Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 148 Jia Zhang's Kneeling and Making Trouble at the Gate of the Rolling Mill

Chapter 148 Jia Zhang's Kneeling and Making Trouble at the Gate of the Rolling Mill

While Yi Zhonghai was enjoying the luxury package of wanting to be immortal and shameful at the rolling mill, his ally Jia Zhang also took action quickly, first leading Qin Huairu to deposit 1000 yuan in the bank.

Kill chickens and scare monkeys.

By means of saving money, it demonstrates the rich family background of the Jia family and the superb methods of the Jia Zhang family, indirectly doing Qin Huairu's ideological work of not remarrying.

At the moment when the monthly salary is 30 yuan, 1000 yuan is a huge sum of money.

After all, they are not Yi Zhonghai, enjoying a high salary of more than 90 yuan.

After depositing money.

Jia Zhang brought Qin Huairu to the rolling mill.

About four or five meters away from the gate of the rolling mill.

Jia Zhangshi knelt on the ground without saying a word. Qin Huairu didn't want to kneel at all. Mrs. Jia Zhang knelt on the ground obediently. As a daughter-in-law herself, it doesn't matter if she doesn't kneel, not to mention that she is kneeling for Qin Huairu to enter the rolling mill. Seeing his appearance, he knelt beside Jia Zhang.

Qin Huairu, 27 and eight years old, has just finished confinement.

She is at an age full of the charm of a mature woman.

The beautiful face, against the background of Jia Zhang next to him, the seven-point appearance in the past has now exerted ninety percent of its power. The people in the rolling mill were instantly attracted by them, and they gathered around the two widows of the Jia family without anyone telling them.

Someone who didn't know them kindly offered a few words of persuasion, telling Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu to stand up and talk first if they had something to do. Kneeling at the gate of the rolling mill in a large crowd, there are so many people talking, it is very likely that someone will appear The result of following others' opinions, and then implicating some people.

I don't know.

This is exactly the effect that Jia's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law want.

Big trouble.

Only the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law of the Jia family can benefit from it.

Qin Huairu was able to transform himself into an employee of the rolling mill, and the Jia family could continue to stay in the city.

Face persuasion.

Jia Zhangshi and Qin Huairu continued to do what they should do as if they didn't hear it.

Seeing that the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law of the Jia family refused to listen to the persuasion, and were still kneeling on the spot, some people from the rolling mill who recognized Jia and Zhang explained who they were, and then everyone knew that the crowd-gathering incident in the rolling mill was actually kneeling. The son of someone, the one next to him needless to say, is Jia Dongxu's daughter-in-law.

His eyes sized up Qin Huairu's face.

Secretly said something.

Jia Dongxu is also considered a lucky person, to marry such a good-looking little daughter-in-law, no wonder he is not in good spirits all day long!
The old saying goes well.

Good wife and useless man!

Based on the true or false facts of Qin Huairu and Jia Dongxu, rumors about the Jia family's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law kneeling at the gate of the rolling mill spread widely in a very short period of time.

There are people everywhere who proclaim that Jia Dongxu's beautiful daughter-in-law, Qin Huairu, is kneeling at the factory gate.

In a word.

It doesn't matter if things don't make a big fuss.


Two canteens.

Silly Zhu looked at Liu Lan who spread the news to him, his mind was dumbfounded!
What the hell?
Jia Zhang took Qin Huairu to kneel at the gate of the rolling mill, and there were quite a few people around the scene!
Silly Zhu immediately felt helpless.

Although he is not the leader of the rolling mill, he is purely a cook, but he also knows what this incident means to the leaders of the rolling mill.

Can be big or small.

Talk to the small.

It is the fact that an employee made a mistake and was fired.

This is also impossible.

Based on the evidence verified during the visit, the Security Section learned of the fact that Jia Dongxu and Sanmaolu had gathered to gamble many times and the amount was relatively large. However, in order to mitigate their crimes, Sanmaolu and the others put the blame on Jia Dongxu, saying bluntly Jia Dongxu was the initiator of their many gambling gatherings.

According to the rules and regulations formulated by the rolling mill, Jia Dongxu, who had organized people to gamble many times and had a large amount of gambling money, was punished by being expelled from the rolling mill.

