Chapter 152 Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai

The ending was exactly the same as what Shazhu set before he smashed Yi Zhonghai angrily.

There is evidence of the destruction of Shazhu's blind date, not to mention that Shazhu smashed Yi Zhonghai with a stool, even if he smashed Yi Zhonghai into the hospital, the relevant departments can only say that Yi Zhonghai deserved it.

Destroy a blind date.

You are wicked.

If it was a more aggressive family, they would bring their parents to the door and copy Yi Zhonghai's house.

Silly Zhu threw a stool at him, which was regarded as giving Yi Zhonghai great face.

It was because of these scruples that Yi Zhonghai wanted to turn this matter into a trivial one. Enduring the severe pain, he returned home in despair.

When the aunt helped take off Yi Zhonghai's shirt, she found that Yi Zhonghai's left shoulder was smashed with a shocking purple-blue color.

Suddenly feel distressed.

Who made Yi Zhonghai her man.

He found a bottle of strong liquor, poured a little into the bowl, lit the liquor with a match, let Yi Zhonghai lie on the bed, and rubbed the purple and blue parts of Yi Zhonghai's body with the lit liquor.

I don't know if it was the silly Zhu who hurt him, or the big mother's strength made him a little bit stronger, the palm just touched Yi Zhonghai's purple and bruised part, Yi Zhonghai gritted his teeth and let out a gasp Cool voice.





Sounds like these flew out from Yi's house and penetrated into the ears of the neighbors in the courtyard. Listening to Yi Zhonghai's humming voice, I had mixed feelings.

A few days ago, Sha Zhu angrily beat Yi Zhonghai, which was beyond the expectations of the neighbors.

I really didn't expect that Sha Zhu would viciously smash Yi Zhonghai's stool again in today's compound meeting.

The key hits before.

There was a faint smile on his face from beginning to end.

Afterwards, he still had a flat expression of disregard, and even more lightly said the words that made Yi Zhonghai continue to plot against him.

The neighbors feel that Shazhu has changed.

Before the change, they looked at silly Zhu purely with the mentality of looking at fools. The money and supplies they earned through hard work were given to the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai in the backyard if they disagreed. What.

Attacking Yi Zhonghai twice in succession, each time with more ruthless means, made the neighbors have to put away their contempt for Sha Zhu.

Xu Damao, in particular, actually had a feeling of luck in his heart, thinking that Shazhu had already shown mercy to him, otherwise Xu Damao would have to put the hospital in the hospital according to the method of beating Yi Zhonghai violently and the stool angrily smashing Yi Zhonghai. as their own.

People like Liu Haizhong and Yan Fugui also have their own ideas.

In fact, the people who thought the most were Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu of the Jia family.

Shazhu attacked Yi Zhonghai twice in a row, which really shocked Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu was numb all over, she didn't even know how she got back to Jia's house, Sha Zhu could be cruel to Yi Zhonghai, but she couldn't be cruel to Qin Huairu.

According to the terms of Qin Huairu and Jia Dongxu's divorce that Yi Zhonghai negotiated with Jia Zhang, even if Qin Huairu marries Shazhu, she can't give Shazhu a son and a half daughter, and Qin Huairu has to support Jia's family every month. Whether it is in terms of materials or money, Jia's family has to be taken care of in every possible way. Will Sha Zhu be reconciled to doing so?If you are in a hurry, will you beat Qin Huairu violently?

Qin Huairu suddenly felt that Sha Zhu was not a good match for her.

Jia Zhang looked down on Qin Huairu in every possible way, made things difficult for her, but never hit Qin Huairu, not to mention Jia Dongxu, who really loved Qin Huairu to the bottom of his heart.

Banggen, Xiaodang, and Sophora japonica are the meat that fell from Qin Huairu's body.

Qin Huairu felt a wave of difficulty from the bottom of her heart.

It is different from Qin Huairu.

Regarding the matter of Sha Zhu's violent attack on Yi Zhonghai, Jia Zhang's mood was mixed with joy and worry.

Happy things.

It was Shazhu who smashed it, and Qin Huairu didn't like Shazhu because of the smashing. At the compound meeting just now, Jia Zhang had already noticed Qin Huairu's eagerness to move to He Yushui's house.

