Chapter 159

Seeing that Yi Zhonghai really came to urge Jia Dongxu to divorce Qin Huairu.

Jia Zhang scolded Yi Zhonghai's eight generations of ancestors in his heart.

She is so wicked.

Persuade his apprentice to divorce.

It's not a human thing.

She also became more and more curious about the relationship between Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu.

The hypocrite actually cares about Qin Huairu so much.

From allowing Qin Huairu to marry into the city in the past, to now asking Qin Huairu to divorce Jia Dongxu because of Qin Huairu not being a widow, regardless of the relationship between master and apprentice.


one piece.

All of them show that there is an extraordinary relationship between Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu.

Jia Dongxu was obviously not as melancholy as Jia Zhangshi, and Yi Zhonghai urged him to divorce Qin Huairu, which seemed to coincide with Jia Dongxu's idea.

It's all to make Qin Huairu's life better in the future.

There was a rare excitement in his heart.

"Master, I hear what you mean. You seem to have a candidate in your heart? Can you tell me who it is?" Jia Dongxu turned to Yi Zhonghai and said, "To tell the truth, Master, I have long wanted to divorce Huairu. gone."

Jia Zhang raised her brows indistinctly.

There was a bit of sarcasm in his eyes.

With a daughter-in-law who forgets her mother's son.

Jia Dongxu, who ignored Jia Zhang's family, beat his own useless leg with a hammer, "I am a useless person, Huairu follows me, or if she stays in Jia's house, she can only suffer for the rest of her life. I don't want to see her in our house. I am relieved that Bang Geng and Xiao Dang are following Huai Ru."

"Dongxu, if you can think this way, Master will not be so entangled in his heart. You don't know. Before coming here, Master did ideological work at home for several days, and your teacher scolded me, saying that people would rather demolish ten buildings." If the temple doesn’t destroy a family, it’s good for you, and you specialize in persuading people to divorce, and the person who persuades you is your own apprentice, if word spreads, people’s spitting stars can drown me alive.”

in tone.

Full of regret and self-blame.

The expression is also the kind of expression that Yi Zhonghai can go up the mountain of swords and down the sea of ​​fire for the sake of the Jia family.

If he were an outsider, he might have believed Yi Zhonghai's nonsense, thinking that Yi Zhonghai was really thinking of himself, in order to make his life better, and endured the misunderstanding and abuse that countless people did not understand.

What a perfect example of a good old man!

A role model in the moral world!

"People want to poke Yi Zhonghai's back, so I have to come too. I can't just watch Dongxu's family collapse like this. Banggen will marry a wife in the future, and Xiaodang and Huaihua will marry in the future. As Dongxu Xu's master must consider Dong Xu."

This old guy Yi Zhonghai, he also changed the concept naturally in his words, saying that he persuaded Qin Huairu to divorce Jia Dongxu that he was thinking about the future of Jia's family, and then used sticks to talk to the children of Xiaodang thing.

Being honest and hypocritical to the extreme.

Only in this way can Yi Zhonghai, in the name of being good for the Jia family, continue to do the dirty work of getting Jia Dongxu and Qin Huairu to divorce quickly.

Without this excuse, it would be difficult for Yi Zhonghai to persuade both of them to agree to a divorce.

"Huairu divorced Dongxu, isn't it that he won't come back? At worst, our Jia family changed Huairu from a daughter-in-law to a girl of their own. Huairu is a person who knows how to be grateful. She knows who treats her well, and who treats her badly." Well, she also knows that she thinks of the Jia family's kindness in bringing her from the countryside to the city, and she will not leave the Jia family alone even if she divorces Dongxu."

What Yi Zhonghai said.

Not only towards Jia Dongxu, but also towards Jia Zhang.

The biggest obstacle for Qin Huairu to leave Jia's family is Jia Zhang's family. Jia Zhang's family persuaded Qin Huairu not to divorce Jia Dongxu in the name of thinking for Qin Huairu and wait a little longer.

