Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 157 Jia Dongxu: I Hate Yi Zhonghai

Chapter 157 Jia Dongxu: I Hate Yi Zhonghai

In Jia Dongxu's heart, only Sha Zhu is the perfect match for Qin Huairu in the entire rolling mill.

An honest and honest fool, he would not dislike Qin Huairu as a divorced woman, nor would he dislike Banggen, Xiaodang, and Huaihua as children of Jia's family.

Only Sha Zhu can treat Bang Geng and Xiao Dang well.

Asking Sha Zhu to help support the children, Jia Dongxu felt relieved.

A few days ago, Mrs. Jia Zhang visited Jia Dongxu in the hospital. During the chat between the two, Mrs. Jia said that she was going to arrange Qin Huairu to go to the hospital in Shanghuan.

Regarding Jia Zhang's move to urge Qin Huairu to go to the ring, Jia Dongxu expressed his approval with both hands and feet.

Divorcing Qin Huairu means that she likes Qin Huairu, but it doesn't mean that she can tolerate Qin Huairu having a baby with another man.

Jia Zhang's saying is very correct, only when Qin Huairu who is in the ring marries Sha Zhu, the interests of the Jia family can be guaranteed to the maximum extent.

Because only Shazhu has no family, Shazhu's work and Shazhu's house can be named Jia.

Jia Dongxu thought of Yi Zhonghai at the same time, he really deserves to be a master and apprentice, equally selfish and wicked.

As for how to make Shazhu marry Qin Huairu, Jia Dongxu has no specific plan in mind.

of course.

He had to divorce Qin Huairu first.

Jia Dongxu and Qin Huairu had raised the issue of divorce, but because Qin Huairu had been done ideological work by Jia Zhang and sincerely wanted to show that he would never leave Jia Dongxu, he did not agree to the divorce.

After Yi Zhonghai's five-happy celebration ended in shame, Jia Dongxu simply took advantage of Qin Huairu's absence to talk to his mother, Jia Zhang, about his divorce from Qin Huairu.

As Jia Zhang's son, how could Jia Dongxu fail to understand the tricks here? He guessed that Jia Zhang must have talked to Qin Huairu, otherwise Qin Huairu would not be a life, a Jia family, a Jia family ghost decisive attitude.

"Mom, when will you take Huairu to Shanghuan?"

"Just a few days?"

"I mean, after Huairu got into the ring, I will find time to divorce her." Jia Dongxu hammered his immobile legs vigorously, and said to Jia Zhang: "I look like this, Huairu Staying in our Jia's house is far worse than leaving our Jia's house, I believe Huai Ru will not be sorry to Bang Ji and their three children!"

Jia Zhang felt a chill in his heart.

I really didn't expect her son to be a lover.

Worried that Qin Huairu would suffer in Jia's house, she thought about divorcing Qin Huairu.

I couldn't help complaining in my heart, you love Qin Huairu, don't you love your mother and me?
There is no way to say this.

After all, it was a cub crawling out of her stomach.

"Dongxu, Mom understands how you feel, but have you ever thought about it? You are divorcing Huairu at this time. Those who know the inside story know that you feel sorry for Huairu staying in Jia's house and suffering, so you take the initiative to divorce her and want her." The rest of my life will be better, people who don't know the inside story think that Huairu dislikes the poor and loves the rich, and seeing you paralyzed, she wants to divorce you."

Jia Dongxu couldn't straighten his waist because of a broken lumbar vertebrae. He was lying on his back and didn't see that Qin Huairu had already reached the door of Jia's house.

But Jia Zhang who was sitting saw it.

From the idea of ​​calculation.

Jia Zhang deliberately put on an expression of earnestly considering Qin Huairu.

"Don't tell the people around, just say that these neighbors in our courtyard have one thing on the outside and another on the back. If you divorce Huairu at this time, as far as those people's virtues are concerned, their spittle can bring Huairu to life. It's not that your mother disagrees with your divorce with Huairu. Mom understands Huairu as a child. She is really a good child. At the beginning, she didn't agree with you being together. Huai Ru is a good child, so we can't let her bear that unwarranted name."

A tone of thinking for Qin Huairu's sake.

"Silly Zhu on the opposite side, because Yi Zhonghai fabricated the rumor that Sha Zhu missed Huairu at the beginning, the silly Zhu who made such a fuss can't straighten his waist now, after a while, Huai Ru's people set up, If we divorce her again, then the neighbors will not gossip about Huairu."

Qin Huairu probably felt that it was inconvenient for her to go in.

Turned away.

Jia Zhang's heart was relieved. In her heart, Qin Huairu had better not remarry, but Shazhu still wanted to help Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu will be buried with Jia Dongxu in the future, and she will remarry Shazhu. When they are buried together in the future, they will be buried together with Jia Dongxu or Shazhu.

want to remarry.

Unless she Jia Zhang is dead.

Jia Dongxu apparently didn't know that Jia Zhang's heart was full of thoughts not to let Qin Huairu remarry, but changed his tone and brought the topic to Yi Zhonghai's fabrication of silly rumors about Huairu.

This is Jia Dongxu's secret.

years ago.

Jia Dongxu, who recognized Yi Zhonghai as a human being, finally learned that it was from Yi Zhonghai that Sha Zhu missed Qin Huairu after many inquiries.

I thought it was a secret that belonged to him alone.

Unexpectedly, just now Jia Zhang personally said what Yi Zhonghai had fabricated rumors for Sha Zhu.

There was a slight shock on his face.

I wondered how Jia Zhang knew about this.

