Chapter 158 Yi Zhonghai Urges Divorce
Walking to the door of Jia's house, Yi Zhonghai, who was thinking of an excuse to open up the situation, heard that Jia Zhang was planning to use folk remedies to treat Jia Dongxu's paralysis. He felt mixed feelings, and then followed Jia Zhang's words to comfort Jia Dongxu, Pushing open the door and walking in.

"Dongxu, your mother is right. Some serious illnesses are not good in hospitals. Some folk remedies are really accurate. Let's try this folk remedy. It works. It's a good thing. If it doesn't work, let's find another one. Remedy, Hao Lai is also a hope."

Yi Zhonghai also had nothing to say.

He had to find a way for himself no matter what.

You can't just come in and open your mouth to challenge Jia Zhang and Jia Dongxu, saying that you have come to listen and ask Jia Dongxu when to divorce Qin Huairu.

At the beginning, Jia Zhang specifically asked Yi Zhonghai for 1000 yuan because of this matter.

The money is in hand.

You regret it and say you don't agree to the divorce.

This is not bullshit.

Yi Zhonghai was concerned about his identity.

As the master in charge of the courtyard house and Jia Dongxu's master, it seemed that he was a bit of a lowly person to ask such a straightforward question. Although Yi Zhonghai had already been regarded as rubbish, he didn't think so.

"Dongxu, you have to listen to what Master Ni said. You are chatting with your master, and Mom is going to find out the introduction of the folk prescription."

Jia Zhang also didn't want to face Yi Zhonghai's hypocrite face.

The things Jia Dongxu narrated broke through Jia Zhang's understanding of Yi Zhonghai's bottom line of human nature. He thought Yi Zhonghai was a beast, but turned out to be a bastard who was not as good as a beast.

As soon as she stepped out, before landing, Yi Zhonghai called out to stop Jia Zhang.

"Mom Dongxu, you will leave later, I have something to discuss with you two."

Qin Huairu divorced Jia Dongxu.

Jia Dongxu is fine.

Qin Huairu is also fine.

It's stuck on Jia Zhang's side.

Yi Zhonghai could have heard his mother talk to him, saying that he overheard what Jia Zhang told Qin Huairu, why divorce Jia Dongxu at this time, you will be stabbed in the back of the spine, what if you divorce Jia Dongxu, you have to Being drowned by someone's saliva, someone who dies and leaves a name, and Jia Dongxu just became paralyzed, and you divorce Jia Dongxu, which will make your parents follow you and can't hold their heads up, and so on.

Think about it.

I feel that Jia Zhang still disagrees with Qin Huairu and Jia Dongxu's divorce.

There was an inexplicable simmering resentment in my heart.

If you don't agree, don't ask me for money.

Taking advantage of Jia Dongxu's presence in the house, he wanted to block Jia Zhang, preferably in front of Jia Dongxu, to talk about Qin Huairu's divorce and remarriage.

As Qin Huairu's father, he loves his daughter dearly, so it is impossible for him to watch Qin Huairu stay in Jia's house like a widow, working as a cow and a horse for Jia's family.

Yi Zhonghai was also in a hurry.

He Yushui led Wang Xianghong back and broke Yi Zhonghai's scheme.

Silly Zhu may not understand the way, how could Yi Zhonghai, who has been a human being all his life, not understand the way, Wang Xianghong is He Yushui's daughter-in-law.

If the two are really successful, Yi Zhonghai's plan will come to an end.

He knew that Shazhu hated him, but no matter how much he hated him, as long as he brought Qin Huairu to Shazhu and let him experience the wonderful taste of being like a fairy, he must understand Yi Zhonghai's painstaking efforts, and then Also immersed in Qin Huairu's gentle hometown.

Wang Xianghong is a countryman.

It can be seen from the clothes that Wang Xianghong's family's economic conditions are not very good.

Country girl.

poor family.

Shazhu’s various conditions, for Wang Xianghong, pure good can’t be better, a formal chef with a monthly salary of 47 yuan in a rolling mill, two houses in a courtyard house, and a very strong body. People with physical disabilities can accept it, let alone Shazhu is a healthy person.If Silly Zhu really said that he was willing to marry Wang Xianghong, he reckoned that the two of them would be able to get their marriage certificate tomorrow and sleep together at night.

Qin Huairu also has no chance to marry Shazhu.

Now or never.

Must hurry up.

Yi Zhonghai was quite aggressive.

He looked at Jia Zhang, and then at Jia Dongxu.

Slowly opened his mouth and said: "Dong Xu, Dong Xu Niang, it stands to reason that I, as Dong Xu's master, shouldn't say this, but I thought about it and decided to be this villain, don't care if you scold me, Blame me, hit me, I will put the words clearly in front of you."

Jia Zhang looked at Yi Zhonghai quietly.

He already guessed what Yi Zhonghai was going to say in his heart.

Besides forcing Jia Dongxu to divorce Qin Huairu, is there anything else?

It can't be to give her Jia Zhang's money.

"Dongxu is paralyzed. There are several children in the family, and food and drink are all expensive."

Jia Zhang forcibly interrupted.

"I can make shoes and sell them for money to subsidize my family."

Jia Zhang made shoes.

It can also be regarded as a wonder of the courtyard.

Throughout the year, regardless of the time of year, Jia Zhang can be seen holding a semi-finished cloth shoe in his hand. As for when the pair of cloth shoes will become a finished product, it may be two weeks or two months.

Jia Zhang's selling shoes to subsidize his family is more difficult than winning the World Cup for the national football team.

"Making shoes and selling them for money is also a way, but it is troublesome if someone reports her. Huairu is a country girl, and she only took literacy classes for a few days. Even though she entered the rolling mill, I don't think she will be able to become a regular in a short time. There is no way to become a full-time member, and the subsequent promotion is out of reach. There are six people in Jia's family, plus Dongxu needs to take medicine and nutritional supplements. As Dongxu's master, I have a duty to help Dongxu, but you Don't forget, I still have an old lady to take care of."

Yi Zhonghai moved the deaf old lady out.

Otherwise, how can I use the pretense of burdening myself.

"I had Zhuzi help me before, but now Zhuzi doesn't know what's going on and has become very selfish. I'm also worried that the old lady will come and make trouble. You all know about the old lady. The street is responsible for eating and drinking, and also made straw sandals."

He changed his tune.

An expression of grievance that he had to bear the infamy for the Jia family for the sake of the Jia family.

"It's troublesome to talk too much. That's what I think. Dongxu and Huairu divorced. After the divorce, they didn't ignore the Jia family. If you don't worry, they will stick to their three children. Huairu will take them away together. When the time comes, find an honest man." People, married, honest people can also help the Jia family. If you are worried that Huairu will change your mind, or worry that the child will be bullied by the stepfather, Dongxu's mother will take Huairu to the hospital for a ring. There are people in my hospital who know Man, if I tell him, this thing will definitely be done."

The widow goes to the ring.

Basically a lice on a monk's head.

It's obvious.

Jia Dongxu's lumbar vertebra was broken, which is no different from death.

Asking Qin Huairu to go to Shanghuan can explain the past.

Being a widow to the death is the same as being a living widow, they live like years.

(End of this chapter)

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