Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 149 Silly Zhu: I am short of a daughter-in-law

Chapter 149 Silly Zhu: I am short of a daughter-in-law
Seven o'clock in the evening.

After Sha Zhu handed over the last dish to Liu Lan, he asked her to greet Deputy Factory Manager Li, and left the second canteen with his lunch box.

Relying on mountains to eat mountains, relying on water to draft water.

If you rely on the cafeteria, you have to eat the cafeteria.

In this day and age, if you don't want to use evil tricks, you will really be hungry.

What's more, Shazhu is not for his own sake, but for his own life-long event. He is going to have a good talk with Wang Matchmaker.

The matter of marrying a daughter-in-law.

It has come to the point where it cannot be delayed.

last night.

Silly Zhu also washed his underpants in the middle of the night.

In a word.

The days of a single man.


People die for money, and birds die for food. Matchmaker Wang has said that she will not associate with Sha Zhu. She must have changed in the face of Sha Zhu's two heavy lunch boxes.

He put the lunch box in a green satchel with the words Serve the People written on it, left the rolling mill, and walked towards Matchmaker Wang's house according to the memory fragments in his mind.

along the way.

I was still thinking about what I would say when I saw Matchmaker Wang, and how I would make friends.


Inside the small box of the second cafeteria.

Liu Lan enjoying delicious food with Deputy Factory Manager Li.

Suddenly thought of something.

Putting down the chopsticks in his hand, he looked at Deputy Director Li solemnly.

"Lao Li, in the afternoon, according to your wishes, I told you about the content of your meeting."

"How did the workers react?"

"Just like you guys, they are also divided into two factions. Most people agree with Director Yang and his team's handling opinions, saying that even if Jia Dongxu had an accident in the rolling mill, he organized many people to gamble. This is a crime. There should be no such criminals in the rolling mill who discredit the rolling mill. You must not force the rolling mill to give them an explanation just because the family members have no way to make money. There are too many people who have no way to make money. If people Everyone learns from Jia Zhang's forcing the rolling mill, and the rolling mill will definitely end up in chaos."

"This is also within my expectation." Deputy Director Li replied, pointing to the dishes in front of him, "Shazhu's cooking skills are really getting better and better, but unfortunately, this person belongs to Director Yang! If it’s not for the good dishes he cooks, forget it, let’s not talk about him.”

"Old Li, there is such a thing. When I said those words, the expression on Shazhu's face was quite indifferent, and he even snorted coldly."

Deputy Factory Manager Li became interested in an instant.

Jia's affairs.

He had no idea either.

After overthrowing Factory Manager Yang, if someone follows the example of Jia’s family and makes trouble, Factory Manager Yang’s situation is also the situation of his Deputy Factory Director Li. Long hind legs.

For today's plan.

It is to find a way to get the best of both worlds.

The indifference of Sha Zhu told by Liu Lan made Deputy Factory Director Li think that Sha Zhu could solve his doubts.

"I just told him, you idiot, can you still be better than the factory leader? You, idiot, can solve things that the factory leader can't solve?"

"What did the fool say?"

"He said that he is not the leader of the factory and does not know how to solve the problems in the factory, but he is a cook who cooks. When cutting vegetables, when the vegetables are rotten, he either needs to change the vegetables or find a wooden board as a vegetable. handle."

A word to awaken the dreamer.

The stupid remarks narrated by Liu Lan.

Let deputy factory director Li have a kind of enlightened self.

If the vegetable pier is rotten, replace it with another vegetable pier, or just find a piece of wood to serve as a vegetable pier.

If the Jia family's troubles were compared to vegetable chopping, this matter would be much easier to handle. They just wanted a job, so that Qin Huairu could join the factory as a post.

Why is it definitely Qin Huairu.

A very simple truth.

Jia Dongxu was paralyzed and couldn't work. The last time I went to condolences, I heard from the neighbors that Jia Zhang was a lazy, evil mother-in-law.

There are three adults in total, Jia Zhang can't, Jia Dongxu can't, so it can only be Qin Huairu.

There are many subsidiary small factories under the rolling mill.

Qin Huairu can be arranged in these small factories first.

in this way.

It is tantamount to taking care of the face of the rolling mill and solving the troubles of the Jia family.

It's killing four birds with one stone.

He also plotted against Director Yang and gave himself another chance.


Sha Zhu is not as stupid as in the legend. What is uncertain now is whether Sha Zhu said this unintentionally, or he wanted to use Liu Lan's mouth to say these words to himself.


Silly Zhu came to Wang Matchmaker's house.

He smiled and said hello, and handed the two lunch boxes in his hand to Matchmaker Wang.

Matchmaker Wang originally didn't want it.

But when she was pushing and shoving, she accidentally weighed the lunch box, and smelled a faint smell of meat. With the dim light, she saw a small piece of fat pork faintly exposed in the gap of the lunch box lid. After watching the film, he reluctantly accepted the two lunch boxes that Sha Zhu handed over.

The present time of scarcity.

