Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 147 Yi Zhonghai, You Deserve It

Chapter 147 Yi Zhonghai, You Deserve It

Had breakfast.

Silly Zhu came out of the house, found two locks, and locked the door tightly. Recently, there are hooligans and thieves around, which is a pleasant surprise for the neighbors in the courtyard. All the neighbors bought locks, and implemented the locks to the point. In one fell swoop, they broke Yi Zhonghai's rule that every household in the compound should not lock the golden body. There are two big locks, one for the inner door and one for the outer door. If it wasn't for the lack of a lock ticket, he reckoned to add another big lock, and I'll let you steal it again!
Lock the door.

As soon as he turned his body around, Sha Zhu saw Yi Zhonghai standing behind him without saying a word. On the hypocrite's hideous pig's head, a pair of benevolent eyes looked at him calculatingly.

When one did not see.

They bypassed Yi Zhonghai and walked towards the front yard.

Seeing the back of Silly Zhu leaving, Yi Zhonghai stretched out his hand and moved his lips slightly.

Originally, I wanted to say hello to Sha Zhu and apologize in person. People in the hospital or those who went to work or school would say sorry to Sha Zhu in front of them, and then destroy the stupid why I made up last night. If you tell Zhu the reason for the blind date, it doesn't matter if you believe it or not, as long as you insist on thinking about it, and want to find a better lesbian wife for him, you will do things against your will to destroy the blind date.

Emotionally unreasonable.

logically explainable.

Out of consideration for you, silly, thinking that those women are not good enough for you, and worrying that you will fall into the schemes of matchmakers and lesbians, you can only do this bad blind date for you.

I mean well, don't hate me.

The plan did not catch up with the changes.

Silly Zhu directly thought that Yi Zhonghai did not exist.

A cold look and expressionless cheeks.

It made Yi Zhonghai feel a stubborn donkey energy.

Why did Sha Zhu ignore him.

Why is his pension plan ruined like this.


If you don't give me a pension, who will I count on for my pension!Count on the deaf old lady, she is estimated to die before Yi Zhonghai, and Yi Zhonghai's current energy and time do not allow him to investigate a new pensioner at all.

Knowing that Shazhu hated him, he had to hang himself on the tree of Shazhu.

This is Yi Zhonghai's retribution for not adopting the child after listening to the deaf old lady's words.

As long as Qin Huairu divorces Jia Dongxu, as long as he throws that medicine into Shazhu's house, Qin Huairu and Shazhu will end up with raw rice and cooked rice.

If Shazhu doesn't want to die, he can only marry Qin Huairu.

He died before he got out of the apprenticeship.

The plan fell through before it even started.

Yi Zhonghai was depressed. He came to the deaf old lady's house in the backyard with his head full of melancholy.

Just before looking for Sha Zhu, Yi Zhonghai sternly spoke to the deaf old lady. If she wanted to let her go comfortably and let someone put him in mourning, she had to stand by Yi Zhonghai and help Yi Zhonghai. Zhong Hai dealt with Silly Zhu together, otherwise it would be a two-shot ending. Yi Zhonghai didn't give the deaf old lady retirement, nor took care of the deaf old lady's food and daily life, so that the deaf old lady would die with regret.

The deaf old lady was really anxious, and without even thinking about it, she thought of a way to ease the relationship between the two parties by apologizing.

But Shazhu didn't give him a chance.

What made Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady even more helpless was that they seemed to be unable to enter Shazhu's house as freely as before.

General Iron closed the door.

pick the lock?

The neighbors in the courtyard saw that Shazhu was angry, and it must be the rhythm of the police station.

How good is this!

The old deaf old lady looked at the young Yi Zhonghai.

The male hypocrite looks at the ancestors of the female family.

a long time.

Just asked a question.

"Old lady, do you have any other options?"

"Let me think, let me think!"

"Then think about it. When did you think about it? After thinking about it, let's talk about pensions."

Yi Zhonghai came out of the deaf old lady's house with the pimple soup that the aunt had just sent him, and he wanted to prove how much loss Sha Zhu would bring to the deaf old lady if he fell out with him.

The knife doesn't cut on himself, and it doesn't hurt at all.

Forced and forced the deaf old lady to find a way for herself.

