Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 162 Silly column, borrow some urine

Chapter 162 Silly column, borrow some urine

You take it and give Aunt Jia some piss!
Co-authoring is not giving yourself a chamber pot, but using a chamber pot to borrow urine!

Stupid brains.

Buzzing buzzing.

His eyes fell on Jia Zhang's face, and seeing Jia Zhang looking at him seriously, with [-]% sincerity in his eyes, he was at a loss immediately.

bother you for something.

I'm here to borrow some urine.

Emotionally unacceptable and logically unacceptable.

He was stupid.

After about 30 seconds, he replied with a cold face.



The body moved back a step, and the hand holding the door gestured to close the door, too lazy to entangle with the crazy Jia Zhang.

Come to pee.

If it wasn't for his mental illness, he wouldn't be able to say it in a hurry.

Jia Zhang probably guessed that Sha Zhu was going to close the door, and put his body across the threshold regardless of his personal safety, occupying the position where Sha Zhu was standing just now.

Chubby body.

Like a heavy gate, it immediately broke the fool's strategy of out of sight and out of mind.

Chamber pot in hand.

Handed it to Sha Zhu again.

"Aunt Jia, I don't have the extra energy to joke with you like this, and I don't want you to play with me like this. There's nothing else to do, so go home quickly."

"Sha Zhu, I didn't mean to be joking with you, I really came to ask you to pee, and Aunt Jia swears to God, she will never make trouble for you Sha Zhu afterwards."

"Aunt Jia, do you believe this? Ask me if I'm at home. When I show up, I'll hand over the chamber pot and say, 'Silly Zhu, give Aunt Jia some piss.' It's appropriate for you to say that." ?"

Jia Zhang looked at the expression on Sha Zhu's face.

He knew that Sha Zhu had misunderstood his purpose of coming.

For Jia Dongxu.

Jia Zhang shied away.

Facing Sha Zhu's bewildered gaze, she slowly began to tell the story, explaining in detail why she went to Sha Zhu's house with a chamber pot, and why she asked Sha Zhu to pee.

It's all biased.

Due to Jia Dongxu's broken lumbar vertebrae, he had to eat, drink and have diarrhea on the bed, and he was incontinent.

Jia Zhang secretly wanted to find some witches or gods to see if Jia Dongxu's paralysis could be cured, but because of the severe blows these years, the witches or gods had already disappeared in the vast crowd.

Be it wrong or wrong.

Jia Zhang, who failed to find a witch or a god, met a master who was said to have been a eunuch in the palace at the age of eight. He said that he had such a prescription in his hand, which was specially used to treat lumbar fractures.

Because of a bright light in the sea of ​​suffering, it immediately attracted Jia Zhang's attention.

It's like a drowning man grasping at straws.

Believe it.

After paying a price of 20 yuan, he finally got his wish from the descendant of the eunuch to get this folk prescription. His ancestors relied on this folk prescription to become a man again and have this descendant.

Do remedies work.

Jia Zhang didn't know.

But she knew the recipe didn't taste right.

According to the content of the recipe, Jiazhang found some fresh donkey dung and eggs, and then added that fresh donkey urine. The color of the donkey urine had to be yellow.

Put its fresh donkey manure into this fresh yellow donkey urine and stir evenly for 15 minutes.

After stirring evenly, heat it on the fire for 15 minutes.

Drink it while it is hot, the effect is better.

The remedies are good.

But it needs a primer.

What medicine primer?

Boy pee.

I heard that the older the child's urine, the more powerful the effect!
Jiazhang thought about it.

To develop the entire courtyard, the only person who is most suitable to produce a medicine primer for Jia Dongxu is Shazhu who is diagonally opposite.

The 26-year-old silly Zhu didn't marry a wife, and he didn't have those flamboyant things, and he didn't go outside to mess around and so on.

Ask Sha Zhu to pee.


With this in mind, Mrs. Jia Zhang took the chamber pot to Shazhu's door, begging Shazhu to urinate in the chamber pot.

The more the better.

Because before Jia Dongxu took the folk prescription, he had to use boy's urine to open up the meridians of the whole body, and before going to bed at night, he had to rub his body with boy's urine.

The stupid stigma is as big as a bucket.

After telling the ins and outs of the incident and the reason why she wanted to pee on Sha Zhu, Jia Zhang looked at Sha Zhu eagerly, and made a fuss about Sha Zhu's disappearance.

Looking at Jia Zhang for a while, and looking at the chamber pot in Jia Zhang's hand for a while, Sha Zhu really didn't know how to express his mood at this time.

I have never heard that donkey dung and eggs can be cured by mixing donkey urine, and the treatment is still a serious disease of lumbar vertebrae fracture.

This is not nonsense.

That person must be deceiving the Jia Zhang family. His ancestor entered the palace at the age of eight and became a eunuch.

When Sha Zhu opened his mouth to refuse, Jia Zhang took the first step, waving his hands, and grabbed Sha Zhu's waistband.

More than 200 kilograms of weight.

Plus shameless.

Even if Sha Zhu had a pair of invincible iron fists, it would be useless.

The right is to protect your innocence.

While Sha Zhu's body moved back, he also shouted the words of agreeing to urinate.

Only then did Jia Zhang stop tearing the waistband of Shazhu's trousers, staring at Shazhu with a pair of triangular eyes.

Silly Zhu reached out to take the chamber pot from Jia Zhang, looked at Jia Zhang, and then pointed to the door.

Mrs. Jia Zhang understood what Sha Zhu meant, and guessed that Sha Zhu couldn't urinate in front of her. In order for Jia Dongxu to recover as soon as possible, she followed Sha Zhu's meaning and came outside the house, and thoughtfully closed the door of Sha Zhu's house. closed.

A sentence came out of his mouth that made Sha Zhu dumbfounded.

"Silly Zhu, urinate more, my son Dongxu has a lot of places to use."

With a cold snort, Silly Zhu turned his back to the window, untied his trouser belt, and drained all the waste water in his body into the chamber pot.

Immediately, she put on her trousers, walked to the door holding her nose, stretched out her hand, and handed the chamber pot filled with urine to Jia Zhang's hand, and said kindly.

"Aunt Jia, it's still hot. Go back and pour it on Jia Dongxu. By the way, I seem to be getting angry these days. If it's really not enough, there is Xu Damao in the backyard. You can find Xu Damao."

"That kid Xu Damao, you are not as honest as you. He can't urinate, silly Zhu. Aunt Jia will go back to the house right away. By the way, Aunt Jia will bring you our thermos later. If you get up at night, it is best not to Go outside and solve it in the thermos bottle, Dongxu will use it tomorrow."

Jia Zhang grabbed the chamber pot.

Walk towards Jia's house diagonally opposite.

Behind him was Shazhu with a melancholy face. Jia Dongxu obviously drank his urine, but Shazhu's mood couldn't be happier, and there was even a slight sadness in it.

(End of this chapter)

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