Chapter 142 Fighting Yi Zhonghai
Yi Zhonghai, who didn't know that he had another shameless nickname of No. [-] Rolling Mill on his head, followed the plan he and the deaf old lady made to try his best to remedy his rotten reputation on the street.

after dinner.

So they made a fuss about holding a big courtyard meeting.

Maybe it was because of the pre-discussion, or because they thought of something by coincidence, everyone who returned to the courtyard after get off work did not take the initiative to confide in Yi Zhonghai, saying that you, Yi Zhonghai, are now called the number one in the rolling mill. He didn't tell Yi Zhonghai about it.

Whether it was Liu Haizhong or the other neighbors who worked in the rolling mill, they shrewdly chose to keep their mouths shut.

They watched Yi Zhonghai sit on the throne of the steward as if they were monkeys.

There is a playful expression in the eyes.

It's a ghost.

The neighbors wanted to see Yi Zhonghai's jokes, so they deliberately didn't tell the truth, but Yi Zhonghai was worried that the neighbors would spoil him, so he let him sing tonight's play for nothing.

Simply each have their own ideas.

Unexpectedly, a result that satisfied both parties was achieved.

One wants to see.

One wants to act.

Looking around at the crowd, Yi Zhonghai tried his best to express sincerity on his face.

"Everyone is here, let's hold a meeting in the compound. Before the meeting in the compound, I, Yi Zhonghai, would like to say a few words. First, I would like to say sorry to the neighbors."

I'm sorry to say three words.

The neighbors were in an uproar in an instant.

Good guy.

It really is the most shameless person in the rolling mill, who made them suffer such a big loss, seeing Yi Zhonghai's posture, he clearly wanted to say a few dispensable words, so he easily overturned all this.

If it weren't for the mess in the cafeteria of the compound.

The honor plate of the courtyard house will not be taken away by the new director.

Thousands of mistakes are all Yi Zhonghai's fault.

Everything was caused by Yi Zhonghai.

"It's because I thought about the problem and thought about it simply. I wanted to help the neighbors as much as possible, but due to various reasons, the canteen in the compound could not continue to open. The neighbors also had a fight because of some follow-up, which also made us The honor earned by the courtyard is gone. Thousands of words are all my fault, Yi Zhonghai, through the courtyard meeting, I apologize to all the neighbors present, and hope that the neighbors can forgive me."

Yi Zhonghai walked from behind the Sifang table to the middle of the crowd, and made a standard ninety-degree bow in each of the four directions.

Acting plays a full set.

After all, it was an apology, so it was natural to be sincere.

Yi Zhonghai is confident that his apology tonight will be spread to the rolling mill tomorrow, and no one will say that Yi Zhonghai is a master who can afford to let go.

After four bows.

Straighten your back.

He resorted to the routine of slapping a sweet date, and said to the people in the courtyard: "In order to make up for the mistakes I made, the neighbors in the courtyard, I decided to compensate each household with two catties of stick noodles to make up for Yi Zhonghai's fault."

Years of scarcity.

For the sake of saving face, Yi Zhonghai was so heartless that each household compensated two catties of stick noodles. There were 27 or eight households in the neighborhood. Excluding Xu Damao who did not participate in the cafeteria of the compound, there were also 24 or five households of Shazhu who were not in the compound at this time, almost five Ten catties of cornmeal.

For other neighbors.

Fifty catties of cornmeal may be a lot.

For Yi Zhonghai.


A seventh-grade worker with a monthly salary of 87 yuan is just an old couple. It is estimated that each family should pay two catties of flour, which he can afford.

Strictly speaking.

This is also a means of bribery.

For the sake of getting two catties of stick noodles for nothing, the neighbors also have to give Yi Zhonghai some face, they can't take other people's stick noodles with their front feet, and turn their backs and deny him.

Due to the temporary betrayal of the neighbors in the weird and unpredictable compound meeting, the atmosphere actually reached a climax, and the eyes looking at Yi Zhonghai were no longer indifferent, but more calculating and gentle.

Yi Zhonghai caught this scene before his eyes.

Decided to add another handful of firewood.

After stick noodles, there was another rhetoric about every household paying a catty of white noodles.

"Because of the canteen in the compound, some neighbors donated the white noodles that were saved until the end of the year to make dumplings for the Chinese New Year. The neighbors ate a few meals of noodles. It's still the same sentence. The disaster was caused by me, Yi Zhonghai. We can't let Neighbors don’t have white flour for making dumplings during Chinese New Year, every household has a catty of white flour.”

An uproar in the courtyard.

It was similar to the loach that was suddenly thrown into the frying pan.

All boiled over.

What the hell?