Because Jia Dongxu was paralyzed due to an accident, Jia Dongxu was exempted from squatting. For the sake of the Jia family's orphans and widows, they extended their living in the courtyard for two months. Condolences were carried out, and five catties of white noodles and two catties of pork were sent, plus a chicken, and part of the condolence money.

Both the inside and the face have been done.

No one can find reason.

This is based on the fact that Mrs. Jia Zhang did not bring her daughter-in-law to kneel at the gate of the rolling mill.

Kneel towards the door.

The nature changed immediately.

People are always emotional, this kneeling naturally angered me in every way, thinking of Jia Dongxu being paralyzed, Jia Zhang is still a widow, and Qin Huairu is the mother of three children.

no job.

The street has not been able to help them solve their work problems for a while.

Because someone sued behind their backs, saying that none of their innocent children had a job, so why should the street work for a family member who made a mistake and was fired from the factory.

An infinite loop occurs.

Without a job, they cannot earn money, and the Jia family cannot provide for their own three meals a day. When they return to the countryside to farm, Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu cannot earn a few work points.

in the end.

It's inevitable to get bloody again.

This is why Jia Zhang dared to ask Yi Zhonghai for 1000 yuan for hard work, and it was also the reason why Yi Zhonghai dared to give Jia Zhang 1000 yuan.

The heads of the steel rolling mills are smart, who do not cherish their own feathers, and do not want to bear the big hat of forcing the whole family of employees to die.

Now is the critical moment for personnel transfer in the rolling mill.

Big trouble.

If the superior finds out that there are employees' family members kneeling at the gate of the rolling mill, even if there is a reason for the incident and they follow the factory regulations, they will still be troubled.

A rolling mill with tens of thousands of people is not monolithic. Director Yang and Deputy Director Li are fighting each other. It is an obvious problem, whether it is Deputy Director Li, Director Yang, or other heads. , will use this matter to make a big fuss.

Jiazhang killed the enemy with one blow.

Kneel down with one move.

Instantly put himself in an invincible position.

He is really M tall!
If she plots against herself, will she be in a passive position like the leaders of the rolling mill?
Silly column to think of this.

Was startled a trembling.

He found that the situation he was facing was really not ordinary. Yi Zhonghai was plotting against him for retirement, and the deaf old lady was plotting against his food and drink. If Jia Zhang was conspiring with Yi Zhonghai and the others to plot against him, he had to be careful about what he said.

The only solution is to marry a daughter-in-law. With a daughter-in-law, Yi Zhonghai and the others' calculations will be broken. After getting married, it will not take a year, but a month, and they can use Yi Zhonghai to intercept the money that He Daqing mailed to Shazhu , Send Yi Zhonghai away once and for all.

Without Yi Zhonghai, there would be no room for the deaf old lady and Jia Zhang's calculations.

Two problems need to be done by a silly column.

The first question is to marry a wife. Silly Zhu decided to get off work today, so he went to Director Jia to inquire about the specific situation and see when he would send himself a partner.

A two-pronged approach.

Matchmaker Wang also had to move around.


Be as humble as possible.

Say something nice.

Maybe Matchmaker Wang will also tell him a daughter-in-law!
The second problem is to confirm the fact that He Daqing has sent him money, and he has to check this behind Yi Zhonghai and the White Widow.


Think again.


One month after the marriage, send Yi Zhonghai in!
Silly Zhu, who was thinking about things, didn't pay much attention to Liu Lan. It wasn't until Liu Lan called him a few times that Sha Zhu's soul wandering around the world returned to his body.

Looking at Liu Lan in front of him, he asked back.

"What did you say?"

"I said Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu were kneeling at the gate of the rolling mill."

"Just kneel down."

"Silly Zhu, aren't you curious?"

"Why am I curious?"

"I won't tell you these things anymore. My sister told you the truth. Just now, my sister went to see her. To be honest, Qin Huairu is indeed good-looking. Are you really not tempted?"

"Mother of three children, am I stunned?"

"Forget it, I won't tell you anymore, I'm going to watch the fun, and I'll tell you when I come back with news."


Yi Zhonghai hurried to the gate of the rolling mill.

