Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 154 Shazhu and Xu Damao fell in love and killed each other

Chapter 154 Shazhu and Xu Damao fell in love and killed each other
next door.

Silly Zhu, who had no idea that he had been regarded as an ally by the aunt, held a dictionary in one hand and the script of "Bird Man" in the other, and started studying against the clock. Since most of the characters were unknown, the script seemed a bit difficult. In addition to the following plot, it jumped from 61 to 65, and there was a gap of several years. I don’t know what happened. For the following content, Sha Zhu basically turned to that article and he read that article.

Today I turned to Qin Huairu's article on Shanghuan.

The above content clearly stated that after Jia Dongxu's death, Jia Zhang was afraid that Qin Huairu's life would cause embarrassment to their Jia family, so they secretly got involved and took Qin Huairu into the ring.


The relationship between Sha Zhu and Liu Lan developed by leaps and bounds.

It's not a straight-forward relationship.

No matter how awesome a fool is, he would not dare to compete with Deputy Factory Director Li for a young daughter-in-law who was misfortune by Deputy Factory Director Li.

What's more, Liu Lan doesn't like Shazhu either. She fooled around with Deputy Factory Manager Li because he could provide her with certain conveniences, which Shazhu didn't have, plus Shazhu's mature appearance , making Liu Lan really have no idea about Sha Zhu.

The so-called rapid development of the relationship between her and Sha Zhu is that when encountering some things, she will no longer hide them.

Just like Sheung Wan.

As a boy, Silly Zhu didn't know shit, and thought that a man would have a child if he held hands with a woman, but Liu Lan told Silly Zhu that having a child does not mean that a woman becomes pregnant when a man holds hands.

In order to let Shazhu understand the meaning of this, he took him to a pig breeding station and saw it with his own eyes. Only then did Shazhu know what happened to men and women.

Liu Lan is also a good teacher. She analyzed in detail the reasons why Shanghuan and women went to Shanghuan on the way back to the city.

Encounter outsiders they know.

Liu Lan made up a nonsense casually, saying that she took Shazhu to their relative's house for a blind date.

I don't understand anything else.

Silly Zhu understood Shanghuan, just like Liu Lan told him, once a woman enters the ring, she cannot conceive a baby.

The widow whose husband just died went to the ring under the leadership of her mother-in-law.

It is indeed full of a sense of disobedience.

What makes Shazhu feel even more depressed is that the script of "Qi Man" clearly stated that the doctor who gave Qin Huairu a ring had a good relationship with Yi Zhonghai.

Silly Zhu speculates that Yi Zhonghai may have known about Qin Huairu's going to the ring, and that it's because of Yi Zhonghai's opening of his mouth that he would put Qin Huairu in the ring.

Think about it.

Sha Zhu regretted it.

Yi Zhonghai knew that Qin Huairu was going to the ring, and brought three children with him, and he devoted himself to matching Shazhu and Qin Huairu, his heart was to be punished.

According to the script of "Bird Man", after Sha Zhu helped Qin Huairu for several years, he was ridiculed by Xu Damao every day, making his teeth itch with anger.

When Xu Damao saw Shazhu once, he used Shazhu's inability to marry a wife as an issue, and said with certainty that Shazhu would go out of business in his life, saying that Shazhu didn't have a brain, and he was a good young man, but he just had to support three The child got entangled with a mother-in-law's widow, and bluntly said that Silly Zhu slept alone every day, and he was lucky to be accompanied by his daughter-in-law.

Xu Damao said that in his whole life, he was inferior to Sha Zhu in other things, but he beat him by a head when it came to marrying a wife.

Silly Zhu, who didn't want to be ridiculed by Xu Damao, wanted to marry a wife, and told Yi Zhonghai several times. The reason was that Qin Huairu's current monthly salary was 27 yuan, which exceeded the difficult line of [-] yuan per capita. Yi Zhonghai severely reprimanded her. He said a few words to Shazhu, saying that Shazhu was too selfish.

Yi Zhonghai clearly wanted Sha Zhu to follow in his footsteps.

Silly Zhu, who was thinking about understanding these things, thought about why he didn't want to slap Yi Zhonghai a few more times because he had smashed Yi Zhonghai's bench just now.


According to the contents of these books.

Sha Zhu is in a bad mood, his head is about to explode when he is sitting on the stool, Xu Damao, who is his enemy, forces Sha Zhu to marry a wife, and Yi Zhonghai, who is good to Sha Zhu, is plotting with the widow With a silly column.


Scolded a dirty mouth silly column.

With a bang, he stood up from the stool, wiped his arms and rolled up his sleeves, and was about to go out to Yi Zhonghai's house to beat Yi Zhonghai again, but when he walked to his door, he saw Yi's house diagonally opposite through the glass, and suddenly went out The idea of ​​beating up Yi Zhonghai in Yi's house.

The teacher is unknown.

Yi Zhonghai has been here for so many years.

In courtyard houses and rolling mills, what is the root cause that convinces countless people.

Isn't it the case of moral kidnapping?

Fight Yi Zhonghai.

Think long term.

Looking at the glass on the window, he had an idea in his mind. If he didn't hit Yi Zhonghai, it didn't mean he couldn't smash the glass in Yi Zhonghai's house.

Yi Zhonghai has to pay a heavy price.

Let Yi Zhonghai know that he is not easy to mess with.

Hold your temper.

Waited until more than two o'clock in the middle of the night.

