suddenly spread from the factory, which made Liu Hai's unbalanced heart slightly refreshed.


You have today too.

He was inexplicably bright.

In the courtyard, the cafeteria of the compound was smashed.

In the factory, the reputation is bad.

The position of the uncle in charge is already waving towards Liu Haizhong.

"Okay, let's not say a few words, isn't it because Yi Zhonghai made a mess of the foolish blind date, there is nothing to talk about, work."

It seems to reprimand those who spread rumors.

In fact, it was tantamount to confirming Yi Zhonghai's rumors of playing tricks.


meeting room.

Director Yang and the heads of several rolling mills were thinking.

There is a touch of sadness on the face.

The weekly safety production meeting, which was supposed to be held every week, caught everyone by surprise because of this sudden rumor.

Flies don't bite unsealed eggs.

Yi Zhonghai really wished he was innocent.

It would not have caused so many troubles, having an affair with Jia Zhang, and Qin Huairu, and finally covered up all the rumors through the staff skills competition, but once again there were rumors of ruining their marriage. Having an affair with Jia Zhang is even more disgusting!

A group of leaders who attended the meeting.

Suddenly a bold idea came up.

That is, they promoted Yi Zhonghai to be an eighth-level worker, which was actually a complete mistake.

Some people say that Yi Zhonghai is the number one shameless person in the rolling mill.

(End of this chapter)

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