Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 167 Qin Huairu, You Swear Not to Remarry

Chapter 167 Qin Huairu, You Swear Not to Remarry
When Shazhu came back at night, he found a paper ghost hanging on the gate of the courtyard, and a small spirit shed appeared in the middle courtyard near Jia's courtyard.

Because Jia Dongxu died unexpectedly.

The bright red color on the top of the coffin and the paper objects on both sides of the coffin added a bit of weirdness to the quiet courtyard. The neighbors in the front, middle and back courtyards had to sit in the courtyard in twos and threes after dinner. Lala, talk about what you learned today, and who was specifically targeted for wearing small shoes.

Courtyard tonight.

There was peace everywhere.

This kind of calm is shrouded in the night, giving people a feeling of being in a horror movie.

Shazhu, as the god of war in the courtyard, possessed a pair of invincible iron fists, but he was also taken aback by this weird atmosphere. He couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, and looked at the mourning hall diagonally opposite go.

A cold wind hits.

Silly Zhu suddenly felt his scalp go numb.

There was a faint sound of footsteps behind him.


He let out a long sigh.

But he didn't dare to look back.

Que Genxian told him that a person has three fires, one on his head and one on each side of his shoulders, if he turns around, the fire on his shoulders will be extinguished.

Not bad!
Can't help speeding up the pace.

I was in a hurry, flustered, and it was dark and I couldn't see clearly. I didn't know if my left foot was blocking the way of my right foot, or if my right foot was delaying my left foot's pace.

One didn't pay attention.

fell to the ground.

A scream was heard from behind.

A creepy feeling rushed into Sha Zhu's heart, a carp jumped up from the ground, rushed to his house in three steps and two steps, frantically rummaged through his pockets, desperately trying to find the key.

Silly Zhu was really scared.

The divine book that predicts the fate of everyone in the courtyard has appeared, so why can't Jia Dongxu, a dead ghost, appear.

The more panicked.

The more uncoordinated the hands and feet.

He clearly held the key in his hand, but he was still flipping through his pocket over and over again, and began to mutter in his mouth.

"Whoever said that there are no gods or ghosts in this world, only hardworking and simple working people, everything is illusory and unreal."

His mouth was full of so-and-so words again.

He took a book with a red cover out of his pocket and grabbed it in his hand.

Presumably it was because he had something in his hand.

Silly Zhu's frightened mood gradually calmed down a lot.

Only then did I realize that I was riding a donkey looking for a donkey, the key was in my hand, and I wanted a bicycle.

He used the key to unlock the lock, and moved his body from the courtyard to the house. The moment the door was closed, Sha Zhu found that his clothes were wet with sweat.

Leaning weakly on the door panel, panting heavily, it took about 30 seconds before Silly Zhu dragged his heavy body to the water tank, scooped up half a scoop of cold water, and gulped it down. stand up.

It was as if a heavy burden had been lifted from my body.

It's a lot easier.

Just toned down a bit.

Yi Zhonghai's voice sounded at the door.

"Zhuzi, where is the house? The uncle wants to discuss something with you."

Silly Zhu narrowed his eyes slightly.

He realized that he had underestimated Yi Zhonghai, knowing that the two families had never been in touch with each other, but still rushed to get close to you.

It really made Silly Zhu feel a bit of admiration from the bottom of his heart.

Think about it too.

There was only one cook in the courtyard, and with Jia Dongxu's death, Yi Zhonghai would definitely help the Jia family arrange a few banquets.

Came to send money to myself again.

No matter how stupid you are, you know you can't fight money.

Silly Zhu agreed casually.

Yi Zhonghai pushed the door and walked in.

Seeing that silly Zhu was sweating profusely, he raised his eyebrows and asked, "Zhuzi, what's wrong with you? Why are you sweating all over? Hurry up and change your clothes to avoid catching a cold."

in speech.

It's all about caring.

If he didn't know what kind of guy Yi Zhonghai was, he might have been deceived by Yi Zhonghai's illusory good-natured cheeks.

"I heard that the factory is going to hold this employee sports meeting. When I came back at night, I practiced long-distance running for a while." Sha Zhu didn't tell the truth that he was sweating from being scared by Jia Dongxu's coffin. He found an excuse. In front of Yi Zhonghai, he briefly moved his hands and feet, "Do you need something from me?"

Using your honorifics to Yi Zhonghai is not to show respect for Yi Zhonghai, but a habitual address for people in the old capital, just like other places, such as "you" and "me", and there is no need to care about the other party. It's called Ye, it's just a common appellation, beggars have to be called Ye.

"Zhu Zi, you have seen everything about the Jia family, right?"

"I see." Shazhu deliberately said ironically, "Aunt Jia also died young, and she left suddenly without any illness or disaster. When I went to work in the morning, I saw that Aunt Jia was fine. The facts are as usual. Jia Dongxu is paralyzed again, life is hard for the Jia family."