There is no filial son in front of the long sick bed.

The son can't even rely on it.

Not to mention the daughter-in-law who married back.

Flying separately when the disaster is imminent, it is true that Qin Huairu is considered a good daughter-in-law, if it were some bad daughter-in-law, he would have run away with others.

Sha Zhu's smash was equivalent to an assist to Jia Zhang's.

worry about things.

It was Jia Zhang who started to think of a silly idea. When Qin Huairu entered the factory and Jia's family stayed in the city, she began to plan for the future of Bang Geng and Xiao Dang.

It's an idea that kills three birds with one stone.

Qin Huairu can borrow Shazhu's salary, but as for whether to pay it back or when, that's a matter for later.

Besides, Mrs. Jia and Zhang didn't think about paying it back, even if they did, Yi Zhonghai would help to pay it back.

The 1000 yuan blackmailed from Yi Zhonghai was Jia Zhang's pension. If Qin Huairu changed her mind and decided to remarry, she had to prepare a way out for herself.

The Jia family has only one house, which is divided into inner and outer rooms. When Jia Dongxu has to eat, drink, and sleep in the house, no girl is willing to marry.

If there is trouble, it will be the end of marrying a country girl. There are country girls who are willing to marry, but where is the key?
Jia Zhang and his son Jia Dongxu lived in the outer room, and Bang Geng and his wife slept in the inner room, with a cloth curtain drawn in between.

It's always inconvenient to do certain things at night.

When Jia Dongxu and Qin Huairu were doing business, Jia Zhang hid outside under the pretense of going to the neighbor’s house to chat. Jia Dongxu was paralyzed and couldn’t move. .

The best solution.

I just want to live in Shazhu's house, it doesn't matter if it's the rainwater room or Shazhu's room, as long as I live there, I'll plan slowly.

Shazhu not marrying, or marrying Qin Huairu, no matter in the long run or in the short term, it will undoubtedly benefit the Jia family.

In the short term, the living conditions of the Jia family can be improved.

In the long run, the living environment of the Jia family can be improved. When Bang Geng grows up, he can take over the job of Sha Zhu. In this way, the Jia family is a dual-career family where both Qin Huairu and Bang Geng work in the rolling mill.

But I didn't expect Shazhu to reject Yi Zhonghai's proposal, even if he paid the rent, and because of this incident, Yi Zhonghai was smashed.

The troubled Jiazhang family was in vain.

With a gloomy face.

Think of a way as much as possible.

Qin Huairu saw Jia Zhang pulling her face, wondering if she was overjoyed and made Jia Zhang unhappy, so she didn't say a word.


Easy home.

Listening to Yi Zhonghai's painful humming.

Big Mom couldn't help but get angry.

Also deserve it.

Sha Zhu knew about the blind date plotted against Sha Zhu on the front foot, and Sha Zhu was beaten violently in front of the neighbors, but then he planned to continue plotting against Sha Zhu on the back foot.

Tonight's compound meeting, the big mother can understand things, she doesn't believe that the neighbors can't understand.

Lease Sha Zhu's house.

It sounds nice.

The money will not be paid by Yi Zhonghai.

If someone is upset and reports Sha Zhu on this opportunistic charge, Sha Zhu may not be able to bear the end of walking around.

This stool.

You deserve it.

She couldn't help but think of what Sha Zhu told her. Yi Zhonghai would only receive eight months' salary each year for the next ten years, and the remaining four months' salary would be deducted by the rolling mill.

The reason for the deduction is that Yi Zhonghai spent money to buy work indicators for Qin Huairu.

The aunt remembers clearly that when Yi Zhonghai came back from get off work tonight, he smiled and told the aunt that he had found the leaders of the rolling mill. Those benefits gave him the factory entry quota again.

Yi Zhonghai thought about the current situation of Jia's family. Jia Dongxu's paralysis required all kinds of money and nutrition. With Yi Zhonghai's help alone, Yi's family was also under great pressure. He simply gave this work index to Qin Huairu and let Qin Huairu With a stable income, he earns money to support Jia's family.

It can be regarded as indirectly reducing the pressure on Yi Zhonghai.

The aunt who didn't think much about it, believed Yi Zhonghai's nonsense, mistakenly thought that it was really Yi Zhonghai's credit, and the leaders of the rolling mill took a high look.