When exactly.

Leng did not give a clear answer.

This one is ambiguous.

That end is aggressive.

Before Yi Zhonghai came to Jia's house, he stood in the courtyard and eavesdropped on the movement from Sha Zhu's house for a while, He Yushui and Wang Xianghong's conversation voices and the eagerness in their words.

He gave Yi Zhonghai a lot of thought.

Don't hurry up.

Silly column may be married.

Now Yi Zhonghai is no longer thinking about his own pension, but is thinking about Qin Huairu as a father.

With Jia Dongxu's paralysis, many people saw through the essence of the matter at a glance.

The Jia family is simply a bottomless pit.

All five members of the family were on Qin Huairu's body.

However, Qin Huairu is still a country woman who has attended literacy classes for a few days. It is so difficult to enter a rolling mill, and it is estimated that it is even more difficult to become a full-time employee.

The stick is about to be the age when a half-child eats a poor old man, Jia Zhang is too lazy to work, and Jia Dongxu needs all kinds of nutrition to hang his life.


It's really possible that Qin Huairu might go down some crooked paths.

Yi Zhonghai didn't want to see such a thing happen, the best solution was to let Qin Huairu divorce Jia Dongxu before Shazhu got married, and he used that kind of medicine to get Shazhu and Qin Huairu together, forcing Shazhu not to Not to marry Qin Huairu, in order to increase his persuasiveness, he told Qin Huairu all the conditions for going to the ring.

The Jia family was just worried that Qin Huairu would marry and ignore their Jia family.

On the ring.

Sha Zhu's conditions are obvious to all.

As long as the family is extinct.

The house and job were all given to Jia's family, which is what Yi Zhonghai thought he could persuade Jia Zhang to rely on.

Yi Zhonghai looked at Jia Dongxu, then at Jia Zhang.

"Dong Xuniang, just now Dong Xu asked me a question, whether there is a suitable candidate, if I say no, you will not believe me, I can only say yes."

Yi Zhonghai gestured towards Shazhu's house diagonally opposite with his eyes.

Jia Zhang understood.

Jia Dongxu understood instantly.

Silly column!

Regarding the matter of Qin Huairu's remarriage to Shazhu, the three of them thought of something together.

"Shazhu's conditions, I don't tell you, you all know, two ancestral houses, and a cook who was promoted to the seventh-level cooking monitor a few days ago, with a monthly salary of 47 yuan, and Shazhu's personality , you are even more clear, honest and honest, you will not look down on Huairu who remarried with a child, and if Huairu gets married, will the things of the silly Zhu family become the things of your Jia family?"

Seeing Jia Zhang's heart a little bit.

Yi Zhonghai decided to add a handful of firewood.

The old routine of using rumors to force Jia Zhang to agree to Jia Dongxu's marriage to Qin Huairu was copied out.

"I know that Dong Xuniang is also thinking about Huairu, and she is worried that Huairu's divorce with Dongxu at this time will give Huairu a bad reputation of being ungrateful for profit. If the situation is not urgent, I would like to procrastinate. But there are some things that cannot be delayed. You have all seen that Wang Xianghong. She said she is a younger sister, but she is actually the target of Sha Zhu. A country girl, and Sha Zhu has good conditions. It's done, Dong Xuniang, think about it, when the time comes, the house for Banggen to get married, the job for getting married, and the dowry for Xiaodang and Huaihua to marry!"

"Master Dongxu, do you think my old lady has not considered these issues you have considered?"

It is impossible to agree to Qin Huairu's divorce from Jia Dongxu's Jia Zhang.

He continued to refute Yi Zhonghai's words under the banner of thinking for Qin Huairu.

