Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 153 Yi Zhonghai: Qin Huairu is my daughter

Chapter 153 Yi Zhonghai: Qin Huairu is my daughter

Big Mom is also a ruthless person.

Knowing that the reason given by Yi Zhonghai was totally shameful, he made such a remark on purpose.

Yi Zhonghai lost his mind for an instant.

The donation from She Xiao’s family for everyone is just an excuse he made up. It’s a typical death at the sight of light. If this shit is spread by the aunt, it won’t take long before it reaches the ears of the leaders of the rolling mill. People would think that Yi Zhonghai was a jerk trying to gain fame.

Threatened to be killed in the cradle.

Looking up with a hypocritical face full of false morality, he began to make up nonsense to fool the eldest mother again.

"Old lady, we just want to do our part, and it's not the name of the picture. Why do you say it? The neighbors in the trouble thought I, Yi Zhonghai, was thinking about it. You know what kind of person I am. We can't give it to the rolling mill. I donated [-] months’ salary. Do other seventh-level workers want to learn from me? If they don’t, they will be scolded, saying that they don’t care about the factory and learn from me. The population of the family Too much, the burden is heavy, the best solution to this matter is as long as we know it ourselves, and you don't want me to be stabbed in the back, right?"

A posture of being selfless and willing to give silently.

The tone was that of purely asking for nothing in return.

If it were an ordinary person, they might have believed Yi Zhonghai's nonsense, thinking that Yi Zhonghai was really a person who made selfless dedication to the rolling mill.

For the sake of the rolling mill, he voluntarily gave up [-] months' salary, and had to bear the kind of misunderstanding and complaints that outsiders could not understand.

It is simply a model of morality!

Moreover, Yi Zhonghai, an old guy, is so good at secretly changing concepts, he just disguised the money he spent on buying a job for Qin Huairu as giving everything for the rolling mill.

Only in this way can he live up to the lie of not receiving salary for thirty months.

Otherwise, the 3000 yuan would have to be given a reasonable explanation to the aunt. If it really happened in the compound meeting or the streets and rolling mills, those idle neighbors would not know how to arrange Yi Zhonghai and Qinhuai Runa.

It was just Yi Zhonghai's thoughts.

Obviously used in the wrong place.

The first mother is not an outsider, but the daughter-in-law who has shared the bed with him for decades.

What is Yi Zhonghai's nature and what is his personality?

You can fool outsiders, but you can't fool the aunt.

Just like what Shazhu said just now while pointing at Yi Zhonghai's nose at the meeting in the compound, Yi Zhonghai is purely a hypocrite, hypocritical to the extreme.

Everything has a certain purpose. It belongs to the kind of master who sees the rabbit and does not scatter the eagle. He can do many immoral things for the sake of profit.

Why did Jia Dongxu become divorced from Yi Zhonghai later?

Could it be that Yi Zhonghai was worried that Jia Dongxu's promotion would be too high and it would not be easy to control at that time, so he deliberately set up a trick for Jia Dongxu in the third and fourth assessments, so that Jia Dongxu could not be promoted to the third level for two consecutive years. Later, Jia Dongxu saw through Yi Zhonghai's character, He took the initiative to alienate the relationship with Yi Zhonghai.

These things.

Outsiders do not know.

Only Yi Zhonghai, Jia Dongxu and Da Ma knew about it, and even Jia Zhang didn't know about it, and always thought that Jia Dongxu was not talented enough.

An apprentice who even worshiped three sacrifices can calculate, there is anything Yi Zhonghai can't do.

Da Ma is not the neighbors in the courtyard who don't know the inside story, so she is not so easy to be deceived by Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai's money is the couple's money. The couple can spend it, or praise it as a pension, but it can't be spent on those dubious women.

Big Mom can't accept this fact.

She didn't want to believe a word of Yi Zhonghai's nonsense, looked at Yi Zhonghai, and said slowly: "Old Yi, but what I heard is different from what you and I said, the old saying is good, If you want people not to know, unless you do nothing about it yourself, how did I hear that you bought Qin Huairu a job with this money?"

When Yi Zhonghai heard this, his heart tightened, and the expression on his face also changed a few times.

The big mother, who had a panoramic view of his reaction, believed [-]% of Sha Zhu's words.

Yi Zhonghai has ghosts.

She looked at Yi Zhonghai without saying a word.

Feeling the questioning eyes of the big mother, Yi Zhonghai bit his head, and he was a dead duck, with the attitude of not telling the truth even if he was beaten to death.

"Why do you still believe the rumors? You asked me last time about my relationship with Qin Huairu. I will say it again in front of you today. I am Jia Dongxu's master, and Qin Huairu is Jia Dongxu The daughter-in-law is the relationship between the master and the apprentice's daughter-in-law, I said, can you be more magnanimous and don't go into a dead end, okay?"

Big Mom waved her hand, interrupting Yi Zhonghai's defense.

"Things from the past have passed like this. I don't want to waste my time with you, but I just want to know what is the relationship between you and Qin Huairu?"

