Chapter 150
The next day.

That is, the second day Jia Zhang knelt at the door.

Jia Zhang deliberately chose to appear at the rolling mill at noon when there were many people, and the routine of the previous day continued to be performed on her.

Still the same kneeling begging for justice.

Something different from yesterday.

It's because there are two more helpers beside her, Banggen and Xiaodang.

As the eldest grandson of the Jia family, Bang Geng was forced to kneel on her left side by Jia Zhang even though she felt a little unhappy. He actually knelt on Jia Zhang's right hand.

Qin Huairu embraced Sophora japonica, which was just full moon, and knelt beside Xiaodang.

Following the instructions of Director Yang, the staff of the security department dragged Jia and Zhang's family to the security department as soon as they knelt down.

What exactly happened.

Nobody knows.

Anyway, when Sha Zhu returned to the courtyard at night, the lights in Jia's house were on, and Yi Zhonghai and Jia Zhang were talking about something.

Stick and Xiao Dang are playing games at the door.

I don't care.

He turned around and went back home.

Simply wash up and go to bed.

Sleep till dawn.

He went to the toilet to clean up the waste residue and waste water in his body, carrying a green satchel, went to work in the steel rolling mill, and got busy in the second canteen.

Busy until ten o'clock.

Liu Lan came to report the situation to Shazhu, saying that Jia Zhang brought his grandson, granddaughter, and daughter-in-law to the gate of the rolling mill to make trouble. Even Jia Dongxu, who was paralyzed in the hospital, was dragged by Jia Zhang with a special cart At the gate of the rolling mill, Mrs. Jia learned from yesterday's lesson, holding a two-foot-tall porcelain bust in her hand.

Those security officers who originally wanted to use force against Jia Zhang according to Director Yang's instructions, were afraid of breaking the bust of Jia Zhang's arms, so they didn't dare to do it.

After the factory leader learned about this, he sent Yi Zhonghai to deal with the matter, and told Jia Zhang that he could give the Jia family an answer at [-]:[-] noon at the latest.

The game between the two factions, Factory Director Yang and Deputy Factory Director Li, officially kicked off.

The Jia family has become a prop for the two of them to fight for control of the rolling mill, and they both want to use the Jia family affairs to deal a fatal blow to each other.

If united.

It is estimated that the Jia family's trick will not succeed.

However, Director Yang had one idea, and Deputy Factory Director Li had another idea, both of them wanted to put the other party to death.

However, both of them still hold certain rights, and they are regarded as real power figures in the rolling mill.

Under such internal strife, the Jia family became the profiteers who enjoyed the results of the competition between the crane and the clam.

At lunch time.

Liu Lan whispered to Shazhu about the factory's solution to the Jia family's matter based on the information she had inquired from Deputy Factory Manager Li.

Deputy Factory Director Li's faction has completely gained the upper hand, and according to Sha Zhu's theory of replacing bad vegetables last night, he reluctantly thought of a way that can be regarded as the best of both worlds.

The Jia family continued to live in the courtyard house, and the rolling mill could not easily send people to drive them away.

As for Qin Huairu's work.

According to the content of Liu Lan's report, Shazhu wanted to say something, these people really know how to play word games, they are almost playing word games to death.

Because of the incident of Jia's family kneeling in front of the porcelain statue, there was nothing they could do, so they focused their ideas on an old worker who had no children and was about to retire.

Qin Huairu will take over the old worker's position as the old worker's daughter.

In exchange.

Yi Zhonghai will receive his salary every other month for the next five years.

That is to say, they only receive six months' wages a year, and the remaining six months' wages will be handed over to the retired old worker.

It is equivalent to Yi Zhonghai buying a job for Qin Huairu with his [-] months salary.

In order to maintain the factory rules and regulations of the rolling mill, the rolling mill came forward and placed Qin Huairu in a small factory that had a production relationship with the rolling mill in the name of being dispatched. Yi Zhonghai would enter the other small factory as an eighth-level worker in the rolling mill Acting as a technical guide for a period of time, after the end of the factory, he led Qin Huairu back to the rolling mill.