Silly Zhu's words were like a resounding slap in the face, slapping the big mom hard on the face, shattering the illusory mask of the big mom's self-paralysis.

Flies don't bite unsealed eggs.

Yi Zhonghai really cares too much for Qin Huairu, she, the person next to Yi Zhonghai's pillow, can feel it, and I don't believe outsiders can't see it.

The aunt knows what Jiazhang's virtues are, but she just became dumb on this matter. A few days ago, she asked Yi Zhonghai for 1000 yuan.

The situation that day.

The aunt saw clearly that even if she spoke out to stop it, the money would still be given to Jia Zhang.

She now suspects that Yi Zhonghai has a handle to be caught by Jia Zhang, otherwise she would not have given 1000 yuan to Jia Zhang. The reason given at the beginning was that Jia Zhang had the ability to keep Qin Huairu in the rolling mill. What Zhu narrated was the truth. Qin Huairu's job was actually bought by Yi Zhonghai with money. In this case, it is necessary to give Jia Zhang 1000 yuan.

gritted his teeth.

The strength in his hand couldn't help but increase.

Yi Zhonghai, who was already in pain from being hit by a silly pillar, felt the sharp pain in his left shoulder, and let out a sound of complaint.

"Old woman, take it easy, it hurts!"

not talking.

The anger in Big Mom's heart is still a little smaller.

Hearing Yi Zhonghai cry out in pain.

Trembling all over with anger, he thought to himself, still crying out for pain, if it wasn't for Qin Huairu, you would have been able to stand on the bench of Shazhu.

Sha Zhu has already let go, and Yi Zhonghai and his wife are ordinary neighbors.

Seeing Yi Zhonghai baring his teeth.

There was an unprecedented sense of joy in Da Ma's heart.

The three-point effort just now increased to seven points.

Not for anything else.

He just wanted to teach Yi Zhonghai a lesson.

After a few minutes.

Yi Zhonghai wanted to die, sweating profusely from the pain.

The aunt put the clothes on Yi Zhonghai, helped Yi Zhonghai up from the bed, waited for Yi Zhonghai to sit up straight, and poured a cup of hot water in front of him.

When it was over, he looked at Yi Zhonghai without saying a word.

Probably because he felt a little numb from being watched, Yi Zhonghai simply moved his left arm that was smashed, and tried to change the topic.

"This idiot is really not big or small. All the help and education I have given him for so many years has been fed into the dog's belly. Someday, when I talk about him, do you still understand how to respect the elderly? I In other words, he is also his elder."

Remember to eat but not to fight.

The aunt suddenly remembered such a sentence.

With a cold snort, he poked Yi Zhonghai's heart with his words.

"What kind of elders are we? His surname is He, our surname is Yi, what kind of elders? It's just a neighbor in a big courtyard, and elders? Shazhu is old, he is 26 years old this year, he has his own ideas and his own. You have the idea of ​​sabotaging someone’s blind date, and it just happened to be known by others, so there is a fire in your heart. If you touch his bad luck at this time, it will be strange if he doesn’t beat you. According to me, you are asking for it. Bitter."

Yi Zhonghai looked at the big mother seriously, a look of surprise flashed across his face, his wife stood opposite her.

"Yes, yes, I'm asking for trouble. Isn't it all caused by the absence of children? If there were children, I wouldn't even be able to straighten my waist in the courtyard? I know that Shazhu hates us, so what can I do? How old are you, how old are you, we don't have extra energy and time to find a new pensioner, in order not to be wiped out, we now know that Shazhu is at odds with us, so we have to let Shazhu provide for us , you don’t want no one to know that our couple died on the bed? And no one burns paper for us.”

"I'm sorry for your Yi family. I didn't give birth to a boy and a half girl. What I said at the beginning, I said we adopted a few children. You are worried that the child will remember things. When he grows up, he will go to his biological parents. I propose to adopt one For the children who don’t remember anything, I found the director, and the director also helped to contact them. In the end, you disagreed with life and death, and you insisted on listening to the old lady who died in the backyard, saying that the adopted child was not my blood. It is better to find a person who knows the basics in the courtyard and let him take care of us in the form of an apprentice."