There are some things that are not said clearly, and it can be regarded as nothing happened. Once it is said, the original situation can no longer be maintained.

If you miss the bottom line, you will die on the spot.

Yi Zhonghai hesitated.

Knowing the nature of Da Ma, he was thinking about how to solve the situation before him. Even if he didn't say anything, Da Ma would break the casserole and ask the end.

At that time, Yi Zhonghai will be passive.

He looked at the aunt and lowered his head. Firstly, he had no face to face it, and secondly, he was too embarrassed to speak up about this matter. No matter how Yi Zhonghai solved it, he would lose face in the end, and it might even irritate the aunt. The secret that Zhong Hai had hidden for many years was leaked out.

With his mind on his mind, Yi Zhonghai picked up the tea that his aunt had poured for him just now, and drank it all in one gulp.

The first mother patted Yi Zhonghai's shoulder and snorted coldly.

"Is there no way to say it? Or do you feel embarrassed to say it?"

Hear the mother's voice.

Yi Zhonghai gradually came back to his senses, looked at Da Ma with blank eyes, and said something.

"My relationship with Qin Huairu is not what you imagined."

"Hey!" The aunt sighed quietly, "It's not the kind of relationship I imagined, what kind of relationship is that? I didn't say anything, you just said that you and Qin Huairu didn't have that kind of relationship, so you told me just now Those things that you said, why you contribute to the rolling mill, are all lies you made up? In order to let Qin Huairu enter the factory, you paid 3000 yuan to buy a job for Qin Huairu. You also lied to me that in order to show that you give up your family For everyone's announcement, you donated [-] months' salary, Yi Zhonghai, do you have a truth in your mouth?"

Yi Zhonghai bit his back molars.

He found that today he seemed to have to explain to Big Mom no matter what.

I suddenly felt a little bitter in my heart.

This matter, speaking out, is the end of his years of painstaking efforts to be ruined in an instant.

long silence.

Yi Zhonghai still didn't tell the truth.

"I still say the same thing, Qin Huairu and I have nothing to do."

"Pfft" sounded.

Big Mom laughed.

She growled towards Yi Zhonghai.

"Innocent? Do you believe this? Ask the neighbors if they believe it? Ask those people in the rolling mill if they believe it? People say that you and Qin Huairu slept together! I have nothing to do with Qin Huairu, we are It's clean and innocent. At the beginning, Jia Zhang didn't agree. In order to let Qin Huairu marry Jia Dongxu, you made up rumors that silly Zhu likes Qin Huairu. The silly Zhu still can't straighten up. Qin Huairu married, don't care As long as it has anything to do with Qin Huairu, big or small, your butt can't be more biased."

Big Mom's voice grew louder and louder.

It made Yi Zhonghai more flustered.

If outsiders saw this, would he still be alive?
"Speak quietly."

"Feel ashamed? Afraid of being ashamed? I'm not afraid! Yi Zhonghai, what are you cooperating with? It's all about your upper lip touching your lower lip. Who am I? They say I didn't give birth to a boy and a half girl for your Yi family, Is it really my fault? Yi Zhonghai, pat your chest and tell me, is it my fault? No wonder you don’t want me to tell you about your 3000 yuan. Are you tired?"

"You're trying to force me to die."

"You forced me to die." The aunt made a gesture and was about to leave, "I'm going to die now, I'm dead, so that I can make room for you and Qin Huairu, so that the two of you can sleep together in a fair manner, just like Jia Dongxu Paralyzed, crippled, a disabled person, you just happened to be Jia Dongxu's post."

Yi Zhonghai grabbed Big Mom.

Yi Zhonghai followed Yi Zhonghai's tugging force and sat down on the ground.

He patted his thigh and cried.

After yelling a few words, Yi Zhonghai, who realized that the situation was not good, covered the mouth of the aunt.

Damn old woman.

This is if she cries out.

It must have been the result of the neighbors being alarmed to watch the play.

Yi Zhonghai has always created a persona in front of the neighbors where he and his mother respect each other as guests. This crying is tantamount to breaking the persona of Yi Zhonghai who has been a good man for so many years.

As far as these old women in the yard are concerned, there will definitely be rumors spread by all parties, and Yi Zhonghai will be yellow mud and his crotch will fall off.

"Don't cry, don't cry, can't I tell you the truth?"

This must have been an underwhelming affair.

Yi Zhonghai was very cautious. He walked to the door, opened the door and looked outside, and saw that every household was living their lives with their doors closed. In the process, I focused on observing the direction of Liu Haizhong's house in the backyard.

On the steward.

Liu Haizhong has always been unconvinced by Yi Zhonghai, and has always wanted to replace Yi Zhonghai as the uncle of the courtyard.


Yi Zhonghai tried his best to protect Liu Haizhong.

Make sure no one is squatting against the wall.

Only then did he return to the big mom in peace, pulled the big mom up from the place, looked at the big mom, and said sincerely: "In fact, I want to keep this matter in the coffin. If you ask, I will put it in the coffin." I will tell you, but you must promise that you will never tell this matter, otherwise I will die in front of you immediately."