Yi Zhonghai had the disgusting feeling of swallowing a dead fly.

I don't know how to describe his mood at this time.


Not good.

Say bad.

Not to mention bad.

"Zhuzi, it's not your Aunt Jia who left, it's Dongxu who left." Yi Zhonghai corrected silly Zhu's wrong words. At the critical point of Jia Dongxu's death, he really didn't want to make extra troubles and make Jia Zhang's family make trouble in the courtyard. , "I have nothing else to do with you. Tomorrow Dongxu's funeral, your Aunt Jia means that you can't let Dongxu go so quietly. We are going to set up a few tables in the courtyard, and invite neighbors and colleagues to sit down and send some friends away." For Dongxu, I've already bought the food, so I'll come over and tell you."

"Master, I understand what you mean, cooking, right?"

"That's right, it's cooking."

"You don't have to worry about that, we are cooks, so we can't be ambiguous about cooking." Silly Zhu changed his tone, "I just don't know how much the Jia family plans to pay me?"

Silly Zhu felt that he was so fucking stupid.

Help you with your work.

You get paid.

This is a matter of course.

It is stupid and reasonable to bring the lawsuit to God, just because I heard Yi Zhonghai's nonsense about the friendship between the neighbors, and I have been helping the neighbors to cook banquets for free for many years.

Favors are easy to win.

The hard work was paid by Sha Zhu.

"Zhuzi, we are all neighbors. We look down and see each other. Isn't it right to help each other? It's not like you don't know the life of the Jia family. When Dongxu's accident happened, the burden of the Jia family fell on Qin Huairu alone. It’s not easy for people to be orphans or widowed. As neighbors, if we have the ability, we can help as much as we can, which is also a manifestation of our neighbor’s friendship. If you help him today, he will help you tomorrow. You say yes Isn't that the reason?"

Yi Zhonghai felt that what he said made sense.

This is what he had already thought up in his mind before he entered Sha Zhu's house.

The Jia family is like this.

Are you stupid enough to ask for money?
Think about it further.

Yi Zhonghai also wanted to take advantage of Sha Zhu's free banquet for Jia's family, and fire the first shot to match Qin Huairu and Sha Zhu.

Jia Dongxu has become a thing of the past.

Qin Huairu became a widow.

Silly Zhu asked for money at this time, so how could there be rumors of helping the widow.

"Grandpa, that's not what you said. Each industry has its own rules. Today I help Jia's family cook for free, and the neighbors in the courtyard hold a banquet tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and ask me to host the spoon. Should I accept this money? No Money, violates the principle of getting more for more work, what should I do if people say bad things about me behind my back when I collect money? Say I don’t need money to make banquets for Jia’s family, but I need money to make banquets for them. Give me a hat for treating neighbors differently, you Are you saying I'm at a loss?"

There is no intention to make things difficult for Yi Zhonghai.

Tell the truth.

Today it is free for the Jia family to make a funeral meal. Tomorrow, when someone gets married, let Shazhu serve as the host. If he cooks for a dozen or twenty tables, Shazhu can continue to do it for free.

If things go wrong, Sha Zhu's life as a private worker will be ruined.

I heard that silly pillars are used for white banquets, but can you use silly pillars for red jobs?
It is best to put all conditions on the bright side.

agree Disagree.

Give me a nice word.

Yi Zhonghai felt that Sha Zhu's words were a little harsh, but he couldn't stand what Sha Zhu said was reasonable, so he struggled for more than a minute, and bit his back molars.

"Zhuzi, since you have put forward the conditions, if the uncle refuses to agree, it will appear that the uncle is unreasonable. Let's do this, and I will promise you a labor fee of one yuan for the Jia family."

"Then it's fine!"

"I'll go over and talk to the Jia family."


late at night.

Inside the coffin.

Qin Huairu, who was wearing filial piety clothes, was kneeling in front of the coffin adding burnt paper to the brazier, and Jia Zhang, who was coaxing Xiaodang and sticks to sleep in the room, came to Qin Huairu's side with a gloomy expression.

Half squat down his body.

He grabbed a few pieces of burnt paper on the ground and threw them into the brazier.

Burning flames.

In the silence of the night.

It made the atmosphere even more depressed.

"Qin Huairu!"

A sudden call.

Qin Huairu's heart suddenly rose to his throat.

Salutation often represents a person's true feelings.

Those who are called by their first names are a little bit emotionally close, and they are called together with their surnames, and the meaning of alienation suddenly becomes apparent.

She turned her head sideways and looked at Jia Zhang's cheeks under the light of the fire, feeling a little frightened in her heart. Qin Huairu was frightened by Jia Zhang's ferocious face.


"You still know that I'm your mother. I thought Dong Xu was gone. With Yi Zhonghai's support, you could kick me, Dong Xu's mother, your Qin Huairu's mother-in-law away."

Jia Zhang's tone.

With a bit of savory taste.