In fact, it is to deal with the incident of the Jia family kneeling in front of the porcelain statue as coldly as possible for a period of time.


Come back from get off work at night.

Just walked to the door.

Silly Zhu then heard Jia's house diagonally opposite, and there was a burst of happy laughter from time to time, and he glanced towards Jia's house in the direction of the sound.

Through the glass.

Seeing that Yi Zhonghai and Jia Zhangshi didn't know what they were talking about.

Then he turned his gaze to the eldest mother who stood at the door of Yi's house and looked at Jia's family with a sad face.

Thanks for knowing the inside story.

For someone who didn't know the inside story, they would think that Jia Zhang and Yi Zhonghai were the couple, but the enthusiasm of the two of them sitting together and chatting was more like a couple than the couple.

Silly Zhu unlocked the lock with a key, and was about to step in when he suddenly remembered what Liu Lan had told him.

Turn around.

Came to the big mother.

Said something to the big mother.

"Auntie, I shouldn't pay attention to your family's affairs. After all, I have already told you not to associate with your family, but there are some things that I think you have the right to know."

"Is it Qin Huairu's business?"

Misunderstandings fucking open the door for misunderstandings.

The real misunderstanding hit home.

The two wanted to split up.

What Silly Zhu told Da Ma was about Yi Zhonghai spending money to buy a job for Qin Huairu. The hypocrite is now an eighth-level worker with a monthly salary of 99 yuan.

Take 3000 yuan to buy a job for Qin Huairu.

Said it was Yi Zhonghai's concern for Jia Dongxu, his apprentice?
This reason.

Even if Sha Zhu was killed, he wouldn't believe it.

He figured it out, Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai had a relationship unknown to outsiders, and Yi Zhonghai treated Qin Huairu even more affectionately than his aunt and Jia Dongxu.

According to the results of Liu Lan's analysis, it can be said with certainty that Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu have the kind of relationship that would be immersed in a pig cage if exposed.

He deliberately wanted to add trouble to Yi Zhonghai.

When he entered the door just now, Yan Fugui stopped Shazhu and said a few words to him, saying that Yi Zhonghai was going to hold a meeting in the compound later to talk about where Jia Dongxu would live when he returned.

Sha Zhu figured it out with his toes, and figured out a general idea.

The hypocrite is eyeing his sister's house.

He's also kind of weird.

Yi Zhonghai was beaten into a pig's head by himself, and he had already announced in front of the neighbors that the two families would not communicate with each other, yet Yi Zhonghai still had the cheek to plan.

He looked down at his hands.

Thinking about the meeting in the compound at night, if Yi Zhonghai proposed to let Jia's family live in He Yushui's house, he might have to beat Yi Zhonghai like a sandbag with his iron fists. I believe that Yi Zhonghai will continue to calculate with determination.

Before hitting Yi Zhonghai.

He was going to add some trouble to Yi Zhonghai first.

Silly Zhu followed the aunt's words and told him what Liu Lan had said to him.

"Auntie, you are a good person. Although you are not honest about my blind date, I still think you have your own difficulties."

Big Mom's heart skipped a beat.

Is Sha Zhu going to reconcile with their Yi family?

Seeing Da Ma's face full of surprise, Sha Zhu lowered his voice.

"Auntie, listen to me. After I left you, I didn't say anything to you. Qin Huairu got the entry quota for the rolling mill."

"I know."

"Do you know how this quota for entering the factory came about? Tonight, a few leaders were busy with work and forgot to eat. When I was making them a meal by mistake, I overheard them saying that the uncle and Qin Huairu The two are different, not like the relationship between one is the master and the other is the disciple-in-law. They all said that the uncle and Qin Huairu fooled around. Ru returned to her hometown in the countryside and bought Qin Huairu a quota for entering the factory. For the next ten years, she will receive eight months' salary every year. The remaining four months will be deducted internally by the rolling mill. Four thousand, don't say I said it, I didn't tell you anything."

 The original partner downstairs caught the mistress, cut her hair, pulled out her clothes, and watched the show for a while

(End of this chapter)

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