Chapter 161 Jia Dongxu Wants To Die
The aunt turned to Yi Zhonghai and gave Jia Dongxu a suggestion that he could become a widow and remarry if Qin Huairu died and Qin Huairu died. It was as if a boulder fell from the sky and smashed Yi Zhonghai into a pit in an instant.

On the cheeks of Yi Zhonghai, who was full of kindness and kindness, a look of emotion finally flashed across his face.

His kind eyes fell on Da Ma, as if standing in front of him was a stranger Yi Zhonghai had never known.

Da Mama's words are not unreasonable, and have strong practicability.

When Jia Zhang did not agree to the divorce, Sha Zhu, who was diagonally opposite, was desperately looking for a wife, and he was partnering with Jia Zhang to force Yi Zhonghai.

Just now at Jia's house, those words of Jia Zhang's, if you think about it carefully, there may be another connotation in it.

Jia Dongxu can divorce Qin Huairu.

But Yi Zhonghai needs to pay a certain price.

some time ago.

For the sake of Qin Huairu's work, Jia Zhang's lion asked Yi Zhonghai for 1000 yuan as a favor fee, plus the 4000-month salary that Yi Zhonghai donated "voluntarily", the total amount was 2000 yuan. Yuan went out, according to Jia Zhang's temperament, this time to redeem Qin Huairu's life, at least [-] yuan!

It’s different in the past.

It was impossible for Yi Zhonghai to casually throw 2000 yuan in Jia Zhang's face to get her to agree to Qin Huairu's divorce.

It doesn't make sense.

It doesn't make sense morally.

Jia Dongxu was paralyzed.

This is the root cause of Qin Huairu's inability to divorce Jia Dongxu.

Jia Zhang's grasped Yi Zhonghai's veins!

The reason why I came back to ask Big Mom is that I want Big Mom to be mentally prepared first, lest Big Mom make a fuss when she spends money to redeem Qin Huairu's body.

Unexpectedly, the first mother gave Yi Zhonghai a suggestion that he couldn't stop.

Jia Dongxu died.

Qin Huairu became a widow.

As such.

Those rules and regulations that Jia Zhang used to restrain Qin Huairu were useless.

Widows are not allowed to remarry.

Even if ten Jiazhang clans were tied together, they would not be able to bear the charge.

Yi Zhonghai looked at Da Ma, but did not speak, but smoked a cigarette silently, thinking about when Jia Dongxu would die and so on.

the other side.

Jia family.

After Yi Zhonghai left, Jia Dongxu became incontinent again, this time not urinating, but a mixed incontinence of urine and feces.

In a small room.

Instantly, there was a strong stench.

The youngest Sophora Hua, perhaps ignorant of anything, opened a pair of innocent eyes, like a tortoise whose shell has been turned upside down and touched the ground, vigorously moving her limbs that had nowhere to rest.

The seven or eight-year-old stick stem and the four or five-year-old Xiao Dang ran out of the courtyard in a hurry. Before leaving, the words they yelled pierced the hearts of Jia Zhang, Qin Huairu, and Jia Dongxu like knives. .

"Why does our house smell worse than the toilet?"

Jia Dongxu, who was feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart, became even more ashamed, and several images flashed unnaturally in his mind.

The first screen is Yi Zhonghai begging Jia Zhang to agree to Qin Huairu's divorce from Shazhu. The second screen is Jia Zhang's life and death unwilling to let Qin Huairu leave. The third screen is Qin Huairu wanting to leave but And because of Jia Zhang's reasons, I couldn't leave the scene.

In the fourth scene, the silly Zhu who is diagonally opposite gets married, but instead of marrying Qin Huairu, he marries another girl. Banggen, Xiaodang, Huaihua and the others are helpless because they didn’t marry Qin Huairu when they grow up. Married, no way to marry, even a matchmaker came to a blind date, but because she has been solving problems such as eating, drinking, sleeping, etc. in the house, the good Jia's house has become a smelly house comparable to a toilet, and in the end she has been dragging sticks In her early forties, she married a widow with several children.

The fifth scene shows him divorcing Qin Huairu. With the help of Yi Zhonghai, Shazhu was forced to marry Qin Huairu. , lived in Sha Zhu's ancestral house, and took Sha Zhu's post.

the first time.
I feel that I have become a burden to the Jia family.

He remembered Yi Zhonghai's meaningful eyes looking at him before he left.

Mind a move.

Finally, he let go of his fantasy about the Jia family now.

As long as I live for a day.

It is impossible for Jia Zhang to let Qin Huairu leave. Her so-called rhetoric of considering Qin Huairu's reputation is actually the shackles that restrain Qin Huairu from divorcing Jia Dongxu.

Have to admit.

Jia Zhang is right.

Qin Huairu remarried because of her job.

How can the Jia family survive without Qin Huairu?
Does the family drink Mistral?
Mrs. Jia Zhang went out to look for work, but Jia Dongxu in the house needed someone to take care of her. The incontinence of defecation and defecation could not allow Mrs. Jia Zhang to work and earn money with confidence.

Considering the issue from Jia Zhang's point of view, it is best for Qin Huairu not to remarry. Only Qin Huairu who does not remarry is in the best interest of the Jia family.