"Damn!" Yi Zhonghai, who resented the anger of being beaten by a fool to the head of the deaf old lady, cursed, "Immortal old lady, I'm shit."

"What's the use of you scolding her now? I now understand why the dead old lady insists on interfering with our adoption. She is just worried that we have adopted a child and we have no time to talk to her, and we can't take care of her with delicious food."


Hearing that Yi Zhonghai was being pushed by Shazhu, the deaf old lady who wanted to show her face and show her concern for Yi Zhonghai listened to the voice of the big mother.

Suddenly stopped on the spot.

Jin is not.

It's not even if you don't enter.

There are no impervious walls in the world.

Calculation will always be exposed one day.

He hesitated for a moment.

Go back the same way you came.

When he was about to leave, he turned his head to look at Sha Zhu's house, let out a soft sigh, and tremblingly walked towards his house in the backyard.

inside the house.

The aunt who scolded the deaf old lady with Yi Zhonghai probably felt that the heat was about to come, and suddenly brought the topic to Qin Huairu.

"Old man, you said that the leaders of the rolling mill gave you an entry quota?"

Yi Zhonghai felt guilty instinctively.

Who made him do something wrong.

Looked at Big Mom.

The dead duck said stubbornly: "Well! I didn't want to give it at first, but I wasted a lot of time before they agreed to give me the quota for entering the factory. I gave the quota to Qin Huairu. The factory leaders considered that I was Jia Dongxu's master. Qin Huairu is Jia Dongxu's daughter-in-law, and she asked me to take Qin Huairu with her. She didn't want to take her with her at first, but she couldn't bear what the factory leader said was reasonable, so she reluctantly agreed. The day after tomorrow, I took Qin Huairu to work in the third machine processing factory. Resident representative for a period of time.”

The aunt who originally believed [-]% of what Sha Zhu said, now believes [-]% of it.

Didn't Qin Huairu enter the rolling mill?

Why did Mao want to follow Yi Zhonghai to the third machine processing factory, a newcomer who just entered the factory and was not even considered an apprentice, what qualifications did he have to be a resident representative in the third machine processing factory.

This argument.

It is full of loopholes.

"Qin Huairu is going with you too?"

"I didn't need to go at first, but the factory leader asked me to take Qin Huairu with me. I just took advantage of this time to train Qin Huairu!"

"The factory leader is really considerate of you and Qin Huairu. He has considered all aspects. Did he even consider the accommodation, and arrange the same dormitory for you, even a bed."

Yi Zhonghai was about to answer casually.

Suddenly woke up.

What does it mean to arrange the same dormitory and return a bed.

"Old woman, what do you say? I am Dongxu's master, and Qin Huairu is Dongxu's daughter-in-law. They are not in the same seniority. If this is said by the two of us in the house, if it is spread, how will outsiders think of us? I'm fine, Qin Huairu is still young?"

"It's all covered."

"What does it mean to be protected? I'm telling the truth."

"Assuming that you are telling the truth, let me ask you, how many months of work are paid in a year, and how many wages are not paid?"

Shrewd aunt, with a vague modification.

Yi Zhonghai was taken aback.

I had thought about saying this to my aunt for a while.

Unexpectedly, the first mother asked.

Can't stand him.

On the way back, he had already thought of his words, and he fooled the aunt with the reason he made up.

"Look at my brain, I'm about to finish the big courtyard meeting, so I'll tell you about it. When I encountered the incident where Sha Zhu hit me with a stool, I forgot it in a hurry. This is what happened. What year is it now? Jing, you also know that it is not easy for every household, and the rolling mill is no exception. The factory leader told me about the difficulties of this factory. Salaries are donated.”

Big mom's heart.

There was a click.

Five years is more than 5000 yuan.

"She Xiaojia is for everyone. Only with a rolling mill can we have our family. However, the factory leader considers that we have to live, and doesn't want me to waste my good intentions. I thought of a compromise. I get six months a year. A monthly salary is only 3000 yuan for five years, and we still have some savings, so we won’t be hungry anyway.”

"This is a good thing." The aunt said ironically: "Tomorrow, I have to publicize it to the neighbors in the courtyard, let them know that our old Yi is a person who knows how to give! Call them to learn from you, Lao Yi. !"

(End of this chapter)

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