The deaf old lady looked at the back of Yi Zhonghai leaving with the pimple soup, and found her full of melancholy. In an instant, she regretted that she didn't remind Sha Zhu.


Rolling mill.

Liu Haizhong proved that he is a man of action with his actual actions.

Just entered the workshop.

Didn't even have time to take a breath.

He greeted several workers to his front.

"Two rascals, three blinds, four balds, five stutters, six sloppy, come here."

Erlaipi and Sanhuayan them.

Don't dare to offend Liu Haizhong.

He jumped up to Liu Haizhong in a hurry.

Liu Haizhong told them what happened last night in detail, and then used the mouths of these people to spread the rumor about Sha Zhu beating up Yi Zhonghai violently.

Yi Zhonghai was originally the topic of conversation in the rolling mill.

related to him.

The workers are naturally extra caring.

Just a few minutes or so.

This incident spread throughout the rolling mill, and there were eager people eating melons everywhere.

"Yi Zhonghai was beaten last night, and it was miserable to be beaten by Sha Zhu, the leader of the second cafeteria. I heard that the neighbors around him didn't do it."

"If I were on the scene, I wouldn't pull it. I was anxious and had to go up and give him two punches. What kind of thing is it to destroy someone's stupid blind date? What is this called? This is wickedness!"

"Yi Zhonghai is a nice guy, judging by his face, but he did such a disgusting thing. It's shocking."

"This is called knowing the face but not the heart."

"I heard that Shazhu is good to Yi Zhonghai, and he improves Yi Zhonghai's life every now and then, but he never expected to end up like this. A good person doesn't pay for his life."

"Let me tell you the truth, silly Zhu is not a good person!"


Nine workshops.

Guo Dajizi looked at the workers in front of him with a gloomy expression.

A good safety meeting before class.

Suddenly, some people turned it into a melon-eating party and a shameful party.

Their No. [-] workshop once again honored the rolling mill and became the number one topic workshop among hundreds of workshops.

Not a good topic.

but bad topics.

I thought Workshop No. [-] could take advantage of Yi Zhonghai, an eighth-level worker, to show off his prestige, but it turned out to be feces in the latrine and became notorious.

Those who knew Guo Dabozi, when they heard that Guo Dapaizi was the person in charge of the Ninth Workshop, all kinds of eccentricities made Guo Dapaizi feel ashamed.

Which is tolerable or unbearable.

Just about to speak a few words of reprimand.

It was discovered that there was no Yi Zhonghai in the crowd.

He said, "Where's Yi Zhonghai? Who knows what Yi Zhonghai is doing?"

"Director Guo." Old Wangtou, who lives in a courtyard, bravely explained why Yi Zhonghai was not in the workshop, "Yi Zhonghai asked for leave and said he was not feeling well."

I heard that Yi Zhonghai asked for leave.

Guo Dazi was angry.

Do not call one place.

Physical discomfort.

It looked like he was beaten by Sha Zhu yesterday.

"Are you in the hospital?"

Entering the hospital means that he was injured by Sha Zhu, and he didn't come to work. It can be said that he didn't go to the hospital, which means that Yi Zhonghai knew that he was going to lose face in the rolling mill, so he deliberately hid in the house and didn't come.

"Didn't go to the hospital, just lying at home."

"What the hell is he sick?" Guo Dashuo scolded: "He is too embarrassed, he dare not come, the catastrophe he caused, why should all the employees of our No. [-] workshop resist? Old Wang, Xiao Li, you two should go back to the courtyard now, call Yi Zhonghai here, and tell me what I said, either come to work obediently, or don’t come, I can’t accommodate this big Buddha like him in Workshop Nine, come whenever you want , Don’t come if you don’t want to, is this treating my No. [-] workshop as a toilet?”

Lao Wang and Xiao Li, according to the instructions of Mr. Guo, went back to the courtyard and asked Yi Zhonghai to come to work.

on the way.

Met Liu Lan.

Lao Wang also happened to know Liu Lan.

The two chatted for a while, and when they learned that Yi Zhonghai was so beaten up by the silly Zhu that he dared not come to work, Liu Lan was more excited than being paid an extra month's salary, and ran towards the second canteen in a hurry.

Just a moment ago.

Liu Lan even felt that she, a non-staff member of the publicity department, had neglected her duty. She didn't know about Yi Zhonghai's violent beating by a fool, but she learned about it from others.