He was ordered by the head of the rolling mill to solve the matter of the two widows of the Jia family kneeling down. Everything was just as Sha Zhu expected. In his head, he instantly thought of the consequences of this incident, and out of consideration for their respective futures, they came up with the idea of ​​dealing with this incident internally.

Yi Zhonghai, as Jia Dongxu's master, is also a personal model of morality in the rolling mill, so he has to come forward to resolve this matter due to emotion and reason.

With the consent of the leaders, Yi Zhonghai squeezed through the crowd with all his strength, and came to the front of the two widows of the Jia family, deliberately pretending to be ignorant.

"Mom Dongxu, what are you doing? Why are you still kneeling here? This is a rolling mill. How many people are coming in and out? Your kneeling here has affected the reputation of the rolling mill. Get up quickly!"

"Master Dongxu, my wife's family is about to die, so I'm still afraid of being ashamed?"

Jia Zhang's voice was high-pitched, and he followed the written draft in his belly.

Said: "Our family Dongxu played money with others, but that happened at night. He went to work during the day and had an accident in the rolling mill. I also know that Dongxu violated the taboo of the rolling mill and was fired. It is his You deserve what you deserve, but you can’t kill a boatload of people with a single pole. Dongxu is paralyzed. My wife is a widow without a job. My daughter-in-law has a rural household registration. There are three children in the family without a job. What do we eat? We can’t let us drink Northwest wind?"

"Huairu, help your mother-in-law up, if you have anything to say, let's stand up and talk."

"Mom, the uncle is right, get up, you are sick, you can't kneel for such a long time."

The corner of Jia Zhang's eye.

He glanced at Qin Huairu without any trace.

Not stupid.

Know how to make up a reason for everyone.

"It's just right for me to be sick. I knelt and died at the gate of the rolling mill, saving my old lady from living and suffering."

Jia Zhang didn't get up, but still knelt on the spot, she spoke to Yi Zhonghai.

"Master Dongxu, you are a capable person. Tell those bosses in the rolling mill to let my old lady see them. My old lady just knelt down and kowtowed to them, and begged them. Dongxu's business, I don't care about it, I just want the rolling mill to give me an explanation, otherwise I will take my child and Dongxu with me tomorrow, and I will come to the door of the rolling mill to ask for an explanation. The old woman knelt here to die, and she has to find a meal discount for the children."

"Dong Xuniang, I was sent by the leaders of the rolling mill to solve the problem. You go back with Huairu first, and I will report your demands to the leaders now."

"Master Dongxu, my wife gave you this face, you go and tell the leaders, my wife just wants to get my son's job back."

"Dongxu's mother, I will tell the leaders what you said truthfully. The leaders will not let any employee of the rolling mill be wronged."

Yi Zhonghai took the opportunity.

Xiaoxiao flattered the leaders of the rolling mill.

Jia Zhang saw this.

She winked at Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu helped her up, and the two walked towards the courtyard in the direction they came.

"Mom, can this be done?"

"Take back the word "?" at the back, and they will definitely return Dongxu's job, because they are high above us, we are nothing, and those with bare feet are not afraid of those who wear shoes. If there is trouble, we don't care. It's a shame, but they want to lose their black hats!"

Jia Zhang gave Qin Huairu a reassurance in his tone.

"Tomorrow we will bring sticks and them to kneel, the day after tomorrow we will bring Dongxu to kneel, and the day after tomorrow our family will come to seek death. Just now I saw clearly that there are several big trees at the gate of the rolling mill, and we will seek death there and cause death , this matter will be cleared up, and your entry into the rolling mill will be a certainty."

Qin Huairu was secretly happy.

From married wives who go to the city to eat commodity grain to workers in rolling mills.

It is a big step forward.

Go back to the village.

Putting on her identity as a worker in a rolling mill, she will definitely get a lot of envious looks, and her status in Jia's family will also rise.

It's just that when I think of Jia Zhang's method of forcing the heads of the rolling mills to bow their heads.

Qin Huairu inadvertently felt a sense of embarrassment.

She suddenly discovered that Jia Zhang's tricks over the years, such as the kneeling just now and the raising a few days later, are all trivial matters.

"Mom, don't worry, I won't divorce Dongxu. I was born as a Jia family member and died as a Jia family ghost."