On the ring.

Find someone to help out.

The life of the Jia family is getting better!

But Qin Huairu suffers.

For Jia Dongxu, who Qin Huairu liked to the bottom of his heart, he began to face up to the question of what the consequences of his life would be for the Jia family for the first time. He looked at a textbook not far away.

It's a great language book.

There is a clear word "dead" on it.


Qin Huairu has become a widow, and the Jia Zhang family can't ask Qin Huairu not to remarry!

He squinted at Qin Huairu, then at Jia Zhang, the Jia family's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law had already wiped Jia Dongxu's body clean, and also left the feces-filled underwear and trousers outside, waiting to dry before washing them clean .



"It's fine if I die." Jia Dongxu looked at Jia Zhangshi flatly, "If I die, you won't be in such trouble. My life will be a burden to you."


Jia Zhang gave Jia Dongxu a slap.

Qin Huairu was dumbfounded.

Jia Dongxu was slightly taken aback.

"You crawled out of my stomach. When your father left, you were only seven or eight years old. I pulled you up with shit and urine. I gave you your life. Without me If you don't, you don't want to pat your butt and leave your mother to go down to find your father, I don't agree, even if you leave, you have to return me the kindness that dragged me to you."

Qinhuai Rudun is here.

He stared straight at Jia Zhang with a ferocious face.

For the first time, I feel that Jia Zhang is a competent mother.

I thought to myself, she is just the mother of a child, 30-year-old Jia Dongxu, in front of Jia Zhang, who is in his early fifties, is really a child, and Jia Zhang is right to let his child live.

It's just that Qin Huairu couldn't be happier when he thought that he would have to worry about everything about Jia Dongxu.

There is no filial son in front of the long sick bed.

There is nothing wrong with this sentence.

Jia Dongxu, who returned to Jia's house, had been incontinent for two or three times in less than a day. Qin Huairu and Jia Zhangshi were struggling to change Jia Dongxu's clothes, and they were busy wiping his body. Those clothes full of excrement and urine, if it was his child's excrement and urine pants, Qin Huairu would not feel disgusted, the key is that it is not his child's property.

She suddenly felt that life had no purpose.

Joining the city is to enjoy happiness.

Is co-authoring this kind of happiness?

He simply had to go to work with Yi Zhonghai tomorrow, and Qin Huairu didn't have to work hard at home, so he was afraid that Jia Zhang would leave these excrement and urine pants at night, waiting for Qin Huairu to come back and wash them.

Married into the Jia family for ten years.

Does Qin Huairu know what kind of virtuous person Jia Zhang is.

A person who is purely delicious and lazy to the extreme, with a deliberate intention in his heart, might not do the trick of leaving his feces and urine in his pants for Qin Huairu to clean.

I don't know if it's because of a tacit understanding.

A strange idea also flashed in Qin Huairu's mind.

That is, Jia Dongxu died, and he saved himself a lot of trouble.


As soon as Sha Zhu sent Wang Xianghong and Yushui to Yushui's house, he wanted to read the content of the script. He just sat on the stool when Jia Zhang's voice called the door.

Silly Zhu in the house.

Instinctively stunned.

I didn't have much contact with Jia Zhang in the courtyard, so I greeted each other and asked if I had eaten or eaten. I really couldn't understand why Jia Zhang came to him.

Could it be that in order to enjoy his own bonus, he personally came to act as Qin Huairu's old bustard!

After thinking for more than [-] seconds, Shazhu still walked to the door, opened the door with his hand, looked at Jia Zhang who was standing outside the door, and didn't know how to describe his mood at this time.

I am used to many things.

But I have never seen such suspicious behavior as Jia Zhang's.

It is mainly in the hands of Jia Zhang.

Let silly column very confused.

Chamber pot!

The new chamber pot has reasons to explain, and it can be accepted psychologically.

But the chamber pot Jia Zhang was holding was obviously a used old chamber pot. Standing in front of Jia Zhang and only a foot away from Jia Zhang, Shazhu could smell a faint smell of urine in his nostrils.

He instinctively crossed the threshold.

I don't want Jia Zhang to come in.

Bringing a smelly chamber pot to the door, I really don't know what Jia Zhang's mind was thinking, and then Sha Zhu looked at Jia Zhang who handed him the chamber pot in a daze.

My mind was even more blank.

You came here just to give me a chamber pot, an old, used chamber pot.

The world is big.

No wonder.

This is the first time I heard about giving gifts to others, and I was one of the parties involved.

"Aunt Jia, I don't need this thing. No matter how poor I am, I still have the money to buy myself a chamber pot. Besides, I always go outside when I get up at night. Men bring their own three walls. You should give this thing Grandpa send it over!"

Seeing that Sha Zhu had misunderstood his own meaning, Jia Zhang stopped pretending and directly stated his intention of coming.

She wasn't here to give Sha Zhu a gift.

He came to ask Sha Zhu to pee.

Ask this boy to pee.

"Silly Zhu, this chamber pot is not for you. You cheated our Jia family with a new lunch box for nothing, and now you are cheating our Jia family with a chamber pot. Take it and give Aunt Jia some urine."

(End of this chapter)

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