In the end, I couldn't bear the curiosity in my heart and asked Jia Zhang.

"Mom, when did you know about Yi Zhonghai making up rumors for Sha Zhu?"

"Many people in our courtyard knew about this matter, and Sha Zhu even beat Yi Zhonghai up because of this matter, making Yi Zhonghai a pig."

Jia Zhang looked at the expression on Jia Dongxu's face, and found that Jia Dongxu had an expression of astonishment that you knew no matter how you knew it, and his mind moved.

He asked back, "Dongxu, did you already know?"

Jia Dongxu nodded, and then told the secret hidden in his heart, how he saw Yi Zhonghai's character clearly, how he wanted to alienate his relationship with Yi Zhonghai, and so on, all of which were related to Jia Zhang. Shi told it in detail.

Even though Jia Zhang was very shrewd, he was taken aback by Jia Dongxu's narration.

Co-author Yi Zhonghai turned out to be such a thing. He tried to control Jia Dongxu's words, deeds, behaviors and thoughts, from technology to communication, he wanted to control Jia Dongxu in every aspect, and he even had to intervene in what kind of friends Jia Dongxu wanted to make, not to say This person is not good and cannot be associated with him, that is to say, that person has a lack of morality, and Jia Dongxu's association with him will teach Jia Dongxu badly.

At this time, Jia Dongxu was already a 25-year-old adult with two children, yet Yi Zhonghai still wanted to warn Jia Dongxu who he could and could not play with.

Sometimes Jia Dongxu encounters technical problems, Yi Zhonghai is not around or Yi Zhonghai is busy with other things, Jia Dongxu asks other masters for advice, Yi Zhonghai will be unhappy, although there is a look of relief on his face, In my heart, I hated Jia Dongxu so much that I would look for an opportunity the next day, under the banner of letting Jia Dongxu improve his skills, make things difficult for Jia Dongxu in every way, and relying on being a senior technician, he would give all kinds of small things to those technicians who Jia Dongxu had asked for advice. As time goes by, Jia Dongxu is artificially isolated by Yi Zhonghai.

Why did Jia Dongxu fool around with the three confused and four donkeys?

It's not that Jia Dongxu wants to be bad.

It was Jia Dongxu who discovered the entire Ninth Workshop, so he was confused that they were not afraid of Yi Zhonghai.

In fact, it was a method of self-defilement, trying to force Yi Zhonghai to sever his master-student relationship with Jia Dongxu, because Jia Dongxu found that the reason why he was unable to advance to the third-level worker was because of Yi Zhonghai's tricks behind his back.

At that moment, you might feel a little puzzled.

But now the door is very clear.

He knew why Yi Zhonghai blocked his promotion.

In Yi Zhonghai's mind, Jia Dongxu, a second-level worker, was the easiest to handle.

Yi Zhonghai was worried that Jia Dongxu's promotion would be too high and his salary would be too high to be easily controlled by Yi Zhonghai. Taking advantage of his convenience as a senior worker, he deliberately set up a trick for Jia Dongxu in the second and third assessments, so that Jia Dongxu did not advance to the third level for two consecutive years work.

Essentially a hypocritical bastard.

Only then did Jia Zhang know that he had been tricked by Yi Zhonghai, and immediately began to curse, and greeted Yi Zhonghai's eight generations of ancestors fiercely.

Jia Dongxu failed to get promoted for two consecutive years, yet Yi Zhonghai shamelessly told Jia Zhang that Jia Dongxu's talent was not good enough, and he would only be a second-level worker if he died in his life.

Jia Zhang believed Yi Zhonghai's nonsense, and begged Yi Zhonghai to put in more effort to help Jia Dongxu as much as possible.

I didn't expect that there are so many doorways in it.

She suddenly thought of Qin Huairu.

A person with an extremely strong desire to control, and in order to control the other party and make the other party obey him, why did he spend a lot of money to buy a job for Qin Huairu?

His eyes subconsciously fell on Huaihua's face.

The more I look at it, the more I feel that Sophora japonica is somewhat similar to Yi Zhonghai.

And sticks.

Jia Dongxu has natural curly hair.

Jia Dongxu's father also has curly hair.

The only stick is straight hair.

Yi Zhonghai also has straight hair.

Jia Zhang's heart was beating violently, recalling the memories of Jia Dongxu's marriage to Qin Huairu in his mind, wondering if Qin Huairu had been fooled by Yi Zhonghai in the countryside, he was desperate, and had no other choice, so he pushed Jia Dongxu away. Going out to help carry the mines, in terms of time, Bang Geng doesn't look like Yi Zhonghai's child!

My mind is in a mess.

Look at Jia Dongxu.

I dare not say these things.

Prepare to find an opportunity by yourself and check it out slowly.

Looking through the glass accidentally, he saw Yi Zhonghai walking towards their house. Jia Zhang, who guessed why Yi Zhonghai wanted to come, gave Jia Dongxu a wink, and then began to give Yi Zhonghai a high opinion.

"Dongxu, during the time you were hospitalized, your master worked so hard for our Jia family. This is also a blessing that our Jia family has cultivated in the past life. Having such a good master as Yi Zhonghai, your master's thoughts, Mom told you that she will treat your master as your own father, and when your master and wife return home after a hundred years, as an apprentice, you will have to wear sackcloth and filial piety, and smash and burn paper pots."

"Mom, I really want to take care of my master's pension, look at me."

"Don't be discouraged. Mom asked someone to ask for a folk prescription, which is specially used to treat your disease. Mom will get the medicine primer in a while."

(End of this chapter)

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