Sha Zhu quietly opened the door of the house, slowly moved to the middle of the courtyard, weighed the brick in his hand, and smashed it towards Yi Zhonghai's house on the opposite side. The moment the brick was thrown, Silly Zhu had already sneaked up to the door of his house, and the moment the brick fell on the glass, Zhu Zhu flashed into his house and gently closed the door.

There was a "click" sound.

Two pieces of glass in Yi Zhonghai's house shattered immediately, and then there was a shrill roar.

late at night.

Silent as silk.

The extremely miserable voice startled the neighbors in an instant, and each of them was stunned for a while, and continued to dream of seeing Duke Zhou, so that they would not wake up specially because of the smashing of the glass in the middle of the night.

The glass in Yi Zhonghai's house was smashed.

The neighbors are also ecstatic.

It's just not on the face.

Do you really think that everyone in the neighborhood believes in Yi Zhonghai?

If it weren't for Yi Zhonghai's monthly salary of more than 80 yuan, when the neighbors encountered difficulties and couldn't get away, they could borrow one or two yuan from Yi Zhonghai to solve the problem.

Yi Zhonghai is also Yi Zhonghai.

After smashing the glass in Yi Zhonghai's house, the depression in Sha Zhu's heart finally vented out, he was in a good mood, and felt drowsy, so he yawned and got under the covers.

Duke Zhou has been waiting for him for a long time.

As for whether Yi Zhonghai will smash his own glass, Shazhu is not worried, at worst, he will find a chance to smash the glass back.

Silent all night.

Also had a long sleep.

When Sha Zhu got up, it was already ten ten in the morning.

Put on your shoes.

While moving his limbs, he walked towards the outside of the house.

Getting ready to drain the toilet.

Just came out of the house.

He saw Xu Damao head-on.

Thinking of the description in the book that Xu Damao endured the misunderstanding of the neighbors and the violent attack of the client for Shazhu's marriage, Shazhu felt that Xu Damao was good.

Counting from the year He Daqing ran away, up to now, he has beaten Xu Damao for more than ten years.

Blame yourself.

Hit someone who is really good for you.

He greeted Xu Damao casually.

"Xu Damao!"

See silly Zhu calling himself.

Xu Damao was also full of emotions. He found that he had been on the verge of life and death all these years. Just like Shazhu who swung a stool and angrily smashed Yi Zhonghai last night, what Xu Damao did to Shazhu and was smashed by Shazhu There's nothing wrong with a rotten head.

If Silly Zhu had been as cruel to Xu Damao as he was to Yi Zhonghai, Xu Damao would have died many years earlier.

Thinking about it all night.

Think that Shazhu is lenient to himself.

"Stupid column!"

"Why did you go?"

"Go to the bathroom, where are you going?"

"I'm going to the toilet too."

"Don't go, it's all over the top."

"No matter how prominent you are, you have to go, you have to pull."

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just the matter I told you last time. If I have time, I want to sit down with you and have a good talk. I always feel that we have been playing house games all these years. boring."

Silly Zhu stared at Xu Damao.

A few days ago, he also asked for reconciliation with Xu Damao, but Xu Damao didn't agree to Sha Zhu, instead he thought that Sha Zhu had some bad thoughts about him.

This time.

Shazhu seems to have succeeded.

Not considered a success, it should be half the battle. Xu Damao neither refused nor agreed, and gave Sha Zhu an ambiguous answer.

Freezing cold doesn't happen in a day.

The grievances and hatred between Sha Zhu and Xu Damao these years cannot be relieved overnight.

Take your time.

He nodded towards Xu Damao and walked towards the front yard.

What Shazhu didn't know was that his conversation with Xu Damao was heard by Yi Zhonghai who was in Yi's house.

the heart of a hypocrite.

I don't know how to describe it.

Sha Zhu actually wanted to reconcile with Xu Damao, and it was Sha Zhu who took the initiative to show his favor to Xu Damao.

This situation is not what Yi Zhonghai wants to see.

Because of the grievances between Xu Damao and Shazhu, it was Yi Zhonghai who thought they were provoking, and wanted to use Shazhu's fist to rule the courtyard, so Xu Damao happened to be the chicken in the play of killing chickens and monkeys. Over the years, I have been greeted by Sha Zhu countless times with iron fists.

The two sat together, had a heart-to-heart talk, and found that some things were not for a while at all, and were purely Yi Zhonghai's one-sided remarks.

Yi Zhonghai's pension business is already in jeopardy, what should he do?

Xu Damao is a real villain, if Sha Zhu, the invincible courtyard god of war, gets involved with Xu Damao, there is really no way for Yi Zhonghai to survive.

In terms of calculations, Xu Damao was making suggestions.

In terms of combat power, Shazhu's fists terrified all the protagonists who traveled through the courtyard in the heavens and myriad worlds.

Things are very difficult to handle!

A big word of sorrow.

It appeared on Yi Zhonghai's forehead.

The scene he was least willing to see appeared.

what should I do!

Yi Zhonghai eagerly felt melancholy.

the other side.

inside the toilet.

Looking at the stupid pillar in front of him, he found a pit that was not sharp, and squatted down. After a burst of gongs and drums, he felt much better in his stomach.

not far away.

A voice came, saying that Yan Fugui went to Yi Zhonghai's house specially, and he didn't know what they talked about, anyway, Yi Zhonghai was going to hold a banquet in the courtyard today.

(End of this chapter)

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