Each household will be compensated with one catty of white flour.

The compensation for stick noodles was already beyond the expectations of the neighbors, but Yi Zhonghai paid an extra catty of white noodles.

At present, the anger of being calculated by Yi Zhonghai disappeared instantly, and he praised Yi Zhonghai instead, bluntly saying that Yi Zhonghai is a pure man!

If Yi Zhonghai compensated each household with a catty of pork, and each household gave ten yuan as an apology fee, and Yi Zhonghai asked them to call them grandpa, it is estimated that some people would agree.

in the noisy crowd.

There are two people who are in a different mood.

One is Jia Zhang, and the other is Qin Huairu.

They took advantage of the opportunity when everyone praised Yi Zhonghai's stinky feet, and looked at each other, and then they each made calculations.

Qin Huairu's idea is that she can't just leave the courtyard and go back to the small mountain village she wanted to escape, and live a life facing the loess and back to the sky.

Jia Zhang's idea was that Yi Zhonghai's family should have a lot of money, so how could he extort a little money from Yi Zhonghai.


Silly Zhu was on the way from the school to the courtyard.

walk aside.

While moving the limbs of the body.

He was about to go back to play Yi Zhonghai soon, so he had to warm up.

Meeting Wang Matchmaker by chance today relieved a huge mystery in Shazhu's heart. How could he not be able to marry a daughter-in-law with such good conditions.

The co-author is Yi Zhonghai who is behind the scenes.

No matter what he said, he would have to pay a heavy price.

What Sha Zhu didn't expect was that the person who ruined his marriage was not only Yi Zhonghai, but also the kind mother who was always kind. The deaf old lady would uncharacteristically cooperate with Yi Zhonghai and his wife to ruin his marriage .

have to say.

Really feed the dog with conscience.

more than ten years of assistance.

Even if a dog is cooked, it has to wag its tail towards you.

The deaf old lady turned out to be a bastard worse than a dog.

At that time, Yushui helped Shazhu analyze the truth about why the deaf old lady wanted to destroy Shazhu's marriage with Yi Zhonghai and his wife. It might be because he was worried that Shazhu married a wife and had a child of his own. If you receive a gift from the owner, you must take care of your wife and children first, and the deaf old lady is very likely to say goodbye to the stupid bonus.

It is the same principle as not allowing Yi Zhonghai and his wife to adopt their children.

They don't want to lose any of their own interests.

As such.

The deaf old lady knew that Yi Zhonghai and his wife were plotting against Sha Zhu, but she deliberately didn't remind her, so there was a logic for her explanation.


A sigh.

It flew out of Sha Zhu's mouth.

Knowing that the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai were the main culprits for ruining his marriage, Sha Zhu had to treat him differently.

He said a few harsh words when he was exhausted.

Every one of the old coffins that had already stepped into the coffin, Sha Zhu made a move but didn't know the severity. If he really punched the deaf old lady a few times, he reckoned that the deaf old lady would die.

Calculated gas.

He could only vent on Yi Zhonghai's head.

The hypocrite pays the price of three.

Thinking of beating Yi Zhonghai violently, Sha Zhu felt an unprecedented excitement all over his body, and he couldn't help but quicken his pace, and in the end, it turned into a trot.


Inside the courtyard.

Yi Zhonghai made it to the last item of the conference.

Hats off to silly Zhu.

Every family in the neighborhood has benefited from Yi Zhonghai's two catties of stick noodles and one catty of white noodles.

Cannibals are soft and short.

Certainly cannot object to Yi Zhonghai.

Look at the crowd.

Said: "I heard that the rainwater is staying in the school, and there is no need to do the work of Zhuzi to catch the rainwater to go to and from school. Zhuzi, I ask you, can you continue to cook for the neighbors in the cafeteria of this compound? Zhuzi!"

Xu Damao spoke up.

"Grandpa, what kind of eyes are you looking at? It's been 10 minutes since the meeting in the compound has been held for [-] minutes, why haven't you noticed that Shazhu is not there?"

Yi Zhonghai was dumbfounded.

Shazhu is not here!

Then who did he show off his stance just now?
Just looking for a step down.

Then I saw Xu Damao pointing at the junction of the front yard and the middle yard and shouting.

"Silly Zhu is back!"

They didn't wait for Yi Zhonghai to explain.

As Shazhu's lifelong enemy.

Xu Damao will not let go of any chance to put eye drops on Shazhu.

There was a roar towards Shazhu.

"Silly Zhu, why did you come back when the big courtyard meeting was held?"

He changed his tune.

Said something for Yi Zhonghai.