"I promise!"

"I want you to swear to the old man."

According to Yi Zhonghai's request, the aunt swears a big oath to the portrait on the wall, and then listens to Yi Zhonghai's past secrets with her ears open.

Along with Yi Zhonghai's narration, the expression on Big Mom's face gradually turned ferocious, and her gaze became fierce. She wished she could kill Yi Zhonghai, that naughty bastard with her eyes!
He actually ate it!
Qin Huairu is Yi Zhonghai's daughter.

This is what Qin Huairu's mother told Yi Zhonghai.

One day in 1932.

On a stormy night, Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu's mother hid in a dilapidated thatched house to avoid the wind and rain. They fell in love with each other and burned firewood, and finally something indescribable happened.

In the coming year, there will be Qin Huairu.

I thought that the two would never meet again, but I didn't expect that Yi Zhonghai, who led a team to Qinjia Village in 51, accidentally ran into Zhao Erni, the woman whom he had misfortune.

Zhao Erni confided the truth to Yi Zhonghai, saying that Qin Huairu was the crystallization of Yi Zhonghai and her, but because both parties had their own families, and this incident was exposed, Zhao Erni might not survive, so Zhao Erni asked Yi Zhonghai to swear, swear for a lifetime Don't tell this secret, and don't let the third person besides the two of them know about it.

Yi Zhonghai, who mistakenly thought that he would be extinct for the rest of his life, agreed to this request with great joy. Later, Zhao Erni proposed that Qin Huairu, such a good girl, would live in the village all her life. Zhong Hai didn't see his daughter for seventeen or eighteen years, so he asked Yi Zhonghai to help him find a good family in the city, so as to fulfill the father-daughter relationship between Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu.

Even if Zhao Erni didn't mention this request, Yi Zhonghai would find a way to take Qin Huairu away. He simply took advantage of Zhao Erni's proposal to find a good family for Qin Huairu in the city, and introduced her to his apprentice Jia Dongxu in a smooth manner. With a son-in-law and half a son, Jia Dongxu is his apprentice.

Marry Qin Huairu.

The matter of providing for the elderly is tantamount to a certainty.

This is also the reason why Yi Zhonghai favored Qin Huairu in the matter. When Jia Dongxu had an accident, Jia Zhang wanted to take Qin Huairu back to his hometown in the countryside. Yi Zhonghai was in a hurry. He didn't want his daughter to live a miserable life facing the loess and back to the sky. , wanting Qin Huairu to stay in the city.

Spend 3000 yuan to buy a job for Qin Huairu.

It was for Qin Huairu.

Give Jia Zhang 1000 yuan.

It was also for Qin Huairu.

It was also for Qin Huairu's sake to destroy the foolish blind date.

At that time, perhaps he wanted Shazhu to subsidize Jia's family as much as possible, so that Qin Huairu could live better.But because Jia Dongxu didn't die, the relief had to be as cryptic as possible.The rebate dishes that Sha Zhu earned from his private work and the meat dishes that Sha Zhu spent to improve the lives of Yi Zhonghai and his wife were all given to Jia's family by Yi Zhonghai.

The Jia family ate in vain and fat.

Yi Zhonghai deserves the most credit.

As for the deliberate promotion of Jia Dongxu, he was worried that Jia Dongxu would kick his tail and kick Qin Huairu in the future, and wanted to control Jia Dongxu's words and deeds as much as possible.

After Jia Dongxu's accident.

Yi Zhonghai thinks that Qin Huairu stays in the Jia family and can only serve as a cow for the Jia family, so he wants to get Jia Dongxu and Qin Huairu to divorce, and then bring Shazhu and Qin Huairu together.

It is impossible for the honest and honest silly Zhu to dislike Qin Huairu who has given birth to three children.

This is all the secrets hidden in Yi Zhonghai's heart!

Probably because of telling the secret.

At this time, Yi Zhonghai felt an unprecedented sense of joy, which was rare, and he became much more relaxed.

He looked at Big Mom.

The answer to Yi Zhonghai was two slaps from the big mother.



After beating Yi Zhonghai, the aunt directly folded her clothes and lay on the bed. The so-called firewood and fire that Yi Zhonghai described just now was actually that kind of medicine!

And the big mom has a feeling that Yi Zhonghai has been fooled!
Qin Huairu cannot be Yi Zhonghai's daughter!
She and Yi Zhonghai have been married for so many years, and they say that the first mother can't bear children, so Yi Zhonghai has no responsibility at all.

In order to protect Yi Zhonghai's face as a ridiculous man, Da Ma kept some secrets in her heart.

Zhao Erni.

She felt that she had to meet this Zhao Erni.

Not for anything else.

Just because of Yi Zhonghai's daughter, Qin Huairu, she also had to meet Qin Huairu's mother!

The other aunt also felt that it was necessary for her to join hands with Shazhu. There are some things that Shazhu, as the person involved, should have the right to know. Although she didn't know what happened to Shazhu recently, it gave her a sense of strangeness. It's just beneficial to her, so what if I tell the fool.

(End of this chapter)

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