Out of the idea of ​​​​maintaining my own loudspeaker.

I want to get the first-hand real information from the person Shazhu.

It was as if there was a little devil chasing after him.

It's called a fast run.

Seeing the second canteen from a distance, the voice flew into the second canteen before anyone entered.

"Silly Zhu, silly Zhu, are we still workers in the cafeteria? You didn't tell me about your big news, how many punches did you punch Yi Zhonghai last night? How many feet did you kick Yi Zhonghai? Did Yi Zhonghai ask for leave today? Come on, did you beat me so much that you dare not come here? Did you say that you beat Yi Zhonghai when he came to work in the rolling mill?"

Inside the canteen.

Silly Zhu who is enjoying Mahua's service.

All of a sudden, he sprayed out the tea in his mouth like a fountain.

Fortunately, there are no outsiders in front of me.

Otherwise, the silly column will get into trouble.

He put down the big tea mug in his hand, and immediately saw a hurried figure flying in from the outside, and flew in front of Sha Zhu in three steps.

A pair of cold hands grabbed Sha Zhu's hand.

The voice of searching for the secrets of the gossip sounded in Shazhu's ear.

"Silly Zhu, tell me quickly, how did you beat Yi Zhonghai? Did you touch anyone? Didn't touch anyone, why didn't Yi Zhonghai come, saying he was not feeling well."

Sha Zhu took his hand out of Liu Lan's hand, looked at Liu Lan, looked at Ma Hua and Fatty and the others.

I spit out a word in my heart.

Good guy.

When one Liu Lan fell down, thousands of Liu Lan stood up.

All the handymen and kitchen helpers in the entire second canteen turned into unconscious wooden figures at this time, looking straight at Shazhu, with the kind of enthusiasm for seeking the truth on their faces.

"Who did you hear?"

"The workers in the factory are all saying that you went back and beat up Yi Zhonghai in front of the neighbors."

The first object of suspicion in Sha Zhu's mind.

It was Xu Damao.

After thinking about it.

Others are also suspected.

Anyway, the courtyard is full of bastards who don't like others.


With a sigh in his mouth.

A little sad.

Liu Lan has a bit of stickiness in her body, it's not the kind of thing between men and women, but an irrational madness of outsiders who listen to and spread rumors.

Did not say.

Can haunt you all day.

Can't afford to offend.

So he told the story honestly, without excessive embellishment or excessive praise. Based on the principle of seeking truth from facts, he told the story as close to the facts as possible. Why did he go back to the compound meeting and found that Yi Zhonghai was in Routine himself, he finally couldn't bear it anymore, and hit Yi Zhonghai critically.

Liu Lan was obviously not very satisfied with Sha Zhu's answer, and brought the topic to the deaf old lady and the first mother.

"Silly Zhu, I also know one more thing. It's not just Yi Zhonghai who sabotages your blind date. I heard that Yi Zhonghai has a daughter-in-law who also speaks ill of you. That you Grandma, the old lady who can help people improve their lives, she also played a bad role."

Good things don't go out, bad things travel thousands of miles.

There are really some people in the courtyard who watch the excitement and don't dislike big things. They talk about Yi Zhonghai's matter, and they also talk about Yi Zhonghai's matter and the deaf old lady.

All are facts.

The two sides are no longer in contact.

Naturally, there are no scruples.

Silly Zhu took a sip of water, moistened his throat, and told the co-workers about the wicked things that the aunt and the deaf old lady did.

After the front foot finished speaking, the workers became angry on the back foot.

Simply inappropriate.

It is a beast.

Eating Shazhu's food, drinking Shazhu's water, but not expecting Shazhu's good at all, he is a bastard who is not even as good as a beast, these people in the second cafeteria know a little about Shazhu's affairs, they know Shazhu The cooking skills are superb, and I will go out to do private work on Saturdays and Sundays to earn money. All the money I earn is dedicated to this old lady. Just for this food, the deaf old lady has to help Shazhu to say a few good words, and she will not say a good word , and even said bad things, all angry.

"Master He, I'm really not worth it for you. Look at the people around you. Yi Zhonghai plotted against you. Her daughter-in-law is an accomplice, and the old lady is also ungrateful."