"The old man said just now that there was a big commotion in the courtyard because of the cafeteria in the courtyard. The reason why the cafeteria in the courtyard couldn't continue to open was because you didn't come back to cook for the neighbors at noon, and the rainwater stayed on campus, so you returned it. Don’t cook for the neighbors? Yes, the cafeteria in the courtyard will continue to open, but if you can’t, the cafeteria in the courtyard will be closed.”

Yi Zhonghai knew that Xu Damao had no good intentions.

But because what Xu Damao said was also what he wanted to say to Sha Zhu.

He looked at Silly Zhu without saying a word.

Sit and wait for silly Zhu's answer.

When his eyes fell on Sha Zhu's face, Yi Zhonghai felt an unprecedented panic inexplicably, his scalp also went numb, and the hairs on his body stood up one by one at this moment.

Always feel like something bad is going to happen.

What he didn't know was that after Sha Zhu saw him, he had already clenched his fists together tightly, but then let go of them very quickly.

To change strategy.

"My uncle means that I continue to run to the rolling mill, run back to cook for the neighbors, and then run back to the rolling mill?"

It was only then that everyone remembered that Sha Zhu had agreed to take the lead.

It was Yi Zhonghai who agreed to give Shazhu a bicycle ticket.

to be frank.

It's not very authentic to ask Silly Zhu to come back from get off work to cook, but they don't say anything when they think of the benefits they can get from this matter.

Silly Zhu agreed to cook.

They eat canteen.

Silly Zhu disagrees with cooking.

They eat their own.

Like Yi Zhonghai, they all focused on Shazhu.

Looking at the eyes of everyone looking at him.

Silly Zhu smiled.

Especially when he saw the eyes of the three birds of prey, the deaf old lady, the big mother, and Yi Zhonghai, falling on him, he couldn't help feeling a burst of sadness in his heart.

I'm really sorry for the hard work I've put in all these years.

What are these things.

He snorted coldly.

"My take care of the rain."

Seeing that Silly Zhu didn't give in, the deaf old lady was the one who lost the most. The cafeteria in the courtyard was open, so there was no need to look at the faces of Yi Zhonghai and his wife. complain.

"Silly Zhuzi, doesn't Yushui live on campus? You don't have to go to school every day to wait for her."

It's about your own interests.

The deaf old lady wasn't pretending to be deaf.

A combination of years.

Yi Zhonghai knew that at this time he had to assist the deaf old lady.

He said: "Zhuzi, what the old lady said is reasonable. The rainwater is staying on campus, so you don't have to go to pick up the rainwater. You returned the bicycle to the third uncle yesterday, and you said that you have to take care of the rainwater. The neighbors who are making trouble because of this big There was a huge misunderstanding in the canteen of the courtyard. This is a harmonious courtyard. If the neighbors have difficulties, they will help as much as they can. You are a cook, and cooking is purely for you. As the old saying goes, it’s not difficult for those who meet, but not for those who are difficult. I will leave the job of cooking in the cafeteria of the compound to you, and the neighbors will be satisfied, and the uncle will rest assured.”

"I'm not satisfied!"

"Zhuzi, this is a matter that concerns all the interests of the neighbors. You can't be confused. It's not that the uncle is deliberately embarrassing you, but giving you a chance to serve the neighbors."

Yi Zhonghai possessed by the Heavenly God of Virtue.

He made a big deal out of it.

"It's a bit unreasonable for you to run back and forth. It's my uncle's fault for this matter. Who made the uncle promise to get you a bicycle ticket? You know about the uncle's business, and you don't want to cause trouble for the factory. Regarding the bicycle ticket, I promise to get it for you. Before I get the bicycle ticket, I can only wrong you and let you run back and forth between the rolling mill and the courtyard.

Think about our seniors, didn't they all travel all over the country with a pair of feet, this spirit of hard work can't be lost at any time.

The body is the capital of the revolution. If you stay in the cafeteria every day, it is easy to spoil your body. The uncle asked you to take over the job as the master of the cafeteria in the courtyard. This way of running back and forth in the factory allows you to have a healthy body. This is for your sake! "

Silly column had to admit.

Yi Zhonghai could really say it, and with Yi Zhonghai's kind and good-natured cheeks, some people really believed his nonsense.

It's just in Sha Zhu's ears.

But extremely disgusting.

for me.

But ruin my marriage?

"So, it's because of me that the uncle is behind my back and won't let me get married, and speak ill of those lesbians and the woman's parents who are on a blind date with me? Fuck your mother, Yi Zhonghai."

Yi Zhonghai was taken aback.

I finally knew where that bad feeling came from.

I looked at the silly column.

Just as he was about to forcefully explain, he saw Sha Zhu waving a big slap towards his cheek.

(End of this chapter)

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