"Mom, how many times have I told you that I will not remarry. I am Dongxu's daughter-in-law. Dongxu doesn't dislike me as a country girl. He brought me from the countryside to the city and let me eat the commercial food in the city. Now let me enter the rolling mill again, I, Qin Huai, am a human being, I know how to be grateful, Dongxu is gone, I have to serve you in place of Dongxu, and bring up the three children Banggen, Xiaodang and Huaihua , let them marry and have children.”

"You really don't want to remarry?" Jia Zhang's tone turned cold suddenly, she looked at Qin Huairu and said, "Don't fool me, my old lady also came here when she was young, and I am also a widow."

"Mom, what do you want me to say, so that you can believe that I really won't remarry? I followed your wishes and went to the hospital to get a ring. Why don't you believe me?"

"Because I know you want to remarry." Jia Zhang stretched her head towards Qin Huairu, and said, "And I also know that Yi Zhonghai promised you that he would definitely convince my mother-in-law to agree to let me marry you." You remarry!"

Qin Huai Ru Dun was on the spot.

A pair of big eyes.

He stared straight at Jia Zhang.

She felt as if she had no clothes on, and Jia Zhang looked at her thoroughly from the inside out.

"Qin Huairu, Dongxu is here, my wife is saving face for Dongxu, and I don't want the neighbors to say that Dongxu has an unreasonable old lady, Dongxu is gone, what else can my wife not do? Big deal My old lady followed Dongxu to see his father, you understand what I mean."

Speaking of which.

All fools understand.

It's just the same old topic.

Don't let Qin Huairu remarry!
"Qin Huairu, I want you to swear in front of Dongxu that you will never remarry for the rest of your life. If you remarry, regardless of my wife, Qin Huairu will die without a place to bury you. Banggen, Xiaodang, and Huaihua will all live." No more than thirty."

Qin Huairu flinched.

Such a poisonous oath.

It's a bit like rushing ducks to the shelves.

Ask yourself.

Qin Huairu really didn't like Jia Zhang's family very much, she thought of Jia Dongxu's kindness in her heart, and if she died, she would bring sticks and Xiaodang to remarry.

But in Jia Zhang's words, there is a suggestion of "don't care about my wife".

Remarrying with children has already made the other party feel difficult, and if remarrying with mother-in-law, the gossip may become like that.

I have never heard of a widow who remarried with her mother-in-law!

That's it.

It is tantamount to cutting off Qin Huairu's way to remarry.

Have the heart to say no.

Looking at the coffin, and then at the imposing Jia Zhang family, Qin Huairu instantly became a deflated balloon, and the whole person became listless.

It was forced to be helpless.

Qin Huairu followed Jia Zhang's wishes and swore a huge oath.

Only then did Jia Zhang squeeze a smile on his face contentedly, moved his mouth to Qin Huairu, and said a few words of comfort to Qin Huairu.

It's a way to slap a sweet date.

The command is really consummate.

Silent all night.

Time soon came to the second day.

It's past nine.

Yi Zhonghai organized a few young men to take Jia Dongxu's coffin to the cemetery. According to the conditions negotiated with Yi Zhonghai before leaving, Jia Dongxu would be buried at [-]:[-] in the morning, but because of the funeral reform, the burial was changed to cremation , Jia Dongxu was also considered a bad luck, the coffin was already buried in the soil, but someone dug it out from the grave and dragged it to the crematorium. After a burst of green smoke, Jia Dongxu completely disappeared in this world At last, Yi Zhonghai and the others, who had dealt with Jia Dongxu's funeral, dragged their tired bodies and appeared in the courtyard at [-]:[-] noon, presumably because they were hungry. Terrible, they really devoured and ate, and some people left Jia's house with their hands on their waists and limbs after eating.

seven days later.

It was the first time that Yi Zhonghai discussed with Jia Zhang about Qin Huairu's remarriage as a master in charge.

Jia Zhang thought that Jia Dongxu had just died, and gave Qin Huairu the answer that she could not remarry within three years.

ten days later.

Yi Zhonghai talked to Jia Zhang about Qin Huairu's remarriage for the second time.

Jia Zhang's tone was a little loose.

Yi Zhonghai knew that Mrs. Jia disliked that the money was not in place, so he thought of procrastinating and letting Mrs. Jia hang out for a while.

at the same time.

Within ten days, Li Xiuzhi was found in seven or eight rolling mills all over the capital, and she was exhausted. She searched almost all the rolling mills, but there was no one named Li Gousheng among them.

The bills on my body are almost used up.

She sat in a shady place, helplessly watching the passers-by, wondering where Li Gou was left, until the chubby Wang Matchmaker, sitting beside her, called out to her.

"This lesbian, look at your attire. You are a person from other places who came to the capital to visit relatives. Judging by the expression on your face, you must have not found the relative you visited, right?"

Li Xiuzhi just came back to her senses.

(End of this chapter)

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