"Who said no." Silly Zhu sighed, "If I hadn't met that matchmaker yesterday, who took me to find out about the future, I guess I would still be kept in the dark by those people, hey, I won't hide it from you. , I know this, my lungs are about to explode."

"Master He, don't talk about you, we are all angry and feel worthless for you."

"Today at noon, Yi Zhonghai came to have dinner. Look at how I deal with him and destroy Master He's blind date. This is bullying our second canteen."

"Lack of root, don't shake the spoon. In this year, there is no oil and water, and the work is manual work. There is not enough food, and accidents are prone to happen. We can't cause trouble for the leaders for our own selfishness. "

"If you don't shake the spoon for him, you just want to disgust him. In front of the workers, ask him why he ruined Master He's blind date."

Que Genxian and Liu Lan.

Filled with righteous indignation, he wanted to stand up for Shazhu.


Nine workshops.

Everyone is trying to suppress their inner smiles as much as possible.

The main reason is that Yi Zhonghai is too funny.

The head of the good old man had now turned into a pig's head. For some reason, they all based their happiness on Yi Zhonghai's pain.

No wonder Yi Zhonghai didn't come.

The look of this pig's head.

Everyone laughs.

When you are happy.

I also secretly wondered in my heart.

Sha Zhu's attack was really ruthless, and he was able to beat Yi Zhonghai into such a virtue.

Think about it.


The hatred of taking a wife is irreconcilable.

If it were them, they would have to beat up Yi Zhonghai violently, and after that, they would bring their parents and family members to ask Yi Zhonghai to give a reasonable explanation.

They were not workshop directors, so they couldn't say some things, but they could watch a play where Guo Dashuo reprimanded Yi Zhonghai.

"Yi Zhonghai, aren't you in good health? Why are you sick? Do you know what kind of behavior you are doing? You are seriously lazy! It seriously restricts the production progress of our No. You are the sinner of our No. [-] workshop! You are the sinner of the rolling mill!"

The voice of Guo Dashuo.

The more you talk, the higher you go.

The higher you go, the more angry you get.

There is a posture of wanting to vent all the anger in one go.

Nine workshops are ashamed because of Yi Zhonghai.

"Do you know that you are notorious now? How did you get your eighth-level worker, don't you know in your heart? You feel that you have been promoted to an eighth-level worker, and it doesn't matter anymore. Asking for a living on the book? I, Guo Dashuo, put the words aside. If you think that your big Buddha can't stay in our No. [-] workshop, you can speak up. I won't stop you. If you stay in my No. [-] workshop for a day, you will guard my No. [-] workshop. rules and regulations.”

"Director Guo, something happened to me."

"I know, to destroy someone's blind date with Shazhu, you will do it face to face, wishing that Shazhu would get married immediately, and you will do it behind your back, and tell the woman bad things about him behind Shazhu's back. I mean, you deserve it."

The expression on Yi Zhonghai's face.

Not very pretty.

Fortunately, he was beaten into a pig's head, and the workers couldn't see whether it was good or bad.

"Yi Zhonghai, I heard that Shazhu treats you well, so why do you treat others like this? I, Guo Dashuo, am confident that I am not a good person, but I also have my own bottom line, that is, not bad for other people's marriage. Why are you worse than me?" , I won’t say anything superfluous, I will send you a few people to teach them well.”

Guo Dajizi casually ordered a few generals.

If there were no such messy things, many people would have seized the opportunity to worship Yi Zhonghai as a master, but now that Yi Zhonghai has ruined his reputation, they don't want to have a bad reputation as a master and apprentice.

One by one, they said no to Guo Dashuai, with all kinds of reasons and excuses, anyway, they didn't recognize Yi Zhonghai as a master anyway.

A scene that was hated by everyone.

It really made Yi Zhonghai feel helpless and desolate.

God is pitiful.

This is not what Yi Zhonghai wanted.

In the end, under the strong order of Guo Dashuo, a compromise method was adopted. Those few people were not called Yi Zhonghai's masters, and they did not say that they were Yi Zhonghai's apprentices, but Yi Zhonghai still had to teach the technique hand in hand. to these people.

This is tantamount to saving Yi Zhonghai's face.

Completely stepped on the muddy ground.

Yi Zhonghai suddenly had an idea in his heart.

Let me die!
(End of this chapter)

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