Our Jia family doesn't have a silly supporter, but we can still count on you, Yi Zhonghai. Do you really think that the three kowtows to Yi Zhonghai at the compound meeting were for nothing?
Jia Dongxu, who is only worried about Qin Huairu's rest of his life in the game, may not understand the way of it, but Jia Zhang sees through Yi Zhonghai's true thoughts at a glance, and still wants to use Qin Huairu to remarry, so that he has become an old man. The burdensome Jia family was thrown out like rubbish.

I didn't hear what Yi Zhonghai said just now, that Qin Huairu was a grateful person, even if he remarried, he would not ignore the Jia family.

She will not let Yi Zhonghai get what he wants.

Because in the future, Qin Huairu will have to be buried with Jia Dongxu after his death.

"Dongxu just had an accident, even if we took the initiative to divorce Huairu, even if Huairu did not agree to the divorce, some outsiders don't know, they think Huairu can't bear to take care of Dongxu, and they cry and want to divorce Dongxu, All kinds of infamy scolded Huairu, such as ungrateful for profit, not being able to share weal and woe, shameless, flamboyant, etc. How does Huairu see people? How does Huairu's parents see people? Banggen, Xiaodang and the others How do you meet people? Master Dongxu, it’s not that my wife is here to fool around with you, there are some things that we can do as we please, Dongxu loves his wife, so doesn’t my wife love her daughter-in-law?”

The more Jia Zhang said, the more passionate he was.

The more excited the more powerful.

"At the beginning when Huairu married Dongxu, my wife refused to agree with her life and death. It was later proved that my wife was wrong. Huairu is a good wife. I can't let her be hurt a second time. Dongxu is his master. My wife told me Put it down, I'd rather the silly Zhu across the street marry a wife, than let Huairu be stabbed in the back by the neighbors and never be able to lift her head up for the rest of her life."

Jia Zhang's eyes.

He looked at Yi Zhonghai meaningfully.

She was determined to eat Yi Zhonghai.

No matter what the relationship between Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai is, as long as Yi Zhonghai cares about Qin Huairu, it will be fine. Qin Huairu is in the Jia family, and the Jia family has a rope to check and balance Yi Zhonghai. It is very likely that the Jia family will end up with no money and no manpower.

No divorce.

Qin Huairu's work is the actions of the Jia family. In the future, the stick can take over the post, and the money earned is also the Jia family's money, so the Jia Zhang family has expenses.

Divorce and remarry.

Qin Huairu's work has nothing to do with the Jia family.

The initiative of the matter is no longer in the hands of the Jia family.

When Qin Huairu is in a good mood, she can give the Jia family a little more money, but when she is in a bad mood, it is possible to give nothing to the Jia family.

Is Jia Zhang's quarrel with Qin Huairu?
Yi Zhonghai helped arrange the work, and it has nothing to do with the Jia family, so why should the Jia family make trouble?

More important point.

Qin Huairu remarried with a job. The Jia family had no income, how could they live in the city? Even if the house of the Jia family could continue to live, the five members of the Jia family would still have to eat and drink.

This is definitely bad news for the lazy Jia Zhang.

So she has to cling to Qin Huairu's body like a vampire, and naturally she won't listen to Yi Zhonghai's nonsense and throw away the last reliance of the Jia family.

Unless you add money.

It's not impossible to talk about it.

Just need to add money.

The price is right.

Jia Zhang will also agree to Qin Huairu's remarriage.

Qin Huairu, which the old godly woman never forgets in her heart, has become a commodity. This time, she will have to ask Yi Zhonghai for thousands of dollars, and it will be enough for the food and drink expenses of Banggen, Xiaodang, Jia Zhangshi and Jia Dongxu at one time. .

Not afraid that Yi Zhonghai will not give in.

Anyway, the initiative of the matter is in the hands of Jia Zhang, and it is impossible to enjoy Qin Huairu's bonus under the banner of thinking for Qin Huairu.

 Jia Dongxu is going to belch soon, and Shazhu is going to marry a wife
(End of this chapter)

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