The landlord's family has no surplus food.

Many people are trying their best to solve the problem of food and clothing in their stomachs once and for all, but due to various reasons, they can only fetch water from a bamboo basket in vain.

There are several children in the family.

Lack of nutrition.

All of them had a lack of nutrition on their faces. The eldest daughter-in-law gave birth to a child, but there was no milk, and the child could only eat batter to satisfy his hunger.

These two lunch boxes.

Eat sparingly.

Can eat for a week.

When cooking every day, add a little bit of the meat dishes in the Shazhu lunch box, and the fried rice will be oily, and the children will eat it deliciously.

For Shazhu's intention.

Matchmaker Wang knew it well.

There is no other explanation except the daughter-in-law.

She didn't pick up the lunch box because she knew it would be very difficult.

Bad reputation.

When the woman heard that her blind date was called He Yuzhu, the squad leader of the second canteen of the rolling mill, she backed off immediately. The woman's parents didn't like Shazhu very much, saying that Shazhu was not a good match for their daughter, and even threw out flies. The proverb "sewed eggs" is used to describe silly pillars.

There are a few girls who are willing to see Shazhu.

Matchmaker Wang knew their personalities.


The submissive kind.

After being wronged by the neighbors, he bears it silently in his heart, without telling Sha Zhu.

However, the Red Star Courtyard is full of things that are not human.

The kind that eats people without spitting out their bones.

This kind of girl with a soft personality who has no independent opinions, marrying a silly pillar is also the fate calculated by those beastly neighbors. When the time comes, she will die or file for divorce. The woman's parents will find her Wang Matchmaker. cowardly.

Sha Zhu's daughter-in-law has to find the kind of woman who doesn't believe that Sha Zhu misses the neighbor's daughter-in-law and has her own opinion and is aggressive.

Only such a woman.

Only then can he gain a firm foothold in the courtyard, face the schemes of Yi Zhonghai and his wife, the deaf old lady and others, and be able to fight back with the needle point.

Such a girl.

Very rare.

Matchmaker Wang could only do her best to help Shazhu find out.

She poured out the meat and vegetables in the Shazhu lunch box, rinsed the lunch box with boiling water several times, and poured the boiled water soup with oily flowers into a large bowl.

Several children gathered around immediately, sniffing the aroma of the boiling water soup as much as possible, with a greedy expression on their faces.

Matchmaker Wang didn't feel ashamed either.

Poor is poor.

Rich is rich.

"Comrade He, I made you laugh."

"Comrade Wang, it's all the same."

"I understand why you came here. I dare not give you a guarantee. I can only say that I will try my best to help you find it. The situation in your courtyard is different from that of other courtyards. If ordinary girls marry into it, wait for it." Let's be bullied!"

When Matchmaker Wang spoke.

Handed Shazhu's two lunch boxes to him.

Silly Zhu took it.

Pack it in its own small satchel.

A sentence back.

It can also be regarded as his specific request for the woman.

"You're right. Our courtyard house is really shallow and full of everything. You know about my affairs, and you also understand the situation in our courtyard. You follow the powerful , I can’t be at a disadvantage, find it for me, ordinary people, it’s just like what you said, just wait to get angry when you marry in!”

Silly Zhu got up to say goodbye.


Dongyang County.

Li Xiuzhi held the letter of introduction.

Opened a house in the guest house.

After getting the key.

He suddenly asked the waiter at the side.

"Comrade, I want to ask you something."

"You say."

"I'm going to the capital to visit relatives, and I want to ask you how I can get there. I just asked the comrade at the police station, and he said that I need to take a train to the capital. I want to ask, how do I get to the train station?"

"Comrade, I'm afraid you don't know. There is no train station in our county, only a bus station. You will take a bus to the city early tomorrow morning. There is a train station in the city, but I don't know whether to go to the capital or not. If you don’t want to go to the capital, you have to take a train from the city to the province, and there must be a train to the capital at the provincial train station.”

"How to get to the bus station?"

"Tomorrow, leave our state-run guest house, go straight to the south, turn west at the intersection, and walk 80 meters to the bus station."

"Thank you, comrade."

Li Xiuzhi returned to the guest house.

Plugged the latch of the door, and blocked a stool behind the door without reassurance, and then lay silently on the bed, thinking of that kind old woman involuntarily in his mind.

If it weren't for her.

I really don't know what to do?
The screen turns.

The man named Li Gousheng came to mind, what kind of person is he, whether he looks fierce or not, and whether he will despise himself.

In a daze.

Fell asleep.

When she woke up, it was already daylight.

After washing my face, I took out two cornbreads from the package, and started to gobble them up with boiling water. After eating and drinking enough, I returned the room and left the door of the guest house. Following the guidance of the kind-hearted lady, I came to At the bus station, I got on the bus to the city.

Accompanied by the bumpy road, Li Xiuzhi's heart also felt bad for a while, for some reason, she inexplicably had an urgent psychological factor!
He looked up at the sky.

A few birds flew by.

(End of this chapter)

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