This is probably the only thing Qin Huairu can do.

Show loyalty to Jia Zhang.

She hasn't got the job yet, so she can't be careless. If Jia Zhang gets the job and goes to work in the factory, she, Qin Huairu, will have nothing.

"You'd better remember what you said. I can turn you from a married woman into a worker in a rolling mill, and I can also beat you back to your original shape. You have to believe that my old woman can do these things."

"Mom, I remember your words."

"Just remember it." Mrs. Jia Zhang suddenly thought of something, "Find some time, my wife will take you to Shanghuan."

Qin Huairu hummed.

Jia Dongxu was paralyzed.

Something doesn't work anymore.

Shanghuan is the most effective solution to prevent all crises from the root, so as not to cause lives in the future and make everyone look bad.


Yi Zhonghai hurriedly came to the meeting room, and reported to several leaders what Jia Zhang said word by word.

It's okay for others to say.

Director Yang was angry.

The paper notebook in his hand slammed onto the table.

"What do they mean? Forcing the palace? They still treat my rolling mill as a market for bargaining!"

All are human.

Knowing that Director Yang is acting.

What was angry was not forcing the palace, but that Mrs. Jia Zhang put this matter in front of everyone!
to be frank.

They are not angry at all.

It's just that the sky is falling, and there is a big one supporting it.

Even bad luck.

It was Director Yang who was the first to bear the brunt.

If Jia Zhang's request is not agreed, it is impossible for Jia Zhang to take the whole family to Huangquan, but the factory manager Yang wants to bear the hat of cold-bloodedly forcing the employees to die.

Everyone has their mouths open.

But just can't keep everyone's mouths shut.

He agreed to Jia Zhang's request.

The system of the rolling mill is tantamount to a dead letter, and it will give people a perception that the regulations of the rolling mill are changing day and night. If everyone follows the example, the rolling mill with tens of thousands of people is really out of rhythm.

Some people want to see director Yang's jokes.

For example, Deputy Director Li, at the beginning he did not agree with Director Yang to expel Jia Dongxu from the factory. It was not because he felt sorry for Jia Dongxu, but as an enemy, he naturally objected to what Factory Director Yang agreed to.

Never mind how this thing ends up.

Deputy Factory Manager Li will make good use of this opportunity.

Some of Factory Manager Yang's people naturally don't want to see Factory Manager Yang being unlucky.

One emperor and one courtier.

Factory Manager Yang is unlucky, and they will follow suit.

As soon as he changed his tone, he kicked the ball at Deputy Factory Manager Li.


A confrontation related to the interests of the Jia family was staged in the conference room. As the mediator of the Jia family's incident, Yi Zhonghai participated in such a grand meeting which was rare.

"I don't agree with the Jia family's request. I will inform the security department that the Jia family will make trouble at the door and let them arrest people directly."

"You can't catch them every time. If Jia's family goes to other places, such as our superiors, what kind of reputation will be carried by our rolling mill at that time, won't everyone here not consider it? Jia Dongxu is wrong in every way, but He had an accident in the rolling mill, this is an undeniable fact!"

"It's also true that Jia Dongxu has organized people to gamble many times!"

"I said just in case, in case the Jia family is forced to a dead end and lives are lost, we can still sit with peace of mind."

"What about the factory rules and regulations in the rolling mill? What if everyone follows the example of Jia's family to make trouble? Don't forget, those who gambled with Jia Dongxu have also been fired, and they are still squatting. Let the net go, those people also come to make trouble, who will bear the consequences?"

Herein lies the difficulty of the matter.

After all, there is no way to have the best of both worlds.

Killing chickens to warn monkeys met a counterattack.

"Yi Zhonghai, you are Jia Dongxu's master, and you are neighbors with Jia's family, what do you want to do about this matter?"

"Deputy Director Li, what I mean is that we can't do it!" Yi Zhonghai, who wanted to say yes, saw Director Yang's expressionless face, and immediately swallowed the following words back into his stomach, and slickly replied. He said, "I listen to what the leaders mean, what do the leaders say, what should we do?"

"I asked you to tell me what to do?"

"I listen to what the leader wants."

Yi Zhonghai's back and forth has only one meaning, I listen to the leader's words.

(End of this chapter)

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